Black Scholes Options Model by Mobius for ThinkorSwim


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This study calculates the ATM Call and Put using the Black Scholes Options Model and then plots them on the intraday chart of the underlying Symbol.


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# Black Scholes Option Plot Series 2 Weekly
# ATM Strike Call and Put
# Mobius at MyTrade

input series = 2; #hint series: 2 is weekly. Anything else and change DaysToExpiration to match.
input DaysToExpiration = 0; #hint DaysToExpiration: 0 = Weekly. For all others change Series to match.
input showLabel = yes;

addLabel(DaysToExpiration != 0, "Change series to match Days To Expiration",;

def RTHopen = getTime() crosses above RegularTradingStart(getYYYYMMDD());
def c = close;
def DOW = getDayOfWeek(getYYYYMMDD());
def DTE = if DaysToExpiration == 0
          then (if DOW == 5
                then 3
                else if DOW == 4
                then 4
                else if DOW == 3
                then 3
                else if DOW == 2
                then 3
                else if DOW == 1
                then 3
                else 1)
          else DaysToExpiration;
def Strike = if c < 300 and Average(volume(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY), 10) > 20000000
             then RoundDown(c / .5, 0) * .5
             else if c < 300 and Average(volume(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1], 10) < 20000000
                  then Floor(c)
                  else if Between(Floor(c), 300, 500)
                       then Round(Floor(c) / 5, 0) * 5
                       else if Between(Floor(c), 500, 1000)
                            then Round(Floor(c) / 5, 0) * 5
                            else if c > 1000
                                 then Round(Floor(c) / 10, 0) * 10
                            else Floor(c);
def strike_ = if isNaN(strike)
              then strike_[1]
              else strike;
def t = DTE / 365;
def seriesIV = if IsNaN(SeriesVolatility(series = series))
               then seriesIV[1]
               else SeriesVolatility(series = series);
def rate  = ((GetInterestRate() / 365) * DTE);
def CurrDivi = if IsNaN(GetDividend())
               then CurrDivi[1]
               else GetDividend();
def LastDividend = if CurrDivi != CurrDivi[1]
                   then CurrDivi[1]
                   else LastDividend[1];
def YearlyDiv = if LastDividend == 0
                then CurrDivi * 4
                else if LastDividend < CurrDivi
                     then (LastDividend * 3) + CurrDivi
                     else YearlyDiv[1];
def DivYeild = YearlyDiv / c;
def LogR = Log(c / Strike);
def Denominator = LogR + (rate - DivYeild + Power(seriesIV, 2) / 2) * t;
def Divisor = seriesIV * Sqrt(t);
def D1 = Denominator / Divisor;
def D2 = D1 - seriesIV * Sqrt(t);
# Abramowiz Stegun Approximation for Cumulative Normal Distribution
script cnd
     input data  = 1;
     def a = AbsValue(data);
     def b1 =  .31938153;
     def b2 = -.356563782;
     def b3 = 1.781477937;
     def b4 = -1.821255978;
     def b5 = 1.330274429;
     def b6 =  .2316419;
     def e = 1 / (1 + b6 * a);
     def i = 1 - 1 / Sqrt(2 * Double.Pi) * Exp(-Power(a, 2) / 2) *
            (b1 * e + b2 * e * e + b3 * Power(e, 3) + b4 * Power(e, 4) + b5 * Power(e, 5));
     plot CND = if data < 0
                then 1 - i
                else i;
def Call = (c * cnd(D1) - Strike * Exp(-rate * t) * cnd(D2));
def call_ = if isNaN(call)
            then call_[1]
            else call;
def put = (Strike * Exp(-rate * t) * cnd(-D2) - c * cnd(-D1));
def put_ = if isNaN(put)
           then put_[1]
           else put;
def tBar = if isNaN(close[-1]) and !isNaN(close)
           then barNumber()
           else tBar[1];
plot StrikeLine = if barNumber() >= highestAll(tBar)
                  then highestAll(if isNaN(close[-1])
                                  then Strike_
                                  else double.nan)
                  else double.nan;
addChartBubble(barNumber() == HighestAll(barNumber()),
              "C " + AsDollars(Call_),
addChartBubble(barNumber() == HighestAll(barNumber()),
              "P " + AsDollars(Put_),
addLabel(showLabel, "D.O.W. = " + DOW +
                  " | Day to Expiry on B.S. Study = " + DTE +
                  " | Series " + series + " IV = " + AsPercent(seriesIV), color.white);
# End Code

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This study calculates the ATM Call and Put using the Black Scholes Options Model and then plots them on the intraday chart of the underlying Symbol.


thinkScript Code

# Black Scholes Option Plot Series 2 Weekly
# ATM Strike Call and Put
# Mobius at MyTrade

input series = 2; #hint series: 2 is weekly. Anything else and change DaysToExpiration to match.
input DaysToExpiration = 0; #hint DaysToExpiration: 0 = Weekly. For all others change Series to match.
input showLabel = yes;

addLabel(DaysToExpiration != 0, "Change series to match Days To Expiration",;

def RTHopen = getTime() crosses above RegularTradingStart(getYYYYMMDD());
def c = close;
def DOW = getDayOfWeek(getYYYYMMDD());
def DTE = if DaysToExpiration == 0
          then (if DOW == 5
                then 3
                else if DOW == 4
                then 4
                else if DOW == 3
                then 3
                else if DOW == 2
                then 3
                else if DOW == 1
                then 3
                else 1)
          else DaysToExpiration;
def Strike = if c < 300 and Average(volume(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY), 10) > 20000000
             then RoundDown(c / .5, 0) * .5
             else if c < 300 and Average(volume(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1], 10) < 20000000
                  then Floor(c)
                  else if Between(Floor(c), 300, 500)
                       then Round(Floor(c) / 5, 0) * 5
                       else if Between(Floor(c), 500, 1000)
                            then Round(Floor(c) / 5, 0) * 5
                            else if c > 1000
                                 then Round(Floor(c) / 10, 0) * 10
                            else Floor(c);
def strike_ = if isNaN(strike)
              then strike_[1]
              else strike;
def t = DTE / 365;
def seriesIV = if IsNaN(SeriesVolatility(series = series))
               then seriesIV[1]
               else SeriesVolatility(series = series);
def rate  = ((GetInterestRate() / 365) * DTE);
def CurrDivi = if IsNaN(GetDividend())
               then CurrDivi[1]
               else GetDividend();
def LastDividend = if CurrDivi != CurrDivi[1]
                   then CurrDivi[1]
                   else LastDividend[1];
def YearlyDiv = if LastDividend == 0
                then CurrDivi * 4
                else if LastDividend < CurrDivi
                     then (LastDividend * 3) + CurrDivi
                     else YearlyDiv[1];
def DivYeild = YearlyDiv / c;
def LogR = Log(c / Strike);
def Denominator = LogR + (rate - DivYeild + Power(seriesIV, 2) / 2) * t;
def Divisor = seriesIV * Sqrt(t);
def D1 = Denominator / Divisor;
def D2 = D1 - seriesIV * Sqrt(t);
# Abramowiz Stegun Approximation for Cumulative Normal Distribution
script cnd
     input data  = 1;
     def a = AbsValue(data);
     def b1 =  .31938153;
     def b2 = -.356563782;
     def b3 = 1.781477937;
     def b4 = -1.821255978;
     def b5 = 1.330274429;
     def b6 =  .2316419;
     def e = 1 / (1 + b6 * a);
     def i = 1 - 1 / Sqrt(2 * Double.Pi) * Exp(-Power(a, 2) / 2) *
            (b1 * e + b2 * e * e + b3 * Power(e, 3) + b4 * Power(e, 4) + b5 * Power(e, 5));
     plot CND = if data < 0
                then 1 - i
                else i;
def Call = (c * cnd(D1) - Strike * Exp(-rate * t) * cnd(D2));
def call_ = if isNaN(call)
            then call_[1]
            else call;
def put = (Strike * Exp(-rate * t) * cnd(-D2) - c * cnd(-D1));
def put_ = if isNaN(put)
           then put_[1]
           else put;
def tBar = if isNaN(close[-1]) and !isNaN(close)
           then barNumber()
           else tBar[1];
plot StrikeLine = if barNumber() >= highestAll(tBar)
                  then highestAll(if isNaN(close[-1])
                                  then Strike_
                                  else double.nan)
                  else double.nan;
addChartBubble(barNumber() == HighestAll(barNumber()),
              "C " + AsDollars(Call_),
addChartBubble(barNumber() == HighestAll(barNumber()),
              "P " + AsDollars(Put_),
addLabel(showLabel, "D.O.W. = " + DOW +
                  " | Day to Expiry on B.S. Study = " + DTE +
                  " | Series " + series + " IV = " + AsPercent(seriesIV), color.white);
# End Code

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What does Call $1.01 and Put $0.86 means? Thanks.
Is your question, When using the Black Scholes Options Model to calculate the ATM Calls and Puts, what are the chart bubbles on the chart?

The chart bubbles are the calculated Black Scholes call and put
This particular script calculations are based on an article on it in the August 2019 issue of TASC, Technical Analysis of Stocks & Commodities Magazine.

If you are asking what is Black_Scholes? The BSM model is a way of pricing options. It has its attributes and drawbacks:
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Hey @markos ... what does the ATM prices represent? They don't show the odte's and they don't square up with Fridays expiry either... confused... Thanks
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