Cannot Hide AssignPriceColor on Daily chart?


New member
def Day = GetAggregationPeriod() >=AggregationPeriod.DAY;

AssignPriceColor(if Day then Double.NaN else if StrongBuy  then GlobalColor("OpenLongPosition") else if StrongShort then GlobalColor("OpenShortPosition") else if (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullish) or (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullishStrong) and (close > EMA5) then GlobalColor("HoldLongPosition") else if SoftShortMacd or SoftShortEma then GlobalColor("HoldShortPosition") else GlobalColor("CriteriaNotMet"));
Needing help again. How do I hide an assigned price color on the daily chart? Those values need to change. I've declared the Script as Hide_On_Daily yet those and the Chart bubbles continue to show. I was able to remove the Chart bubbles with an If statement however it removes all Assigned Price Colors if done there. I also tried just using AggregationPeriod.Day also to no avail. Not sure why Declare Hide_On_Daily; didn't work for this portion.
I removed the Declare Hide_On_Daily; but it didn't help.

This should disable the assignpricecolor on a Daily chart and greater. Replace this area of code in your script to this:

AssignPriceColor (if getaggregationPeriod() >= aggregationPeriod.DAY
                  then color.current
                  else if StrongBuy
                       then GlobalColor("OpenLongPosition")
                  else if StrongShort
                       then GlobalColor("OpenShortPosition")
                  else if (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullish) or
                          (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullishStrong) and (close > EMA5) 
                       then GlobalColor("HoldLongPosition")
                  else if...
def Day = GetAggregationPeriod() >=AggregationPeriod.DAY;

AssignPriceColor(if Day then Double.NaN else if StrongBuy  then GlobalColor("OpenLongPosition") else if StrongShort then GlobalColor("OpenShortPosition") else if (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullish) or (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullishStrong) and (close > EMA5) then GlobalColor("HoldLongPosition") else if SoftShortMacd or SoftShortEma then GlobalColor("HoldShortPosition") else GlobalColor("CriteriaNotMet"));
Needing help again. How do I hide an assigned price color on the daily chart? Those values need to change. I've declared the Script as Hide_On_Daily yet those and the Chart bubbles continue to show. I was able to remove the Chart bubbles with an If statement however it removes all Assigned Price Colors if done there. I also tried just using AggregationPeriod.Day also to no avail. Not sure why Declare Hide_On_Daily; didn't work for this portion.

hello and welcome

how are people going to help fix your code, if you don't post your complete code?
hello and welcome

how are people going to help fix your code, if you don't post your complete code?
Didn't think you would need the whole thing my bad.
Declare Upper;

#                         Options                                    #
input TradeSize = 10;
input StopLossPct = -5; #Represents Percent of price loss per share
def StopLossPctFm = (StopLossPct / 100) + .9;
input HideTkPftBubble = No;
input HideOvrExtBubble = No;
input ShowOrders = No;
input ShowSquares = No;
input InverseChart = {default "No", "2x", "3x"};

#                            Colors                                    #
DefineGlobalColor("200EMA", CreateColor (255, 255, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("CloudUp", CreateColor (102, 255, 102));
DefineGlobalColor("CloudDown", CreateColor (255, 102, 102));
DefineGlobalColor("OpenLongPosition", CreateColor (0, 255, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("OpenShortPosition", CreateColor (255, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("HoldLongPosition", CreateColor (120, 255, 120));
DefineGlobalColor("HoldShortPosition", CreateColor (255, 120, 120));
DefineGlobalColor("SellPosition", CreateColor (255, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("TakeProfit", CreateColor (255, 0, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("CriteriaNotMet", CreateColor (102, 102, 102)); #(255, 255, 0)
DefineGlobalColor("EMA", CreateColor (0, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("Up", CreateColor (153, 255, 153));
DefineGlobalColor("Dn", CreateColor (255, 153, 153));

#                                 Times                                #
input PreMarketStart = 0700; #EST
input PreMarketEnd = 0929; #EST
input RegularDayStart = 0930; # EST
input RegularDayEnd = 1600; # EST
input AfterHoursStarts = 1601; #Est
input AfterHoursEnd = 1800; #EST     
input StartDelay = 0;

def TradingDay = RegularDayStart and RegularDayEnd; #0930EST - 1600EST
def TradingDayExt = AfterHoursStarts and AfterHoursEnd; #1601EST - 1800EST
def SignalStart = PreMarketStart;
def EndDay = AfterHoursEnd;

def Day = GetAggregationPeriod() >=AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def Interday = GetAggregationPeriod() < AggregationPeriod.DAY;
#                                Indicaors                                #
input HideSma5 = Yes;
input HideSma5Label = Yes;
input HideSma10 = Yes;
input HideSma20 = No;
input ShowSmaCloud = Yes;
#SMA 5
plot SMA5 = SimpleMovingAvg(HL2, 5);
AddLabel(!HideSma5Label, if SMA5 then " 5 SMA" else " ", Color.GREEN);

plot SMA10 = SimpleMovingAvg(HL2, 10);

AddCloud(if ShowSmaCloud or Interday then SMA5 else Double.NaN, if ShowSmaCloud then SMA10 else Double.NaN, GlobalColor("CloudUp"), GlobalColor("CloudDown"), yes);

#EMA 5
input SellCrossBelowPct = -0.00; #Should be negetive number
input BuyCrossAbovePct = 0.00;
input HideEma5 = Yes;
input HideEma10 = Yes;
input HideEmaCloud = Yes;
def SellCrossBelowPctFm = (SellCrossBelowPct / 100);
def BuyCrossAbovePctFm = (BuyCrossAbovePct / 100);
input EMA5Label = {default "Yes", "No"};
plot EMA5 = ExpAverage(close, 5);
def EMA5Low = ExpAverage(low, 5);
def EMA5High = ExpAverage(high, 5);
# EMA 10

plot EMA10 = ExpAverage(close, 10);
EMA10.AssignValueColor(if IsAscending(close, 10) then Color.LIGHT_GREEN else Color.LIGHT_RED);
def EMA10Low = ExpAverage(low, 10);
def EMA10High = ExpAverage(high, 10);
# EMA 5&10 Color Gradient
def EMA1UpColor =  EMA5 > EMA10;
def EMA1DnColor = EMA5 < EMA10;

AddCloud(if HideEmaCloud or Day then Double.NaN else EMA5, if HideEmaCloud or Day then Double.NaN else EMA10 , Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.LIGHT_RED, yes);

    # EMA's Bullish or Bearish
def EMABullish = EMA5 > EMA10;
def EMABearish = EMA5 < EMA10;

        #EMA Percent Seperation
def EMAPctBull = ((EMA5 / EMA10) * 100) - 100; # Distance Between EMA5 and EMA10
def EMAPctBullRound = Round(EMAPctBull, 2);
def EMAPctBear = ((EMA10 / EMA5) * 100) - 100; # Distance Between EMA10 and EMA5
def EMAPctBearRound = Round(EMAPctBear, 2);

        #Fast EMA Percent Seperation Buy Signals
input TimeFrame = {default "5-MIN", "1-MIN", "10-MIN", "15-MIN", "30-MIN", "HOUR"};

def EMASepThrHld;
switch (TimeFrame) {
case "1-MIN":
    EMASepThrHld = 0.1;
case "10-MIN":
    EMASepThrHld = 0.25;
case "15-MIN":
    EMASepThrHld = 0.25;
case "30-MIN":
    EMASepThrHld = 0.3;
case "HOUR":
    EMASepThrHld = 0.3;
    EMASepThrHld = 0.2;

def EMAPctBullish = EMAPctBullRound > EMASepThrHld and EMAPctBullRound >= EMAPctBullRound[1];
def EMAPctBearish = EMAPctBearRound > EMASepThrHld and EMAPctBearRound >= EMAPctBearRound[1];

                # EMA Buy / Sell Signals

def EMACrossDown = EMA5 crosses below EMA10;
def EMACrossUP = EMA5 crosses above EMA10;
def ProfitPct;
switch (InverseChart){
case "2x":
    ProfitPct = 1.00625;
case "3x":
    ProfitPct = 1.0125;
    ProfitPct = 1.00417;

def OverExtPct;
switch (InverseChart) {
case "2x":
    OverExtPct = .9835;
case "3x":
    OverExtPct = .9725;
    OverExtPct = .995;

def TakeProfit = close > (EMA5 * ProfitPct);
def OverExtended = close < (EMA5 * OverExtPct);

AddChartBubble(if HideOvrExtBubble or Day then Double.NaN else OverExtended, close, "Over Ext", GlobalColor("OpenShortPosition"));
AddChartBubble(if HideTkPftBubble or Day then Double.NaN else TakeProfit, close, "Smart Sell", GlobalColor("OpenLongPosition"), yes);


input MacdUpPct = 0.5;
input MacdDownPct = 0.5;
input ShowMacdBubble = No;

def fastLength = 12;
def slowLength = 26;
def MACDLength = 9;
def averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
def value = MovingAverage(averageType, close, fastLength) - MovingAverage(averageType, close, slowLength);
def Avg = MovingAverage(averageType, value, MACDLength);
def Diff = value - Avg;
def ZeroLine = 0;

def MacdBullish = IsAscending(close, 5) and (value * 1.009) > Avg;
def MacdBearish = IsDescending(close, 5) and value < (Avg * 0.0875);
def HalfMacdValueHigh = HighestAll(value) / 2;
def HalfMacdAvgHigh = HighestAll (Avg) / 2;
def HalfMacdValueLow = LowestAll (value) / 2;
def HalfMacdAvgLow = LowestAll (Avg) / 2;
def MacdBullishStrong = IsAscending(value) >= (HalfMacdValueLow) and (Avg) >= (HalfMacdAvgLow) and (value) > (Avg + 0.03);
def MacdBearishStrong = IsDescending(close, 9) and (value) <= (HalfMacdValueHigh) and (Avg) <= (HalfMacdAvgHigh) and (value) < (Avg - 0.03);

#AddChartBubble(MacdBullish, close, "MacdBullish", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
#AddChartBubble(MacdBullishStrong, close, "MacdBullishStrong", Color.GREEN, yes);
#AddChartBubble(MacdBearish, close, "MacdBearish", Color.LIGHT_RED);
#AddChartBubble(MacdBearishStrong, close, "MacdBearishStrong", Color.RED);

#                          PREMARKET                             #
input ShowPreMarketLabel = Yes;
def PreMarketTimeRange = SecondsFromTime(PreMarketStart) >= 0 and SecondsTillTime(PreMarketEnd) >= 0;
def PreMarket = PreMarketTimeRange and !PreMarketTimeRange[1];
def Pre_Market_High = CompoundValue(1, If((high > Pre_Market_High[1] and PreMarketTimeRange) or PreMarket, high, Pre_Market_High[1]), high);
def Pre_Market_Low = CompoundValue(1, If((low < Pre_Market_Low[1] and PreMarketTimeRange) or PreMarket, low, Pre_Market_Low[1]), low);

plot PreMarketHigh = Pre_Market_High;

plot PreMarketLow = Pre_Market_Low;

AddLabel(if ShowPreMarketLabel then yes else no, "   ", Color.BLACK);
AddLabel(if ShowPreMarketLabel then yes else no, " PM High - $" + PreMarketHigh + " ", Color.GRAY);
AddLabel(if ShowPreMarketLabel then yes else no, " PM Low - $" + PreMarketLow + " ", Color.GRAY);

#                       Order & Bar Conditions                               #

def SoftBuyEmaCross = ((close) > EMA5 ) or (EMA5 > EMA10) ;
def SoftBuyMacd = MacdBullish;
def StrongBuy = (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullishStrong) and (MacdBullish);

plot LongBuy = if ShowSquares or day and StrongBuy[1] or ShowSquares or day and StrongBuy[2] then Double.NaN else ShowSquares or day and StrongBuy;

plot SmartSell = if ShowSquares or day and TakeProfit then close else Double.NaN;

def SoftSell = Close < EMA5Low;
plot SellSoft = if ShowSquares or Day and (SoftSell[2]) or ShowSquares or Day and (SoftSell[1]) then Double.NaN else ShowSquares or Day and (SoftSell) ;

plot SellStrong = If ShowSquares and (close[1] < EMA10Low[1]) or ShowSquares and (Close[2] < EMA10Low[2])then Double.NaN else ShowSquares and (Close < EMA10Low) ;

def StopLoss = (EntryPrice()) * StopLossPctFm;
def SoftShortMacd = MacdBearish;
def SoftShortEma = ((close) < EMA10);
def StrongShort = (SoftShortEma) and (SoftShortMacd)  and (MacdBearishStrong) and (close * .99) < EMA10Low;

#plot SoftShortEntry = SoftShortEma and SoftShortMacd;


#                                Bars                                        #
AssignPriceColor (if StrongBuy  then GlobalColor("OpenLongPosition") else if StrongShort then GlobalColor("OpenShortPosition") else if (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullish) or (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullishStrong) and (close > EMA5) then GlobalColor("HoldLongPosition") else if SoftShortMacd or SoftShortEma then GlobalColor("HoldShortPosition") else GlobalColor("CriteriaNotMet"));

#                                      Orders                                #

AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_TO_OPEN, ShowOrders and SoftBuyEmaCross and SoftBuyMacd, open[-1], (TradeSize / 2), Color.LIGHT_GREEN, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, ShowOrders and SmartSell, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED);
AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_TO_CLOSE, ShowOrders and SellStrong, open[-1], TradeSize, Color.RED, Color.RED);
I removed the Declare Hide_On_Daily; but it didn't help.

This should disable the assignpricecolor on a Daily chart and greater. Replace this area of code in your script to this:

AssignPriceColor (if getaggregationPeriod() >= aggregationPeriod.DAY
                  then color.current
                  else if StrongBuy
                       then GlobalColor("OpenLongPosition")
                  else if StrongShort
                       then GlobalColor("OpenShortPosition")
                  else if (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullish) or
                          (SoftBuyEmaCross) and (MacdBullishStrong) and (close > EMA5) 
                       then GlobalColor("HoldLongPosition")
                  else if SoftShortMacd or SoftShortEma
                       then GlobalColor("HoldShortPosition")
                  else GlobalColor("CriteriaNotMet"));

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