How can I make the zero line to plot only for the current day RTH session on a tick chart so it won't plot a continuous line through out?
#EMAD_Range Created by Christopher84 01/05/2022
#EMAD_Range_V2 added colors and bubbles HODL
declare lower;
input Bubbles = yes;
input length8 = 10;
input length9 = 35;
input length10 = 12;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;
def price1 = close;
def coloredCandlesOn = no;
def bars_back_z = 10;
def bars_back = 8;
def bars_back_2 = 20;
input length = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def agperiod1 = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def bn = barnumber();
def showBreakoutSignals = no;
def displace = 0;
def AvgExp8 = ExpAverage(price1[-displace], length8);
def UPD = AvgExp8[1] < AvgExp8;
def AvgExp9 = ExpAverage(price1[-displace], length9);
def UPW = AvgExp9[1] < AvgExp9;
def Below = AvgExp8 < AvgExp9;
def Spark = UPD + UPW + Below;
def UPEMA = AvgExp8[1] < AvgExp8;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp8[1] > AvgExp8;
def UPEMA2 = AvgExp9[1] < AvgExp9;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp9[1] > AvgExp9;
def EMAD = (price1 - AvgExp8);
def UPEMAD = EMAD >= EMAD[1];
def EMAD2 = (price1 - AvgExp9);
def UPEMAD2 = EMAD2 >= EMAD2[1];
def DOWNEMAD2 = EMAD2 < EMAD2[1];
def EMADAvg = (EMAD + EMAD2) / 2;
def UPEMADAvg = EMADAvg >= EMADAvg[1];
def DOWNEMADAvg = EMADAvg < EMADAvg[1];
plot EMADSmooth = ExpAverage(EMADAvg[-displace], length10);
def price = EMADSmooth;
def o = (EMADSmooth + EMADSmooth[1]) / 2;
def h = Max(EMADSmooth, EMADSmooth[1]);
def l = Min(EMADSmooth, EMADSmooth[1]);
def c = EMADSmooth;
def bottom = Min(c[1], l);
def tr = TrueRange(h, c, l);
def ptr = tr / (bottom + tr / 2);
def APTR = MovingAverage(averageType, ptr, length);
def UpperBand = c[1] + (APTR * o);
def LowerBand = c[1] - (APTR * o);
plot MidBand = (UpperBand + LowerBand) / 2;
MidBand.AssignValueColor(if (MidBand > EMADSmooth) then Color.GRAY
else if (MidBand < EMADSmooth) then Color.CYAN else Color.GRAY);
EMADSmooth.AssignValueColor(if (MidBand > EMADSmooth) then Color.GRAY
else if (MidBand < EMADSmooth) then Color.CYAN else Color.GRAY);
#AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (MidBand > EMADSmooth) then MidBand else Double.NaN, EMADSmooth, Color.RED, Color.CURRENT);
#AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (EMADSmooth >= MidBand) then EMADSmooth else Double.NaN, MidBand, Color.GREEN, Color.CURRENT);
plot ZeroLine = 0;
ZeroLine.setpaintingStrategy (paintingStrategy.LINE);
#ZeroLine.AssignValueColor(if (EMADSmooth > ZeroLine) then Color.GREEN else if (EMADSmooth < ZeroLine) then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);
def BulgeLength = 100;
def SqueezeLength = 100;
def BulgeLength2 = 200;
def SqueezeLength2 = 200;
#Ema <> zeroline
def EMADSUp = EMADSmooth > ZeroLine;
def EMADSUP_bn = if EMADSUP then bn else EMADSUP_bn[1];
def EMADSDown = EMADSmooth < ZeroLine;
def EMADSDown_bn = if EMADSDown then bn else EMADSDown_bn[1];
#Ema direction
def EMADdown = (MidBand > EMADSmooth);
def EMADup = (EMADSmooth >= MidBand);
#Top Line
plot Bulge = Highest(MidBand, BulgeLength);
#Bottom Line
plot Squeeze = Lowest(MidBand, SqueezeLength);
#Top line moving
def bulge_Step_DN = if Bulge < Bulge[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_UP = if Bulge > Bulge[1] then 1 else 0;
#Bottom line moving
def Squeeze_Step_DN = if Squeeze < Squeeze[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_UP = if Squeeze > Squeeze[1] then 1 else 0;
#Top line end of move down
def bulge_Step_DN_end = if bulge_Step_DN < bulge_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_DN_end_bn = if bulge_Step_DN_end then bn else bulge_Step_DN_end[1];
#Top line begining of move down
def bulge_Step_DN_begin = if bulge_Step_DN > bulge_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_DN_begin_bn = if bulge_Step_DN_begin then bn else bulge_Step_DN_begin[1];
#Top line end of move up
def bulge_Step_UP_end = if bulge_Step_UP < bulge_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_UP_end_bn = if bulge_Step_UP_end then bn else bulge_Step_UP_end[1];
#Top line begining of move up
def bulge_Step_UP_begin = if bulge_Step_UP > bulge_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_UP_begin_bn = if bulge_Step_UP_begin then bn else bulge_Step_UP_begin[1];
#Bottom line end of move down
def Squeeze_Step_DN_end = if Squeeze_Step_DN < Squeeze_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_DN_end_bn = if Squeeze_Step_DN_end then bn else Squeeze_Step_DN_end[1];
#Bottom line begining of move down
def Squeeze_Step_DN_begin = if Squeeze_Step_DN > Squeeze_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_DN_begin_bn = if Squeeze_Step_DN_begin then bn else Squeeze_Step_DN_begin[1];
#Bottom line end of move up
def Squeeze_Step_UP_end = if Squeeze_Step_UP < Squeeze_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn = if Squeeze_Step_UP_end then bn else Squeeze_Step_UP_end[1];
#Bottom line begining of move up
def Squeeze_Step_UP_begin = if Squeeze_Step_UP > Squeeze_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_UP_begin_bn = if Squeeze_Step_UP_begin then bn else Squeeze_Step_UP_begin[1];
#If both top and bottom line are going the same direction color x
def BS_Down = Squeeze_Step_DN and bulge_Step_DN;
def BS_UP = Squeeze_Step_UP and bulge_Step_UP;
#Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn or Squeeze_Step_UP_begin_bn
def Bull_Bias = (Squeeze > zeroline);
def Bear_Bias = (Bulge < zeroline);
Bulge.AssignValueColor(if (BS_Down) then Color.CURRENT else if (BS_UP) then Color.CURRENT else if (bulge_Step_UP) then Color.GREEN else if (bulge_Step_DN) then Color.RED else if (Bear_Bias) then color.yellow else Color.light_Gray);
Bulge.setpaintingStrategy (paintingStrategy.LINE);
Squeeze.AssignValueColor(if (BS_Down) then Color.CURRENT else if (BS_UP) then Color.CURRENT else if (Squeeze_Step_UP) then Color.GREEN else if (Squeeze_Step_DN) then Color.RED else if (Bull_Bias) then color.yellow else Color.light_Gray);
Squeeze.setpaintingStrategy (paintingStrategy.LINE);
def CrossUP = if (MidBand[1] > EMADSmooth[1])and(MidBand < EMADSmooth) then 1 else 0;
def CrossDOWN = if (EMADSmooth[1] > MidBand[1])and(EMADSmooth < MidBand) then 1 else 0;
#value at cross
Def ValueUP = if crossup then midband else 0;
Def ValueDown = if crossdown then midband else 0;
Def ValueUPz = if crossup then emadsmooth else 0;
Def ValueDownz = if crossdown then emadsmooth else 0;
#determine if cross touching line
def CrossUPline = if (ValueUP - squeeze) == 0 then 1 else 0;
def CrossDownline = if (ValueDown - bulge) == 0 then 1 else 0;
def CrossUPzline = if (ValueUPz) == 0 then 1 else 0;
def CrossDownzline = if (ValueDownz) == 0 then 1 else 0;
#band value at cross
def CrossUPline1 =(ValueUP - squeeze);
def CrossUPline2 =(ValueUP - squeeze);
def CrossDownline2 = (ValueDown - bulge);
def CrossDownline3 = (bulge - ValueDown);
#Value at cross
def Cross_Value_DN = if CrossDownline then CrossDownline2 else Cross_Value_DN[1];
def Cross_Value_DN_2 = if Crossdown then CrossDownline2 else Cross_Value_DN_2[1];
#bar number at cross
def CrossUPline_bn = if CrossUPline then bn else CrossUPline_bn[1];
def CrossDownline_bn = if CrossDownline then bn else CrossDownline_bn[1];
#Condition to hide band value if the crossover is at line
def hide_Lable_bn = if CrossUPline == 0 then 1 else 0;
def hide_Lable_bn2 = if CrossDownline == 0 then 1 else 0;
#Crossover not at line
def Cross_HL_bn = if CrossUP then bn else Cross_HL_bn[1];
def Cross_LH_bn = if CrossDown then bn else Cross_LH_bn[1];
#Ema direction
def Cross_Down_Cond1 = EMADdown > EMADdown[1];
def Cross_UP_Cond1 = EMADup > EMADup[1] ;
#which cross at line is most recent
def condition3lineUP = CrossUPline_bn > CrossDownline_bn ;
def condition3lineDown = CrossDownline_bn > CrossUPline_bn ;
#Bar number for condition to hide short term crossovers
def condition3lineUP2 = Cross_HL_bn - CrossUPline_bn;
def condition3lineDown22 = Cross_LH_bn - CrossDownline_bn;
#Condition to hide short term crossovers
def conditionUPxbars2 = if condition3lineUP2 >= bars_back then 1 else 0;
def conditionDownxbars22 = if condition3lineDown22 >= bars_back_2 then 1 else 0;
def StepDownEndSq = if squeeze_Step_dn_end[1] and !squeeze_Step_dn_end then 1 else 0;
def stepDownbn = if StepDownEndSq then bn else stepdownbn[1];
def StepupEndSq = if squeeze_Step_UP_end[1] and !squeeze_Step_UP_end then 1 else 0;
def stepUPbn = if StepUPEndSq then bn else stepUPbn[1];
def StepDownEndBg = if bulge_Step_dn_end[1] and !bulge_Step_dn_end then 1 else 0;
def stepDownbnBG = if StepDownEndBg then bn else stepDownbnBG[1];
def StepupEndBG = if bulge_Step_up_end[1] and !bulge_Step_up_end then 1 else 0;
def stepUPbnBG = if StepupEndBG then bn else stepUPbnBG[1];
def setuplastsq = if (stepUPbn > stepDownbn) then 1 else 0;
def setdownlastsq = if (stepDownbn > stepupbn) then 1 else 0;
def setuplastBG = if (stepUPbnBG > stepDownbnBG) then 1 else 0;
def setdownlastBG = if (stepDownbnBG > stepUPbnBG) then 1 else 0;
def up_1 = if crossup and !CrossUPline and condition3lineUP and (setuplastBG or setuplastsq) then 1 else 0;
def up_1bn = if up_1 then bn else up_1bn[1];
def dn_1 = if Crossdown and !CrossDownline and condition3lineDown and (setdownlastBG or setdownlastsq) then 1 else 0;
def dn_1bn = if dn_1 then bn else dn_1bn[1];
def hideup = if up_1 and (up_1[1] or up_1[2] or up_1[3] or up_1[4]) then 0 else 1;
def hidedn = if dn_1 and (dn_1 [1] or dn_1 [2] or dn_1 [3] or dn_1 [4]) then 0 else 1;
#value at cross for logic
def CrossUP_Value = if (Cross_UP_Cond1
and conditionUPxbars2
and hide_Lable_bn
and condition3lineUP
and Crossup) then midband else CrossUP_Value[1];
def Cross_UP_1 = if CrossUP_Value == midband then 1 else 0;
def Cross_UP_1_bn = if Cross_UP_1 then bn else Cross_UP_1_bn[1];
def Cross_UP_1_Step = if (Cross_UP_1_bn - Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn) <= Bars_back then 1 else 0;
def CrossDown_Value = if (Cross_Down_Cond1 and conditionDownxbars22
and condition3lineDown and hide_Lable_bn2 and CrossDown) then midband else CrossDown_Value[1];
def Cross_Down_1 = if CrossDown_Value == midband then 1 else 0;
def Cross_Down_1_bn = if Cross_Down_1 then bn else Cross_Down_1_bn[1];
def Cross_Down_1_Step = if (Cross_Down_1_bn - Squeeze_Step_DN_end_bn) <= Bars_back then 1 else 0;
def Top_UP_1 = if (bulge_Step_UP_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_UP_1, "", Color.GREEN, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Top_UP_2 = if (bulge_Step_UP_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_UP_2, "", Color.red, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Top_DN_1 = if (bulge_Step_DN_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_DN_1, "", Color.cyan, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Top_DN_2 = if (bulge_Step_DN_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_DN_2, "", Color.magenta, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_DN_1 = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_DN_1, "", Color.orange, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_DN_2 = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_DN_2, "", Color.yellow, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_UP_1 = if (Squeeze_Step_DN_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_UP_1, "", Color.white, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_UP_2 = if (Squeeze_Step_DN_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_UP_2, "", Color.gray, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#cross at zero
def Prev_Step_Bottom_UP = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn < Squeeze_Step_DN_end_bn) then 1 else 0;
def Prev_Step_Bottom_UP_B = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_begin_bn > Squeeze_Step_DN_begin_bn) then 1 else 0;
def Prev_Step_Top_UP = if (Bulge_Step_UP_end_bn > Bulge_Step_DN_end_bn) then 1 else 0;
def Prev_Step_Top_UP_B = if (Bulge_Step_UP_begin_bn > Bulge_Step_DN_begin_bn) then 1 else 0;
#wrong... not the gap bet them just location within range
def percent_ema = (((midband - squeeze)/(bulge - squeeze))*100);
def percent_ema2 = (((emadsmooth - squeeze)/(bulge - squeeze))*100);
def crossupline_filter = if crossupline and (crossupline[1] or crossupline[2] or crossupline[3] or crossupline[4])then 0 else 1;
def crossdownline_filter = if Crossdownline and (Crossdownline[1] or Crossdownline[2] or Crossdownline[3] or Crossdownline[4])then 0 else 1;
addchartbubble(bubbles and Crossupline and crossupline_filter,midband," Wait for HL ",color.light_Green);
addchartbubble(bubbles and Crossdownline and crossdownline_filter,midband," Wait for LH " , Color.light_red);
How can I make the zero line to plot only for the current day RTH session on a tick chart so it won't plot a continuous line through out?
#EMAD_Range Created by Christopher84 01/05/2022
#EMAD_Range_V2 added colors and bubbles HODL
declare lower;
input Bubbles = yes;
input length8 = 10;
input length9 = 35;
input length10 = 12;
input show_ema_cloud = yes;
def price1 = close;
def coloredCandlesOn = no;
def bars_back_z = 10;
def bars_back = 8;
def bars_back_2 = 20;
input length = 14;
input averageType = AverageType.WILDERS;
def agperiod1 = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def bn = barnumber();
def showBreakoutSignals = no;
def displace = 0;
def AvgExp8 = ExpAverage(price1[-displace], length8);
def UPD = AvgExp8[1] < AvgExp8;
def AvgExp9 = ExpAverage(price1[-displace], length9);
def UPW = AvgExp9[1] < AvgExp9;
def Below = AvgExp8 < AvgExp9;
def Spark = UPD + UPW + Below;
def UPEMA = AvgExp8[1] < AvgExp8;
def DOWNEMA = AvgExp8[1] > AvgExp8;
def UPEMA2 = AvgExp9[1] < AvgExp9;
def DOWNEMA2 = AvgExp9[1] > AvgExp9;
def EMAD = (price1 - AvgExp8);
def UPEMAD = EMAD >= EMAD[1];
def EMAD2 = (price1 - AvgExp9);
def UPEMAD2 = EMAD2 >= EMAD2[1];
def DOWNEMAD2 = EMAD2 < EMAD2[1];
def EMADAvg = (EMAD + EMAD2) / 2;
def UPEMADAvg = EMADAvg >= EMADAvg[1];
def DOWNEMADAvg = EMADAvg < EMADAvg[1];
plot EMADSmooth = ExpAverage(EMADAvg[-displace], length10);
def price = EMADSmooth;
def o = (EMADSmooth + EMADSmooth[1]) / 2;
def h = Max(EMADSmooth, EMADSmooth[1]);
def l = Min(EMADSmooth, EMADSmooth[1]);
def c = EMADSmooth;
def bottom = Min(c[1], l);
def tr = TrueRange(h, c, l);
def ptr = tr / (bottom + tr / 2);
def APTR = MovingAverage(averageType, ptr, length);
def UpperBand = c[1] + (APTR * o);
def LowerBand = c[1] - (APTR * o);
plot MidBand = (UpperBand + LowerBand) / 2;
MidBand.AssignValueColor(if (MidBand > EMADSmooth) then Color.GRAY
else if (MidBand < EMADSmooth) then Color.CYAN else Color.GRAY);
EMADSmooth.AssignValueColor(if (MidBand > EMADSmooth) then Color.GRAY
else if (MidBand < EMADSmooth) then Color.CYAN else Color.GRAY);
#AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (MidBand > EMADSmooth) then MidBand else Double.NaN, EMADSmooth, Color.RED, Color.CURRENT);
#AddCloud(if show_ema_cloud and (EMADSmooth >= MidBand) then EMADSmooth else Double.NaN, MidBand, Color.GREEN, Color.CURRENT);
plot ZeroLine = 0;
ZeroLine.setpaintingStrategy (paintingStrategy.LINE);
#ZeroLine.AssignValueColor(if (EMADSmooth > ZeroLine) then Color.GREEN else if (EMADSmooth < ZeroLine) then Color.RED else Color.YELLOW);
def BulgeLength = 100;
def SqueezeLength = 100;
def BulgeLength2 = 200;
def SqueezeLength2 = 200;
#Ema <> zeroline
def EMADSUp = EMADSmooth > ZeroLine;
def EMADSUP_bn = if EMADSUP then bn else EMADSUP_bn[1];
def EMADSDown = EMADSmooth < ZeroLine;
def EMADSDown_bn = if EMADSDown then bn else EMADSDown_bn[1];
#Ema direction
def EMADdown = (MidBand > EMADSmooth);
def EMADup = (EMADSmooth >= MidBand);
#Top Line
plot Bulge = Highest(MidBand, BulgeLength);
#Bottom Line
plot Squeeze = Lowest(MidBand, SqueezeLength);
#Top line moving
def bulge_Step_DN = if Bulge < Bulge[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_UP = if Bulge > Bulge[1] then 1 else 0;
#Bottom line moving
def Squeeze_Step_DN = if Squeeze < Squeeze[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_UP = if Squeeze > Squeeze[1] then 1 else 0;
#Top line end of move down
def bulge_Step_DN_end = if bulge_Step_DN < bulge_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_DN_end_bn = if bulge_Step_DN_end then bn else bulge_Step_DN_end[1];
#Top line begining of move down
def bulge_Step_DN_begin = if bulge_Step_DN > bulge_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_DN_begin_bn = if bulge_Step_DN_begin then bn else bulge_Step_DN_begin[1];
#Top line end of move up
def bulge_Step_UP_end = if bulge_Step_UP < bulge_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_UP_end_bn = if bulge_Step_UP_end then bn else bulge_Step_UP_end[1];
#Top line begining of move up
def bulge_Step_UP_begin = if bulge_Step_UP > bulge_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def bulge_Step_UP_begin_bn = if bulge_Step_UP_begin then bn else bulge_Step_UP_begin[1];
#Bottom line end of move down
def Squeeze_Step_DN_end = if Squeeze_Step_DN < Squeeze_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_DN_end_bn = if Squeeze_Step_DN_end then bn else Squeeze_Step_DN_end[1];
#Bottom line begining of move down
def Squeeze_Step_DN_begin = if Squeeze_Step_DN > Squeeze_Step_DN[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_DN_begin_bn = if Squeeze_Step_DN_begin then bn else Squeeze_Step_DN_begin[1];
#Bottom line end of move up
def Squeeze_Step_UP_end = if Squeeze_Step_UP < Squeeze_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn = if Squeeze_Step_UP_end then bn else Squeeze_Step_UP_end[1];
#Bottom line begining of move up
def Squeeze_Step_UP_begin = if Squeeze_Step_UP > Squeeze_Step_UP[1] then 1 else 0;
def Squeeze_Step_UP_begin_bn = if Squeeze_Step_UP_begin then bn else Squeeze_Step_UP_begin[1];
#If both top and bottom line are going the same direction color x
def BS_Down = Squeeze_Step_DN and bulge_Step_DN;
def BS_UP = Squeeze_Step_UP and bulge_Step_UP;
#Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn or Squeeze_Step_UP_begin_bn
def Bull_Bias = (Squeeze > zeroline);
def Bear_Bias = (Bulge < zeroline);
Bulge.AssignValueColor(if (BS_Down) then Color.CURRENT else if (BS_UP) then Color.CURRENT else if (bulge_Step_UP) then Color.GREEN else if (bulge_Step_DN) then Color.RED else if (Bear_Bias) then color.yellow else Color.light_Gray);
Bulge.setpaintingStrategy (paintingStrategy.LINE);
Squeeze.AssignValueColor(if (BS_Down) then Color.CURRENT else if (BS_UP) then Color.CURRENT else if (Squeeze_Step_UP) then Color.GREEN else if (Squeeze_Step_DN) then Color.RED else if (Bull_Bias) then color.yellow else Color.light_Gray);
Squeeze.setpaintingStrategy (paintingStrategy.LINE);
def CrossUP = if (MidBand[1] > EMADSmooth[1])and(MidBand < EMADSmooth) then 1 else 0;
def CrossDOWN = if (EMADSmooth[1] > MidBand[1])and(EMADSmooth < MidBand) then 1 else 0;
#value at cross
Def ValueUP = if crossup then midband else 0;
Def ValueDown = if crossdown then midband else 0;
Def ValueUPz = if crossup then emadsmooth else 0;
Def ValueDownz = if crossdown then emadsmooth else 0;
#determine if cross touching line
def CrossUPline = if (ValueUP - squeeze) == 0 then 1 else 0;
def CrossDownline = if (ValueDown - bulge) == 0 then 1 else 0;
def CrossUPzline = if (ValueUPz) == 0 then 1 else 0;
def CrossDownzline = if (ValueDownz) == 0 then 1 else 0;
#band value at cross
def CrossUPline1 =(ValueUP - squeeze);
def CrossUPline2 =(ValueUP - squeeze);
def CrossDownline2 = (ValueDown - bulge);
def CrossDownline3 = (bulge - ValueDown);
#Value at cross
def Cross_Value_DN = if CrossDownline then CrossDownline2 else Cross_Value_DN[1];
def Cross_Value_DN_2 = if Crossdown then CrossDownline2 else Cross_Value_DN_2[1];
#bar number at cross
def CrossUPline_bn = if CrossUPline then bn else CrossUPline_bn[1];
def CrossDownline_bn = if CrossDownline then bn else CrossDownline_bn[1];
#Condition to hide band value if the crossover is at line
def hide_Lable_bn = if CrossUPline == 0 then 1 else 0;
def hide_Lable_bn2 = if CrossDownline == 0 then 1 else 0;
#Crossover not at line
def Cross_HL_bn = if CrossUP then bn else Cross_HL_bn[1];
def Cross_LH_bn = if CrossDown then bn else Cross_LH_bn[1];
#Ema direction
def Cross_Down_Cond1 = EMADdown > EMADdown[1];
def Cross_UP_Cond1 = EMADup > EMADup[1] ;
#which cross at line is most recent
def condition3lineUP = CrossUPline_bn > CrossDownline_bn ;
def condition3lineDown = CrossDownline_bn > CrossUPline_bn ;
#Bar number for condition to hide short term crossovers
def condition3lineUP2 = Cross_HL_bn - CrossUPline_bn;
def condition3lineDown22 = Cross_LH_bn - CrossDownline_bn;
#Condition to hide short term crossovers
def conditionUPxbars2 = if condition3lineUP2 >= bars_back then 1 else 0;
def conditionDownxbars22 = if condition3lineDown22 >= bars_back_2 then 1 else 0;
def StepDownEndSq = if squeeze_Step_dn_end[1] and !squeeze_Step_dn_end then 1 else 0;
def stepDownbn = if StepDownEndSq then bn else stepdownbn[1];
def StepupEndSq = if squeeze_Step_UP_end[1] and !squeeze_Step_UP_end then 1 else 0;
def stepUPbn = if StepUPEndSq then bn else stepUPbn[1];
def StepDownEndBg = if bulge_Step_dn_end[1] and !bulge_Step_dn_end then 1 else 0;
def stepDownbnBG = if StepDownEndBg then bn else stepDownbnBG[1];
def StepupEndBG = if bulge_Step_up_end[1] and !bulge_Step_up_end then 1 else 0;
def stepUPbnBG = if StepupEndBG then bn else stepUPbnBG[1];
def setuplastsq = if (stepUPbn > stepDownbn) then 1 else 0;
def setdownlastsq = if (stepDownbn > stepupbn) then 1 else 0;
def setuplastBG = if (stepUPbnBG > stepDownbnBG) then 1 else 0;
def setdownlastBG = if (stepDownbnBG > stepUPbnBG) then 1 else 0;
def up_1 = if crossup and !CrossUPline and condition3lineUP and (setuplastBG or setuplastsq) then 1 else 0;
def up_1bn = if up_1 then bn else up_1bn[1];
def dn_1 = if Crossdown and !CrossDownline and condition3lineDown and (setdownlastBG or setdownlastsq) then 1 else 0;
def dn_1bn = if dn_1 then bn else dn_1bn[1];
def hideup = if up_1 and (up_1[1] or up_1[2] or up_1[3] or up_1[4]) then 0 else 1;
def hidedn = if dn_1 and (dn_1 [1] or dn_1 [2] or dn_1 [3] or dn_1 [4]) then 0 else 1;
#value at cross for logic
def CrossUP_Value = if (Cross_UP_Cond1
and conditionUPxbars2
and hide_Lable_bn
and condition3lineUP
and Crossup) then midband else CrossUP_Value[1];
def Cross_UP_1 = if CrossUP_Value == midband then 1 else 0;
def Cross_UP_1_bn = if Cross_UP_1 then bn else Cross_UP_1_bn[1];
def Cross_UP_1_Step = if (Cross_UP_1_bn - Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn) <= Bars_back then 1 else 0;
def CrossDown_Value = if (Cross_Down_Cond1 and conditionDownxbars22
and condition3lineDown and hide_Lable_bn2 and CrossDown) then midband else CrossDown_Value[1];
def Cross_Down_1 = if CrossDown_Value == midband then 1 else 0;
def Cross_Down_1_bn = if Cross_Down_1 then bn else Cross_Down_1_bn[1];
def Cross_Down_1_Step = if (Cross_Down_1_bn - Squeeze_Step_DN_end_bn) <= Bars_back then 1 else 0;
def Top_UP_1 = if (bulge_Step_UP_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_UP_1, "", Color.GREEN, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Top_UP_2 = if (bulge_Step_UP_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_UP_2, "", Color.red, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Top_DN_1 = if (bulge_Step_DN_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_DN_1, "", Color.cyan, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Top_DN_2 = if (bulge_Step_DN_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine(Top_DN_2, "", Color.magenta, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_DN_1 = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_DN_1, "", Color.orange, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_DN_2 = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_DN_2, "", Color.yellow, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_UP_1 = if (Squeeze_Step_DN_begin) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_UP_1, "", Color.white, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
def Bottom_UP_2 = if (Squeeze_Step_DN_end) then 1 else 0;
#AddVerticalLine( Bottom_UP_2, "", Color.gray, Curve.SHORT_DASH);
#cross at zero
def Prev_Step_Bottom_UP = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_end_bn < Squeeze_Step_DN_end_bn) then 1 else 0;
def Prev_Step_Bottom_UP_B = if (Squeeze_Step_UP_begin_bn > Squeeze_Step_DN_begin_bn) then 1 else 0;
def Prev_Step_Top_UP = if (Bulge_Step_UP_end_bn > Bulge_Step_DN_end_bn) then 1 else 0;
def Prev_Step_Top_UP_B = if (Bulge_Step_UP_begin_bn > Bulge_Step_DN_begin_bn) then 1 else 0;
#wrong... not the gap bet them just location within range
def percent_ema = (((midband - squeeze)/(bulge - squeeze))*100);
def percent_ema2 = (((emadsmooth - squeeze)/(bulge - squeeze))*100);
def crossupline_filter = if crossupline and (crossupline[1] or crossupline[2] or crossupline[3] or crossupline[4])then 0 else 1;
def crossdownline_filter = if Crossdownline and (Crossdownline[1] or Crossdownline[2] or Crossdownline[3] or Crossdownline[4])then 0 else 1;
addchartbubble(bubbles and Crossupline and crossupline_filter,midband," Wait for HL ",color.light_Green);
addchartbubble(bubbles and Crossdownline and crossdownline_filter,midband," Wait for LH " , Color.light_red);
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