Covert MT4 SmoothStep


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Adopted from work done by Kenneth H. Perlin, who is a professor at New York University in the Computer Science Department. His work centered around something called “Sigmoid Function” having a characteristic “S”-shaped curve or sigmoid curve which eventually levels off. The MT4 version was coded in 2022 by a prolific Coder named Mladen Rakic there’s a lot of math going on behind the scenes.

More about this indicator settings and what it does can be found here.
More about the Sigmoid Function here.


#property copyright   "© mladen, 2022"
#property link        "[email protected]"
#property indicator_separate_window
#property indicator_buffers 3
#property indicator_plots   3
#property indicator_label1  "SmoothStep up"
#property indicator_type1   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color1  clrDodgerBlue
#property indicator_width1  2
#property indicator_label2  "SmoothStep down"
#property indicator_type2   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color2  clrCoral
#property indicator_width2  2
#property indicator_label3  "SmoothStep down"
#property indicator_type3   DRAW_LINE
#property indicator_color3  clrCoral
#property indicator_width3  2
#property indicator_level1  0.2
#property indicator_level2  0.8
#property strict


input int             inpPeriod  = 32;        // Period
   enum enPrices
            pr_close,      // Close
            pr_open,       // Open
            pr_high,       // High
            pr_low,        // Low
            pr_median,     // Median
            pr_typical,    // Typical
            pr_weighted,   // Weighted
            pr_lowhigh,    // Low/High/Close
input enPrices         inpPrice   = pr_close; // Price        


double val[],valda[],valdb[],valc[];
struct sGlobalStruct
   int period;
sGlobalStruct global;


int OnInit()
   SetIndexBuffer(0,val  ,INDICATOR_DATA);
   SetIndexBuffer(3,valc ,INDICATOR_CALCULATIONS);

      global.period  = MathMax(inpPeriod,1);
   IndicatorSetString(INDICATOR_SHORTNAME,StringFormat("Smooth step (%i)",global.period));
   return (INIT_SUCCEEDED);
void OnDeinit(const int reason) { return;}


int OnCalculate (const int       rates_total,
                 const int       prev_calculated,
                 const datetime& time[],
                 const double&   open[],
                 const double&   high[],
                 const double&   low[],
                 const double&   close[],
                 const long&     tick_volume[],
                 const long&     volume[],
                 const int&      spread[] )
   int limit = (prev_calculated>0) ? rates_total-prev_calculated : rates_total-1;

         static double m_lows[];
         static int    m_lowsSize  = -1;
                   if (m_lowsSize <rates_total) m_lowsSize = ArrayResize(m_lows ,rates_total+500,2000);
         static double m_highs[];
         static int    m_highsSize = -1;
                   if (m_highsSize<rates_total) m_highsSize = ArrayResize(m_highs,rates_total+500,2000);
         struct sWorkStruct  
                  int    prevBar;
                  double prevmin;
                  double prevmax;
         static sWorkStruct m_work[];
         static int         m_workSize= -1;
                        if (m_workSize<=rates_total) m_workSize = ArrayResize(m_work,rates_total+500,2000);
      if (valc[limit]==2) iCleanPoint(limit,rates_total,valda,valdb);
      for(int i=limit, r=rates_total-i-1; i>=0; i--,r++)
            double _price  = close[i];
            double _priceh = close[i];
            double _pricel = close[i];
               switch (inpPrice)
                     case pr_close    : _price  = _priceh = _pricel = close[i]; break;
                     case pr_open     : _price  = _priceh = _pricel = open[i];  break;
                     case pr_high     : _price  = _priceh = _pricel = high[i];  break;
                     case pr_low      : _price  = _priceh = _pricel = low[i];   break;
                     case pr_median   : _price  = _priceh = _pricel = (high[i]+low[i])/2.0; break;
                     case pr_typical  : _price  = _priceh = _pricel = (high[i]+low[i]+close[i])/3.0; break;
                     case pr_weighted : _price  = _priceh = _pricel = (high[i]+low[i]+close[i]*2.0)/4.0; ; break;
                     case pr_lowhigh  : _price  = close[i];
                                        _priceh = high[i];
                                        _pricel = low[i];
                  m_lows[r]  = _pricel;    
                  m_highs[r] = _priceh;    

                  if (m_work[r].prevBar!=i)
                        m_work[r  ].prevBar = i;
                        m_work[r+1].prevBar =-1;
                        if (r>0 && global.period>1)
                                 int _minMaxPeriod = global.period-1;
                                 int _start        = r-global.period+1; if(_start<0) { _start = 0; _minMaxPeriod = r+1; }
                                          m_work[r].prevmin = m_lows [ArrayMinimum(m_lows ,_minMaxPeriod,_start)];
                                          m_work[r].prevmax = m_highs[ArrayMaximum(m_highs,_minMaxPeriod,_start)];
                                          m_work[r].prevmin = m_lows[i];
                                          m_work[r].prevmax = m_highs[i];
                  double min = (m_work[r].prevmin < _pricel) ? m_work[r].prevmin : _pricel;
                  double max = (m_work[r].prevmax > _priceh) ? m_work[r].prevmax : _priceh;
                  double raw = (max!=min) ? (_price - min)/(max- min) : 0;
            val[i]  = raw * raw * (3.0 - 2.0 * raw);
            valc[i] = (r>0) ? (val[i]>val[i+1]) ? 1 : (val[i]<val[i+1]) ? 2 : valc[i+1] : 0;
            if (valc[i]==2) iPlotPoint(i,rates_total,valda,valdb,val); else valda[i] = valdb[i] = EMPTY_VALUE;
   return (rates_total);


void iCleanPoint(int i,int bars, double& first[],double& second[])
   if (i>=bars-3) return;
   if ((second[i]  != EMPTY_VALUE) && (second[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE))
        second[i+1] = EMPTY_VALUE;
      if ((first[i] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (first[i+1] != EMPTY_VALUE) && (first[i+2] == EMPTY_VALUE))
          first[i+1] = EMPTY_VALUE;

void iPlotPoint(int i, int bars, double& first[],double& second[],double& from[])
   if (i>=bars-2) return;
   if (first[i+1] == EMPTY_VALUE)
      if (first[i+2] == EMPTY_VALUE)
            { first[i]  = from[i];  first[i+1]  = from[i+1]; second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }
      else  { second[i] =  from[i]; second[i+1] = from[i+1]; first[i]  = EMPTY_VALUE; }
   else     { first[i]  = from[i];                           second[i] = EMPTY_VALUE; }

Hope this indicator can be converted and be useful in your trading journey! Thank you.

@mashume @samer800 if anyone has time plz take a look at this if can be done or be helpful in your trading journey, much appreciated!(y)
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So this is NOT a conversion of the above given MT4 indicator. It is an implementation of the SmoothStep function (and Smoother Step, and a 7th order version as well -- just for fun) that I whipped up. It is not necessarily comparable to the original, and has far fewer bells and whistles. There are very few checks on anything, and in general it is quite rough around the edges.

1. close
2. HLC
this chooses whether the value for x is calculated using just close values, or high, low, and close values.

1. Smooth
2. Smoother
3. Seventh
this option allows you to choose the method of calculating the smoothstep function.

#  SmoothStep implementation for ThinkOrSwim
#  by mashume for...
So this is NOT a conversion of the above given MT4 indicator. It is an implementation of the SmoothStep function (and Smoother Step, and a 7th order version as well -- just for fun) that I whipped up. It is not necessarily comparable to the original, and has far fewer bells and whistles. There are very few checks on anything, and in general it is quite rough around the edges.

1. close
2. HLC
this chooses whether the value for x is calculated using just close values, or high, low, and close values.

1. Smooth
2. Smoother
3. Seventh
this option allows you to choose the method of calculating the smoothstep function.

#  SmoothStep implementation for ThinkOrSwim
#  by mashume for community
# 2023-01-28

declare lower;

def c = close;
def h = high;
def l = low;

input length = 32;
input method = {default close, HLC};
input type = {default smooth, smoother, seventh};
def x;

switch (method) {
case "close":
    x = if c < lowest(c[1], length) then 0 else if c >= highest(c[1], length) then 1 else (c - lowest(c[1], length)) / (highest(c[1], length) - lowest(c[1], length));
case "HLC":
    x = if c < lowest(l[1], length) then 0 else if c >= highest(h[1], length) then 1 else (c - lowest(c[1], length)) / (highest(h[1], length) - lowest(l[1], length));

def val;

switch (type) {
case "smooth":
    val  = x * x * (3.0 - 2.0 * x);
case "smoother":
    val = x * x * x * (x * (x * 6 - 15) + 10);
case "seventh":
    val = -20 * power(x, 7) + 70 * power(x, 6) - 84 * power(x, 5) + 35 * power(x, 4);

plot SmoothStep = val;
plot midline = 0.5;

happy trading,
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okay so I tried to convert the MT4 version, my first attempt at coding and using the help of ChatGPT since don`t have coding experience but its actually cool to use lol. Also not sure if the code is doing what it supposed to do right or if it have converted everything.

I used @mashume SmoothStep implementation for levels comparisons in a ranged chart but don`t think its very smooth lol.


I think your version of the smooth function is the closest, however if this can be improved please take a look;
Here is code,
# declare lower to allow referencing of daily and lower timeframes
declare lower;

input inpPeriod  = 32;
input priceType = CLOSE;
# determine previous bar to handle bar change conditions
def prevBar = if IsNaN(close[-1]) then 1 else if BarNumber() != BarNumber()[1] then 1 else prevBar[1] + 1;
#calculate previous minimum based on aggregation period
def prevmin = if prevBar[1] != prevBar then
                   if prevBar > 0 and GetAggregationPeriod() > AggregationPeriod.MIN then
                       fold i = 0 to Min(inpPeriod - 1, prevBar - 1) with s do
                           Min(s, low[(inpPeriod  - 1) - 1])
                          # Min(s, low[i + (prevBar - Min(inpPeriod - 1, prevBar - 1) - 1)])
                   else low
               else prevmin[1];
# calculate previous maximum based on aggregation period              
def prevmax = if prevBar[1] != prevBar then
                   if prevBar > 0 and GetAggregationPeriod() > AggregationPeriod.MIN then
                       fold t = 0 to Min(inpPeriod - 1, prevBar - 1) with a do
                           #Max(s, high[i + (prevBar - Min(inpPeriod - 1, prevBar - 1) - 1)])
                            Max(a, high[(inpPeriod - 1)- 1])
                   else high
               else prevmax[1];
# determine current minimum and maximum values              
def min = if prevmin < low then prevmin else low;
def max = if prevmax > high then prevmax else high;
# calculate raw SmoothStep value
def raw = if max != min then (priceType - min) / (max - min) else 0;

def m_lows = Lowest(close, inpPeriod);
def m_highs = Highest(high, inpPeriod);
# determine start point for calculations
def start = if IsNaN(m_lows[-1]) then 0 else inpPeriod-1;
# determine highest and lowest values for entire chart
def maxVal = HighestAll(m_highs);
def minVal = LowestAll(m_lows);
def range = maxVal - minVal;
def midVal = minVal + range * 0.5;
# calculate SmoothStep value based on type and method
def SmoothStepVal = (Max(minVal[0], prevmax) + Min(maxVal[0], prevmin)) / 2;
def SmoothStepNorm = if range > 0 then (SmoothStepVal - minVal) / range else midVal;

plot SmoothStepUp = CompoundValue(1, if SmoothStepVal > SmoothStepVal[1] then SmoothStepVal[1] + raw else SmoothStepVal[1] - raw, raw);
plot SmoothStepDown = CompoundValue(1, if SmoothStepNorm > SmoothStepNorm[1] then SmoothStepNorm[1] - raw else SmoothStepNorm[1] + raw, raw);
plot ZeroLine = 0.5;

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