ATR Trailing Stop Strategy by ceyhun For ThinkOrSwim


New member
Hi everyone,

I am still pretty new to this. I tried searching the forums and wasn't able to find anything similar to this script from TradingView. I am trying to mimic an ATR Trail Stop Strategy script that was created by Ceyhun. Any help is greatly appreciated. Here is the link to his script.

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © ceyhun

strategy("ATR Trailing Stop Strategy by ceyhun", overlay=true)

// This is based on the ATR trailing stop indicator //
// width addition of two levels of stops and //
// different interpretation. //
// This is a fast-reacting system and is better //
// suited for higher volatility markets //

SC = input(close, "Source", input.source)

// Fast Trail //
AP1 = input(5, "Fast ATR period", input.integer) // ATR Period
AF1 = input(0.5, "Fast ATR multiplier", input.float) // ATR Factor
SL1 = AF1 * atr(AP1) // Stop Loss
Trail1 = 0.0
Trail1 := iff(SC > nz(Trail1[1], 0) and SC[1] > nz(Trail1[1], 0), max(nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC - SL1), iff(SC < nz(Trail1[1], 0) and SC[1] < nz(Trail1[1], 0), min(nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC + SL1), iff(SC > nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC - SL1, SC + SL1)))

// Slow Trail //
AP2 = input(10, "Slow ATR perod", input.integer) // ATR Period
AF2 = input(3, "Slow ATR multiplier", input.float) // ATR Factor
SL2 = AF2 * atr(AP2) // Stop Loss
Trail2 = 0.0
Trail2 := iff(SC > nz(Trail2[1], 0) and SC[1] > nz(Trail2[1], 0), max(nz(Trail2[1], 0), SC - SL2), iff(SC < nz(Trail2[1], 0) and SC[1] < nz(Trail2[1], 0), min(nz(Trail2[1], 0), SC + SL2), iff(SC > nz(Trail2[1], 0), SC - SL2, SC + SL2)))

// Bar color for trade signal //
Green = Trail1 > Trail2 and close > Trail2 and low > Trail2
Blue = Trail1 > Trail2 and close > Trail2 and low < Trail2
Red = Trail2 > Trail1 and close < Trail2 and high < Trail2
Yellow = Trail2 > Trail1 and close < Trail2 and high > Trail2

// Signals //
Bull = barssince(Green) < barssince(Red)
Bear = barssince(Red) < barssince(Green)

Buy = crossover(Trail1, Trail2)
Sell = crossunder(Trail1, Trail2)

TS1 = plot(Trail1, "Fast Trail", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? : color.yellow, linewidth=2, display=display.none)
TS2 = plot(Trail2, "Slow Trail", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? :, linewidth=2)
fill(TS1, TS2, Bull ?,90) :,90))

plotcolor = input(true, "Paint color on chart", input.bool)

bcl = iff(plotcolor == 1, Blue ? : Green ? color.lime : Yellow ? color.yellow : Red ? : color.white, na)

if Buy
strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, comment="Buy")

if Sell
strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, comment="Sell")
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here is my attempt at converting that TV pinescript code to TOS.
you can turn the fast and slow lines on and off. both need to be on for the cloud shading to be drawn, between them.

lookback = 66
i used GetMaxValueOffset() that uses a lookback number, that is how many bars it looks back to find a signal. i guessed and came up with 66. it may need to be adjusted, i'm not sure. this seems to work, so i didn't create a fold loop.

i added strategy code lines (addorder) at the end, but left them commented out.
this could be loaded as a strategy, change the name, then enable the code lines and set either or both inputs to yes.(enable longs , enable shorts)

i've never made a pine script, so this might be off a little? i just looked up a couple of functions here.
i left the original code in and commented it out, so others could verify it and learn from it.

# trailstop_tv_01

# ----------------------------
#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © ceyhun

#strategy("ATR Trailing Stop Strategy by ceyhun", overlay=true)

#// This is based on the ATR trailing stop indicator //
#// width addition of two levels of stops and //
#// different interpretation. //
#// This is a fast-reacting system and is better //
#// suited for higher volatility markets //

def bn = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;

#SC = input(close, "Source", input.source)
def sc = close;

# The type of moving average to be used in calculations: simple, exponential, weighted, Wilder's, or Hull.
#input avgtype = averagetype.exponential;
input atr_averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;

#// Fast Trail //
#AP1 = input(5, "Fast ATR period", input.integer) // ATR Period
#AF1 = input(0.5, "Fast ATR multiplier", input.float) // ATR Factor
#SL1 = AF1 * atr(AP1) // Stop Loss
input show_fast_trail = yes;

input ap1_fast_ATR_period = 5;
input af1_fast_ATR_multiplier = 0.5;
def ATRfast = MovingAverage(atr_averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), ap1_fast_ATR_period);
def sl1 = af1_fast_ATR_multiplier * ATRfast;

# nz( )
# Replaces NaN values with zeros (or given value) in a series.
# nz(x, y) -- integer
#   Two args version: returns x if it's a valid (not NaN) number, otherwise y
#   One arg version: returns x if it's a valid (not NaN) number, otherwise 0
# tos ver
#   if isnan(x) then y else x

# ---------------------------
#Trail1 = 0.0
#Trail1 := iff(SC > nz(Trail1[1], 0) and SC[1] > nz(Trail1[1], 0), max(nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC - SL1), iff(SC < nz(Trail1[1], 0) and SC[1] < nz(Trail1[1], 0), min(nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC + SL1), iff(SC > nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC - SL1, SC + SL1)))
# ----------------------
#  restructure prev line
# if(SC > nz(Trail1[1], 0) and SC[1] > nz(Trail1[1], 0),
#   max(nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC - SL1),
# iff(SC < nz(Trail1[1], 0) and SC[1] < nz(Trail1[1], 0),
#   min(nz(Trail1[1], 0), SC + SL1),
# iff(SC > nz(Trail1[1], 0),
#   SC - SL1, SC + SL1)))
# -------------------------

#  nz(Trail1[1], 0)  =  (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1])

def trail1 = if bn == 1 then 0
else if  (SC > (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1])) and (SC[1] > (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1])) then
  max( (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1]), (SC - SL1))
else if(SC < (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1])) and (SC[1] < (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1])) then
  min( (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1]) , SC + SL1)
else if(SC > (if isnan(trail1[1]) then 0 else trail1[1])) then ( SC - SL1) else (SC + SL1) ;

#// Slow Trail //
#AP2 = input(10, "Slow ATR perod", input.integer) // ATR Period
#AF2 = input(3, "Slow ATR multiplier", input.float) // ATR Factor
#SL2 = AF2 * atr(AP2) // Stop Loss
input show_slow_trail = yes;

input ap2_slow_ATR_period = 10;
input af2_slow_ATR_multiplier = 3.0;
def ATRslow = MovingAverage(atr_averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), ap2_slow_ATR_period);
def sl2 = af2_slow_ATR_multiplier * ATRslow;

#Trail2 = 0.0
#Trail2 := iff(SC > nz(Trail2[1], 0) and SC[1] > nz(Trail2[1], 0), max(nz(Trail2[1], 0), SC - SL2), iff(SC < nz(Trail2[1], 0) and SC[1] < nz(Trail2[1], 0), min(nz(Trail2[1], 0), SC + SL2), iff(SC > nz(Trail2[1], 0), SC - SL2, SC + SL2)))

def trail2 = if bn == 1 then 0
else if  (SC > (if isnan(trail2[1]) then 0 else trail2[1])) and (SC[1] > (if isnan(trail2[1]) then 0 else trail2[1])) then
  max( (if isnan(trail2[1]) then 0 else trail2[1]), (SC - SL2))
else if(SC < (if isnan(trail2[1]) then 0 else trail2[1])) and (SC[1] < (if isnan(trail2[1]) then 0 else trail2[1])) then
  min( (if isnan(trail2[1]) then 0 else trail2[1]) , SC + SL2)
else if(SC > (if isnan(trail2[1]) then 0 else trail2[1])) then ( SC - SL2) else (SC + SL2) ;

#// Bar color for trade signal //
#Green = Trail1 > Trail2 and close > Trail2 and low > Trail2
#Blue = Trail1 > Trail2 and close > Trail2 and low < Trail2
#Red = Trail2 > Trail1 and close < Trail2 and high < Trail2
#Yellow = Trail2 > Trail1 and close < Trail2 and high > Trail2

def Green = (Trail1 > Trail2) and (close > Trail2) and (low > Trail2);
def Blue = (Trail1 > Trail2) and (close > Trail2) and (low < Trail2);
def Red = (Trail2 > Trail1) and (close < Trail2) and (high < Trail2);
def Yellow = (Trail2 > Trail1) and (close < Trail2) and (high > Trail2);

input show_cloud_between_trails = yes;

#// Signals //
#Bull = barssince(Green) < barssince(Red)
#Bear = barssince(Red) < barssince(Green)

# returns the offset of the highest value of data for the last length bars.
# guess at a length to look back for a green or red
input lookback = 66;
# test code
#def test1 = GetMaxValueOffset(green, lookback);
#addchartbubble(1, low, bn + "\n" + green + "\n" + test1, (if green then else color.gray), no);

def Bull = GetMaxValueOffset(green, lookback) < GetMaxValueOffset(red, lookback);
def Bear = GetMaxValueOffset(red, lookback) < GetMaxValueOffset(green, lookback);

#Buy = crossover(Trail1, Trail2)
#Sell = crossunder(Trail1, Trail2)
def Buy = Trail1 crosses above Trail2;
def Sell = Trail1 crosses below Trail2;

#TS1 = plot(Trail1, "Fast Trail", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? : color.yellow, linewidth=2, display=display.none)
#TS2 = plot(Trail2, "Slow Trail", style=plot.style_line,color=Trail1 > Trail2 ? :, linewidth=2)

#input show_fast_trail = yes;
plot ts1 = if show_fast_trail then trail1 else na;
ts1.DefineColor("ftrail1dwn", color.yellow);
ts1.AssignValueColor(if (Trail1 > Trail2 ) then ts1.color("ftrail1up") else ts1.color("ftrail1dwn"));
# x.SetDefaultColor(;
# x.setlineweight(1);
# x.hidebubble();

#input show_slow_trail = yes;
plot ts2 = if show_slow_trail then trail2 else na;
ts2.AssignValueColor(if (Trail1 > Trail2 ) then ts2.color("strail1up") else ts2.color("strail1dwn"));
# x.SetDefaultColor(;
# x.setlineweight(1);
# x.hidebubble();

#fill(TS1, TS2, Bull ?,90) :,90))

# draw shading between 2 lines
def top1 = if show_cloud_between_trails then ts1 else na;
addcloud(top1, ts2,,;

#plotcolor = input(true, "Paint color on chart", input.bool)
#bcl = iff(plotcolor == 1, Blue ? : Green ? color.lime : Yellow ? color.yellow : Red ? : color.white, na)
#if Buy
#strategy.entry("Buy", strategy.long, comment="Buy")
#if Sell
#strategy.entry("Sell", strategy.short, comment="Sell")

# --------------------------------

# strategy code

# longs
input enable_strategy_longs = no;
#AddOrder(OrderType.BUY_to_open, (enable_strategy_longs and buy), tickcolor =, arrowcolor =, name = "BUY open" );
#AddOrder(OrderType.SELL_to_close, (enable_strategy_longs and sell), tickcolor =, arrowcolor =, name = "BUY close" );

# shorts
input enable_strategy_shorts = no;
#AddOrder(OrderType.sell_to_open, (enable_strategy_shorts and sell), tickcolor =, arrowcolor =, name = "BUY open" );
#AddOrder(OrderType.buy_to_close, (enable_strategy_shorts and buy), tickcolor =, arrowcolor =, name = "BUY close" );

# ---------------------------

#input length = 14;
#input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
#plot ATR = MovingAverage(averageType, TrueRange(high, close, low), length);



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