Candlestick Structure [LuxAlgo] for ThinkOrSwim


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The Candlestick Structure indicator detects major market trends and displays various candlestick patterns aligning with the detected trend, filtering out potentially unwanted patterns as a result. Multiple trend detection methods are included and can be selected by the users.


#/ This work is licensed under a Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International (CC BY-NC-SA 4.0)
#// © LuxAlgo
#indicator("Candlestick Structure [LuxAlgo]",shorttitle = "LuxAlgo - Candlestick Structure",
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 08/2024
input showClouds = yes; #(true, title = "Show Gradient",
input colorBarOptions = {"Minor Trend", "Major Trend",Default "Don't Color Bars"};
input labelOptions = {Default "Top Reversals Only", "All Reversals Structure", "Don't Show Labels"};
input BullishHammer = yes;
input BullishInvertedHammer = yes;
input BullishEngulfing = yes;
input BullishRisingThree = yes;
input BullishThreeWhiteSoldiers = yes;
input BullishMorningStar = yes;
input BullishHarami = yes;
input BullishTweezerBottom = yes;
input BearishHangingMan = yes;
input BearishShootingStar = yes;
input BearishEngulfing = yes;
input BearishFallingThree = yes;
input BearishThreeBlackCrows = yes;
input BearishEveningStar = yes;
input BearishHarami = yes;
input BearishTweezerTop = yes;
#//Trend Options
input minorTrendLength = 10;      # "Minor Trend Length"
input majorTrendType = {"Moving Average", "ChoCh", default "SuperTrend", "Donchian Channel"}; # "Major Trend Method"
input chochLength = 20;           # "Swing Length"
input movAvgType  = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input fastMovAvgLength = 50;      # "Short EMA Length"
input slowMovAvgLength = 200;     # "Long EMA Length"
input SupertrendFactor = 4.0;     # "Super Trend Factor"
input SupertrendLength = 20;      # "Length"
input DonchianChannelLength = 40; # "Donchian Channel Length"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def choch = majorTrendType == majorTrendType."ChoCh";
script count {
    input condition = yes;
    input filter = yes;
    def bothCond = condition and filter;
    def reversals = reversals[1] + (if bothCond then 1 else 0);
    def total = total[1] + (if condition then 1 else 0);
    def percentChg = reversals / total * 100;
    def rndPer = Round(percentChg, 2);
    plot cond = if IsNaN(bothCond) then no else bothCond;
    plot per = if IsNaN(rndPer) then 0 else rndPer;
    plot cnt = if IsNaN(total) then 0 else total;
#/ The same on Pine Script®
script supertrend {
    input factor = 3;
    input atrPeriod = 10;
    def src = hl2;
    def atr = ATR(Length = atrPeriod);
    def up = src + factor * atr;
    def lo = src - factor * atr;
    def lowerBand = CompoundValue(1, if !lowerBand[1] then lo else
                    if lo > lowerBand[1] or close[1] < lowerBand[1] then lo else lowerBand[1], lo);
    def upperBand = CompoundValue(1, if !upperBand[1] then up else
                    if up < upperBand[1] or close[1] > upperBand[1] then up else upperBand[1], up);
    def _direction;
    def superTrend;
    def prevUpperBand = CompoundValue(1, upperBand[1], up);
    def prevSuperTrend = CompoundValue(1, superTrend[1], 0);
    if IsNaN(atr[1]) {
        _direction = 1;
    } else if prevSuperTrend == prevUpperBand {
        _direction = if close > upperBand then -1 else 1;
    } else {
        _direction = if close < lowerBand then 1 else -1;
    def trend = CompoundValue(1, if !_direction then 1 else _direction, 1);
    superTrend = if trend == -1 then lowerBand else upperBand;
    plot st = superTrend;
    plot dir = trend * -1;
#//EMA Trend Detection
script get_ema {
    input _len1 = 50;
    input _len2 = 200;
    input avgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
    def s_ema = MovingAverage(avgType, close, _len1);
    def l_ema = MovingAverage(avgType, close, _len2);
    def s_dir = if s_ema > l_ema then 1 else
                if s_ema < l_ema then -1 else s_dir[1];
    plot ema1 = s_ema;
    plot ema2 = l_ema;
    plot dir  = s_dir;
#//Donchian Channel Trend Detection
script get_dc {
    input _length = 40;
    def len = if _length > 0 then _length else 1;
    def upper = Highest(high, len);
    def lower = Lowest(low, len);
    def s_dir = if high == upper and s_dir[1] != 1 then 1 else
                if low == lower and s_dir[1] != -1 then -1 else s_dir[1];
    plot lo = lower;
    plot up = upper;
    plot dir = s_dir;
#//Structure ChoCh Trend Detection
#Script get_choch {
def upper = Highest(high, chochLength);
def lower = Lowest(low, chochLength);
def os = if high[chochLength] > upper then 0 else
             if low[chochLength]  < lower then 1 else os[1];
def top = if (os == 0) and (os[1] != 0) then high[chochLength] else na;
def btm = if (os == 1) and (os[1] != 1) then low[chochLength] else na;
def t = !IsNaN(top);
def b = !IsNaN(btm);
def t_val;
def b_val;
def t_bar;
def b_bar;
def t_count; # = 1
def b_count; # = 1
def t_count1;
def b_count1;
def bar_index = BarNumber();
if t {
    t_bar = bar_index[chochLength];
    t_val = top;
    t_count1 = 1;
} else {
    t_bar = t_bar[1];
    t_val = if last then na else If(t_val[1], t_val[1], upper[chochLength]);
    t_count1 = t_count[1];
if b {
    b_bar = bar_index[chochLength];
    b_val = btm;
    b_count1 = 1;
} else {
    b_bar = b_bar[1];
    b_val = if last then na else If(b_val[1], b_val[1], lower[chochLength]);
    b_count1 = b_count[1];
def crosUp = (close > t_val) and (close[1] <= t_val[1]);
def crosDn = (close < b_val) and (close[1] >= b_val[1]);
def bull_choch = crosUp and t_count1 == 1;
def bear_choch = crosDn and b_count1 == 1;
def s_dir = if bull_choch and s_dir[1] != 1 then 1 else
            if bear_choch and s_dir[1] != -1 then -1 else s_dir[1];
def barEndUp;
def barEndDn;
def lineUp;
def lineDn;
def barStaUp;
def barStaDn;
if bull_choch and s_dir[1] != 1 {
    barStaUp    = t_bar;
    barEndUp = bar_index;
    barStaDn = na;
    barEndDn = na;
    lineUp = t_val;
    lineDn = lineDn[1];
    t_count = 0;
    b_count = b_count1;
} else if bear_choch and s_dir[1] != -1 {
    barStaUp = barStaUp[1];
    barEndUp = barEndUp[1];
    barStaDn = b_bar;
    barEndDn = bar_index;
    lineDn = b_val;
    lineUp = lineUp[1];
    t_count = t_count1;
    b_count = 0;
} else {
    barStaUp = barStaUp[1];
    barEndUp = barEndUp[1];
    barEndDn = na;
    barStaDn = na;
    lineDn = lineDn[1];
    lineUp = lineUp[1];
    t_count = t_count1;
    b_count = b_count1;
def minor_v1 = get_dc(minorTrendLength).lo;
def minor_v2 = get_dc(minorTrendLength).up;
def minor_dir = get_dc(minorTrendLength).dir;
def major_v1;
def major_v2;
def major_dir;
switch (majorTrendType) {
case "Moving Average" :
    major_v1 = get_ema(fastMovAvgLength, slowMovAvgLength, movAvgType).ema1;
    major_v2 = get_ema(fastMovAvgLength, slowMovAvgLength, movAvgType).ema2;
    major_dir = get_ema(fastMovAvgLength, slowMovAvgLength, movAvgType).dir;
case "ChoCh" :
    major_v1 = na;
    major_v2 = na;
    major_dir = s_dir;
case "Donchian Channel" :
    major_v1 = get_dc(DonchianChannelLength).lo;
    major_v2 = get_dc(DonchianChannelLength).up;
    major_dir = get_dc(DonchianChannelLength).dir;
default :
    major_v1 = supertrend(SupertrendFactor, SupertrendLength).st;
    major_v2 = supertrend(SupertrendFactor, SupertrendLength).st;
    major_dir = supertrend(SupertrendFactor, SupertrendLength).dir;
def emaType = majorTrendType == majorTrendType."Moving Average";
def minor_bear = minor_dir < 0;
def minor_bull = minor_dir > 0;
def major_bear = major_dir < 0;
def major_bull = major_dir > 0;
def major_col = if major_bear then -1 else if major_bull then 1 else 0;
def minor_col = if minor_bear then -1 else if minor_bull then 1 else 0;
def major_up = if emaType then major_v1 else (if major_bull then major_v1 else close);
def major_down = if emaType then major_v2 else (if major_bear then major_v2 else close);
def major_up_col = if emaType then major_col else (if major_bull then major_col else 0);
def major_dn_col = if emaType then major_col else (if major_bear then major_col else 0);

def chUp = if !choch then na else
           if bar_index == HighestAll(barStaUp) then high else
           if bar_index == HighestAll(barEndUp) then lineUp else if (close[1] > chUp[1]) then na else chUp[1];
def chDn = if !choch then na else
           if bar_index == HighestAll(barStaDn) then low else
           if bar_index == HighestAll(barEndDn) then lineDn else if (close[1] < chDn[1]) then na else chDn[1];
def AvgBarUp = Floor((barStaUp + barEndUp) / 2);
def AvgBarDn = Floor((barStaDn + barEndDn) / 2);

def c_top = Max(open, close); # //Top of candle
def c_bot = Min(open, close); # //Bottom of candle

plot ma1 = if major_up_col then major_up else na;     # "Major Uptrend"
plot ma2 = if major_dn_col then major_down else na; # "Major Downtrend"

ma1.AssignValueColor(if major_up_col > 0 then Color.GREEN else
                     if major_up_col < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
ma2.AssignValueColor(if major_dn_col > 0 then Color.GREEN else
                     if major_dn_col < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

AddCloud(if showClouds and !emaType then c_bot else na, ma1, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(if showClouds and !emaType then ma2 else na, c_top, Color.DARK_RED);
AddCloud(if showClouds and emaType then ma1 else na, ma2, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_RED);

#-- ChoChDn plot
plot chochUp = if choch and chUp then chUp else na;
plot chochDn = if choch and chDn then chDn else na;

AddChartBubble(choch and bar_index == HighestAll(AvgBarUp), chUp, "CHoCH", Color.UPTICK);
AddChartBubble(choch and bar_index == HighestAll(AvgBarDn), chDn, "CHoCH", Color.DOWNTICK, no);

AddCloud(if showClouds and choch then chochUp else na, c_top, Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddCloud(if showClouds and choch then c_bot else na, chochDn, Color.DARK_RED);
#//Color Bars
def barColor;
Switch (colorBarOptions) {
Case "Minor Trend" : barColor = minor_col;
Case "Major Trend" : barColor = major_col;
Default : barColor = 0;
AssignPriceColor(if !barColor then Color.CURRENT else
                  if barColor>0 then Color.CYAN else if barColor<0 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.GRAY);

# Patterns
def dash = labelOptions==labelOptions."All Reversals Structure";
def topRe = labelOptions==labelOptions."Top Reversals Only";

def hammerTog   = BullishHammer;
def ihammerTog  = BullishInvertedHammer;
def bulleTog    = BullishEngulfing;
def r3Tog       = BullishRisingThree;
def twsTog      = BullishThreeWhiteSoldiers;
def mstarTog    = BullishMorningStar;
def bullhTog    = BullishHarami;
def btmTweezTog = BullishTweezerBottom;
def hmanTog     = BearishHangingMan;
def sstarTog    = BearishShootingStar;
def beareTog    = BearishEngulfing;
def f3Tog       = BearishFallingThree;
def tbcTog      = BearishThreeBlackCrows;
def estarTog    = BearishEveningStar;
def bearhTog    = BearishHarami;
def topTweezTog = BearishTweezerTop;

#//Candestick Patterns

def rc = close < open; # // Red Candle
def gc = close > open; # // Green Candle

#//Candle measurements

def hl_width = high - low; # //Total candle width (wick to wick)
def bod_width = (c_top - c_bot); # //Width of candle body (open to close)
def hw_per = ((high - c_top) / hl_width) * 100;
def lw_per = ((c_bot - low) / hl_width) * 100;
def b_per = (bod_width / hl_width) * 100;
def doji = RoundDown(close, 2) == RoundDown(open, 2);

#//Bullish patterns
def hCond = (lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji);
def ihCond = (hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji);
def r3Cond = (gc[4] and b_per[4] > 50) and
             (rc[3] and c_top[3] <= high[4] and c_bot[3] >= low[4]) and
             (rc[2] and c_top[2] <= high[4] and c_bot[2] >= low[4]) and
             (rc[1] and c_top[1] <= high[4] and c_bot[1] >= low[4]) and
             (gc and close > high[4] and b_per > 50);
def bullCond = (r3Cond and minor_bull[4]);
def bullEngCond = rc[1] and gc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                 (open < close[1]) and c_top > c_top[1] and !bullCond and !doji[1];
def twsCond = (gc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and
     (gc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and c_bot[1] >= c_bot[2] and c_bot[1] <= c_top[2] and close[1] > high[2]) and
     (gc and b_per > 70 and c_bot >= c_bot[1] and c_bot <= c_top[1] and close > high[1]);
def msCond = (rc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
             (rc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and open[1] < close[2]) and
             (gc and close > hl2[2]);
def bullHaramiCond = gc and (high <= c_top[1] and low >= c_bot[1]) and rc[1];
def tbCond = (RoundDown(low, 2) - RoundDown(low[1], 2)) == 0 and gc and rc[1];

def hammer_ = count(hCond, minor_bear).cond;
def hammer_per = count(hCond, minor_bear).per;
def hammer_cnt = count(hCond, minor_bear).cnt;

def inv_hammer = count(ihCond , minor_bear).cond;
def inv_hammer_per = count(ihCond, minor_bear).per;
def inv_hammer_cnt = count(ihCond, minor_bear).cnt;

def rising_3 = count(r3Cond, minor_bull[4]).cond;
def rising_3_per = count(r3Cond, minor_bull[4]).per;
def rising_3_cnt = count(r3Cond, minor_bull[4]).cnt;

def bull_engulfing = count(bullEngCond, minor_bear).cond;
def bull_engulfing_per = count(bullEngCond, minor_bear).per;
def bull_engulfing_cnt = count(bullEngCond, minor_bear).cnt;

def soldiers = count(twsCond, minor_bear[2]).cond;
def soldiers_per = count(twsCond, minor_bear[2]).per;
def soldiers_cnt = count(twsCond, minor_bear[2]).cnt;

def m_star = count(msCond, minor_bear[2]).cond;
def m_star_per = count(msCond, minor_bear[2]).per;
def m_star_cnt = count(msCond, minor_bear[2]).cnt;

def bull_harami = count(bullHaramiCond, minor_bear[1]).cond;
def bull_harami_per = count(bullHaramiCond, minor_bear[1]).per;
def bull_harami_cnt = count(bullHaramiCond, minor_bear[1]).cnt;

def tweezer_btm = count(tbCond, minor_bear[1]).cond;
def tweezer_btm_per = count(tbCond, minor_bear[1]).per;
def tweezer_btm_cnt = count(tbCond, minor_bear[1]).cnt;

#// Bearish patterns
def ssCond = (hw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and lw_per < 2 and !doji);
def hmCond = (lw_per > (b_per * 2) and b_per < 50 and hw_per < 2 and !doji);
def f3Cond = (rc[4] and b_per[4] > 50) and
             (gc[3] and c_top[3] <= high[4] and c_bot[3] >= low[4]) and
             (gc[2] and c_top[2] <= high[4] and c_bot[2] >= low[4]) and
             (gc[1] and c_top[1] <= high[4] and c_bot[1] >= low[4]) and
             (rc and close < low[4] and b_per > 50);
def bearCond = (f3Cond and minor_bear[4]);
def bearEngCond = gc[1] and rc and (bod_width > (bod_width[1] / 2)) and
                 (open > close[1]) and c_bot < c_bot[1] and !bearCond and !doji[1];
def tbcCond = (rc[2] and b_per[2] > 70) and (rc[1] and b_per[1] > 70 and
            c_top[1] <= c_top[2] and c_top[1] >= c_bot[2] and close[1] < low[2]) and
           (rc and b_per > 70 and c_top <= c_top[1] and c_top >= c_bot[1] and close < low[1]);
def esCond = (gc[2] and b_per[2] > 80) and
             (gc[1] and bod_width[1] < (bod_width[2] / 2) and open[1] > close[2]) and
             (rc and close < hl2[2]);
def bearHaramiCond = rc and (high <= c_top[1] and low >= c_bot[1]) and gc[1];
def ttCond = (RoundDown(high, 2) - RoundDown(high[1], 2))==0 and rc and gc[1];

def s_star = count(ssCond, minor_bull).cond;
def s_star_per = count(ssCond, minor_bull).per;
def s_star_cnt = count(ssCond, minor_bull).cnt;

def h_man = count(hmCond, minor_bull).cond;
def h_man_per = count(hmCond, minor_bull).per;
def h_man_cnt = count(hmCond, minor_bull).cnt;

def falling_3 = count(f3Cond, minor_bear[4]).cond;
def falling_3_per = count(f3Cond, minor_bear[4]).per;
def falling_3_cnt = count(f3Cond, minor_bear[4]).cnt;

def bear_engulfing = count(bearEngCond, minor_bull).cond;
def bear_engulfing_per = count(bearEngCond, minor_bull).per;
def bear_engulfing_cnt = count(bearEngCond, minor_bull).cnt;

def crows = count(tbcCond, minor_bull[2]).cond;
def crows_per = count(tbcCond, minor_bull[2]).per;
def crows_cnt = count(tbcCond, minor_bull[2]).cnt;

def e_star = count(esCond, minor_bull[2]).cond;
def e_star_per = count(esCond, minor_bull[2]).per;
def e_star_cnt = count(esCond, minor_bull[2]).cnt;

def bear_harami = count(bearHaramiCond, minor_bull[1]).cond;
def bear_harami_per = count(bearHaramiCond, minor_bull[1]).per;
def bear_harami_cnt = count(bearHaramiCond, minor_bull[1]).cnt;

def tweezer_top = count(ttCond, minor_bull[1]).cond;
def tweezer_top_per = count(ttCond, minor_bull[1]).cond;
def tweezer_top_cnt = count(ttCond, minor_bull[1]).cond;   

#// Bullish Stats

AddLabel(dash and hammer_per, "Hammer(" + hammer_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and inv_hammer_per, "Inverted Hammer(" + inv_hammer_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and bull_engulfing_per, "Bullish Engulfing(" + bull_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and rising_3_per, "Rising 3(" + rising_3_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and soldiers_per, "3 White Soldiers(" + soldiers_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and m_star_per, "Morning Star(" + m_star_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and bull_harami_per, "Bull Harami(" + bull_harami_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(dash and tweezer_btm_per, "Tweezer Bottom(" + tweezer_btm_per + "%)", Color.GREEN);
# // Bearish Stats
AddLabel(dash and h_man_per, "Hanging Man(" + h_man_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and s_star_per, "Shooting Star(" + s_star_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and bear_engulfing_per, "Bear Engulfing(" + bear_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and falling_3_per, "Falling 3(" + falling_3_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and crows_per, "3 Black Crows(" + crows_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and e_star_per, "Evening Star(" + e_star_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and bear_harami_per, "Bear Harami(" + bear_harami_per + "%)", Color.RED);
AddLabel(dash and tweezer_top_per, "Tweezer Top(" + tweezer_top_per + "%)", Color.RED);

script Ranking {
    input v0 = 0;
    input v1 = 0;
    input v2 = 0;
    input v3 = 0;
    input v4 = 0;
    input v5 = 0;
    input v6 = 0;
    input v7 = 0;
    input v8 = 0;
    def r1 = v0 > v1;
    def r2 = v0 > v2;
    def r3 = v0 > v3;
    def r4 = v0 > v4;
    def r5 = v0 > v5;
    def r6 = v0 > v6;
    def r7 = v0 > v7;
    def r8 = v0 > v8;
    plot result = r1 + r2 + r3 + r4 + r5 + r6 + r7 + r8 + 1;
#-- Bull
def ham = Ranking(hammer_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def inv = Ranking(inv_hammer_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def bEng = Ranking(bull_engulfing_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def rsi3 = Ranking(rising_3_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def sold = Ranking(soldiers_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def mstar = Ranking(m_star_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def bHar = Ranking(bull_harami_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
def TwzB = Ranking(tweezer_btm_per, hammer_per, inv_hammer_per, bull_engulfing_per, rising_3_per, soldiers_per, m_star_per, bull_harami_per, tweezer_btm_per);
#-- Bull cnt
def hamcnt = Ranking(hammer_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
def invcnt = Ranking(inv_hammer_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
def bEngcnt = Ranking(bull_engulfing_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
def rsi3cnt = Ranking(rising_3_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
def soldcnt = Ranking(soldiers_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
def mstarcnt = Ranking(m_star_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
def bHarcnt = Ranking(bull_harami_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
def TwzBcnt = Ranking(tweezer_btm_cnt, hammer_cnt, inv_hammer_cnt, bull_engulfing_cnt, rising_3_cnt, soldiers_cnt, m_star_cnt, bull_harami_cnt, tweezer_btm_cnt);
#-- bear
def hang = Ranking(h_man_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sstar = Ranking(s_star_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sEng = Ranking(bear_engulfing_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def fall3 = Ranking(falling_3_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def crow = Ranking(crows_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def estar = Ranking(e_star_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def sHar = Ranking(bear_harami_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
def TwzT = Ranking(tweezer_top_per, h_man_per, s_star_per, bear_engulfing_per, falling_3_per, crows_per, e_star_per, bear_harami_per, tweezer_top_per);
#-- bear Count
def hangcnt = Ranking(h_man_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);
def sstarcnt = Ranking(s_star_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);
def sEngcnt = Ranking(bear_engulfing_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);
def fall3cnt = Ranking(falling_3_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);
def crowcnt = Ranking(crows_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);
def estarcnt = Ranking(e_star_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);
def sHarcnt = Ranking(bear_harami_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);
def TwzTcnt = Ranking(tweezer_top_cnt, h_man_cnt, s_star_cnt, bear_engulfing_cnt, falling_3_cnt, crows_cnt, e_star_cnt, bear_harami_cnt, tweezer_top_cnt);

def maxBull = Max(ham, Max(inv, Max(bEng, Max(rsi3, Max(sold, Max(mstar, Max(bHar, TwzB)))))));
def maxBear = Max(hang, Max(sstar, Max(sEng, Max(fall3, Max(crow, Max(estar, Max(sHar, TwzT)))))));
def cntBull = Max(hamcnt, Max(invcnt, Max(bEngcnt, Max(rsi3cnt, Max(soldcnt, Max(mstarcnt, Max(bHarcnt,TwzBcnt)))))));
def cntBear = Max(hangcnt,Max(sstarcnt, Max(sEngcnt, Max(fall3cnt, Max(crowcnt,Max(estarcnt, Max(sHarcnt,TwzTcnt)))))));

def hiBull = if maxBull == ham   then 8 else
             if maxBull == inv   then 7 else
             if maxBull == bEng  then 6 else
             if maxBull == rsi3  then 5 else
             if maxBull == sold  then 4 else
             if maxBull == mstar then 3 else
             if maxBull == bHar  then 2 else 1;
def hiBear = if maxBear == hang  then 8 else
             if maxBear == sstar then 7 else
             if maxBear == sEng  then 6 else
             if maxBear == fall3 then 5 else
             if maxBear == crow  then 4 else
             if maxBear == estar then 3 else
             if maxBear == sHar  then 2 else 1;
def cnBull = if cntBull == hamcnt   then 8 else
             if cntBull == invcnt   then 7 else
             if cntBull == bEngcnt  then 6 else
             if cntBull == rsi3cnt  then 5 else
             if cntBull == soldcnt  then 4 else
             if cntBull == mstarcnt then 3 else
             if cntBull == bHarcnt  then 2 else 1;
def cnBear = if cntBear == hangcnt  then 8 else
             if cntBear == sstarcnt then 7 else
             if cntBear == sEngcnt  then 6 else
             if cntBear == fall3cnt then 5 else
             if cntBear == crowcnt  then 4 else
             if cntBear == estarcnt then 3 else
             if cntBear == sHarcnt  then 2 else 1;

AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 8, "Hammer(" + hammer_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 7, "Inverted Hammer(" + inv_hammer_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 6, "Bullish Engulfing(" + bull_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 5, "Rising 3(" + rising_3_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 4, "3 White Soldiers(" + soldiers_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 3, "Morning Star(" + m_star_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 2, "Bull Harami(" + bull_harami_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBull and hiBull == 1, "Tweezer Bottom(" + tweezer_btm_per + "%)", Color.CYAN);
# bear
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 8, "Hanging Man(" + h_man_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 7, "Shooting Star(" + s_star_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 6, "Bear Engulfing(" + bear_engulfing_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 5, "Falling 3(" + falling_3_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 4, "3 Black Crows(" + crows_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 3, "Evening Star(" + e_star_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 2, "Bear Harami(" + bear_harami_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);
AddLabel(topRe and maxBear and hiBear == 1, "Tweezer Top(" + tweezer_top_per + "%)", Color.MAGENTA);

#//Bullish patterns
AddChartBubble(hammerTog and hammer_ and !hammer_[1] and major_bull, low, "H",
                if cnBull == 8 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(ihammerTog and inv_hammer and !inv_hammer[1] and major_bull, low, "IH",
                if cnBull == 7 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(bulleTog and bull_engulfing and !bull_engulfing[1] and major_bull, low, "EG",
                if cnBull == 6 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(r3Tog and rising_3 and !rising_3[1] and major_bull, low, "R3",
                if cnBull == 5 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(twsTog and soldiers and !soldiers[1] and major_bull, low, "3WS",
                if cnBull == 4 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(mstarTog and m_star and !m_star[1] and major_bull, low, "MS",
                if cnBull == 3 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(bullhTog and bull_harami and !bull_harami[1] and major_bull, low, "H",
                if cnBull == 2 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(btmTweezTog and tweezer_btm and !tweezer_btm[1] and major_bull, low, "TB",
                if cnBull == 1 then Color.CYAN else Color.GREEN, no);

#//Bearish patterns
AddChartBubble(hmanTog and h_man and !h_man[1] and major_bear, high, "HM",
               if cnBear == 8 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(sstarTog and s_star and !s_star[1] and major_bear, high, "SS",
               if cnBear == 7 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(beareTog and bear_engulfing and !bear_engulfing[1] and major_bear, high, "EG",
               if cnBear == 6 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(f3Tog and falling_3 and !falling_3[1] and major_bear, high, "F3",
               if cnBear == 5 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(tbcTog and crows and !crows[1] and major_bear, high, "3BC",
               if cnBear == 4 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(estarTog and e_star and !e_star[1] and major_bear, high, "ES",
               if cnBear == 3 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(bearhTog and bear_harami and !bear_harami[1] and major_bear, high, "H",
               if cnBear == 2 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(topTweezTog and tweezer_top and !tweezer_top[1] and major_bear, high, "TT",
               if cnBear == 1 then Color.MAGENTA else Color.RED);
# end of code

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