ATR Percentile Rank Indicator for ThinkorSwim


Staff member
@diazlaz was kind enough to help me port this version of ATR Percentile Rank from TradingView over to ThinkorSwim. I thought it was interesting.

CM ATR PercentileRank - Great For Showing Market Bottoms.

When Increased Volatility to the Downside Reaches Extreme Levels it’s Usually a Sign of a Market Bottom.

This Indicator Takes the ATR and uses a different LookBack Period to calculate the Percentile Rank of ATR Which is a Great Way To Calculate Volatility

Be Careful Of Using w/ Market Tops. Not As Reliable.

***Ability to Control ATR Period and set PercentileRank to Different Lookback Period

***Ability to Plot Histogram Just Showing Percentiles or Histogram Based on Up/Down Close

Fuchsia Lines = Greater Than 90th Percentile of Volatility based on ATR and LookBack Period.
Red Lines = Warning — 80-90th Percentile
Orange Lines = 70-80th Percentile

For this ToS version:
  • Magenta = Greater than 90th Percentile
  • Orange = 70-80th
  • Red = 80-90


thinkScript Code

#CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
# 2020.01.03 V1.0 @diazlaz - Initial Port
#CM ATR PercentileRank - Great For Showing Market Bottoms.
#When Increased Volatility to the Downside Reaches Extreme Levels
#it’s Usually a Sign of a Market Bottom.
#This Indicator Takes the ATR and uses a different LookBack Period
#to calculate the Percentile Rank of ATR Which is a Great Way To
#Calculate Volatility

declare lower;

input length = 5; #ATR Length
input length2 = 50; #no. of Bars the PercentileRank uses to Calculate % Values
input sn = no; #Show Normal Histogram? Uncheck = Histogram based on Up/Down Close
input paintBars = yes;
input showLabels = yes;


AddLabel (showLabels, "ATR Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0", COLOR.ORANGE);

#//ATR and PercentileRank Calculations
def atr = Average(TrueRange(high, close, low), length);

def percentRankCount = fold i = 1 to length2 + 1 with count = 0
  if atr[0] > atr[i] then
    count + 1

def percentRank = Round( percentRankCount / length2 * 100.0, 0);

def down = close < close[1];
def up = close > close[1];

#//Calculation for Showing Histogram based on Up/Down Close
def pctileRankFinal = if up then percentRank else if down then percentRank * -1 else Double.NaN;

plot pATRRank = if(sn,percentRank,pctileRankFinal);
pATRRank.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy = PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM);
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else

AssignPriceColor(if paintbars then
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else COLOR.DARK_GRAY

#END OF CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
This looks promising. I will definitely test it out.
It would be nice to have an intraday study version that adjusts automatically. Just like the volume profile for ORB indicator.
@princesly It should work with intraday timeframe (5m, 15m, etc). You can also adjust the ATR length.
@BenTen, I see thanks. Where on the script can i rem out the coloring on the candlesticks? I ask because the screenshot you have here is exactly what i was expecting but the current script colors all the candlestick
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@BenTen if possible, can you please consider updating the code to support the colored bars on mobile? right now they're either green or red indicating up/down moves, would really appreciate it! thanks.
Hey all - just found this awesome community. I'm a new thinkorswim user coming from Amibroker. One indicator or calculation I'm missing (or having found yet in ToS) is PercentRank. It's built into a variety of platforms (TradingView, Amibroker, Tradestation, etc.). Amibroker describes it as such:

PercentRank( array, range )

array - input data
range - lookback range
Returns percent rank (0...100) of the current element of the array within all elements over the specified range.

A value of 100 indicates that the current element of the array is the highest for the given lookback range, while a value of 0 indicates that the current value is the lowest for the given lookback range.

It is equivalent (but 2x faster) to:

function PercentRank2( Data, Periods)
   Count = 0;
  for ( i = 1; i <= Periods ; i++ )
   Count += Data > Ref( Data, -i );
  return 100 * Count / Periods;

Does this exist in ToS and I just haven't found it or would it require custom coding?

Any help greatly appreciated!
Hey all - just found this awesome community. I'm a new thinkorswim user coming from Amibroker. One indicator or calculation I'm missing (or having found yet in ToS) is PercentRank. It's built into a variety of platforms (TradingView, Amibroker, Tradestation, etc.). Amibroker describes it as such:

PercentRank( array, range )

array - input data
range - lookback range
Returns percent rank (0...100) of the current element of the array within all elements over the specified range.

A value of 100 indicates that the current element of the array is the highest for the given lookback range, while a value of 0 indicates that the current value is the lowest for the given lookback range.

It is equivalent (but 2x faster) to:

function PercentRank2( Data, Periods)
   Count = 0;
  for ( i = 1; i <= Periods ; i++ )
   Count += Data > Ref( Data, -i );
  return 100 * Count / Periods;

Does this exist in ToS and I just haven't found it or would it require custom coding?

Any help greatly appreciated!

Droskill, were you ever able to figure this out? It is exactly what I am looking for as well for ToS.
I love this ATR Percentile Rank Indicator and would love to do something similar for both OBV and Implied Volatility. I tried tweaking the script and referencing those studies, but wasn't quite sure how to define OBV for this. Any help is greatly appreciated!
I think I finally figured it out!! Here is what I have so far for those interested. This Indicator Takes OnBalanceVolume and uses a different LookBack Period to calculate the Percentile Rank of OBV. Feel free to adjust, correct, or improve. I am still fairly new at ThinkScript.

#OBV_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
# 2021.02.17 V1.0
#This Indicator Takes OnBalanceVolume and uses a different LookBack Period
#to calculate the Percentile Rank of OBV

declare lower;

input price = close;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;


#//OBV PercentileRank Calculations

def vol = OnBalanceVolume();
input TimePeriod = 252;

def data = if !IsNaN(vol) then vol else vol[-1];
def hi = Highest(data, TimePeriod);
def lo = Lowest(data, TimePeriod);
plot Percentile = (data - lo) / (hi - lo) * 100;
def lowend = Percentile < 25;
def highend = Percentile > 50;

input over_Bought1 = 98;
input over_Sold1 = 2;

Percentile.DefineColor("HighVolume", Color.RED);
Percentile.DefineColor("Normal", Color.YELLOW);
Percentile.DefineColor("LowVolume", Color.GREEN);
Percentile.AssignValueColor(if Percentile > over_Bought1 then Percentile.Color("HighVolume") else if Percentile < over_Sold1 then Percentile.Color("LowVolume") else Percentile.Color("Normal"));

#END OF OBV_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
Droskill, were you ever able to figure this out? It is exactly what I am looking for as well for ToS.
Well I finally did - here's the code:

declare lower;

def percentRankCount = fold i = 1 to length with count = 0
  if close[0] > close[i] then
    count + 1

def percentRank = percentRankCount / length * 100;

plot PRank = percentRank;
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That pretty much is the full code - here's an example of it using a Simple Moving Average:

declare lower;

input length = 50;

def rb = movingaverage(length,close);

def percentRankCount = fold i = 1 to length with count = 0
  if rb[0] > rb[i] then
    count + 1

def percentRank = percentRankCount / length * 100;

plot PRankSimpleAvg = percentRank;
@droskill it shouldn't show anything when I paste that code, thanks
Hmmm....ok here's a simpler example that does work - not sure why that isn't working. This ranks closing prices over the 100 days.

declare lower;

input length = 100;

def rc = close;

def percentRankCount = fold i = 1 to length with count = 0
  if rc[0] > rc[i] then
    count + 1

def percentRank = percentRankCount / length * 100;

plot PRankClose = percentRank;
Today's range is at what percentile of the previous 252 days - I have been trying to get this by modifying the above code. But I am having a difficulty. Can someone please let me know what I am missing in the below code?

I basically changed this
input length = 1; #ATR Length
input length2 = 252; #no. of Bars the PercentileRank uses to Calculate % Values

#CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
# 2020.01.03 V1.0 @diazlaz - Initial Port
#CM ATR PercentileRank - Great For Showing Market Bottoms.
#When Increased Volatility to the Downside Reaches Extreme Levels
#it’s Usually a Sign of a Market Bottom.
#This Indicator Takes the ATR and uses a different LookBack Period
#to calculate the Percentile Rank of ATR Which is a Great Way To
#Calculate Volatility

declare lower;

input length = 1; #ATR Length
input length2 = 252; #no. of Bars the PercentileRank uses to Calculate % Values
input sn = no; #Show Normal Histogram? Uncheck = Histogram based on Up/Down Close
input paintBars = yes;
input showLabels = yes;


AddLabel (showLabels, "ATR Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0", COLOR.ORANGE);

#//ATR and PercentileRank Calculations
def atr = Average(TrueRange(high, close, low), length);

def percentRankCount = fold i = 1 to length2 + 1 with count = 0
  if atr[0] > atr[i] then
    count + 1

def percentRank = Round( percentRankCount / length2 * 100.0, 0);

def down = close < close[1];
def up = close > close[1];

#//Calculation for Showing Histogram based on Up/Down Close
def pctileRankFinal = if up then percentRank else if down then percentRank * -1 else Double.NaN;

plot pATRRank = if(sn,percentRank,pctileRankFinal);
pATRRank.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy = PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM);
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else

AssignPriceColor(if paintbars then
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else COLOR.DARK_GRAY

#END OF CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
Today's range is at what percentile of the previous 252 days - I have been trying to get this by modifying the above code. But I am having a difficulty. Can someone please let me know what I am missing in the below code?

I basically changed this
input length = 1; #ATR Length
input length2 = 252; #no. of Bars the PercentileRank uses to Calculate % Values

#CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
# 2020.01.03 V1.0 @diazlaz - Initial Port
#CM ATR PercentileRank - Great For Showing Market Bottoms.
#When Increased Volatility to the Downside Reaches Extreme Levels
#it’s Usually a Sign of a Market Bottom.
#This Indicator Takes the ATR and uses a different LookBack Period
#to calculate the Percentile Rank of ATR Which is a Great Way To
#Calculate Volatility

declare lower;

input length = 1; #ATR Length
input length2 = 252; #no. of Bars the PercentileRank uses to Calculate % Values
input sn = no; #Show Normal Histogram? Uncheck = Histogram based on Up/Down Close
input paintBars = yes;
input showLabels = yes;


AddLabel (showLabels, "ATR Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0", COLOR.ORANGE);

#//ATR and PercentileRank Calculations
def atr = Average(TrueRange(high, close, low), length);

def percentRankCount = fold i = 1 to length2 + 1 with count = 0
  if atr[0] > atr[i] then
    count + 1

def percentRank = Round( percentRankCount / length2 * 100.0, 0);

def down = close < close[1];
def up = close > close[1];

#//Calculation for Showing Histogram based on Up/Down Close
def pctileRankFinal = if up then percentRank else if down then percentRank * -1 else Double.NaN;

plot pATRRank = if(sn,percentRank,pctileRankFinal);
pATRRank.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy = PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM);
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else

AssignPriceColor(if paintbars then
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else COLOR.DARK_GRAY

#END OF CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
This is a clever concept - thank you. What would we add to this code if the label would actually show the value of the last measurement rather than just the name of the script?
This is a clever concept - thank you. What would we add to this code if the label would actually show the value of the last measurement rather than just the name of the script?
#CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0
# 2020.01.03 V1.0 @diazlaz - Initial Port
#CM ATR PercentileRank - Great For Showing Market Bottoms.
#When Increased Volatility to the Downside Reaches Extreme Levels
#it’s Usually a Sign of a Market Bottom.
#This Indicator Takes the ATR and uses a different LookBack Period
#to calculate the Percentile Rank of ATR Which is a Great Way To
#Calculate Volatility

declare lower;

input length = 1; #ATR Length
input length2 = 252; #no. of Bars the PercentileRank uses to Calculate % Values
input sn = no; #Show Normal Histogram? Uncheck = Histogram based on Up/Down Close
input paintBars = yes;
input showLabels = yes;


AddLabel (showLabels, "ATR Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0", COLOR.ORANGE);

#//ATR and PercentileRank Calculations
def atr = Average(TrueRange(high, close, low), length);

def percentRankCount = fold i = 1 to length2 + 1 with count = 0
  if atr[0] > atr[i] then
    count + 1

def percentRank = Round( percentRankCount / length2 * 100.0, 0);

def down = close < close[1];
def up = close > close[1];

#//Calculation for Showing Histogram based on Up/Down Close
def pctileRankFinal = if up then percentRank else if down then percentRank * -1 else Double.NaN;

plot pATRRank = if(sn,percentRank,pctileRankFinal);
pATRRank.SetPaintingStrategy(paintingStrategy = PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM);
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else

AssignPriceColor(if paintbars then
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else COLOR.DARK_GRAY

#END OF CM_ATR_Percentile for ThinkorSwim Version 1.0

AddLabel(yes, percentRank,
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else
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AddLabel(yes, percentRank,
if percentRank <= 70 then COLOR.GRAY else
if percentRank > 70 and percentRank < 80 then COLOR.ORANGE else
if percentRank >= 80 and percentRank <= 90 then COLOR.RED else
if percentRank >= 90 then COLOR.MAGENTA else
@MerryDay Hola I was interested in seeing what this showed on a chart, added this label portion to the original script but kept getting the invalid statement, do you mind attaching the script with your updated version to show labels?

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