Entry, Target, Profit Loss (PnL) Watchlists, Labels of Owned Equities In ThinkOrSwim

Total dollar(Exposure amount) and P&L on Top of the chart
Is there any way we can show the below 2 real-time criteria on top of the chart?

1. If I buy 100 stocks worth $10 each then it should say -
Exposure - $1000
2. It should calculate live P&L% if stock is $11 now then -
P&L% - 10%

Thank you,
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AddLabel(yes,"Exposure: "+GetQuantity()*GetAveragePrice()+" | P&L% "+Round((((close*GetQuantity())-(GetQuantity()*GetAveragePrice()))/(GetQuantity()*GetAveragePrice()))*100,2)+"%",color.white);

AddLabel(yes,"Exposure: "+GetQuantity()*GetAveragePrice()+" | P&L% "+Round((((close*GetQuantity())-(GetQuantity()*GetAveragePrice()))/(GetQuantity()*GetAveragePrice()))*100,2)+"%",color.white);
Thank you so much. I will test it tomorrow in real time.

Appreciate it.
I went through all 5 pages of this thread but all of these are for charts and are not for watchlist columns or the positions tab. All I want to do is show profit each position from entry into the trade. I trade mostly options. It would be red for negative, green for positive. It does this on the mobile app. Someone's gotta have this somewhere. I even contacted TD ameritrade and they didn't have it.
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Ditto....is there an answer to this question on how to create custom columns from Portfolio Functions, ie GetNetLiq(). I want to calculate the 'position weight %' of each of my portfolio positions but there is no way to use these functions in Watchlists. Is there another way?
Ditto....is there an answer to this question on how to create custom columns from Portfolio Functions, ie GetNetLiq(). I want to calculate the 'position weight %' of each of my portfolio positions but there is no way to use these functions in Watchlists. Is there another way?
I've been digging around everywhere for the same and haven't found it.

Odd that these functions aren't enabled for watchlists. Simple red/green indicators for open positions are something I'm sure many would like to have.
I went through all 5 pages of this thread but all of these are for charts and are not for watchlist columns or the positions tab. All I want to do is show profit each position from entry into the trade. I trade mostly options. It would be red for negative, green for positive. It does this on the mobile app. Someone's gotta have this somewhere. I even contacted TD ameritrade and they didn't have it.
Ditto....is there an answer to this question on how to create custom columns from Portfolio Functions, ie GetNetLiq(). I want to calculate the 'position weight %' of each of my portfolio positions but there is no way to use these functions in Watchlists. Is there another way?
I've been digging around everywhere for the same and haven't found it.

Odd that these functions aren't enabled for watchlists. Simple red/green indicators for open positions are something I'm sure many would like to have.
The ToS platform does not make the portfolio functions available for watchlists
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Average trade price on the chart
would someone please code a script to show the average trade price on the chart as a line? thinkorswim app for iphone and ipad they can show where your position is but on the desktop it doesnt show. sounds very simple but i can't code and have no idea how to make this. thanks!

This tread does not solve the problem and the ask is different.
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Average trade price on the chart
would someone please code a script to show the average trade price on the chart as a line? thinkorswim app for iphone and ipad they can show where your position is but on the desktop it doesnt show. sounds very simple but i can't code and have no idea how to make this. thanks!

This tread does not solve the problem and the ask is different.
What is the definition of Average trade price? There are scripts in this thread for Average Entry Price.
ToS platform has no data field for average sold price.
I know how to enter "one triggers sequence" orders. How can I get the value of a purchase made today in order to use it as part of a sell script?

For example, the sell script might be like this (if I can get code for the PurchasePrice)
# intention is to sell for 1% gain
def PurchasePrice = x;
def Sell = if close > 1.01 * PurchasePrice then 1 else 0;
The portfolio functions can be found here. They're very limited and basic, and there is already sample code for each posted in the manual.
Here's a link to the image of what that code did


I'm looking for something to do this with the "price level"

Add this to the indicator to get the price as a chart bubble.

def avgprice =(if isNaN(TRADEPRICE[-1]) then TRADEPRICE else Double.NaN);
addchartBubble(TRADEPRICE, avgprice,"Avg=$" + GetAveragePrice,color.CYAN);
Hi all,

First, thanks to everybody who generously shares their knowledge in this forum! This is an amazing place for traders.

I have a very simple question and I haven't been able to find an answer to it. I'm looking for a Net of Fees P/L badge for actual trades (not strategy) on the current chart. Futures comms fees are quite high on ToS especially for Micros so for small accounts Gross P/L and Net P/L may differ a lot. If it can also give stats on the trades, say winning trades, Net P/L per trade it would be great. If somebody could share any insight, they would be very much welcome!

I can enter the fees per contract manually. I get charged the same amount for every Micro i think. Something along the lines of per instrument NetDayPL=DayPnl - nr_of_trades*fees_per_trade. If there are already thinscripts that do that + other daily trading stats it would be awesome, just surprised I haven't found anything like that.

Thank you,



I was wondering if anybody could give at least a pointer at where to look for the number of trades done in a day period in Thinkscript?
P&L Labels For Charts
This script provides the P/L For Accumulated Trades
The Net PnL uses a cost adjusted basis: ProfitLossMode.COST_BASIS

These labels include
  • the total Quantity bought,
  • Average Purchase Price per share and total,
  • the Adjusted Average Sales Price per share and total
  • and the net Gain/Loss
You can edit out the fields that you don't want.

# Profit & Loss Label (on a cost adjusted basis)
# @merryday 2/2023

input PLMode = ProfitLossMode.COST_BASIS;
def PL = GetOpenPL(profitLossMode = PLMode) ;

def Entry = if GetAveragePrice() != 0 then GetAveragePrice() else Entry[1];
def GainLoss = if PL != 0 then PL else GainLoss[1];
def Qty =  if GetQuantity() != 0 then GetQuantity() else Qty[1];

DefineGlobalColor("Gain",  CreateColor(0, 165, 0)) ;
DefineGlobalColor("Loss",  CreateColor(225, 0, 0)) ;

"Qty: " + Qty + "  Entry/shr $" + Entry + "   Exit/shr  $" + (Entry+GainLoss)
+ "  | Total Purchase: " +Qty*Entry  + "   Total Sale: " +Qty*(Entry+GainLoss)
+" | P/L: " + AsDollars(GainLoss*Qty),
      if GainLoss > 0 then GlobalColor("Gain") else GlobalColor("Loss"));
Goal: the Entry & P/L labels showed up as chart bubbles on the right hand side of the chart.
  • Entry bubble. both bubbles fixed 4 bars to the right of the current candle. So as the candles keep coming, there will always be at least 4 bars of separation.
  • I want the entry bubble to be fixed (naturally),
  • but the P/L bubble to be synced with the current price and move up and down accordingly.
  • The color of the bubble would change to green if profitable and red if not.

Any chance this has already been created?🤞🤞😁 I have seen a few other platforms with this feature, I'd love to have one also.
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I am trying to create a label that will display my position and the cost basis. Unable to get the cost basis using the following:

def qty =GetQuantity();
def myCost = ProfitLossMode.COST_BASIS();
AddLabel(yes, qty + " @ " + myCost, color.WHITE);

I've been trying to write a script for a custom column that will provide a liquidating P/L based off the bid for long positions and ask for short positions instead of the mark price. I seem to hit a wall because the getQuantity function doesn't work for custom columns. i haven't been able to find any kind of workaround. Any help is much appreciated!!
I've been trying to write a script for a custom column that will provide a liquidating P/L based off the bid for long positions and ask for short positions instead of the mark price. I seem to hit a wall because the getQuantity function doesn't work for custom columns. i haven't been able to find any kind of workaround. Any help is much appreciated!!
The ToS platform does not make the portfolio functions available for watchlists

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