Fibonacci Zone Oscillator With MACD For ThinkOrSwim


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The author states:
Strategy and Use:
Blue column: Close in uptrend area, 4 supports, 0 resistance, ready to rally up.
Green column: Close in buyers area, 3 supports, 1 resistance, looking up.
Gray column: Close in center area 2 supports, 2 resistances, undecided.
Yellow column: Close in sellers area 1 support, 3 resistances, looking down.
Red column: Close in downtrend area, 0 support, 4 resistances, ready to rally down.
I use this indicator in a layout with three timeframes which I use for stock picking, I pick all stocks with a blue column in every timeframe, the indicator is so clear that I can flip through the 50 charts of my universe of high liquid European blue chips in 15 minutes to make a list of these stocks.
Because I use it in conjunction with KeltCOG I also gave it a ‘script sets lookback’ option which can be checked with a feedback label and switched off in the inputs.

The MACD histogram
I admire the MACD because it is spot on when predicting tops and bottoms. It is also the most sexy indictor in TA. Actually just the histogram is needed, so I don’t show the macd-line and the signal line. I use the same lookback for the slow-ma as for the columns, set the fast-ma to half and the signal-line to a third of the general lookback. Therefore I gave the lookback a minimum value of 6, so the signal gets at least a lookback of 2.
The histogram is plotted three times, first as a whitish area to provide a background, then the colums of the Fibzone Oscillator are plotted, then the histogram as a purple line, which contrasts nicely and then as a hardly visible brown histogram.
The input settings give the option to show columns and histogram separate or together.
Strategy and use:
I think about the columns as showing a ‘longer term chosen momentum’ and about the histogram as a ‘short term power momentum’. I use it as additional information.

Hi Team - I came across this amazing oscillator and wonder if anyone with good scripting skills could conver to TOS version.
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Hi Team - I came across this amazing oscillator and wonder if anyone with good scripting skills could conver to TOS version.

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © eykpunter
indicator("Fibonacci Zone Oscillator With MACD Histogram", shorttitle="Fibzone+MACD Osc", overlay=false), "calculate for last ## bars", minval=6)
perwish=input.bool(true, "script sets lookback")
perfeedback=input.bool(true, "show feedback label about lookback")
//Select all or one group; done this way to make sure someting is plotted.
bothwish=input.bool(true, "togle combination of columns and macd or just one", group="Select all or one")
onewish=input.bool(true, "togle fibzone columns / histgram with volume event marks", group="Select all or one")
fibwish= bothwish or onewish? true:false
macwish= bothwish or not onewish? true:false
//calculate periods by script if perwish == true
setper= 14 //initialize setper
setper:= tf=="M"? 14: tf=="W"? 14: tf=="D"? 21: tf=="240"? 28: tf=="180"? 28: tf=="120"? 35: tf=="60"? 35: tf=="45"? 35: tf=="30"? 42: tf=="15"? 42: tf=="5"? 49: tf=="3"? 49: tf=="1"? 56: 10
per:= perwish? setper : per
//set lookbacks for MACD histogram
slow = per
fast = math.round(per/2)
signal = math.round(per/3)
//Calculate Donchian Channel
hl=ta.highest(high,per) //High Line (Border)
ll=ta.lowest(low,per) //Low Line (Border)
//Calculate Fibonacci levels
dist=hl-ll //range of the Donchian channel
hf=hl-dist*0.236 //Highest Fibonacci line
cfh=hl-dist*0.382 //Center High Fibonacci line
cfl=hl-dist*0.618 //Center Low Fibonacci line
lf=hl-dist*0.764 //Lowest Fibonacci line
//Calculate relative position of close
posup=close>hf //in uptrend area
posabove=close<=hf and close> cfh //in prudent buyers area
posmiddle=close<=cfh and close>cfl //in center area
posunder=close<=cfl and close>lf //in prudent sellers area
posdown=close<=lf //in downtrend area
//Calculate percents of close
cent=(hl+ll)/2 //used as 100 % level
clocent1=close/cent*100-100 //percent of close for fibonacci oscillator
clocent=fibwish?clocent1:na //show columns if wished in inputs
//MACD histogram with equal percentrange as Fibonaccizone columns
emaF = ta.ema(close, fast)
emaS = ta.ema(close, slow)
macdperc = (emaFperc - emaSperc)
sig = ta.ema(macdperc, signal)
diff1 = (macdperc - sig)
factor=(ta.highest(clocent1, per)-ta.lowest(clocent1,per))/(ta.highest(diff1,per)-ta.lowest(diff1,per)) //factor to make histogram range equal to column range
diff=macwish?diff1*factor:na //show histogram if wished in inputs
//calculate column colors
poscol=posup?,00): posabove?,00): posmiddle?,00): posunder?,00):, 00)
plot(diff, "diffarea", style=plot.style_area, color=color.rgb(230,250,220, 50), linewidth=0) //macd as area greenish off white
plot(clocent, title="% Close", style=plot.style_columns, color=poscol, linewidth=4) //fibzone oscillator
plot(diff, "diffline", style=plot.style_line, color=diff>0?, 00):, 00), linewidth=2) //macd as line purple
plot(diff, "diffhist", style=plot.style_histogram, color=color.rgb(240,180,40, 70), linewidth=2)//macd as histgram golden brown, very transparent

//feedback table
var table userorscript =, columns=1, rows=1)
feedbacktext=perwish? "script lookback " +str.tostring(per) : "user lookback " +str.tostring(per)
if perfeedback == true
table.cell(userorscript, row=0, column=0, text=feedbacktext, bgcolor=color.silver)
else if perfeedback == false
table.clear(userorscript, 0, 0, 0, 0)
check the below

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https
#// © eykpunter
#indicator("Fibonacci Zone Oscillator With MACD Histogram", shorttitle="Fibzone+MACD Osc", overlay=false)
#-- Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 01/2024
declare lower;
input colorBars = yes;
input source = close;
input AutoLookbackBar = yes;     # "script sets lookback")
input manualLoobackBars = 14;    # "calculate for last ## bars"
input macdMovAvgType = {SMA, Default EMA};
input viewOptions = {"Fibonacci Zone", "MACD Histogram", Default "Fib Zone and Macd"};

def na = Double.NaN;
#-- Colors
DefineGlobalColor("cloud", Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("macdLine", Color.MAGENTA);
DefineGlobalColor("macdHist", CreateColor(97, 70, 7));
DefineGlobalColor("fibExtUp", Color.GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("fibUp", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("fibExtDn", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("fibDn", Color.DARK_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("fibNorm", Color.GRAY);
def ema = macdMovAvgType==macdMovAvgType.EMA;
def fib = viewOptions==viewOptions."Fibonacci Zone";
def mcd = viewOptions==viewOptions. "MACD Histogram";
def fibwish = !mcd;
def macwish = !fib;
def tf = GetAggregationPeriod();
def setper = if tf <= AggregationPeriod.MIN then 56 else
             if tf <= AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN then 49 else
             if tf <= AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN then 42 else
             if tf <= AggregationPeriod.TWO_HOURS then 35 else
             if tf <= AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS then 28 else
             if tf <= AggregationPeriod.DAY then 21 else
             if tf <= AggregationPeriod.MONTH then 14 else
             if tf <= AggregationPeriod.THREE_MIN then 49 else 10;
def per = if AutoLookbackBar then if IsNaN(setper) then 14 else setper else manualLoobackBars;
#//set lookbacks for MACD histogram
def slow = per;
def fast = Round(per/2, 0);
def signal = Round(per/3, 0);

#//Calculate Donchian Channel
def hh = highest(high,per);      # //High Line (Border)
def ll = lowest(low,per);        # //Low Line  (Border)
#//Calculate Fibonacci levels
def dist = hh - ll;              # //range of the Donchian channel
def hf   = hh - dist * 0.236;    # //Highest Fibonacci line
def cfh  = hh - dist * 0.382;    # //Center High Fibonacci line
def cfl  = hh - dist * 0.618;    # //Center Low Fibonacci line
def lf   = hh - dist * 0.764;    # //Lowest Fibonacci line

#//Calculate relative position of close
def posup     = source >  hf;                   # //in uptrend area
def posabove  = source <= hf  and source > cfh; # //in prudent buyers area
def posmiddle = source <= cfh and source > cfl; # //in center area
def posunder  = source <= cfl and source > lf;  # //in prudent sellers area
def posdown   = source <= lf;                   # //in downtrend area

#//Calculate percents of close
def cent     = (hh + ll) / 2;                        # //used as 100 % level
def clocent1 = source / cent * 100 - 100;             # //percent of close for fibonacci oscillator
def clocent  = if fibwish then clocent1 else na;     # //show columns if wished in inputs

#//MACD histogram with equal percentrange as Fibonaccizone columns
def emaF     = if ema then ExpAverage(source, fast) else Average(source, fast);
def emaS     = if ema then ExpAverage(source, slow) else Average(source, slow);
def emaFperc = emaF / cent * 100;
def emaSperc = emaS / cent * 100;
def macdperc = (emaFperc - emaSperc);
def sig      = if ema then ExpAverage(macdperc, signal) else Average(macdperc, signal);
def diff1    = (macdperc - sig);
def HiCent   = highest(clocent1, per);
def LoCent   = lowest(clocent1,per);
def HiDiff   = highest(diff1,per);
def LoDiff   = lowest(diff1,per);
def factor   = (HiCent- LoCent)/(HiDiff - LoDiff);
def diff     = if macwish then diff1*factor else na;    # //show histogram if wished in inputs

#//calculate column colors
def poscol = if posup then 2 else
             if posabove then 1 else
             if posmiddle then 0 else
             if posunder then -1 else -2;
plot mcdLine = diff;           # "diffline"
plot fibzone = clocent;        # //fibzone oscillator
plot mcdHist = diff;           #, "diffhist"
fibZone.AssignValueColor(if poscol==2 then GlobalColor("fibExtUp") else
                         if poscol==1 then GlobalColor("fibUp") else
                         if poscol==-1 then GlobalColor("fibDn") else
                         if poscol==-2 then GlobalColor("fibExtDn") else GlobalColor("fibNorm"));

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if poscol==2 then GlobalColor("fibExtUp") else
                 if poscol==1 then GlobalColor("fibUp") else
                 if poscol==-1 then GlobalColor("fibDn") else
                 if poscol==-2 then GlobalColor("fibExtDn") else GlobalColor("fibNorm"));
AddCloud(diff, 0, GlobalColor("cloud"), GlobalColor("cloud"));
#- ENd of CODE

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