I've been researching on how to get the most accurate $ Volume on TOS. I can't find a constant that will bring up data of volume for each traded price$.
A formula has to be used.
The simplest way seems to be price(High + Low)/2 * volume. A code from a chart study by
@SuryaKiranC uses def DollarVolume = hl2 * Vol; def AvgHL2 = Average(hl2[1], length); def DaysDollarvol = VolDayAvg * AvgHL2;
Even simpler would be use close * volume.
I'm not sure but maybe VWAP * volume would be most accurate but not sure if it can be done?
Does anyone know a good scan or column function for this problem?
My reasoning for using $ volume is if my account gets bigger and I want to use more size for one stock then it is more important to know how much $ Dollar Volume instead of simple Volume of shares traded because $ Volume
standardizes all the stocks in the scan by accounting $ per shares traded as a priority instead of only shares. A 100k volume in 1$ stock is different than 10$ at the same volume.