DPO Mobo for ThinkorSwim

Just remember that you need to reference the FW_DPO_MOBO for every plot you want to use... I have my own custom versions and have posted my short version below... Note that my settings differ from the original release...

#Modified for personal use by rad14733

declare lower;

input price = HL2;
input colorNormLength = 3;
input dpoLength = 13;
input moboDisplace = 0;
input moboLength = 13;
input numDevDn = -1.0;
input numDevUp = 1.0;
input coloredMobo = Yes;
input coloredFill = Yes;
input breakArrows = Yes;
input moboShowMid = Yes;

#plot DPO = Double.NaN;
plot DPO = FW_DPO_MOBO(price, colorNormLength, dpoLength, moboDisplace, moboLength, numDevDn, numDevUp, coloredMobo, coloredFill, breakArrows, moboShowMid).DPO;
#DPO.DefineColor("UpTrend", Color.LIME);
#DPO.DefineColor("DnTrend", Color.MAGENTA);

#plot MidlineP = Double.NaN;
plot MidlineP = FW_DPO_MOBO(price, colorNormLength, dpoLength, moboDisplace, moboLength, numDevDn, numDevUp, coloredMobo, coloredFill, breakArrows, moboShowMid).MidlineP;
MidlineP.AssignValueColor(if MidlineP > MidlineP[1] then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

#plot UpperBandP = Double.NaN;
plot UpperBandP = FW_DPO_MOBO(price, colorNormLength, dpoLength, moboDisplace, moboLength, numDevDn, numDevUp, coloredMobo, coloredFill, breakArrows, moboShowMid).UpperBandP;

#plot LowerBandP = Double.NaN;
plot LowerBandP = FW_DPO_MOBO(price, colorNormLength, dpoLength, moboDisplace, moboLength, numDevDn, numDevUp, coloredMobo, coloredFill, breakArrows, moboShowMid).LowerBandP;

#plot Zeroline = Double.NaN;
plot Zeroline = FW_DPO_MOBO(price, colorNormLength, dpoLength, moboDisplace, moboLength, numDevDn, numDevUp, coloredMobo, coloredFill, breakArrows, moboShowMid).Zeroline;

#plot BreakOutArrow = Double.NaN;
plot BreakOutArrow = FW_DPO_MOBO(price, colorNormLength, dpoLength, moboDisplace, moboLength, numDevDn, numDevUp, coloredMobo, coloredFill, breakArrows, moboShowMid).BreakOutArrow;

#plot BreakDownArrow = Double.NaN;
plot BreakDownArrow = FW_DPO_MOBO(price, colorNormLength, dpoLength, moboDisplace, moboLength, numDevDn, numDevUp, coloredMobo, coloredFill, breakArrows, moboShowMid).BreakDownArrow;

AddCloud(UpperBandP, LowerBandP, Color.MAGENTA, Color.MAGENTA);
I can't find the link for this indicator.
I use the one here from @rad14733: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/fw_dpo_mobo-script.4771/#post-44180. He does use different lengths.
This indicator appears on most of my charts. I buy dips and then look for reversals.
I am not a fan of arrows, especially w/ oscillators, especially w/ this particular script. For me, it is more about how the oscillator is lining up with your other three non-collinear indicators on your three timeframes.
This is very interesting @MerryDay , and @rad14733
I find your MomentumBreakout function fascinating and your explanations you shared enlightening.

This learnings here might be applied to others analogous problems as well.

In particular I think I might use this with our relative volume studies to understand how mobile an volume might be. Or rather why some unusual volumes are more restless than others.

Thank you and have a happy new year.
How do I convert an AddCloud Statement into a variable TOS?

AddCloud(if DPO > lower then upper else nan,
if DPO > lower then lower else nan, Color.Green, Color.Current);
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How do I convert an AddCloud Statement into a variable TOS?

AddCloud(if DPO > lower then upper else nan,
if DPO > lower then lower else nan, Color.Green, Color.Current);

Your request is: Create a definition for when your cloud is green? Which indicates that the DPO is greater than the lower boundary.
def variable = DPO > Lower ;

If you are looking for a signal for when the cloud begins to turn green:
plot trigger = if DPO crosses above Lower then Lower else double.NaN;
trigger.SetDefaultColor(color.yellow) ;


declare lower;
def price  = hl2;
def colorNormLength = 3;
def dpoLength       = 13;
def moboDisplace    = 0;
def moboLength    = 10;
def numDevDn  = -0.8;
def numDevUp  = 0.8;
script nz {
    input data = 0;
    def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then 0 else data;
    plot return = ret_val;
def coloredMobo     = yes;
def coloredFill     =  yes;
def breakArrows     = yes;
def moboShowMid     = yes;

#def DPO = price - Average(price[DPO_length / 2 + 1], DPO_length);
def xsma = Average(price[dpoLength / 2 + 1], dpoLength);
#def xsma = sma(price, dpoLength);
def DPO = price - xsma;

def Midline = Average(DPO, moboLength);

def sDev = StDev(DPO, moboLength);

def Lower = Midline + numDevDn * sDev;
def Upper = Midline + numDevUp * sDev;

plot line_dpo = DPO;
line_dpo.AssignValueColor(if  line_dpo>  line_dpo[1] then Color.cyan else Color.red);
plot Line_mid = Midline;
Line_mid.AssignValueColor(if MidLine < dpo then Color.green else Color.magenta);

AddCloud(if DPO > Lower then Upper else double.NaN,
if DPO > Lower then Lower else double.NaN, Color.Green, Color.Current);

plot trigger = if DPO crosses above Lower then Lower else double.NaN;
trigger.SetDefaultColor(color.yellow) ;
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Replace: "def price = hl2;" with below:
input Ag = AggregationPeriod.min;
def price = hl2("Period" = Ag);

My question is, Can this be superimposed on an upper chart?
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Replace: "def price = hl2;" with below:
input Ag = AggregationPeriod.min;
def price = hl2("Period" = Ag);

My question is, Can this be superimposed on an upper chart?

Without seeing your entire script, the answer would be, no, you cannot "superimpose" a 1m plot on a higher aggregation Chart... We can have higher aggregations on a lower aggregation Chart, but not lower aggregation on higher aggregation... This goes for any type of calculation, whether plot or otherwise...

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