Beta Covariance / Correlation For ThinkOrSwim


New member
Hey everyone,

I'm just trying to free up some screen space and want to put the correlation indicator in a badge as opposed to a plot. Anyone have anything like that already scripted?

I just want it as a label that reads the daily correlation to the SPX.
Sorry by Badge I meant "Label"

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Not sure if this is what you're looking for.

# Beta with a Correlation label
# Mobius
# Chat Room discussion
# V01.01.11.2015

declare lower;

input length = 60;
input returnLength = 1;
input index = {default SPX, "Nasdaq Composite", NDX, Dow30, "Russell 2000", "/GC","/CL"};
input price = FundamentalType.CLOSE;
Assert(returnLength > 0, "'return length' must be positive: " + returnLength);

def logic;
switch (index) {
case SPX:
    logic = close("SPX");
case "Nasdaq Composite":
    logic = close("COMP");
case NDX:
    logic = close("NDX");
case "Dow30":
    logic = close("$DJI");
case "Russell 2000":
    logic = close("RUT");
case "/GC":
    logic = close("/GC");
case "/CL":
    logic = close("/CL");
def c1 = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def c2 = close(symbol = index, period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def primary = if c1[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (c1 - c1[returnLength]) / c1[returnLength] * 100;
def secondary = if c2[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (c2 - c2[returnLength]) / c2[returnLength] * 100;

plot Beta = Covariance(primary, secondary, length) / Sqr(StDev(secondary, length));

plot corr = Correlation(c1, c2, length);
AddLabel(1, "Correlation: " + corr);#, if corr > .75 then else if between(corr, 0, .75) then color.yellow else;

# End Study
Close, I do see the Correlation Label displayed in the study. The "declare lower;" part puts the study at the bottom of the chart, I just wanted the label at the top displaying the current daily correlation to the SPX. But I think I'll play around with this code and see if I can Frankenstein something with it.

Hi Guys,

TOS supplies this as a lower study, is it possible to have this as a label to save screen real estate instead of a lower study plot?

# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2007-2021

declare lower;

input length = 21;
input returnLength = 1;
input index = {Default SPX, "Nasdaq Composite", NDX, Dow30, "Russell 2000"};

assert(returnLength > 0, "'return length' must be positive: " + returnLength);

def primary = if close[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (close - close[returnLength]) / close[returnLength] * 100;

def logic;
switch(index) {
case SPX:
logic = close("SPX");
case "Nasdaq Composite":
logic = close("COMP");
case NDX:
logic = close("NDX");
case "Dow30":
logic = close("$DJI");
case "Russell 2000":
logic = close("RUT");

def secondary = if logic[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (logic - logic[returnLength]) / logic[returnLength] * 100;

plot Beta = covariance(primary, secondary, length) / Sqr(stdev(secondary, length));

# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2007-2021
# Modified 2021-02-09 by rad14733 to display as label in upper studies

declare upper;

input length = 21;
input returnLength = 1;
input index = {Default SPX, "Nasdaq Composite", NDX, Dow30, "Russell 2000"};

assert(returnLength > 0, "'return length' must be positive: " + returnLength);

def primary = if close[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (close - close[returnLength]) / close[returnLength] * 100;

def logic;
switch(index) {
case SPX:
logic = close("SPX");
case "Nasdaq Composite":
logic = close("COMP");
case NDX:
logic = close("NDX");
case "Dow30":
logic = close("$DJI");
case "Russell 2000":
logic = close("RUT");

def secondary = if logic[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (logic - logic[returnLength]) / logic[returnLength] * 100;

def Beta = covariance(primary, secondary, length) / Sqr(stdev(secondary, length));

AddLabel(yes, index + " Beta = " + Beta, Color.WHITE);
Allow "Beta" length to include previous day's data?

I'd like to use Beta with a labels and bubbles. However, it seems the length only looks back to the current day's market open.

So on a 10 minute chart and a length of 21, it won't display data until 210 minutes into the session.

Is there any way to use data from a previous day - whether combined with today's data or simply only the previous day's data?

Mainly, I'm looking to use Beta as soon as the market opens, so the recency of the beta calculation isn't too important to me. For instance, TSLA will generally be much higher beta than SPX, JNJ much lower. This is the rough number I'm looking to use beginning at the open.

Here's code for a label I'm currently working with:

declare upper;

input length = 21;
input returnLength = 1;

assert(returnLength > 0, "'return length' must be positive: " + returnLength);

def primary = if close[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (close - close[returnLength]) / close[returnLength] * 100;

def SPX = close("SPX");

def secondary = if SPX[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (SPX - SPX[returnLength]) / SPX[returnLength] * 100;

def Beta = covariance(primary, secondary, length) / Sqr(stdev(secondary, length));

AddLabel(yes, "Beta = " + Beta, Color.WHITE);

Thanks in advance - you all have been very helpful!
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Allow "Beta" length to include previous day's data?

I'd like to use Beta with a labels and bubbles. However, it seems the length only looks back to the current day's market open.

So on a 10 minute chart and a length of 21, it won't display data until 210 minutes into the session.

Is there any way to use data from a previous day - whether combined with today's data or simply only the previous day's data?

Mainly, I'm looking to use Beta as soon as the market opens, so the recency of the beta calculation isn't too important to me. For instance, TSLA will generally be much higher beta than SPX, JNJ much lower. This is the rough number I'm looking to use beginning at the open.

Here's code for a label I'm currently working with:

declare upper;

input length = 21;
input returnLength = 1;

assert(returnLength > 0, "'return length' must be positive: " + returnLength);

def primary = if close[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (close - close[returnLength]) / close[returnLength] * 100;

def SPX = close("SPX");

def secondary = if SPX[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (SPX - SPX[returnLength]) / SPX[returnLength] * 100;

def Beta = covariance(primary, secondary, length) / Sqr(stdev(secondary, length));

AddLabel(yes, "Beta = " + Beta, Color.WHITE);

Thanks in advance - you all have been very helpful!
You could try changing the returnLength to 2
Matt Caruso CARS
you can choose the banchmark index in t settings. for more information about this indicator.

im actually working on a script that emulates matt caruso cars.
I created this script that actually does a really good work, but need upgrades
I will leave the code below if someone is interested in helping me.

declare lower;
INPUT Betalength = 40;
input Index = "SPY";
DEF avgfast = 50;
DEF avgfast1 = 10;
DEF avgslow = 100;
DEF avgslow1 = 10;
DEF avgs40 =40;

def logic = close(Index);

def ret1 = (close - close[1]) / close[1];
def ret2 = (logic - logic[1]) / logic[1];

def Beta = Covariance(ret1, ret2, Betalength) / Sqr(StDev(ret2, Betalength));

plot alpha = ret1 - (ret2 * Beta);
alpha.AssignValueColor(if alpha >= 0 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);

AddLabel(yes, "Beta : " + Round(Beta, 3), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "IndexChange% : " + Round(ret2, 3), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Change% : " + Round(ret1, 3), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

#Media movil rapida + otra que la suavice

def avg1 = expaverage(alpha, avgfast);
DEF avg11 = expaverage(avg1, avgfast1);

#Media movil lenta + otra que la suavice
DEF avg2 = average(alpha, avgslow);
DEF avg22 = expaverage(avg2, avgslow1);


DEF SM50 = WMA(alpha, avgs40);

#def conditions1 = if ( (avg11 < avg22) and (avg11 > 0 and avg22 > 0)and (ratio>1) ) then 1 else Double.NaN;
def conditions2 = if ( (avg11 > 0 and avg22 > 0) and (SM50 > 0)) then 1 else Double.NaN;

#plot histograma1 = conditions1;
#histograma1.AssignValueColor (Color.GRAY);

plot histograma2 = conditions2;
histograma2.AssignValueColor (Color.YELLOW);

DEF line = 0;
plot zeroline = line;
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Matt Caruso CARS

im actually working on a script that emulates matt caruso cars.
I created this script that actually does a really good work, but need upgrades
I will leave the code below if someone is interested in helping me.
declare lower;
input Betalength = 60;
input Index = "SPY";
input AVGfast = 40;
input avgsignal1 = 10;
input AVGslow = 20;
input avgsignal2 = 100;

def logic = close(Index);

def ret1 = (close / close[1]) - 1 ;
def ret2 = (logic / logic[1]) - 1

def Beta = Covariance(ret1, ret2, Betalength) / Sqr(StDev(ret2, Betalength));

#plot alpha = ret1 - (ret2 * Beta);
#alpha.AssignValueColor(if alpha >= 0 then Color.UPTICK else Color.DOWNTICK);

def alpha = ret1 - (ret2 * Beta);

AddLabel(yes, "Beta : " + Round(Beta, 3), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "IndexChange% : " + Round(ret2, 3), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);
AddLabel(yes, "Change% : " + Round(ret1, 3), Color.LIGHT_GRAY);

#Media movil rapida + otra que la suavice

def avg1 = expaverage(alpha, avgfast);
plot Macdgraph = expaverage(avg1, avgsignal1);

#Media movil lenta + otra que la suavice
def avg2 = ExpAverage(alpha, AVGslow);
plot Macdgrap2 = ExpAverage(avg2, avgsignal2);

plot histograma = if (macdgraph > 0 and Macdgrap2 > 0) then 1 else Double.NaN;
histograma.AssignValueColor (Color.yellow);

#input line = 0;
#plot zeroline = line;
Thank you. Is this only for SPY (I trade QQQ), and what timeframes should be used? Could you help explain this indicator and how to use it in further detail?

# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2007-2021
# Modified 2021-02-09 by rad14733 to display as label in upper studies

declare upper;

input length = 21;
input returnLength = 1;
input index = {Default SPX, "Nasdaq Composite", NDX, Dow30, "Russell 2000"};

assert(returnLength > 0, "'return length' must be positive: " + returnLength);

def primary = if close[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (close - close[returnLength]) / close[returnLength] * 100;

def logic;
switch(index) {
case SPX:
logic = close("SPX");
case "Nasdaq Composite":
logic = close("COMP");
case NDX:
logic = close("NDX");
case "Dow30":
logic = close("$DJI");
case "Russell 2000":
logic = close("RUT");

def secondary = if logic[returnLength] == 0 then 0 else (logic - logic[returnLength]) / logic[returnLength] * 100;

def Beta = covariance(primary, secondary, length) / Sqr(stdev(secondary, length));

AddLabel(yes, index + " Beta = " + Beta, Color.WHITE);
this is really good - but how to make the ticker input user-defined customizeable, like in native TOS study ticker input parameter field?

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