Repaints Bulkowski Double Bottom Indicator for ThinkorSwim



Staff member
This indicator was created for ThinkorSwim based on Bulkowski's Double Bottom Setup. You can learn more about the pattern, examples, and how to trade it here.


The Bulkowski Double Bottom indicator highlights a few things on your chart:
  • First Pivot
  • Pivot Low
  • Double Bottom Price
  • Breakout Price

thinkScript Code

# Bulkowski Double Bottom Pattern
# TASC Aril 2019
# Nube 3.30.19
# v 0.02, unsuccessfully trying to mark the first pivot of the pattern

    # INPUTS
input pivotLength = 4;
input maxDoubleBottomWidth = 24;
input tolerancePercentage = 1.5;
input ticksAboveDoubleBottomHigh = 1;

# Universal
def h = high;
def l = low;
def nan = Double.NaN;
def x = BarNumber();
def tick = TickSize();
# Study Specific
def lowPivotBar = if !GetMinValueOffset(l, pivotLength + 1)
                  and GetMinValueOffset(l, pivotLength + 1)[-pivotLength + 1] ==
                      pivotLength - 1
                  then x
                  else lowPivotBar[1];
def lowPivot = if x == lowPivotBar
               then x   
               else nan;
def lowPivotPrice = if x == lowPivotBar
                    then l
                    else lowPivotPrice[1];
def priorLowPivotBar = if lowPivotBar != lowPivotBar[1]
                       then lowPivotBar[1]
                       else priorLowPivotBar[1];
def priorLowPivotPrice = if x == lowPivotBar
                         then GetValue(l,  lowPivotBar - priorLowPivotBar)
                         else priorLowPivotPrice[1];
def hh = if x crosses above lowPivotBar
         then h
         else if h > hh[1]
              then h
              else hh[1];
def highBetweenPivots = if x == lowPivotBar
                        then hh
                        else highBetweenPivots[1];
# Checking for pivot lows being within tolerancePercentage
def doubleBottom = if Between(lowPivotPrice,
                              priorLowPivotPrice * (1 - tolerancePercentage * .01),
                              priorLowPivotPrice * (1 + tolerancePercentage * .01))
                   and lowPivotBar - priorLowPivotBar <= maxDoubleBottomWidth
                   then Min(lowPivotPrice,priorLowPivotPrice)
                   else nan;
# invalidating pattern when price breaks below the doubleBottom price
def valid = if IsNaN(doubleBottom[1])
            and !IsNaN(doubleBottom)
            then 1
            else if l crosses below doubleBottom
                 then 0
                 else valid[1];

    # Plots
PivotLow = x == lowPivotBar;

DoubleBottomPrice = if valid then doubleBottom else nan;

BreakoutPrice = if DoubleBottomPrice
                then highBetweenPivots + ticksAboveDoubleBottomHigh * tick
                else nan;

AddChartBubble(DoubleBottomPrice and IsNaN(DoubleBottomPrice[-1]), DoubleBottomPrice, DoubleBottomPrice+" Bottomm Price", Color.Red, 0);
AddChartBubble(BreakoutPrice and IsNaN(BreakoutPrice[-1]), BreakOutPrice, "Breakout Price"+ BreakOutPrice, Color.Green);

# f/  Bulkowski Double Bottom Pattern from April 2019 TASC this section still incorrect. Attempting to mark first pivot
def untilDB = fold i = -maxDoubleBottomWidth + 1 to 0
              with u
              while IsNaN(doubleBottom)
              do u + GetValue(IsNaN(doubleBottom), i);
def firstPivot = !IsNaN(lowPivot) and
                 IsNaN(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB)) and
                 Between(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB -1),
                         l * (1 - tolerancePercentage * .01),
                         l * (1 + tolerancePercentage * .01));

AddChartBubble(firstPivot, l, "First Pivot", Color.Red, 0);

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  • Pm0SPMF.png
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Hello, i'm just new here, and just want to know if there is any script for double top/bottom candles, thanks a lot guys !
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Welcome. Unfortunately there is nothing like that at the moment. I'm afraid you will have to identify the candlestick pattern yourself.
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@Cleartarget Sure. I basically just commented all the other plots out except the "DoubleBottomPrice" plot. That's the only plot you need for the scan (scans only allow one plot) that determines whether a double bottom exists in a stock or not.

# Bulkowski Double Bottom Pattern
# TASC Aril 2019
# Nube 3.30.19
# v 0.02, unsuccessfully trying to mark the first pivot of the pattern

    # INPUTS
input pivotLength = 1;
input maxDoubleBottomWidth = 24;
input tolerancePercentage = 1.5;
input ticksAboveDoubleBottomHigh = 1;

        ## Universal
def h = high;
def l = low;
def nan = Double.NaN;
def x = BarNumber();
def tick = TickSize();
        ## Study Specific
def lowPivotBar = if !GetMinValueOffset(l, pivotLength + 1)
                  and GetMinValueOffset(l, pivotLength + 1)[-pivotLength + 1] ==
                      pivotLength - 1
                  then x
                  else lowPivotBar[1];
def lowPivot = if x == lowPivotBar
               then x 
               else nan;
def lowPivotPrice = if x == lowPivotBar
                    then l
                    else lowPivotPrice[1];
def priorLowPivotBar = if lowPivotBar != lowPivotBar[1]
                       then lowPivotBar[1]
                       else priorLowPivotBar[1];
def priorLowPivotPrice = if x == lowPivotBar
                         then GetValue(l,  lowPivotBar - priorLowPivotBar)
                         else priorLowPivotPrice[1];
def hh = if x crosses above lowPivotBar
         then h
         else if h > hh[1]
              then h
              else hh[1];
def highBetweenPivots = if x == lowPivotBar
                        then hh
                        else highBetweenPivots[1];
            ### Checking for pivot lows being within tolerancePercentage
def doubleBottom = if Between(lowPivotPrice,
                              priorLowPivotPrice * (1 - tolerancePercentage * .01),
                              priorLowPivotPrice * (1 + tolerancePercentage * .01))
                   and lowPivotBar - priorLowPivotBar <= maxDoubleBottomWidth
                   then Min(lowPivotPrice,priorLowPivotPrice)
                   else nan;
            ### invalidating pattern when price breaks below the doubleBottom price
def valid = if IsNaN(doubleBottom[1])
            and !IsNaN(doubleBottom)
            then 1
            else if l crosses below doubleBottom
                 then 0
                 else valid[1];

DoubleBottomPrice = if valid then doubleBottom else nan;
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Mobius Version:

# Double Bottom
# Mobius

input Percent_A_to_B = 2;
input Percent_A_to_C = .1;
input nP = 13;
input ShowValues = yes;
input ShowLines = yes;

def AB = Percent_A_to_B / 100;
def AC = Percent_A_to_C / 100;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def bar = BarNumber();
def Ps = 1 + AC;
def Ns = 1 - AC; 

def ll = fold j = 1 to nP + 1 
         with q = 1
         while q
         do l < GetValue(low, -j);

def PivotL = if (bar > nP and 
                 l == Lowest(l, nP) and 
            then l 
            else Double.NaN;

def PL1 = if !isNaN(PivotL) 
          then l 
          else PL1[1];

def PL1Bar = if !IsNaN(PivotL) 
             then bar 
             else PL1Bar[1];

def PL2 = if PL1 != PL1[1]
          then PL1[1]
          else PL2[1];

def PL2Bar = if PL1Bar != PL1Bar[1]
             then Pl1Bar[1] 
             else PL2Bar[1];

def Check1 = if between(PL2, PL1 * Ns, PL1 * Ps)
             then 1
             else 0;

plot Cond1 = HighestAll(if Check1
                        then PL2
                        else double.nan);

def PL3 = if PL2 != PL2[1]
          then PL2[1]
          else PL3[1];

def PL3Bar = if PL2Bar != PL2Bar[1]
             then Pl2Bar[1] 
             else PL3Bar[1];

def Check2 = if between(PL3, PL2 * Ns, PL2 * Ps)
             then 1
             else 0;

def PL4 = if PL3 != PL3[1]
         then PL3[1]
          else PL4[1];

def PL4Bar = if PL3Bar != PL3Bar[1]
             then PL3Bar[1]
             else PL4Bar[1];

def Check3 = if between(PL4, PL3 * Ns, PL3 * Ps)
             then 1
             else 0;

def PL5 = if PL4 != PL4[1]
          then PL4[1]
          else PL5[1];

def PL5Bar = if PL4Bar != PL4Bar[1]
             then PL4Bar[1]
             else PL5Bar[1];

def Check4 = if between(PL5, PL4 * Ns, PL4 * Ps)
             then 1
             else double.nan;

plot pivotLow = PivotL;

plot PivotDot = PivotL;
# End Code
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In the first script, there is a message,

# f/ Bulkowski Double Bottom Pattern from April 2019 TASC this section still incorrect. Attempting to mark first pivot
def untilDB = fold i = -maxDoubleBottomWidth + 1 to 0
with u
while IsNaN(doubleBottom)
do u + GetValue(IsNaN(doubleBottom), i);

def firstPivot = !IsNaN(lowPivot) and
IsNaN(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB)) and
Between(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB -1),
l * (1 - tolerancePercentage * .01),
l * (1 + tolerancePercentage * .01));

Is there any update on this error?


Mobius Version:

# Double Bottom
# Mobius

input Percent_A_to_B = 2;
input Percent_A_to_C = .1;
input nP = 13;
input ShowValues = yes;
input ShowLines = yes;

def AB = Percent_A_to_B / 100;
def AC = Percent_A_to_C / 100;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def bar = BarNumber();
def Ps = 1 + AC;
def Ns = 1 - AC;

def ll = fold j = 1 to nP + 1
         with q = 1
         while q
         do l < GetValue(low, -j);

def PivotL = if (bar > nP and
                 l == Lowest(l, nP) and
            then l
            else Double.NaN;

def PL1 = if !isNaN(PivotL)
          then l
          else PL1[1];

def PL1Bar = if !IsNaN(PivotL)
             then bar
             else PL1Bar[1];

def PL2 = if PL1 != PL1[1]
          then PL1[1]
          else PL2[1];

def PL2Bar = if PL1Bar != PL1Bar[1]
             then Pl1Bar[1]
             else PL2Bar[1];

def Check1 = if between(PL2, PL1 * Ns, PL1 * Ps)
             then 1
             else 0;

plot Cond1 = HighestAll(if Check1
                        then PL2
                        else double.nan);

def PL3 = if PL2 != PL2[1]
          then PL2[1]
          else PL3[1];

def PL3Bar = if PL2Bar != PL2Bar[1]
             then Pl2Bar[1]
             else PL3Bar[1];

def Check2 = if between(PL3, PL2 * Ns, PL2 * Ps)
             then 1
             else 0;

def PL4 = if PL3 != PL3[1]
         then PL3[1]
          else PL4[1];

def PL4Bar = if PL3Bar != PL3Bar[1]
             then PL3Bar[1]
             else PL4Bar[1];

def Check3 = if between(PL4, PL3 * Ns, PL3 * Ps)
             then 1
             else 0;

def PL5 = if PL4 != PL4[1]
          then PL4[1]
          else PL5[1];

def PL5Bar = if PL4Bar != PL4Bar[1]
             then PL4Bar[1]
             else PL5Bar[1];

def Check4 = if between(PL5, PL4 * Ns, PL4 * Ps)
             then 1
             else double.nan;

plot pivotLow = PivotL;

plot PivotDot = PivotL;
# End Code

Does this have any explanation like the first one?

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In the first script, there is a message,

# f/ Bulkowski Double Bottom Pattern from April 2019 TASC this section still incorrect. Attempting to mark first pivot
def untilDB = fold i = -maxDoubleBottomWidth + 1 to 0
with u
while IsNaN(doubleBottom)
do u + GetValue(IsNaN(doubleBottom), i);

def firstPivot = !IsNaN(lowPivot) and
IsNaN(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB)) and
Between(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB -1),
l * (1 - tolerancePercentage * .01),
l * (1 + tolerancePercentage * .01));

Is there any update on this error?


Does this have any explanation like the first one?

There has been no further information posted.

# # # # #
The best way to learn to read charts and indicators is to apply them. Recommend you put it on your chart. Nothing beats personal experience ;) The only way you will know what the plots are doing, is to observe them on your charts and how they inter-relate with your other indicators.

Most indicators need tweaking depending on the timeframe, the market, the ticker.

No one can possibly know what tweaks will work best for you. It is up to you to play with the settings and see how the indicator line up w/ your strategy and with your other indicators.

To determine if this indicator brings value, analyze it over different timeframes, across history and with multiple instruments.
# # # # #
Is there a way to convert a Bulkowski version to indicate Double Tops?
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This indicator was created for ThinkorSwim based on Bulkowski's Double Bottom Setup. You can learn more about the pattern, examples, and how to trade it here.


The Bulkowski Double Bottom indicator highlights a few things on your chart:
  • First Pivot
  • Pivot Low
  • Double Bottom Price
  • Breakout Price

thinkScript Code

# Bulkowski Double Bottom Pattern
# TASC Aril 2019
# Nube 3.30.19
# v 0.02, unsuccessfully trying to mark the first pivot of the pattern

    # INPUTS
input pivotLength = 4;
input maxDoubleBottomWidth = 24;
input tolerancePercentage = 1.5;
input ticksAboveDoubleBottomHigh = 1;

# Universal
def h = high;
def l = low;
def nan = Double.NaN;
def x = BarNumber();
def tick = TickSize();
# Study Specific
def lowPivotBar = if !GetMinValueOffset(l, pivotLength + 1)
                  and GetMinValueOffset(l, pivotLength + 1)[-pivotLength + 1] ==
                      pivotLength - 1
                  then x
                  else lowPivotBar[1];
def lowPivot = if x == lowPivotBar
               then x  
               else nan;
def lowPivotPrice = if x == lowPivotBar
                    then l
                    else lowPivotPrice[1];
def priorLowPivotBar = if lowPivotBar != lowPivotBar[1]
                       then lowPivotBar[1]
                       else priorLowPivotBar[1];
def priorLowPivotPrice = if x == lowPivotBar
                         then GetValue(l,  lowPivotBar - priorLowPivotBar)
                         else priorLowPivotPrice[1];
def hh = if x crosses above lowPivotBar
         then h
         else if h > hh[1]
              then h
              else hh[1];
def highBetweenPivots = if x == lowPivotBar
                        then hh
                        else highBetweenPivots[1];
# Checking for pivot lows being within tolerancePercentage
def doubleBottom = if Between(lowPivotPrice,
                              priorLowPivotPrice * (1 - tolerancePercentage * .01),
                              priorLowPivotPrice * (1 + tolerancePercentage * .01))
                   and lowPivotBar - priorLowPivotBar <= maxDoubleBottomWidth
                   then Min(lowPivotPrice,priorLowPivotPrice)
                   else nan;
# invalidating pattern when price breaks below the doubleBottom price
def valid = if IsNaN(doubleBottom[1])
            and !IsNaN(doubleBottom)
            then 1
            else if l crosses below doubleBottom
                 then 0
                 else valid[1];

    # Plots
PivotLow = x == lowPivotBar;

DoubleBottomPrice = if valid then doubleBottom else nan;

BreakoutPrice = if DoubleBottomPrice
                then highBetweenPivots + ticksAboveDoubleBottomHigh * tick
                else nan;

AddChartBubble(DoubleBottomPrice and IsNaN(DoubleBottomPrice[-1]), DoubleBottomPrice, DoubleBottomPrice+" Bottomm Price", Color.Red, 0);
AddChartBubble(BreakoutPrice and IsNaN(BreakoutPrice[-1]), BreakOutPrice, "Breakout Price"+ BreakOutPrice, Color.Green);

# f/  Bulkowski Double Bottom Pattern from April 2019 TASC this section still incorrect. Attempting to mark first pivot
def untilDB = fold i = -maxDoubleBottomWidth + 1 to 0
              with u
              while IsNaN(doubleBottom)
              do u + GetValue(IsNaN(doubleBottom), i);
def firstPivot = !IsNaN(lowPivot) and
                 IsNaN(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB)) and
                 Between(GetValue(doubleBottom, -untilDB -1),
                         l * (1 - tolerancePercentage * .01),
                         l * (1 + tolerancePercentage * .01));

AddChartBubble(firstPivot, l, "First Pivot", Color.Red, 0);

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Hi Ben, is Mobius's double top and bottom is delayed? can it be scanned real time?

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