Camarilla Pivot Points Day Trading System For ThinkOrSwim

All good, I appreciate the apology.

But again, you can look at my code to see the calculation for yourself. DAS is not the be-all-end-all only correct lines, because some ETFs and stocks continue trading but DAS stops and therefore doesn't use ALL of the data. So again, ToS is using ALL of the data from all of the time the stock is actually trading. If you don't believe me look at SPY how long it trades on ToS vs. DAS.

So back to the point here, my calculations are the correct ones, ToS just has more data so it could be considered MORE accurate.

And Thor himself has explained this difference in his mentorship, and also recommends people my ToS cams study.
For anyone interested I went into more detail on the differences here. Thor himself explained the differences in platforms in his mentorship and recommends mine to ToS users regularly.

But I would also just say that I wouldn't recommend anyone use ToS alone for his strategy because it relies so highly on full Level 2 and proper hotkeys.
Last edited:
For anyone interested I went into more detail on the differences here. Thor himself explained the differences in platforms in his mentorship and recommends line to ToS users regularly.

But I would also just say that I wouldn't recommend anyone use ToS alone for his strategy because it relies so highly on full Level 2 and proper hotkeys.
There really is no differences after I followed your more than simple instructions of what to click in the setup. I can't believe I missed that whole section but they work flawlessly. This is amazing. And I thank you personally for understanding and also creating this wonderful too. It's spot on.
uTSusr07A is right, Bookmapp is about as close as you can get afaik, $39/mo with ToS.
I'd actually say Bookmap is superior to DAS, as it incorporates the current & historic Orderbook(Level 2) visually, but also time*sales beautifully in terms of its Volume dots, as well chart/session volume profile(Volume by price) and the usual volume by time...all in a consolidated graphical representation in a single window.

Its worth every .01$ IMO.
I'd actually say Bookmap is superior to DAS, as it incorporates the current & historic Orderbook(Level 2) visually, but also time*sales beautifully in terms of its Volume dots, as well chart/session volume profile(Volume by price) and the usual volume by time...all in a consolidated graphical representation in a single window.

Its worth every .01$ IMO.
Agreed, I use both. L2 does show some stuff quicker though.
I just want to say I'm dumb. @Wiinii is a genius and I can't follow simple instructions. These match up perfectly with Thor's pivots. I love it. Great job @Wiinii!
@Wiinii script is well written thanks ! I see Thor has DAS and the pricing seems a bit high so Im glad you took the time to create it for TOS. thanks again !I had the premarket off at first , Im not done with his book so I figured Id tinker with it a little at a time.
@Wiinii script is well written thanks ! I see Thor has DAS and the pricing seems a bit high so Im glad you took the time to create it for TOS. thanks again !I had the premarket off at first , Im not done with his book so I figured Id tinker with it a little at a time.
Exactly, that's why I love the indicator now. Using it today. @Wiinii is truly a class act and he's got a fanboy for life now lol!
This is a complete trading strategy indicator built around Thor Young's book A Complete Day Trading System.

It includes:
  • Camarilla Pivot Points - Both with and without premarket data.
  • Label on chart showing whether to use cams with or without PMD. See animated gif.
  • Auto option shows only the cams needed based on the above!
  • Optionally show both cams with and without PMD at all times, or only one or the other.
  • Floor Pivots 3, 4, and Central. (Can be toggled on and off).
  • Option to hide cam levels 1, 2 and 5 (hidden by default).
  • Use the bubblemover settings to put the bubbles where you want them on the chart (w one is for w/PMD).
  • S/R4a and S/R4wa are optional, but it allows the dual colors for those levels which you'll see by default. I recommend making the green S4 lines slightly thicker than the red (ex. red 1 green 2) for it to look best.
Shared Link: (or use code below). Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links

I HIGHLY suggest becoming a VIP member here and getting MerryDay's Market Phase / VPA Indicator which complements this perfectly, showing the phases just as Thor teaches them!

Other indicators I also use/recommend:



# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2013-2021
# Some code based on code by SleepyZ & Nube
# Built by Wiinii and based on Thor's book 'A Complete Day Trading System' to include R5 & S5, levels colored accordingly, CAMS with pre-market data, Central Pivot + Floor Pivots 3&4, and label to easily tell you if you should use With or W/O Premarket Data and option only to show the cams based on that!

declare once_per_bar;

input aggregationPeriod = {default "DAY", "WEEK", "MONTH"};
input length = 1;
input ShowBubbles = yes;
input ShowPricesInBubbles = yes;
input PMD_Indicator_Label = yes;
input ShowCams = {default "Auto", "Both", "w/o Only", "w/Only"};
input hide_Floor_Pivots = no;
input hide_s4a_r4a = no;
input hide_s1_r1 = yes;
input hide_s2_r2 = yes;
input hide_s5_r5 = yes;
input lines = {default horizontal, dashes, points, triangles, squares};

Assert(length > 0, "'length' should be positive: " + length);

def yyyymmdd = GetYYYYMMDD();
def month = GetYear() * 12 + GetMonth();
def day_number = DaysFromDate(First(yyyymmdd)) + GetDayOfWeek(First(yyyymmdd));
def period;
switch (aggregationPeriod) {
case DAY:
    period = CountTradingDays(Min(First(yyyymmdd), yyyymmdd), yyyymmdd) - 1;
case WEEK:
    period = Floor(day_number / 7);
case MONTH:
    period = Floor(month - First(month));
def count = CompoundValue(1, if period != period[1] then (count[1] + period - period[1]) % length else count[1], 0);
def start =  CompoundValue(1, count < count[1] + period - period[1], yes);
def highValue = if start then Highest(high(period = aggregationPeriod), length)[1] else if highValue[1] != 0 then highValue[1] else Double.NaN;
def lowValue = if start then Lowest(low(period = aggregationPeriod), length)[1] else if lowValue[1] != 0 then lowValue[1] else Double.NaN;
def closeValue = if start then close(period = aggregationPeriod)[1] else closeValue[1];
def range = highValue - lowValue;

#PMD Indicator Label on Chart ----------------------------------------------

def na = Double.NaN;
def bn = BarNumber();
def h  = high;
def l  = low;

Script prior {
# subscript for getting prior value of a BarNumber() defined variable
    input prior = close;
    def   priorOf = if prior != prior[1] then prior[1] else priorOf[1];
    plot  priorBar = priorOf;
   # variables
def cb   = HighestAll(if !IsNaN(h) then bn else na);
def time = GetTime();
def rts  = RegularTradingStart(GetYYYYMMDD());
def rte  = RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());

def RTH = if   time crosses above rts
          then bn else if time <= rts then bn else RTH[1];

def globex = if   time crosses below rte
             then bn else globex[1];

def priorRTH    = prior(RTH);
def priorGlobex = prior(globex);
def hRTH  = HighestAll(RTH);
def hGX   = HighestAll(globex);
def hPRTH = HighestAll(priorRTH);
def hPGX  = HighestAll(priorGlobex);

def gXhigh = HighestAll(if   bn >= hGX && bn < hRTH
                        then h else if hRTH < hGX && bn >= hGX
                                    then h else na);
def gXlow = LowestAll(if   bn >= hGX && bn < hRTH
                      then l else if hRTH < hGX && bn >= hGX
                                  then l else na);

def priorGBXhigh = HighestAll(if   bn >= hPGX
                              &&   bn <  if   hGX < hRTH
                                         then hGX
                                         else hPGX
                              then h else na);
def priorGBXlow = LowestAll(if   bn >= hPGX
                            &&   bn <  if   hGX < hRTH
                                       then hGX
                                       else hPGX
                            then l else na);
def displace = -1;
def PDHigh = Highest(high(period = aggregationPeriod)[-displace], length);
def PDLow = Lowest(low(period = aggregationPeriod)[-displace], length);
def PD_Close = close(period = aggregationPeriod)[1];

def tm = SecondsFromTime(00);
Def gxClose = if tm crosses below tm[1] then close[1] else gxClose[1];

def wPMD = if gxclose == PD_Close then 0 else if gXhigh > PDHigh or gXlow < PDLow then 1 else 0;

AddLabel (PMD_Indicator_Label, if wPMD then "w/PMD" else "w/o PMD", if wPMD then Color.GREEN else Color.PINK);

#WITHOUT PM DATA ----------------------------------------------------------

plot R6 = (highValue / lowValue) * closeValue;
plot R5 = (closeValue + range * (1.1) / 2) + 1.168 * ((closeValue + range * (1.1) / 2) – (closeValue + range * (1.1) / 4));
plot R4a = closeValue + range * (1.098) / 2;
plot R4 = closeValue + range * (1.1) / 2;
plot R3 = closeValue + range * (1.1) / 4;
plot R2 = closeValue + range * (1.1) / 6;
plot R1 = closeValue + range * (1.1) / 12;
plot S1 = closeValue - range * (1.1) / 12;
plot S2 = closeValue - range * (1.1) / 6;
plot S3 = closeValue - range * (1.1) / 4;
plot S4 = closeValue - range * (1.1) / 2;
plot S4a = closeValue - range * (1.098) / 2;
plot S5 = (closeValue - range * (1.1) / 2) - 1.168 * ((closeValue - range * (1.1) / 4) - (closeValue - range * (1.1) / 2));
plot S6 = (closeValue - (R6 - closeValue));

def hidewo = ShowCams == ShowCams."w/Only" or (ShowCams == ShowCams."Auto" and wPMD is true);
R5.SetHiding(hide_s5_r5 or hidewo);
R4a.SetHiding(hide_s4a_r4a or hidewo);
R2.SetHiding(hide_s2_r2 or hidewo);
R1.SetHiding(hide_s1_r1 or hidewo);
S1.SetHiding(hide_s1_r1 or hidewo);
S2.SetHiding(hide_s2_r2 or hidewo);
S5.SetHiding(hide_s5_r5 or hidewo);


def paintingStrategy = if lines == lines.points then PaintingStrategy.POINTS else if lines == lines.triangles then PaintingStrategy.TRIANGLES else if lines == lines.dashes then PaintingStrategy.DASHES else if lines == lines.horizontal then PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL else PaintingStrategy.SQUARES;


#Bubbles to describe Pivot Levels w/o Premarket Data --------------------------------------

input bubblemover = -20;
def n = bubblemover;
def n1 = n + 1;

def StartPlot = if ShowBubbles == yes and ((ShowCams == ShowCams."Auto" and !wPMD is true or  aggregationPeriod != aggregationPeriod."DAY") or ShowCams == ShowCams."Both" or ShowCams == ShowCams."w/o Only") then (IsNaN(close[n]) and !IsNaN(close[n1])) else Double.NaN;

AddChartBubble(StartPlot, R6[n1], "R6 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R6[n1]) else ""), Color.PINK,   if close[n1] > R6[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot and hide_s5_r5 == no, R5[n1], "R5 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R5[n1]) else ""), Color.GRAY,   if close[n1] > R5[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot, R4[n1], "R4 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R4[n1]) else ""), Color.ORANGE,   if close[n1] > R4[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot, R3[n1], "R3 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R3[n1]) else ""), Color.PINK,   if close[n1] > R3[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot and hide_s2_r2 == no, R2[n1], "R2 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R2[n1]) else ""), Color.GRAY,   if close[n1] > R2[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot and hide_s1_r1 == no, R1[n1], "R1 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R1[n1]) else ""), Color.GRAY,   if close[n1] > R1[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot, S6[n1], "S6 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S6[n1]) else ""), Color.LIGHT_GREEN, if close[n1] > S6[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot and hide_s5_r5 == no, S5[n1], "S5 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S5[n1]) else ""), Color.GRAY, if close[n1] > S5[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot, S4[n1], "S4 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S4[n1]) else ""), Color.ORANGE, if close[n1] > S4[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot, S3[n1], "S3 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S3[n1]) else ""), Color.LIGHT_GREEN, if close[n1] > S3[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot and hide_s2_r2 == no, S2[n1], "S2 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S2[n1]) else ""), Color.GRAY, if close[n1] > S2[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot and hide_s1_r1 == no, S1[n1], "S1 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S1[n1]) else ""), Color.GRAY, if close[n1] > S1[n1] then no else yes);



#WITH PREMAREKET DATA-------------------------------------------------------

#plot ExtClose = gxClose;
#PreviousHighGBX = priorGBXhigh;
#PreviousLowGPX  = priorGBXlow;
#gbxClose = gxClose;
#AddChartBubble(ShowBubbles && bn == cb, priorGBXhigh, "pGBX High", Color.light_green);
#AddChartBubble(ShowBubbles  && bn == cb, priorGBXlow, "pGBX Low",,0);
#AddChartBubble(ShowBubbles  && bn == cb, gxClose, "pGBX close", Color.white,0);

def rangew = priorGBXhigh - priorGBXlow;
plot R6w = (priorGBXhigh / priorGBXlow) * gxClose;
plot R5w = (gxClose + rangew * (1.1) / 2) + 1.168 * ((gxClose + rangew * (1.1) / 2) – (gxClose + rangew * (1.1) / 4));
plot R4wa = gxClose + rangew * (1.098) / 2;
plot R4w = gxClose + rangew * (1.1) / 2;
plot R3w = gxClose + rangew * (1.1) / 4;
plot R2w = gxClose + rangew * (1.1) / 6;
plot R1w = gxClose + rangew * (1.1) / 12;
plot S1w = gxClose - rangew * (1.1) / 12;
plot S2w = gxClose - rangew * (1.1) / 6;
plot S3w = gxClose - rangew * (1.1) / 4;
plot S4w = gxClose - rangew * (1.1) / 2;
plot S4wa = gxClose - rangew * (1.098) / 2;
plot S5w = (gxClose - rangew * (1.1) / 2) - 1.168 * ((gxClose - range * (1.1) / 4) - (gxClose - rangew * (1.1) / 2));
plot S6w = (gxClose - (R6w - gxClose));

def hidew = ShowCams == ShowCams."w/o Only" or (ShowCams == ShowCams."Auto" and !wPMD);
R5w.SetHiding(hide_s5_r5 or hidew);
R2w.SetHiding(hide_s2_r2 or hidew);
R1w.SetHiding(hide_s1_r1 or hidew);
S1w.SetHiding(hide_s1_r1 or hidew);
S2w.SetHiding(hide_s2_r2 or hidew);
S4wa.SetHiding(hide_s4a_r4a or hidew);
S5w.SetHiding(hide_s5_r5 or hidew);



#Bubbles to describe Pivot Levels w/Premarket Data ------------------------------------

input w_bubblemover = -50;
def n2 = w_bubblemover;
def n3 = n2 + 1;

def StartPlot2 = if ShowBubbles == yes and ((ShowCams == ShowCams."Auto" and wPMD) or ShowCams == ShowCams."Both" or ShowCams == ShowCams."w/Only") then (IsNaN(close[n2]) and !IsNaN(close[n3])) else Double.NaN;

AddChartBubble(StartPlot2, R6w[n3], "R6w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R6w[n3]) else ""), Color.PINK,   if close[n3] > R6w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2 and hide_s5_r5 == no, R5w[n3], "R5w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R5w[n3]) else ""), Color.GRAY,   if close[n3] > R5w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2, R4w[n3], "R4w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R4w[n3]) else ""), Color.ORANGE,   if close[n3] > R4w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2, R3w[n3], "R3w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R3w[n3]) else ""), Color.PINK,   if close[n3] > R3w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2 and hide_s2_r2 == no, R2w[n3], "R2w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R2w[n3]) else ""), Color.GRAY,   if close[n3] > R2w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2 and hide_s1_r1 == no, R1w[n3], "R1w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(R1w[n3]) else ""), Color.GRAY,   if close[n3] > R1w[n3] then no else yes);

AddChartBubble(StartPlot2, S6w[n3], "S6w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S6w[n3]) else ""), Color.LIGHT_GREEN, if close[n3] > S6w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2 and hide_s5_r5 == no, S5w[n3], "S5w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S5w[n3]) else ""), Color.GRAY, if close[n3] > S5w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2, S4w[n3], "S4w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S4w[n3]) else ""), Color.ORANGE, if close[n3] > S4w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2, S3w[n3], "S3w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S3w[n3]) else ""), Color.LIGHT_GREEN, if close[n3] > S3w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2 and hide_s2_r2 == no, S2w[n3], "S2w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S2w[n3]) else ""), Color.GRAY, if close[n3] > S2w[n3] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot2 and hide_s1_r1 == no, S1w[n3], "S1w " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(S1w[n3]) else ""), Color.GRAY, if close[n3] > S1w[n3] then no else yes);



#Floor Pivots Add-on------------------------------------------------------------------
def PH = high(period = aggregationPeriod)[1];
def PL = low(period = aggregationPeriod)[1];
def PC = close(period = aggregationPeriod)[1];
def PP = (PH + PL + PC) / 3.0;
def bc = (PH + PL) / 2.0;
def tc = (PP - bc) + PP;

plot FR4 = PH + (3 * (PP - PL));
plot FR3 = PH + (2 * (PP - PL));
plot CP = PP;
plot FS3 = PL - (2 * (PH - PP));
plot FS4 = PL - (3 * (PH - PP));


FR4.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(102, 0, 204));
FS4.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(102, 0, 204));


def StartPlot3 = if ShowBubbles == yes and hide_Floor_Pivots == no then (IsNaN(close[n]) and !IsNaN(close[n1])) else Double.NaN;

AddChartBubble(StartPlot3, CP[n1], "CP " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(CP[n1]) else ""), Color.YELLOW,   if close[n1] > CP[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot3, FR4[n1], "FR4 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(FR4[n1]) else ""), (CreateColor(102, 0, 204)), if close[n1] > FR4[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot3, FR3[n1], "FR3 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(FR3[n1]) else ""), Color.MAGENTA,   if close[n1] > FR3[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot3, FS4[n1], "FS4 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(FS4[n1]) else ""), (CreateColor(102, 0, 204)), if close[n1] > FS4[n1] then no else yes);
AddChartBubble(StartPlot3, FS3[n1], "FS3 " + (if ShowPricesInBubbles then AsText(FS3[n1]) else ""), Color.MAGENTA, if close[n1] > FS3[n1] then no else yes);

@Wiinii - I just wanted to say thank you for creating this. I am not ready for it yet but I know what it is and I appreciate your willingness to share with the community. Full props!
@Wiinii Thank you so much for all of your hard work on these wonderful tools, they really are amazing. As a former DAS user, I was able to include the cam levels on my chart, but in a way that didn't cram all of the levels into every zoomed level on the chart. For instance, when a stock was gapped up and I was zoomed tightly on the one-minute chart, I could, say, only see R3 and R4 levels, because that's where the price action was at the time. It did not force all of the levels onto every view I chose, which distorts the way the candles look. Is there a way to do this with your script, or am I missing something? Thank you again!
@Wiinii Thank you so much for all of your hard work on these wonderful tools, they really are amazing. As a former DAS user, I was able to include the cam levels on my chart, but in a way that didn't cram all of the levels into every zoomed level on the chart. For instance, when a stock was gapped up and I was zoomed tightly on the one-minute chart, I could, say, only see R3 and R4 levels, because that's where the price action was at the time. It did not force all of the levels onto every view I chose, which distorts the way the candles look. Is there a way to do this with your script, or am I missing something? Thank you again!

If I understand you correctly, MerryDay answers that here. You can otherwise put your mouse on the price to the right of the chart and drag it up and down to zoom up and down.
Thanks for sharing this, Wiinii. I am a newbie to ToS. I have Thor's book and I am also trying to understand the cam levels work in ToS.

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