Thank you for your response

Given you have been an Elite subscriber for a while, could you share your top Pros and Cons :
- How do you utilize it for improving your game ?
- Is it your primary tool ? ...besides TOS ?
- Could you rate their customer support and services?
Besides TOS, it is my primary tool. I haven't used their customer support very often, but they were responsive and helpful when I emailed them a few times.
-The map and advance/decline ratios give a very clear idea of what the market is doing.
-It's very easy to switch time periods for charts, such as jumping from 1 minute to other short and long periods, and the chart changes much more rapidly than TOS charts.
-The Groups tab is very informative about what groups are doing well over various periods.
-The Screener is very good.
-At any time of the regular trading day, it shows the volume and the relative volume, so you can tell whether (at that time of day) the volume is higher or lower than usual and by what percentage.
-It shows insider trading that includes who is doing the trading, the volumes, and dollar values.
-You can easily open multiple tabs on multiple devices, and they don't seem to slow down the computer (unlike TOS that is a memory hog). I keep about 5 tabs open so I can view multiple symbols and/or time periods if I want (though changing time periods really takes place in a flash).
-It doesn't cover as many symbols as TOS.
-Otherwise, no complaints.
Incidentally, when you talk about "primary" tools, I really like Finviz, but I also like yet another completely unrelated tool. I subscribe to PatternFinder, which is great. Among other things, PatternFinder has an AI feature that does a remarkable job of analyzing its charts for various periods (giving support and resistance levels, numbers for the bullish and bearish ratings, targets, strategies to employ, etc.). The analysis for periods longer than 5 days become even more detailed, but the software is improving frequently and is likely to get more precise for shorter times, too.