# between2dates_01
# halcyonguy 21-23-21
def bn = barnumber();
def na = double.nan;
input start_date = 20211104;
input end_date = 20211120;
def date1 = if bn == 1 then getYYYYMMDD() else date1[1];
def start_bad = if (start_date < date1) then 1 else start_bad[1];
def chart1year = Round(date1/10000, 0);
def chart1month = Round((date1 % 10000) / 100, 0);
def chart1day = (date1 % 100);
addlabel(start_bad , " xxx start date is before the first date on chart , " + (chart1month + "/" + chart1day + "/" + AsPrice(chart1year)) + " xxx" , color.cyan);
#addchartbubble(1, low*0.996, "s " + start_date + "\n1 " + date1 + "\n" + (start_date < date1) + "\n" + start_bad, color.cyan, no);
def yearstart = Round(start_date/10000, 0);
def monthstart = Round((start_date % 10000) / 100, 0);
def daystart = (start_date % 100);
#addLabel(1, "start date: " + monthstart + "/" + daystart + "/" + AsPrice(yearstart), color.white);
def yearend = Round(end_date/10000, 0);
def monthend = Round((end_date % 10000) / 100, 0);
def dayend = (end_date % 100);
#addLabel(1, "end date: " + monthend + "/" + dayend + "/" + AsPrice(yearend), color.white);
input price_type = close;
def isbetween = if Between( GetYYYYMMDD(), start_date, end_date) then 1 else 0;
def between_first = ( !isbetween[1] and isbetween );
def between_last = ( isbetween and !isbetween[-1] );
input show_vertical_start_stop_lines = yes;
addverticalline(show_vertical_start_stop_lines and between_first, "start " + monthstart + "/" + daystart, color.light_gray);
addverticalline(show_vertical_start_stop_lines and between_last, "end " + monthend + "/" + dayend, color.light_gray);
# if it is the 1st bar in the isbetween period, set it to the close, don't compare to the previous bar.
# if it is any other bar in the isbetween period, compare the close to tempmin.
def tempmin =
if between_first then price_type
else if isbetween then min( price_type , tempmin[1] )
else na;
def mincls = lowestAll(if isbetween then tempmin else na);
# make a level to compare to current bar
def mincls2 = if bn == 1 then na
else if (isbetween and mincls == price_type) then mincls
else mincls2[1];
input show_horz_price_line = yes;
plot z1 = if (show_horz_price_line) then mincls2 else na;
# ----------------------------------------------
# profit bar
# draw a bar, x bars after the last bar, to indicate the price change since the low of period
input show_vertical_profit_bar = yes;
input vert_bar_offset = 9;
# show_vertical_profit_bar and
def x1 = ( (!isnan(close[vert_bar_offset]) and isnan(close[(vert_bar_offset-1)]) ));
def profit = if x1 then round( close[vert_bar_offset] - mincls2[vert_bar_offset] , 2) else na;
def profit_per = round(100 * profit/mincls2[vert_bar_offset] , 1);
def profit_dir = sign( profit );
# + green
# set open to lower level and close to higher level. but swap them in addchart() to draw a filled bar with grow color
def o1 = if (x1 and profit_dir == 1 and show_vertical_profit_bar) then mincls2[vert_bar_offset] else na;
def c1 = if (x1 and profit_dir == 1) then close[vert_bar_offset] else na;
def h1 = if x1 then c1 else na;
def l1 = if x1 then o1 else na;
# open / close rev to draw solid
# green up bar
#AddChart(growColor = Color.green, fallColor = Color.red, neutralColor = Color.gray, high = h1, low = l1, open = c1, close = o1, type = ChartType.CANDLE);
# cyan up bar
AddChart(growColor = Color.cyan, fallColor = Color.cyan, neutralColor = Color.gray, high = h1, low = l1, open = c1, close = o1, type = ChartType.CANDLE);
# - red
def o2 = if (x1 and profit_dir == -1 and show_vertical_profit_bar) then mincls2[vert_bar_offset] else na;
def c2 = if (x1 and profit_dir == -1) then close[vert_bar_offset] else na;
def h2 = if x1 then c2 else na;
def l2 = if x1 then o2 else na;
# red down bar
#AddChart(growColor = Color.red, fallColor = Color.red, neutralColor = Color.gray, high = h2, low = l2, open = o2, close = c2, type = ChartType.CANDLE);
# yellow down bar
AddChart(growColor = Color.yellow, fallColor = Color.yellow, neutralColor = Color.gray, high = h2, low = l2, open = o2, close = c2, type = ChartType.CANDLE);
# + green yes , red no
input show_profit_bubble = yes;
addchartbubble( show_profit_bubble and x1, close[vert_bar_offset], profit + "\n" + profit_per + "%", (if profit_dir == 1 then color.green else color.red), (if profit_dir == 1 then 1 else 0) );
input show_label = yes;
#addlabel(show_label, "the lowest close between " + start_date + " and " + end_date + " is $" + mincls, color.yellow);
addlabel(show_label, "the lowest close between " + ( monthstart + "/" + daystart + "/" + AsPrice(yearstart) ) + " and " + (monthend + "/" + dayend + "/" + AsPrice(yearend)) + " is $" + mincls, color.yellow);
# show a bubble at the lowest low
input show_bubble_at_lowest = no;
addchartbubble( (show_bubble_at_lowest and isbetween and mincls == price_type), low*0.996, mincls, color.yellow, no);
input show_points_during_period = no;
plot z2 = if (show_points_during_period and isbetween ) then ( high*1.01) else na;
# --------------------------------
# the dates used in between() are inclusive. equal to or between the 2 dates.
# https://tlc.thinkorswim.com/center/reference/thinkScript/Functions/Others/Between