52-Week & Current High Low Labels / Bubbles For ThinkOrSwim

Green Trades

New member
Stock's current price vs its 52-week high is a technical indicator
It indicates how much the stock has moved within the 52-wk range.
This information gives insight into the volatility of a stock's price is and its potential future range.

52-week high low is important because it:
serves as a benchmark for a stock's performance
establishes the relative current value of a stock
range represents the fluctuation and risk of a stock.

A stock at its 52-week high attracts institutional interest if a stock is not overvalued.
Therefore, there is a chance of significant gains ahead after any short-term pullback.


I am stumped, so time to call on the experts. The three lines I want are:
52-week high: [value] 52-week low: [value]
Today's high: [value] Today's low: [value]
Current price: [value] Percentage gain/loss [value] (from previous close please)

If possible, please include how to change the color (although I think I have that figured out), and also is there a way to adjust the font size? Thank you all so much.
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@Green Trades

1, This will plot labels that you can change the color at the input screen as well as in the code.
2, Regrettably, we cannot chage the font or its' color.
3. The labels can be stacked in the left corner by adding blank labels (eg: addlabel(1, " ", color.black)) between the 3 labels with enough spaces between the quotes necessary to move the label to the next line.
4. The image shows the labels that you requested and the optional bubble method below.

input Labels  = yes;
def _52W_High  = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def _52W_Low   = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def Today_High = high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Today_Low  = low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Last_Close = close;
def Yesterday_Close = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Percent_Change  = (Last_Close - Yesterday_Close) / Yesterday_Close;

DefineGlobalColor("52", Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("Today", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Current", Color.ORANGE);
AddLabel(Labels, "52W High " + _52W_High + " 52W Low " + _52W_Low, GlobalColor("52"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Today High  "  + Today_High + " Today Low " + Today_Low, GlobalColor("Today"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Last_Close " +  Last_Close + " % Change " + AsPercent(Percent_Change), GlobalColor("Current"));

5. This is an optional method using bubbles in the right expansion.
6. You can place then either at the top or bottom of the screen with the input where.
7. The bubbles are movable sideways at the input bubblemover.
8. This uses 'declare lower' which places the bubbles in a lower panel. This you need to move the indicator to the upper panel.
9. You need to either uncheck 'Left axis' at the input screen or at chart settings/price axis, uncheck 'Enable Left Axis'.

Screenshot 2024-05-20 163344.png
def _52W_High  = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def _52W_Low   = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def Today_High = high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Today_Low  = low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Last_Close = close;
def Yesterday_Close = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Percent_Change  = (Last_Close - Yesterday_Close) / Yesterday_Close;

DefineGlobalColor("52", Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("Today", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Current", Color.ORANGE);

#Optional Bubbles
declare lower;
input bubbles     = yes;
input where       = {default top, bottom};
input bubblemover = 2;
def   b           = bubblemover;
plot  line100     = 100;
plot  line0       = 0;
def   mover       = bubbles and isnan(close[bubblemover]) and !isnan(close[bubblemover + 1]);
AddchartBubble(mover, if where==where.top then 100 else 0,"52W High " + _52W_High[b+1] + " 52W Low " + _52W_Low[b+1], GlobalColor("52"),if where==where.top then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(mover, if where==where.top then 100 else 0, " Today High  "  + Today_High[b+1] + " Today Low " + Today_Low[b+1], GlobalColor("Today"),if where==where.top then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(mover, if where==where.top then 100 else 0, " Last_Close " +  Last_Close[b+1] + " % Change " + AsPercent(Percent_Change[b+1]), GlobalColor("Current"),if where==where.top then no else yes);

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Can it be enhanced to add lines instead of bubbles? Possibly an option which would enable/disable bubble and show line instead?

This uses the optional Label version above and adds optional lines that match the label colors.

Screenshot 2024-05-24 084037.png

input lines   = yes;
input Labels  = yes;
plot _52W_High  = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
plot _52W_Low   = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
plot Today_High = high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
plot Today_Low  = low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
plot Last_Close = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close) then close else Double.NaN);
plot Yesterday_Close = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Percent_Change  = (Last_Close - Yesterday_Close) / Yesterday_Close;

DefineGlobalColor("52", Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("Today", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Current", Color.ORANGE);
DefineGlobalColor("Yesterday", Color.CYAN);

AddLabel(Labels, "52W High " + _52W_High + " 52W Low " + _52W_Low, GlobalColor("52"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Today High  "  + Today_High + " Today Low " + Today_Low, GlobalColor("Today"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Yesterday_Close " +  Yesterday_Close, GlobalColor("Yesterday"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Last_Close " +  Last_Close + " % Change " + AsPercent(Percent_Change), GlobalColor("Current"));

_52W_High. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
_52W_Low. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
Today_High. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
Today_Low. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
Last_Close. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);



This uses the optional Label version above and adds optional lines that match the label colors.
Hi SleepyZ, can you please help to show the code for the 52 week high and 52week low on the chart as chart bubble? The following did produce any results:

def _52W_High = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def _52W_Low = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
addchartbubble(yes, _52W_High and high == _52W_High, round(high,2),color.magenta,yes);
addchartbubble(yes, _52W_low and low == _52W_low, round(low,2),color.magenta,yes);
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Thanks @SleepyZ Would it also be possible to show the current lines and not show all prior lines which clutters the chart?

Use input todayonly = yes; to limit the display to just the last day.
The bubblemover allows you to move the bubbles sideways.
In the image, the right expansion is set to 10 and bubblemover is set to 9.
Change the bubble content to your liking.

Screenshot 2024-05-25 073445.png

input lines     = yes;
input Labels    = yes;
input bubbles   = yes;
input todayonly = yes;
def   na        = Double.NaN;

plot _52W_High  = if todayonly and GetDay() != GetLastDay() then na else Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
plot _52W_Low   = if todayonly and GetDay() != GetLastDay() then na else Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
plot Today_High = if todayonly and GetDay() != GetLastDay() then na else high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
plot Today_Low  = if todayonly and GetDay() != GetLastDay() then na else low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
plot Last_Close = if todayonly and GetDay() != GetLastDay() then na else HighestAll(if IsNaN(close[-1]) and !IsNaN(close) then close else Double.NaN);
plot Yesterday_Close = if todayonly and GetDay() != GetLastDay() then na else close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Percent_Change   = (Last_Close - Yesterday_Close) / Yesterday_Close;

DefineGlobalColor("52", Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("Today", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Current", Color.ORANGE);
DefineGlobalColor("Yesterday", Color.CYAN);

AddLabel(Labels, "52W High " + astext(_52W_High) + "  52W Low " + astext(_52W_Low), GlobalColor("52"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Today High  "  + astext(Today_High) + "  Today Low " + astext(Today_Low), GlobalColor("Today"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Yesterday_Close " +  astext(Yesterday_Close), GlobalColor("Yesterday"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Last_Close " +  astext(Last_Close) + " % Change " + AsPercent(Percent_Change), GlobalColor("Current"));

_52W_High. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
_52W_Low. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
Today_High. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
Today_Low. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);
Last_Close. SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HORIZONTAL);



input bubblemover = 9;
def   b   = bubblemover;
def mover = bubbles and IsNaN(close[b]) and !IsNaN(close[b + 1]);
AddChartBubble(mover, _52W_High[b + 1], "52W High " + AsText(_52W_High[b + 1]) , GlobalColor("52"));
AddChartBubble(mover, _52W_Low[b + 1], "52W Low " + AsText(_52W_Low[b + 1]), GlobalColor("52"));
AddChartBubble(mover, Today_High[b + 1], "Today High  "  + AsText(Today_High[b + 1]), GlobalColor("Today"));
AddChartBubble(mover, Today_Low[b + 1], "Today Low  "  + AsText(Today_Low[b + 1]), GlobalColor("Today"));
AddChartBubble(mover, Last_Close[b + 1], "Last_Close " +  AsText(Last_Close[b + 1]) + "\n % Change " + AsPercent(Percent_Change[b + 1]), GlobalColor("Current"));
AddChartBubble(mover, Yesterday_Close[b + 1], "Yesterday_Close " +  AsText(Yesterday_Close[b + 1]), GlobalColor("Yesterday"));
Hi SleepyZ, can you please help to show the code for the 52 week high and 52week low on the chart as chart bubble? The following did produce any results:

def _52W_High = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def _52W_Low = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
addchartbubble(yes, _52W_High and high == _52W_High, round(high,2),color.magenta,yes);
addchartbubble(yes, _52W_low and low == _52W_low, round(low,2),color.magenta,yes);

In addition to the above post that shows bubbles in the expansion on the 52 w lines, this will show these bubbles on the bar where these occur.

Screenshot 2024-05-25 080205.png
def _52W_High = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def _52W_Low  = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
AddChartBubble(high == HighestAll( _52W_High), high, "52W_H\n" + AsText(high), Color.MAGENTA, yes);
AddChartBubble(low == HighestAll(_52W_Low), low, "52W_L\n" + AsText(low), Color.MAGENTA, no);
1, This will plot labels that you can change the color at the input screen as well as in the code.
2, Regrettably, we cannot chage the font or its' color.
3. The labels can be stacked in the left corner by adding blank labels (eg: addlabel(1, " ", color.black)) between the 3 labels with enough spaces between the quotes necessary to move the label to the next line.
4. The image shows the labels that you requested and the optional bubble method below.

input Labels  = yes;
def _52W_High  = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def _52W_Low   = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def Today_High = high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Today_Low  = low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Last_Close = close;
def Yesterday_Close = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Percent_Change  = (Last_Close - Yesterday_Close) / Yesterday_Close;

DefineGlobalColor("52", Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("Today", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Current", Color.ORANGE);
AddLabel(Labels, "52W High " + _52W_High + " 52W Low " + _52W_Low, GlobalColor("52"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Today High  "  + Today_High + " Today Low " + Today_Low, GlobalColor("Today"));
AddLabel(Labels, " Last_Close " +  Last_Close + " % Change " + AsPercent(Percent_Change), GlobalColor("Current"));

5. This is an optional method using bubbles in the right expansion.
6. You can place then either at the top or bottom of the screen with the input where.
7. The bubbles are movable sideways at the input bubblemover.
8. This uses 'declare lower' which places the bubbles in a lower panel. This you need to move the indicator to the upper panel.
9. You need to either uncheck 'Left axis' at the input screen or at chart settings/price axis, uncheck 'Enable Left Axis'.

View attachment 21923
def _52W_High  = Highest(high(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def _52W_Low   = Lowest(low(period = AggregationPeriod.WEEK), 52);
def Today_High = high(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Today_Low  = low(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def Last_Close = close;
def Yesterday_Close = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def Percent_Change  = (Last_Close - Yesterday_Close) / Yesterday_Close;

DefineGlobalColor("52", Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("Today", Color.YELLOW);
DefineGlobalColor("Current", Color.ORANGE);

#Optional Bubbles
declare lower;
input bubbles     = yes;
input where       = {default top, bottom};
input bubblemover = 2;
def   b           = bubblemover;
plot  line100     = 100;
plot  line0       = 0;
def   mover       = bubbles and isnan(close[bubblemover]) and !isnan(close[bubblemover + 1]);
AddchartBubble(mover, if where==where.top then 100 else 0,"52W High " + _52W_High[b+1] + " 52W Low " + _52W_Low[b+1], GlobalColor("52"),if where==where.top then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(mover, if where==where.top then 100 else 0, " Today High  "  + Today_High[b+1] + " Today Low " + Today_Low[b+1], GlobalColor("Today"),if where==where.top then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(mover, if where==where.top then 100 else 0, " Last_Close " +  Last_Close[b+1] + " % Change " + AsPercent(Percent_Change[b+1]), GlobalColor("Current"),if where==where.top then no else yes);

Excellent tutorial here; thank you so much
Hi Sleepy, can you please help to scan for 52 week high and low? Thanks

You could use the TOS built-in Highs_Lows as shown in the image by selecting add study filter, study and fill in the blanks. It uses the close to find the HIghs_Lows.

If you want to use the current price (close) to find the high or low, then should probably use the built-in scanner.

Otherwise if you want to use the high or low price to find the 52 week high or low then you could use one of the following.

In either case set the scanner aggregation to Weekly

high == highest(high, 52)
low == lowest(low, 52)
high == highest(high, 52) or low == lowest(low, 52)
You could use the TOS built-in Highs_Lows as shown in the image by selecting add study filter, study and fill in the blanks. It uses the close to find the HIghs_Lows.

If you want to use the current price (close) to find the high or low, then should probably use the built-in scanner.

Otherwise if you want to use the high or low price to find the 52 week high or low then you could use one of the following.

In either case set the scanner aggregation to Weekly
Thank you SleepyZ!
Hi all,
The 52-week labels are not producing any results for me on my charts.
Love this work! Thanks

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