Repaints Consecutive Candles | Multi Timeframe For ThinkOrSwim



New member
great script for market timing reversals

Here is the original Tradingview code:

The new ThinkOrSwim code can be found in the next post.
Last edited by a moderator:

Please convert this for use in thinkscript, great script for market timing reversals
check below:

#// Indicator for TOS
#// @Yatagarasu_
#indicator(Consecutive Candles | Multi Timeframe "CC • Yata",     overlay = true,      timeframe = "")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024

input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input showCount = {"1 to 9", default "6 to 9", "7 to 9", "8 and 9", "Only 9", "None"}; # "Show"
input ShowStealth9 = no; #, title="Show Stealth 9"
input ShowSupportAndResistance = yes; #"Show Support and Resistance"
input mode    = {"Standard", "Aggressive",default "Both Mode"}; # "Mode"
input show1To13 = yes; #"Show 1 to 13 |"
input only13 = yes; #"Only 13 |"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def cap = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(cap, timeframe);
def lastBar = close(Period = tf) == close;
def showCD = show1To13;
def lastCN = only13;
def both = mode == mode."Both Mode";

def n19 = showCount == showCount."1 to 9";
def n69 = showCount == showCount."6 to 9";
def n79 = showCount == showCount."7 to 9";
def n89 = showCount == showCount."8 and 9";
def n99 = showCount == showCount."Only 9";

def sellSet = if close(period = tf) > close(period = tf)[4] then if sellSet[1] == 9 then 1 else sellSet[1] + 1 else 0;
def buySet  = if close(period = tf) < close(period = tf)[4] then if buySet[1] == 9  then 1 else buySet[1] + 1 else 0;

plot buySet1 = if n19 and buySet == 1 and lastBar then 1 else na;
plot buySet2 = if n19 and buySet == 2 and lastBar then 2 else na;
plot buySet3 = if n19 and buySet == 3 and lastBar then 3 else na;
plot buySet4 = if n19 and buySet == 4 and lastBar then 4 else na;
plot buySet5 = if n19 and buySet == 5 and lastBar then 5 else na;

plot sellSet1 = if n19 and sellSet == 1 and lastBar then 1 else na;
plot sellSet2 = if n19 and sellSet == 2 and lastBar then 2 else na;
plot sellSet3 = if n19 and sellSet == 3 and lastBar then 3 else na;
plot sellSet4 = if n19 and sellSet == 4 and lastBar then 4 else na;
plot sellSet5 = if n19 and sellSet == 5 and lastBar then 5 else na;



buySet1.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 100, 100));
buySet2.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 139, 139));
buySet3.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 178, 178));
buySet4.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 217, 217));
buySet5.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 255));

sellSet1.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(100, 0, 100));
sellSet2.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
sellSet3.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
sellSet4.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
sellSet5.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 255));

AddChartBubble((n19 or n69) and buySet == 6 and lastBar , low, "6", CreateColor(0, 139, 139), no);
AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79) and buySet == 7 and lastBar, low, "7", CreateColor(0, 178, 178), no);
AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and buySet == 8 and lastBar, low, "8", CreateColor(0, 217, 217), no);
AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and buySet == 9 and lastBar, low, "9", CreateColor(0, 255, 255), no);

AddChartBubble((n19 or n69) and sellSet == 6 and lastBar, high, "6", CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79) and sellSet == 7 and lastBar, high, "7", CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and sellSet == 8 and lastBar, high, "8", CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and sellSet == 9 and lastBar, high, "9", CreateColor(255, 0, 255));

def barBuy  = if buySet == 8 then 0 else barBuy[1] + 1;
def barSell = if sellSet == 8 then 0 else barSell[1] + 1;
def stealthBuy  = barBuy <= 1 and sellSet == 1;
def stealthSell = barSell <= 1 and buySet == 1;

AddChartBubble(ShowStealth9 and stealthBuy and lastBar, low, "S9", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(ShowStealth9 and stealthSell and lastBar, high, "S9", Color.RED);

#// -----------------------------------
def highest9 = highest(high(period = tf), 9);
def lowest9  = lowest(low(period = tf), 9);
def highTrendLine = if buySet == 9 then highest9 else if close(period = tf) > highTrendLine[1] then 0 else highTrendLine[1];
def lowTrendLine  = if sellSet == 9 then lowest9 else if close(period = tf) < lowTrendLine[1]  then 0 else lowTrendLine[1];

plot Sup = if !last and ShowSupportAndResistance and lowTrendLine then lowTrendLine else na;   # "Support"
plot Res = if !last and ShowSupportAndResistance and highTrendLine then highTrendLine else na; # "Resistance"


#// -----------------------------------
def buyCounCC;
def buyCounCC8Close;
def isBuyCounCC = close(period = tf) < low(period = tf)[2];
def nonBuy13 = isBuyCounCC and AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]) == 12 and low(period = tf) > buyCounCC8Close[1];
    buyCounCC = if buySet == 9 then if isBuyCounCC then 1 else 0 else
                if sellSet == 9 or highTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                if nonBuy13 then -12 else if isBuyCounCC then AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]);
def nonQBuy13 = nonBuy13 and buyCounCC == -12;
    buyCounCC8Close = if buyCounCC == 8 then close(period = tf) else buyCounCC8Close[1];

def sellCounCC;
def sellCounCC8Close;
def isSellCounCC = close(period = tf) > high(period = tf)[2];
def nonSell13    = isSellCounCC and AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]) == 12 and high(period = tf) < sellCounCC8Close[1];
    sellCounCC  = if sellSet == 9 then if isSellCounCC then 1 else 0 else
                  if buySet == 9 or lowTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                  if nonSell13 then -12 else if isSellCounCC then AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]);
def nonQSell13  = nonSell13 and sellCounCC == -12;
sellCounCC8Close = if sellCounCC == 8 then close(period = tf) else sellCounCC8Close[1];

def isAggressiveBuy = low(period = tf) < low(period = tf)[2];
def aggressiveBuy = if buySet == 9 then if isAggressiveBuy then 1 else 0 else
                    if sellSet == 9 or highTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                    if isAggressiveBuy then AbsValue(aggressiveBuy[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(aggressiveBuy[1]);
def isAggressiveSell = high(period = tf) > high(period = tf)[2];
def aggressiveSell   = if sellSet == 9 then if isAggressiveSell then 1 else 0 else
                       if buySet == 9 or lowTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                       if isAggressiveSell then AbsValue(aggressiveSell[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(aggressiveSell[1]);

def showStandardCounCC   = mode == mode."Standard";
def showAggressiveCounCC = mode == mode."Aggressive";
def sellCounCCNumber;
def buyCounCCNumber;

Switch (mode) {
Case "Aggressive" :
    sellCounCCNumber = aggressiveSell;
    buyCounCCNumber = aggressiveBuy;
Default :
    sellCounCCNumber = sellCounCC;
    buyCounCCNumber = buyCounCC;

plot modeP = if showCD and !lastCN and nonQSell13 and showStandardCounCC and lastBar then high else na;
plot modeN = if showCD and !lastCN and nonQBuy13 and showStandardCounCC and lastBar then low else na;


AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar, high, "13", Color.ORANGE);
AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar, high, "a13", Color.ORANGE);

AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar, low, "13", Color.BLUE, no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar, low, "a13", Color.BLUE, no);

AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar, high, "1", CreateColor(99, 99, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar, high, "2", CreateColor(111, 111, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar, high, "3", CreateColor(123, 123, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar, high, "4", CreateColor(135, 135, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar, high, "5", CreateColor(147, 147, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar, high, "6", CreateColor(159, 159, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar, high, "7", CreateColor(171, 171, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar, high, "8", CreateColor(183, 183, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar, high, "9", CreateColor(195, 195, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar, high, "10", CreateColor(207, 207, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar, high, "11", CreateColor(219, 219, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar, high, "12", CreateColor(231, 231, 0));
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar, high, "13", CreateColor(255, 0, 0));

AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar, low, "1", CreateColor(99, 99, 99), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar, low, "2", CreateColor(111, 111, 111), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar, low, "3", CreateColor(123, 123, 123), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar, low, "4", CreateColor(135, 135, 135), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar, low, "5", CreateColor(147, 147, 147), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar, low, "6", CreateColor(159, 159, 159), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar, low, "7", CreateColor(171, 171, 171), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar, low, "8", CreateColor(183, 183, 183), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar, low, "9", CreateColor(195, 195, 195), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar, low, "10", CreateColor(207, 207, 207), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar, low, "11", CreateColor(219, 219, 219), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar, low, "12", CreateColor(231, 231, 231), no);
AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar, low, "13", CreateColor(0, 255, 0), no);

#-- END of CODE
@samer800 Can these bubbles be converted to arrows ? These bubbles don’t show up in mobile app
check this if can help:

#// Indicator for TOS
#// @Yatagarasu_
#indicator(Consecutive Candles | Multi Timeframe "CC • Yata",     overlay = true,      timeframe = "")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024

input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input showCount = {"1 to 9", default "6 to 9", "7 to 9", "8 and 9", "Only 9", "None"}; # "Show"
input ShowStealth9 = no; #, title="Show Stealth 9"
input ShowSupportAndResistance = yes; #"Show Support and Resistance"
input mode    = {"Standard", "Aggressive",default "Both Mode"}; # "Mode"
input show1To13 = yes; #"Show 1 to 13 |"
input only13 = yes; #"Only 13 |"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def cap = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(cap, timeframe);
def lastBar = close(Period = tf) == close;
def showCD = show1To13;
def lastCN = only13;
def both = mode == mode."Both Mode";

def n19 = showCount == showCount."1 to 9";
def n69 = showCount == showCount."6 to 9";
def n79 = showCount == showCount."7 to 9";
def n89 = showCount == showCount."8 and 9";
def n99 = showCount == showCount."Only 9";

def sellSet = if close(period = tf) > close(period = tf)[4] then if sellSet[1] == 9 then 1 else sellSet[1] + 1 else 0;
def buySet  = if close(period = tf) < close(period = tf)[4] then if buySet[1] == 9  then 1 else buySet[1] + 1 else 0;

plot buySet1 = if n19 and buySet == 1 and lastBar then 1 else na;
plot buySet2 = if n19 and buySet == 2 and lastBar then 2 else na;
plot buySet3 = if n19 and buySet == 3 and lastBar then 3 else na;
plot buySet4 = if n19 and buySet == 4 and lastBar then 4 else na;
plot buySet5 = if n19 and buySet == 5 and lastBar then 5 else na;
plot buySet6 = if (n19 or n69) and buySet == 6 and lastBar then buySet else na;
plot buySet7 = if (n19 or n69 or n79) and buySet == 7 and lastBar then buySet else na;
plot buySet8 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and buySet == 8 and lastBar then buySet else na;
plot buySet9 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and buySet == 9 and lastBar then buySet else na;

plot sellSet1 = if n19 and sellSet == 1 and lastBar then 1 else na;
plot sellSet2 = if n19 and sellSet == 2 and lastBar then 2 else na;
plot sellSet3 = if n19 and sellSet == 3 and lastBar then 3 else na;
plot sellSet4 = if n19 and sellSet == 4 and lastBar then 4 else na;
plot sellSet5 = if n19 and sellSet == 5 and lastBar then 5 else na;
plot sellSet6 = if (n19 or n69) and sellSet == 6 and lastBar then sellSet else na;
plot sellSet7 = if (n19 or n69 or n79) and sellSet == 7 and lastBar then sellSet else na;
plot sellSet8 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and sellSet == 8 and lastBar then sellSet else na;
plot sellSet9 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and sellSet == 9 and lastBar then sellSet else na;



buySet1.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 100, 100));
buySet2.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 139, 139));
buySet3.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 178, 178));
buySet4.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 217, 217));
buySet5.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 255));
buySet6.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 139, 139));
buySet7.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 178, 178));
buySet8.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 217, 217));
buySet9.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 255));

sellSet1.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(100, 0, 100));
sellSet2.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
sellSet3.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
sellSet4.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
sellSet5.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 255));
sellSet6.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
sellSet7.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
sellSet8.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
sellSet9.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 255));

#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69) and buySet == 6 and lastBar , low, "6", CreateColor(0, 139, 139), no);
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79) and buySet == 7 and lastBar, low, "7", CreateColor(0, 178, 178), no);
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and buySet == 8 and lastBar, low, "8", CreateColor(0, 217, 217), no);
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and buySet == 9 and lastBar, low, "9", CreateColor(0, 255, 255), no);

#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69) and sellSet == 6 and lastBar, high, "6", CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79) and sellSet == 7 and lastBar, high, "7", CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and sellSet == 8 and lastBar, high, "8", CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and sellSet == 9 and lastBar, high, "9", CreateColor(255, 0, 255));

def barBuy  = if buySet == 8 then 0 else barBuy[1] + 1;
def barSell = if sellSet == 8 then 0 else barSell[1] + 1;
def stealthBuy  = barBuy <= 1 and sellSet == 1;
def stealthSell = barSell <= 1 and buySet == 1;

plot stealth9Buy = if ShowStealth9 and stealthBuy and lastBar then low else na;
plot stealth9Sell = if ShowStealth9 and stealthSell and lastBar then high else na;

#AddChartBubble(ShowStealth9 and stealthBuy and lastBar, low, "S9", Color.GREEN, no);
#AddChartBubble(ShowStealth9 and stealthSell and lastBar, high, "S9", Color.RED);

#// -----------------------------------
def highest9 = highest(high(period = tf), 9);
def lowest9  = lowest(low(period = tf), 9);
def highTrendLine = if buySet == 9 then highest9 else if close(period = tf) > highTrendLine[1] then 0 else highTrendLine[1];
def lowTrendLine  = if sellSet == 9 then lowest9 else if close(period = tf) < lowTrendLine[1]  then 0 else lowTrendLine[1];

plot Sup = if !last and ShowSupportAndResistance and lowTrendLine then lowTrendLine else na;   # "Support"
plot Res = if !last and ShowSupportAndResistance and highTrendLine then highTrendLine else na; # "Resistance"


#// -----------------------------------
def buyCounCC;
def buyCounCC8Close;
def isBuyCounCC = close(period = tf) < low(period = tf)[2];
def nonBuy13 = isBuyCounCC and AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]) == 12 and low(period = tf) > buyCounCC8Close[1];
    buyCounCC = if buySet == 9 then if isBuyCounCC then 1 else 0 else
                if sellSet == 9 or highTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                if nonBuy13 then -12 else if isBuyCounCC then AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]);
def nonQBuy13 = nonBuy13 and buyCounCC == -12;
    buyCounCC8Close = if buyCounCC == 8 then close(period = tf) else buyCounCC8Close[1];

def sellCounCC;
def sellCounCC8Close;
def isSellCounCC = close(period = tf) > high(period = tf)[2];
def nonSell13    = isSellCounCC and AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]) == 12 and high(period = tf) < sellCounCC8Close[1];
    sellCounCC  = if sellSet == 9 then if isSellCounCC then 1 else 0 else
                  if buySet == 9 or lowTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                  if nonSell13 then -12 else if isSellCounCC then AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]);
def nonQSell13  = nonSell13 and sellCounCC == -12;
sellCounCC8Close = if sellCounCC == 8 then close(period = tf) else sellCounCC8Close[1];

def isAggressiveBuy = low(period = tf) < low(period = tf)[2];
def aggressiveBuy = if buySet == 9 then if isAggressiveBuy then 1 else 0 else
                    if sellSet == 9 or highTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                    if isAggressiveBuy then AbsValue(aggressiveBuy[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(aggressiveBuy[1]);
def isAggressiveSell = high(period = tf) > high(period = tf)[2];
def aggressiveSell   = if sellSet == 9 then if isAggressiveSell then 1 else 0 else
                       if buySet == 9 or lowTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                       if isAggressiveSell then AbsValue(aggressiveSell[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(aggressiveSell[1]);

def showStandardCounCC   = mode == mode."Standard";
def showAggressiveCounCC = mode == mode."Aggressive";
def sellCounCCNumber;
def buyCounCCNumber;

Switch (mode) {
Case "Aggressive" :
    sellCounCCNumber = aggressiveSell;
    buyCounCCNumber = aggressiveBuy;
Default :
    sellCounCCNumber = sellCounCC;
    buyCounCCNumber = buyCounCC;

plot modeP = if showCD and !lastCN and nonQSell13 and showStandardCounCC and lastBar then high else na;
plot modeN = if showCD and !lastCN and nonQBuy13 and showStandardCounCC and lastBar then low else na;


plot buySet13 = if showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar then low else na;
plot buySet13a = if showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar then low else na;

plot sellSet13 = if showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar then high else na;
plot sellSet13a = if showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar then high else na;


#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar, high, "13", Color.ORANGE);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar, high, "a13", Color.ORANGE);

#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar, low, "13", Color.BLUE, no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar, low, "a13", Color.BLUE, no);

plot buyCD1  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD2  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD3  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD4  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD5  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD6  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD7  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD8  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD9  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD10 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD11 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD12 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD13 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;

plot sellCD1 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD2 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD3 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD4 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD5 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD6 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD7 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD8 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD9 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD10 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD11 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD12 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD13 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;



buyCD1.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(99, 99, 99));
buyCD2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(111, 111, 111));
buyCD3.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(123, 123, 123));
buyCD4.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(135, 135, 135));
buyCD5.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(147, 147, 147));
buyCD6.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(159, 159, 159));
buyCD7.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(171, 171, 171));
buyCD8.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(183, 183, 183));
buyCD9.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(195, 195, 195));
buyCD10.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(207, 207, 207));
buyCD11.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(219, 219, 219));
buyCD12.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(231, 231, 231));
buyCD13.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 0));

sellCD1.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(99, 99, 0));
sellCD2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(111, 111, 0));
sellCD3.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(123, 123, 0));
sellCD4.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(135, 135, 0));
sellCD5.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(147, 147, 0));
sellCD6.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(159, 159, 0));
sellCD7.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(171, 171, 0));
sellCD8.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(183, 183, 0));
sellCD9.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(195, 195, 0));
sellCD10.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(207, 207, 0));
sellCD11.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(219, 219, 0));
sellCD12.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(231, 231, 0));
sellCD13.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 0));

#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar, high, "1", CreateColor(99, 99, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar, high, "2", CreateColor(111, 111, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar, high, "3", CreateColor(123, 123, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar, high, "4", CreateColor(135, 135, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar, high, "5", CreateColor(147, 147, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar, high, "6", CreateColor(159, 159, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar, high, "7", CreateColor(171, 171, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar, high, "8", CreateColor(183, 183, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar, high, "9", CreateColor(195, 195, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar, high, "10", CreateColor(207, 207, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar, high, "11", CreateColor(219, 219, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar, high, "12", CreateColor(231, 231, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar, high, "13", CreateColor(255, 0, 0));

#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar, low, "1", CreateColor(99, 99, 99), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar, low, "2", CreateColor(111, 111, 111), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar, low, "3", CreateColor(123, 123, 123), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar, low, "4", CreateColor(135, 135, 135), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar, low, "5", CreateColor(147, 147, 147), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar, low, "6", CreateColor(159, 159, 159), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar, low, "7", CreateColor(171, 171, 171), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar, low, "8", CreateColor(183, 183, 183), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar, low, "9", CreateColor(195, 195, 195), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar, low, "10", CreateColor(207, 207, 207), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar, low, "11", CreateColor(219, 219, 219), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar, low, "12", CreateColor(231, 231, 231), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar, low, "13", CreateColor(0, 255, 0), no);

#-- END of CODE
check this if can help:

#// Indicator for TOS
#// @Yatagarasu_
#indicator(Consecutive Candles | Multi Timeframe "CC • Yata",     overlay = true,      timeframe = "")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2024

input timeframe = AggregationPeriod.MIN;
input showCount = {"1 to 9", default "6 to 9", "7 to 9", "8 and 9", "Only 9", "None"}; # "Show"
input ShowStealth9 = no; #, title="Show Stealth 9"
input ShowSupportAndResistance = yes; #"Show Support and Resistance"
input mode    = {"Standard", "Aggressive",default "Both Mode"}; # "Mode"
input show1To13 = yes; #"Show 1 to 13 |"
input only13 = yes; #"Only 13 |"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);
def cap = GetAggregationPeriod();
def tf = Max(cap, timeframe);
def lastBar = close(Period = tf) == close;
def showCD = show1To13;
def lastCN = only13;
def both = mode == mode."Both Mode";

def n19 = showCount == showCount."1 to 9";
def n69 = showCount == showCount."6 to 9";
def n79 = showCount == showCount."7 to 9";
def n89 = showCount == showCount."8 and 9";
def n99 = showCount == showCount."Only 9";

def sellSet = if close(period = tf) > close(period = tf)[4] then if sellSet[1] == 9 then 1 else sellSet[1] + 1 else 0;
def buySet  = if close(period = tf) < close(period = tf)[4] then if buySet[1] == 9  then 1 else buySet[1] + 1 else 0;

plot buySet1 = if n19 and buySet == 1 and lastBar then 1 else na;
plot buySet2 = if n19 and buySet == 2 and lastBar then 2 else na;
plot buySet3 = if n19 and buySet == 3 and lastBar then 3 else na;
plot buySet4 = if n19 and buySet == 4 and lastBar then 4 else na;
plot buySet5 = if n19 and buySet == 5 and lastBar then 5 else na;
plot buySet6 = if (n19 or n69) and buySet == 6 and lastBar then buySet else na;
plot buySet7 = if (n19 or n69 or n79) and buySet == 7 and lastBar then buySet else na;
plot buySet8 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and buySet == 8 and lastBar then buySet else na;
plot buySet9 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and buySet == 9 and lastBar then buySet else na;

plot sellSet1 = if n19 and sellSet == 1 and lastBar then 1 else na;
plot sellSet2 = if n19 and sellSet == 2 and lastBar then 2 else na;
plot sellSet3 = if n19 and sellSet == 3 and lastBar then 3 else na;
plot sellSet4 = if n19 and sellSet == 4 and lastBar then 4 else na;
plot sellSet5 = if n19 and sellSet == 5 and lastBar then 5 else na;
plot sellSet6 = if (n19 or n69) and sellSet == 6 and lastBar then sellSet else na;
plot sellSet7 = if (n19 or n69 or n79) and sellSet == 7 and lastBar then sellSet else na;
plot sellSet8 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and sellSet == 8 and lastBar then sellSet else na;
plot sellSet9 = if (n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and sellSet == 9 and lastBar then sellSet else na;



buySet1.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 100, 100));
buySet2.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 139, 139));
buySet3.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 178, 178));
buySet4.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 217, 217));
buySet5.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 255));
buySet6.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 139, 139));
buySet7.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 178, 178));
buySet8.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 217, 217));
buySet9.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 255));

sellSet1.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(100, 0, 100));
sellSet2.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
sellSet3.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
sellSet4.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
sellSet5.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 255));
sellSet6.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
sellSet7.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
sellSet8.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
sellSet9.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 255));

#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69) and buySet == 6 and lastBar , low, "6", CreateColor(0, 139, 139), no);
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79) and buySet == 7 and lastBar, low, "7", CreateColor(0, 178, 178), no);
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and buySet == 8 and lastBar, low, "8", CreateColor(0, 217, 217), no);
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and buySet == 9 and lastBar, low, "9", CreateColor(0, 255, 255), no);

#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69) and sellSet == 6 and lastBar, high, "6", CreateColor(139, 0, 139));
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79) and sellSet == 7 and lastBar, high, "7", CreateColor(178, 0, 178));
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89) and sellSet == 8 and lastBar, high, "8", CreateColor(217, 0, 217));
#AddChartBubble((n19 or n69 or n79 or n89 or n99) and sellSet == 9 and lastBar, high, "9", CreateColor(255, 0, 255));

def barBuy  = if buySet == 8 then 0 else barBuy[1] + 1;
def barSell = if sellSet == 8 then 0 else barSell[1] + 1;
def stealthBuy  = barBuy <= 1 and sellSet == 1;
def stealthSell = barSell <= 1 and buySet == 1;

plot stealth9Buy = if ShowStealth9 and stealthBuy and lastBar then low else na;
plot stealth9Sell = if ShowStealth9 and stealthSell and lastBar then high else na;

#AddChartBubble(ShowStealth9 and stealthBuy and lastBar, low, "S9", Color.GREEN, no);
#AddChartBubble(ShowStealth9 and stealthSell and lastBar, high, "S9", Color.RED);

#// -----------------------------------
def highest9 = highest(high(period = tf), 9);
def lowest9  = lowest(low(period = tf), 9);
def highTrendLine = if buySet == 9 then highest9 else if close(period = tf) > highTrendLine[1] then 0 else highTrendLine[1];
def lowTrendLine  = if sellSet == 9 then lowest9 else if close(period = tf) < lowTrendLine[1]  then 0 else lowTrendLine[1];

plot Sup = if !last and ShowSupportAndResistance and lowTrendLine then lowTrendLine else na;   # "Support"
plot Res = if !last and ShowSupportAndResistance and highTrendLine then highTrendLine else na; # "Resistance"


#// -----------------------------------
def buyCounCC;
def buyCounCC8Close;
def isBuyCounCC = close(period = tf) < low(period = tf)[2];
def nonBuy13 = isBuyCounCC and AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]) == 12 and low(period = tf) > buyCounCC8Close[1];
    buyCounCC = if buySet == 9 then if isBuyCounCC then 1 else 0 else
                if sellSet == 9 or highTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                if nonBuy13 then -12 else if isBuyCounCC then AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(buyCounCC[1]);
def nonQBuy13 = nonBuy13 and buyCounCC == -12;
    buyCounCC8Close = if buyCounCC == 8 then close(period = tf) else buyCounCC8Close[1];

def sellCounCC;
def sellCounCC8Close;
def isSellCounCC = close(period = tf) > high(period = tf)[2];
def nonSell13    = isSellCounCC and AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]) == 12 and high(period = tf) < sellCounCC8Close[1];
    sellCounCC  = if sellSet == 9 then if isSellCounCC then 1 else 0 else
                  if buySet == 9 or lowTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                  if nonSell13 then -12 else if isSellCounCC then AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(sellCounCC[1]);
def nonQSell13  = nonSell13 and sellCounCC == -12;
sellCounCC8Close = if sellCounCC == 8 then close(period = tf) else sellCounCC8Close[1];

def isAggressiveBuy = low(period = tf) < low(period = tf)[2];
def aggressiveBuy = if buySet == 9 then if isAggressiveBuy then 1 else 0 else
                    if sellSet == 9 or highTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                    if isAggressiveBuy then AbsValue(aggressiveBuy[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(aggressiveBuy[1]);
def isAggressiveSell = high(period = tf) > high(period = tf)[2];
def aggressiveSell   = if sellSet == 9 then if isAggressiveSell then 1 else 0 else
                       if buySet == 9 or lowTrendLine == 0 then 14 else
                       if isAggressiveSell then AbsValue(aggressiveSell[1]) + 1 else -AbsValue(aggressiveSell[1]);

def showStandardCounCC   = mode == mode."Standard";
def showAggressiveCounCC = mode == mode."Aggressive";
def sellCounCCNumber;
def buyCounCCNumber;

Switch (mode) {
Case "Aggressive" :
    sellCounCCNumber = aggressiveSell;
    buyCounCCNumber = aggressiveBuy;
Default :
    sellCounCCNumber = sellCounCC;
    buyCounCCNumber = buyCounCC;

plot modeP = if showCD and !lastCN and nonQSell13 and showStandardCounCC and lastBar then high else na;
plot modeN = if showCD and !lastCN and nonQBuy13 and showStandardCounCC and lastBar then low else na;


plot buySet13 = if showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar then low else na;
plot buySet13a = if showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar then low else na;

plot sellSet13 = if showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar then high else na;
plot sellSet13a = if showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar then high else na;


#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and sellCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar, high, "13", Color.ORANGE);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveSell == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar, high, "a13", Color.ORANGE);

#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showStandardCounCC or showCD and lastCN and buyCounCC == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC and both and lastBar, low, "13", Color.BLUE, no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showAggressiveCounCC or showCD and lastCN and aggressiveBuy == 13 and showStandardCounCC and both and lastBar, low, "a13", Color.BLUE, no);

plot buyCD1  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD2  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD3  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD4  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD5  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD6  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD7  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD8  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD9  = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD10 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD11 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD12 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;
plot buyCD13 = if showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar then buyCounCCNumber else na;

plot sellCD1 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD2 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD3 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD4 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD5 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD6 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD7 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD8 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD9 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD10 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD11 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD12 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;
plot sellCD13 = if showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar then sellCounCCNumber else na;



buyCD1.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(99, 99, 99));
buyCD2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(111, 111, 111));
buyCD3.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(123, 123, 123));
buyCD4.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(135, 135, 135));
buyCD5.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(147, 147, 147));
buyCD6.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(159, 159, 159));
buyCD7.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(171, 171, 171));
buyCD8.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(183, 183, 183));
buyCD9.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(195, 195, 195));
buyCD10.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(207, 207, 207));
buyCD11.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(219, 219, 219));
buyCD12.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(231, 231, 231));
buyCD13.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 255, 0));

sellCD1.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(99, 99, 0));
sellCD2.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(111, 111, 0));
sellCD3.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(123, 123, 0));
sellCD4.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(135, 135, 0));
sellCD5.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(147, 147, 0));
sellCD6.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(159, 159, 0));
sellCD7.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(171, 171, 0));
sellCD8.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(183, 183, 0));
sellCD9.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(195, 195, 0));
sellCD10.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(207, 207, 0));
sellCD11.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(219, 219, 0));
sellCD12.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(231, 231, 0));
sellCD13.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(255, 0, 0));

#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar, high, "1", CreateColor(99, 99, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar, high, "2", CreateColor(111, 111, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar, high, "3", CreateColor(123, 123, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar, high, "4", CreateColor(135, 135, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar, high, "5", CreateColor(147, 147, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar, high, "6", CreateColor(159, 159, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar, high, "7", CreateColor(171, 171, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar, high, "8", CreateColor(183, 183, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar, high, "9", CreateColor(195, 195, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar, high, "10", CreateColor(207, 207, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar, high, "11", CreateColor(219, 219, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar, high, "12", CreateColor(231, 231, 0));
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and sellCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar, high, "13", CreateColor(255, 0, 0));

#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 1 and lastBar, low, "1", CreateColor(99, 99, 99), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 2 and lastBar, low, "2", CreateColor(111, 111, 111), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 3 and lastBar, low, "3", CreateColor(123, 123, 123), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 4 and lastBar, low, "4", CreateColor(135, 135, 135), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 5 and lastBar, low, "5", CreateColor(147, 147, 147), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 6 and lastBar, low, "6", CreateColor(159, 159, 159), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 7 and lastBar, low, "7", CreateColor(171, 171, 171), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 8 and lastBar, low, "8", CreateColor(183, 183, 183), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 9 and lastBar, low, "9", CreateColor(195, 195, 195), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 10 and lastBar, low, "10", CreateColor(207, 207, 207), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 11 and lastBar, low, "11", CreateColor(219, 219, 219), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 12 and lastBar, low, "12", CreateColor(231, 231, 231), no);
#AddChartBubble(showCD and !lastCN and buyCounCCNumber == 13 and lastBar, low, "13", CreateColor(0, 255, 0), no);

#-- END of CODE
Thanks @samer800 . Appreciated !!. But now when I try to scan these Buy and Sell signals, thinkorswim crashes. Is there a way to make scan work ?

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