Globex High of Day / Low of Day


I'd like a script that shows the highest high / lowest low of day. I tried refashioning the DR / IDR script but can only get it to go as far back as midnight. This gives an idea of what I want, but I just can't get the full range of Globex hours.


Keep in mind I'm in Colorado so midnight EST shows up as 2200. The earliest I can get it to start is midnight, I would like it to start at 1800 EST previous day to capture the Asian session as well. I'm including the code that I'm using which is just a pared down version of the code Sam4Cok@Samer800 wrote (linked above).

#import PineCoders/VisibleChart/4 as PCchart
#// © TheMas7er and bmistiaen
#indicator('DR/IDR V1', overlay=true, max_lines_count=500, max_boxes_count=500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2022
# Edited by Cribbage into a single range 5/27/2023

declare hide_on_daily;
input ShowTodayOnly        = no;   # 'Show complete history ?'
input exchangeOffset       = 0;    # 'Exchange Offset'
input regularTimeStart     = 0930; # 'RDR Time'
input regularTimeEnd       = 1600; # 'RDR Time'
input regularExtendStart   = 1030; # 'RDR Lines Time'
input regularExtendEnd     = 1600; # 'RDR Lines Time'

input drLines        = yes;        # 'Show DR Lines ?'
input idrLines       = yes;        # 'Show IDR Lines ?'
input middleDrLine   = no;         # 'Show Middle DR Line ?'
input middleIdrLine  = yes;        # 'Show Middle IDR Line ?'
input ColorBox       = yes;        # 'Box color based on open and close'
input ShowCloud      = {DR, default IDR, None}; # 'Show DR/IDR Box ?'
input extendDrLines  = no;        # 'Extend DR Lines ?'
input extendIdrLines = no;        # 'Extend IDR Lines ?'

def na = Double.NaN;
def Cloud = if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.IDR then 1 else
            if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.DR then -1 else
            if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.None then 0 else Cloud[1];
def Highlight = Cloud;
def ExtDR  = if !extendDrLines then IsNaN(close) else 0;
def ExtIDR = if !extendIdrLines then IsNaN(close) else 0;
def Today = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def CurrentAgg = GetAggregationPeriod();
def Agg = CurrentAgg < AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def m5_Agg = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
#f_insession(_session) =>
script f_insession {
    input _sessionStart = 0930;
    input _sessionEnd  = 1030;
    def insession = if SecondsTillTime(_sessionEnd) > 0 and SecondsFromTime(_sessionStart) >= 0 then 1 else 0;
    plot return = insession;
def m5_open  = open (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_high  = high (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_low   = low  (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_close = close(period = m5_Agg);
def open_value;
def high_value;
def low_value;
def close_value;
if   CurrentAgg < m5_Agg {
    open_value  = m5_open;
    high_value  = m5_high;
    low_value   = m5_low;
    close_value = m5_close;
} else {
    open_value  = open;
    high_value  = high;
    low_value   = low;
    close_value = close;
def inRegularSession   = f_insession(regularTimeStart, regularTimeEnd);
def inRegularExtend    = f_insession(regularExtendStart, regularExtendEnd);

def inSession = inRegularSession;
def inExtend  = inRegularExtend;

def sessionOpen;
def rdrhigh;
def rdrlow;
def ridrlow;
def ridrhigh;
if Agg and (Today or !ShowTodayOnly) {
    if inSession {
        if !inSession[1] {
            sessionOpen = open_value;
            rdrhigh     = high_value;
            rdrlow      = low_value;
            ridrhigh    = Max(open_value, close_value);
            ridrlow     = Min(open_value, close_value);
        } else {
            sessionOpen = sessionOpen[1];
            rdrhigh     = Max(high_value, rdrhigh[1]);
            rdrlow      = Min(low_value, rdrlow[1]);
            ridrhigh    = Max(Max(open_value, close_value), ridrhigh[1]);
            ridrlow     = Min(Min(open_value, close_value), ridrlow[1]);
    } else {
        sessionOpen = na;
        rdrhigh     = rdrhigh[1];
        rdrlow      = rdrlow[1];
        ridrlow     = ridrlow[1];
        ridrhigh    = ridrhigh[1];
} else {
    sessionOpen = na;
    rdrhigh     = na;
    rdrlow      = na;
    ridrhigh    = na;
    ridrlow     = na;
def boxUp;
def boxBackgroundColor;
def boxHighDR;
def boxLowDR;
def boxHighIDR;
def boxLowIDR;
if ColorBox and Highlight != 0 and inSession {
    boxUp              = close_value > sessionOpen;
    boxBackgroundColor = If(boxUp, 1, -1);
    boxHighDR          = rdrhigh;
    boxLowDR           = rdrlow;
    boxHighIDR         = ridrhigh;
    boxLowIDR          = ridrlow;
} else {
    boxUp               = na;
    boxBackgroundColor  = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then 0 else na;
    boxHighDR           = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then rdrhigh else na;
    boxLowDR            = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then rdrlow else na;
    boxHighIDR          = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then ridrhigh else na;
    boxLowIDR           = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then ridrlow else na;
plot rdrhighLine = if !drLines or ExtDR or inSession then na else rdrhigh[exchangeOffset];
plot ridrhighLine = if !idrLines or ExtIDR or inSession then na else ridrhigh[exchangeOffset];

plot ridrlowLine = if !idrLines or ExtIDR or inSession then na else ridrlow[exchangeOffset];
plot rdrlowLine = if !drLines or ExtDR or inSession then na else rdrlow[exchangeOffset];

plot boxHdr = if !drLines then na else boxHighDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxLdr = if !drLines then na else boxLowDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxHidr = if !idrLines then na else boxHighIDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxLidr = if !idrLines then na else boxLowIDR[exchangeOffset];

#--- Middle Lines
def drMid = (rdrhighLine + rdrlowLine) / 2;
def idrMid = (ridrhighLine + ridrlowLine) / 2;
def boxdrMid = (boxHdr + boxLdr) / 2;
def boxidrMid = (boxHidr + boxLidr) / 2;

plot drMidLine = if !middleDrLine then na else drMid;
plot idrMidLine = if !middleIdrLine then na else idrMid;

plot boxdrMidLine = if !middleDrLine then na else boxdrMid;
plot boxidrMidLine = if !middleIdrLine then na else boxidrMid;

#-- highlights
def boxBGColor = boxBackgroundColor[exchangeOffset];
def boxH = if Highlight < 0 then boxHdr else boxHidr;
def boxL = if Highlight < 0 then boxLdr else boxLidr;

AddCloud(if boxBGColor > 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxH else if boxBGColor < 0 then boxL else na,
         if boxBGColor > 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxL else if boxBGColor < 0 then boxH else na,
           Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if boxBGColor == 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxH else na, boxL, Color.GRAY,  Color.GRAY);

#---- END Code
I'd like a script that shows the highest high / lowest low of day. I tried refashioning the DR / IDR script but can only get it to go as far back as midnight. This gives an idea of what I want, but I just can't get the full range of Globex hours.


Keep in mind I'm in Colorado so midnight EST shows up as 2200. The earliest I can get it to start is midnight, I would like it to start at 1800 EST previous day to capture the Asian session as well. I'm including the code that I'm using which is just a pared down version of the code Sam4Cok@Samer800 wrote (linked above).

#import PineCoders/VisibleChart/4 as PCchart
#// © TheMas7er and bmistiaen
#indicator('DR/IDR V1', overlay=true...
I'd like a script that shows the highest high / lowest low of day. I tried refashioning the DR / IDR script but can only get it to go as far back as midnight. This gives an idea of what I want, but I just can't get the full range of Globex hours.


Keep in mind I'm in Colorado so midnight EST shows up as 2200. The earliest I can get it to start is midnight, I would like it to start at 1800 EST previous day to capture the Asian session as well. I'm including the code that I'm using which is just a pared down version of the code Sam4Cok@Samer800 wrote (linked above).

#import PineCoders/VisibleChart/4 as PCchart
#// © TheMas7er and bmistiaen
#indicator('DR/IDR V1', overlay=true, max_lines_count=500, max_boxes_count=500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2022
# Edited by Cribbage into a single range 5/27/2023

declare hide_on_daily;
input ShowTodayOnly        = no;   # 'Show complete history ?'
input exchangeOffset       = 0;    # 'Exchange Offset'
input regularTimeStart     = 0930; # 'RDR Time'
input regularTimeEnd       = 1600; # 'RDR Time'
input regularExtendStart   = 1030; # 'RDR Lines Time'
input regularExtendEnd     = 1600; # 'RDR Lines Time'

input drLines        = yes;        # 'Show DR Lines ?'
input idrLines       = yes;        # 'Show IDR Lines ?'
input middleDrLine   = no;         # 'Show Middle DR Line ?'
input middleIdrLine  = yes;        # 'Show Middle IDR Line ?'
input ColorBox       = yes;        # 'Box color based on open and close'
input ShowCloud      = {DR, default IDR, None}; # 'Show DR/IDR Box ?'
input extendDrLines  = no;        # 'Extend DR Lines ?'
input extendIdrLines = no;        # 'Extend IDR Lines ?'

def na = Double.NaN;
def Cloud = if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.IDR then 1 else
            if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.DR then -1 else
            if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.None then 0 else Cloud[1];
def Highlight = Cloud;
def ExtDR  = if !extendDrLines then IsNaN(close) else 0;
def ExtIDR = if !extendIdrLines then IsNaN(close) else 0;
def Today = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def CurrentAgg = GetAggregationPeriod();
def Agg = CurrentAgg < AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def m5_Agg = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
#f_insession(_session) =>
script f_insession {
    input _sessionStart = 0930;
    input _sessionEnd  = 1030;
    def insession = if SecondsTillTime(_sessionEnd) > 0 and SecondsFromTime(_sessionStart) >= 0 then 1 else 0;
    plot return = insession;
def m5_open  = open (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_high  = high (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_low   = low  (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_close = close(period = m5_Agg);
def open_value;
def high_value;
def low_value;
def close_value;
if   CurrentAgg < m5_Agg {
    open_value  = m5_open;
    high_value  = m5_high;
    low_value   = m5_low;
    close_value = m5_close;
} else {
    open_value  = open;
    high_value  = high;
    low_value   = low;
    close_value = close;
def inRegularSession   = f_insession(regularTimeStart, regularTimeEnd);
def inRegularExtend    = f_insession(regularExtendStart, regularExtendEnd);

def inSession = inRegularSession;
def inExtend  = inRegularExtend;

def sessionOpen;
def rdrhigh;
def rdrlow;
def ridrlow;
def ridrhigh;
if Agg and (Today or !ShowTodayOnly) {
    if inSession {
        if !inSession[1] {
            sessionOpen = open_value;
            rdrhigh     = high_value;
            rdrlow      = low_value;
            ridrhigh    = Max(open_value, close_value);
            ridrlow     = Min(open_value, close_value);
        } else {
            sessionOpen = sessionOpen[1];
            rdrhigh     = Max(high_value, rdrhigh[1]);
            rdrlow      = Min(low_value, rdrlow[1]);
            ridrhigh    = Max(Max(open_value, close_value), ridrhigh[1]);
            ridrlow     = Min(Min(open_value, close_value), ridrlow[1]);
    } else {
        sessionOpen = na;
        rdrhigh     = rdrhigh[1];
        rdrlow      = rdrlow[1];
        ridrlow     = ridrlow[1];
        ridrhigh    = ridrhigh[1];
} else {
    sessionOpen = na;
    rdrhigh     = na;
    rdrlow      = na;
    ridrhigh    = na;
    ridrlow     = na;
def boxUp;
def boxBackgroundColor;
def boxHighDR;
def boxLowDR;
def boxHighIDR;
def boxLowIDR;
if ColorBox and Highlight != 0 and inSession {
    boxUp              = close_value > sessionOpen;
    boxBackgroundColor = If(boxUp, 1, -1);
    boxHighDR          = rdrhigh;
    boxLowDR           = rdrlow;
    boxHighIDR         = ridrhigh;
    boxLowIDR          = ridrlow;
} else {
    boxUp               = na;
    boxBackgroundColor  = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then 0 else na;
    boxHighDR           = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then rdrhigh else na;
    boxLowDR            = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then rdrlow else na;
    boxHighIDR          = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then ridrhigh else na;
    boxLowIDR           = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then ridrlow else na;
plot rdrhighLine = if !drLines or ExtDR or inSession then na else rdrhigh[exchangeOffset];
plot ridrhighLine = if !idrLines or ExtIDR or inSession then na else ridrhigh[exchangeOffset];

plot ridrlowLine = if !idrLines or ExtIDR or inSession then na else ridrlow[exchangeOffset];
plot rdrlowLine = if !drLines or ExtDR or inSession then na else rdrlow[exchangeOffset];

plot boxHdr = if !drLines then na else boxHighDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxLdr = if !drLines then na else boxLowDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxHidr = if !idrLines then na else boxHighIDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxLidr = if !idrLines then na else boxLowIDR[exchangeOffset];

#--- Middle Lines
def drMid = (rdrhighLine + rdrlowLine) / 2;
def idrMid = (ridrhighLine + ridrlowLine) / 2;
def boxdrMid = (boxHdr + boxLdr) / 2;
def boxidrMid = (boxHidr + boxLidr) / 2;

plot drMidLine = if !middleDrLine then na else drMid;
plot idrMidLine = if !middleIdrLine then na else idrMid;

plot boxdrMidLine = if !middleDrLine then na else boxdrMid;
plot boxidrMidLine = if !middleIdrLine then na else boxidrMid;

#-- highlights
def boxBGColor = boxBackgroundColor[exchangeOffset];
def boxH = if Highlight < 0 then boxHdr else boxHidr;
def boxL = if Highlight < 0 then boxLdr else boxLidr;

AddCloud(if boxBGColor > 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxH else if boxBGColor < 0 then boxL else na,
         if boxBGColor > 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxL else if boxBGColor < 0 then boxH else na,
           Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if boxBGColor == 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxH else na, boxL, Color.GRAY,  Color.GRAY);

#---- END Code

This will plot the high/low with horizontal lines using the TPO Profile, ProfileHigh/Lows.

Screenshot 2023-06-10 093603.png
plot hhigh = reference TPOProfile("time per profile" = "DAY", "on expansion" = no).ProfileHigh;
plot llow  = reference TPOProfile("time per profile" = "DAY", "on expansion" = no).ProfileLow;
I'd like a script that shows the highest high / lowest low of day. I tried refashioning the DR / IDR script but can only get it to go as far back as midnight. This gives an idea of what I want, but I just can't get the full range of Globex hours.


Keep in mind I'm in Colorado so midnight EST shows up as 2200. The earliest I can get it to start is midnight, I would like it to start at 1800 EST previous day to capture the Asian session as well. I'm including the code that I'm using which is just a pared down version of the code Sam4Cok@Samer800 wrote (linked above).

#import PineCoders/VisibleChart/4 as PCchart
#// © TheMas7er and bmistiaen
#indicator('DR/IDR V1', overlay=true, max_lines_count=500, max_boxes_count=500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 12/2022
# Edited by Cribbage into a single range 5/27/2023

declare hide_on_daily;
input ShowTodayOnly        = no;   # 'Show complete history ?'
input exchangeOffset       = 0;    # 'Exchange Offset'
input regularTimeStart     = 0930; # 'RDR Time'
input regularTimeEnd       = 1600; # 'RDR Time'
input regularExtendStart   = 1030; # 'RDR Lines Time'
input regularExtendEnd     = 1600; # 'RDR Lines Time'

input drLines        = yes;        # 'Show DR Lines ?'
input idrLines       = yes;        # 'Show IDR Lines ?'
input middleDrLine   = no;         # 'Show Middle DR Line ?'
input middleIdrLine  = yes;        # 'Show Middle IDR Line ?'
input ColorBox       = yes;        # 'Box color based on open and close'
input ShowCloud      = {DR, default IDR, None}; # 'Show DR/IDR Box ?'
input extendDrLines  = no;        # 'Extend DR Lines ?'
input extendIdrLines = no;        # 'Extend IDR Lines ?'

def na = Double.NaN;
def Cloud = if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.IDR then 1 else
            if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.DR then -1 else
            if ShowCloud == ShowCloud.None then 0 else Cloud[1];
def Highlight = Cloud;
def ExtDR  = if !extendDrLines then IsNaN(close) else 0;
def ExtIDR = if !extendIdrLines then IsNaN(close) else 0;
def Today = if GetLastDay() == GetDay() then 1 else 0;
def CurrentAgg = GetAggregationPeriod();
def Agg = CurrentAgg < AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def m5_Agg = AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN;
#f_insession(_session) =>
script f_insession {
    input _sessionStart = 0930;
    input _sessionEnd  = 1030;
    def insession = if SecondsTillTime(_sessionEnd) > 0 and SecondsFromTime(_sessionStart) >= 0 then 1 else 0;
    plot return = insession;
def m5_open  = open (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_high  = high (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_low   = low  (period = m5_Agg);
def m5_close = close(period = m5_Agg);
def open_value;
def high_value;
def low_value;
def close_value;
if   CurrentAgg < m5_Agg {
    open_value  = m5_open;
    high_value  = m5_high;
    low_value   = m5_low;
    close_value = m5_close;
} else {
    open_value  = open;
    high_value  = high;
    low_value   = low;
    close_value = close;
def inRegularSession   = f_insession(regularTimeStart, regularTimeEnd);
def inRegularExtend    = f_insession(regularExtendStart, regularExtendEnd);

def inSession = inRegularSession;
def inExtend  = inRegularExtend;

def sessionOpen;
def rdrhigh;
def rdrlow;
def ridrlow;
def ridrhigh;
if Agg and (Today or !ShowTodayOnly) {
    if inSession {
        if !inSession[1] {
            sessionOpen = open_value;
            rdrhigh     = high_value;
            rdrlow      = low_value;
            ridrhigh    = Max(open_value, close_value);
            ridrlow     = Min(open_value, close_value);
        } else {
            sessionOpen = sessionOpen[1];
            rdrhigh     = Max(high_value, rdrhigh[1]);
            rdrlow      = Min(low_value, rdrlow[1]);
            ridrhigh    = Max(Max(open_value, close_value), ridrhigh[1]);
            ridrlow     = Min(Min(open_value, close_value), ridrlow[1]);
    } else {
        sessionOpen = na;
        rdrhigh     = rdrhigh[1];
        rdrlow      = rdrlow[1];
        ridrlow     = ridrlow[1];
        ridrhigh    = ridrhigh[1];
} else {
    sessionOpen = na;
    rdrhigh     = na;
    rdrlow      = na;
    ridrhigh    = na;
    ridrlow     = na;
def boxUp;
def boxBackgroundColor;
def boxHighDR;
def boxLowDR;
def boxHighIDR;
def boxLowIDR;
if ColorBox and Highlight != 0 and inSession {
    boxUp              = close_value > sessionOpen;
    boxBackgroundColor = If(boxUp, 1, -1);
    boxHighDR          = rdrhigh;
    boxLowDR           = rdrlow;
    boxHighIDR         = ridrhigh;
    boxLowIDR          = ridrlow;
} else {
    boxUp               = na;
    boxBackgroundColor  = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then 0 else na;
    boxHighDR           = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then rdrhigh else na;
    boxLowDR            = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then rdrlow else na;
    boxHighIDR          = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then ridrhigh else na;
    boxLowIDR           = if Highlight != 0 and inSession then ridrlow else na;
plot rdrhighLine = if !drLines or ExtDR or inSession then na else rdrhigh[exchangeOffset];
plot ridrhighLine = if !idrLines or ExtIDR or inSession then na else ridrhigh[exchangeOffset];

plot ridrlowLine = if !idrLines or ExtIDR or inSession then na else ridrlow[exchangeOffset];
plot rdrlowLine = if !drLines or ExtDR or inSession then na else rdrlow[exchangeOffset];

plot boxHdr = if !drLines then na else boxHighDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxLdr = if !drLines then na else boxLowDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxHidr = if !idrLines then na else boxHighIDR[exchangeOffset];
plot boxLidr = if !idrLines then na else boxLowIDR[exchangeOffset];

#--- Middle Lines
def drMid = (rdrhighLine + rdrlowLine) / 2;
def idrMid = (ridrhighLine + ridrlowLine) / 2;
def boxdrMid = (boxHdr + boxLdr) / 2;
def boxidrMid = (boxHidr + boxLidr) / 2;

plot drMidLine = if !middleDrLine then na else drMid;
plot idrMidLine = if !middleIdrLine then na else idrMid;

plot boxdrMidLine = if !middleDrLine then na else boxdrMid;
plot boxidrMidLine = if !middleIdrLine then na else boxidrMid;

#-- highlights
def boxBGColor = boxBackgroundColor[exchangeOffset];
def boxH = if Highlight < 0 then boxHdr else boxHidr;
def boxL = if Highlight < 0 then boxLdr else boxLidr;

AddCloud(if boxBGColor > 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxH else if boxBGColor < 0 then boxL else na,
         if boxBGColor > 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxL else if boxBGColor < 0 then boxH else na,
           Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if boxBGColor == 0 and Highlight != 0 then boxH else na, boxL, Color.GRAY,  Color.GRAY);

#---- END Code

this will find the high and low of a period, even if it spans midnight.

or maybe this version is a better fit to the Q
Last edited:
this will find the high and low of a period, even if it spans midnight.

or maybe this version is a better fit to the Q

Thanks @halcyonguy , I've actually used your study as a base code for another range measuring script. Its great. The problem in this case is you have to wait for the range to close before it will start giving you its length.

@SleepyZ Do you think there is a way to customize the start/end time of this script? I realize it may be limited by the time aggregations that the TPO is limited to. What you gave me is great for Globex Day. I'd love if there was a way to get it to work on a custom range though

Either way, thanks gang.

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