Risto Benji
New member
Hey guys, not new to the site but just registered. This site has been a great resource as I have been lurking, much thanks to those who contribute to its success. As the title suggests, I'm wondering if anyone with knowledge of Tradingview code can port this indicator...... Thanks in advance.
Link to the indicator details
//Written by Umur Ozkul
study(title="Volume Impact", shorttitle="UO_VI")
TrigLen = input(7, minval=1)
FastX = input(34, minval=1)
SlowX = input(55, minval=1)
hline(0, color=gray, linestyle=line)
xTrend = iff(hlc3 > hlc3[1], volume * 100, -volume * 100)
xFast = ema(xTrend, FastX)
xSlow = ema(xTrend, SlowX)
xKVO = xFast - xSlow
xTrigger = ema(xKVO, TrigLen)
p = close - close[1]
pTrigger = ema(p, TrigLen)
volumeImpact = (xKVO - xTrigger)*1.2
xDirection = xTrigger - xTrigger[1]
pDirection = pTrigger - pTrigger[1]
suggestion = (volumeImpact - volumeImpact[1]) > 0 ? buyit : sellit
impactColor= paint==buyit ? green : paint==sellit ? red : gray
plot(volumeImpact, color=impactColor, style=area, title="KVO")
triggerColor = xTrigger>=0 ? green : red
plot(xTrigger, linewidth=4, color=triggerColor, title="Trigger")
kvoColor = xKVO >= 0 ? green : red
impactFlipColor = volumeImpact >= 0 ? green : red
plot(xKVO, title="KVO")
priceColorOpt = input(title="Bar Color", defval="Impact>0", options=["Default", "KVO,Impact Direction", "Impact>0", "Trigger>0", "KVO>0"])
priceColor0 = priceColorOpt == "Default" ? na : priceColorOpt == "KVO,Impact Direction" ? impactColor : priceColorOpt=="Impact>0"? impactFlipColor : priceColorOpt == "Trigger>0" ? triggerColor : kvoColor
priceColor = priceColor0 == green ? lime : orange
//priceColor = close > open and priceColor0 == green or close < open and priceColor0 == red ? priceColor1 : na
Link to the indicator details
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