#DataProfile - Using Close based upon the input method. Green is 'buying' and Red is the 'selling' beyond the 'buying'. (The Red is actually the total of buying and selling with the buying overlaid on the red)
#20211130 Sleepyz
input method = {default close_open, buying_selling_volume, buying_selling_pressure};
def c = close;
def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def v = volume;
# Buying vs. Selling Power
# Assembled by BenTen at UseThinkScript.com
# Converted from https://www.tradingview.com/script/XZ3UXRvL-buy-vs-sell-power-x/
input s = 5;
input m = 9;
input len = 14;
input paintbar = yes;
def source = close;
def hilow = ((high - low) * 100);
def openclose = ((close - open) * 100);
def vol = (close / hilow);
def spreadv = (openclose * close);
def pt = spreadv + TotalSum(spreadv);
def a = ExpAverage(pt, len) - ExpAverage(pt, m);
def b = ExpAverage(pt, s) - ExpAverage(pt, m);
def p = a + b;
def blue = b;
def red = p;
def bullishRule = b >= p;
def bearishRule = b <= p;
AssignPriceColor(if paintbar and bullishRule then Color.CYAN else if paintbar and bearishRule then Color.MAGENTA else Color.CURRENT);
def test;
switch (method) {
case close_open:
test = if c > o then close else if c < o then double.nan else test[1];
case buying_selling_volume:
test = if ((c - l) / (h - l) * volume) > ((h - c) / (h - l) * volume) then close else test[1];
case buying_selling_pressure:
test = if b >= p then close else test[1];
def buy = test;
def Data = close;
input pricePerRowHeightMode = { default AUTOMATIC, TICKSIZE, CUSTOM};
input customRowHeight = 1.0;
input timePerProfile = { CHART, MINUTE, HOUR, default DAY, WEEK, MONTH, "OPT EXP", BAR};
input multiplier = 1;
input onExpansion = no;
input profiles = 3;
input showPointOfControl = yes;
input showValueArea = no;
input valueAreaPercent = 70;
input opacity = 100;
def period;
def yyyymmdd = GetYYYYMMDD();
def seconds = SecondsFromTime(0);
def month = GetYear() * 12 + GetMonth();
def day_number = DaysFromDate(First(yyyymmdd)) + GetDayOfWeek(First(yyyymmdd));
def dom = GetDayOfMonth(yyyymmdd);
def dow = GetDayOfWeek(yyyymmdd - dom + 1);
def expthismonth = (if dow > 5 then 27 else 20) - dow;
def exp_opt = month + (dom > expthismonth);
switch (timePerProfile) {
case CHART:
period = 0;
case MINUTE:
period = Floor(seconds / 60 + day_number * 24 * 60);
case HOUR:
period = Floor(seconds / 3600 + day_number * 24);
case DAY:
period = CountTradingDays(Min(First(yyyymmdd), yyyymmdd), yyyymmdd) - 1;
case WEEK:
period = Floor(day_number / 7);
case MONTH:
period = Floor(month - First(month));
case "OPT EXP":
period = exp_opt - First(exp_opt);
case BAR:
period = BarNumber() - 1;
def count = CompoundValue(1, if period != period[1] then (count[1] + period - period[1]) % multiplier else count[1], 0);
def cond = count < count[1] + period - period[1];
def height;
switch (pricePerRowHeightMode) {
height = PricePerRow.AUTOMATIC;
height = PricePerRow.TICKSIZE;
case CUSTOM:
height = customRowHeight;
profile datatype = DataProfile("data" = Data, "startNewProfile" = cond, "onExpansion" = onExpansion, "numberOfProfiles" = profiles, "pricePerRow" = height, "value area percent" = valueAreaPercent);
def con = CompoundValue(1, onExpansion, no);
def pc = if IsNaN(datatype.GetPointOfControl()) and con then pc[1] else datatype.GetPointOfControl();
def hVA = if IsNaN(datatype.GetHighestValueArea()) and con then hVA[1] else datatype.GetHighestValueArea();
def lVA = if IsNaN(datatype.GetLowestValueArea()) and con then lVA[1] else datatype.GetLowestValueArea();
def hProfile = if IsNaN(datatype.GetHighest()) and con then hProfile[1] else datatype.GetHighest();
def lProfile = if IsNaN(datatype.GetLowest()) and con then lProfile[1] else datatype.GetLowest();
def plotsDomain = IsNaN(close) == onExpansion;
plot POC = if plotsDomain then pc else Double.NaN;
plot ProfileHigh = if plotsDomain then hProfile else Double.NaN;
plot ProfileLow = if plotsDomain then lProfile else Double.NaN;
plot VAHigh = if plotsDomain then hVA else Double.NaN;
plot VALow = if plotsDomain then lVA else Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("Profile", Color.LIGHT_RED);
DefineGlobalColor("Point Of Control", GetColor(5));
DefineGlobalColor("Value Area", GetColor(8));
datatype.Show(GlobalColor("Profile"), if showPointOfControl then GlobalColor("Point Of Control") else Color.CURRENT, if showValueArea then GlobalColor("Value Area") else Color.CURRENT);
POC.SetDefaultColor(GlobalColor("Point Of Control"));
VAHigh.SetDefaultColor(GlobalColor("Value Area"));
VALow.SetDefaultColor(GlobalColor("Value Area"));
profile datatype2 = DataProfile("data" = test, "startNewProfile" = cond, "onExpansion" = onExpansion, "numberOfProfiles" = profiles, "pricePerRow" = height, "value area percent" = valueAreaPercent);
def con2 = CompoundValue(1, onExpansion, no);
def pc2 = if IsNaN(datatype2.GetPointOfControl()) and con2 then pc2[1] else datatype2.GetPointOfControl();
def hVA2 = if IsNaN(datatype2.GetHighestValueArea()) and con2 then hVA2[1] else datatype2.GetHighestValueArea();
def lVA2 = if IsNaN(datatype2.GetLowestValueArea()) and con2 then lVA2[1] else datatype2.GetLowestValueArea();
def hProfile2 = if IsNaN(datatype2.GetHighest()) and con2 then hProfile2[1] else datatype2.GetHighest();
def lProfile2 = if IsNaN(datatype2.GetLowest()) and con2 then lProfile2[1] else datatype2.GetLowest();
def plotsDomain2 = IsNaN(close) == onExpansion;
plot POC2 = if plotsDomain2 then pc2 else Double.NaN;
plot ProfileHigh2 = if plotsDomain2 then hProfile2 else Double.NaN;
plot ProfileLow2 = if plotsDomain2 then lProfile2 else Double.NaN;
plot VAHigh2 = if plotsDomain2 then hVA2 else Double.NaN;
plot VALow2 = if plotsDomain2 then lVA2 else Double.NaN;
DefineGlobalColor("Profile2", Color.GREEN);
datatype2.Show(GlobalColor("Profile2"), if showPointOfControl then GlobalColor("Point Of Control") else Color.CURRENT, if showValueArea then GlobalColor("Value Area") else Color.CURRENT, opacity);