Difficulty coding & coloring Inside Candle formations


New member
Hello all, I've lurked for quite some and have found the forums very enlightening, but have only just joined.

I am not good at coding, in fact I'm very poor. I want to make an indicator that colors bar forming a pattern of mother candle > inside candle > candle up/down. The final candle has to close higher or lower than the body of the mother candle but I don't care about the wicks whatsoever.

The only criteria for the inside candle is that its closing price is inside the body of the mother candle. I do not require the entire body inside like a Harami, and I do not care about the wicks of any candle - only the body. Then I want to color all the bars in the formation.

Ideally I would like to be able to include more than 1 consecutive inside candle (a minimum of 1 up to a max of n), and I want to be able to scan for this pattern. Below is the code I have:

def Initial = BodyHeight();
def Inside = close < close[1] && close > open[1] ;
def IsUp = close > open && close > close[2]; 
plot PatternPlot =
    Initial[2] and
    Inside[1] and


I am stuck on coloring the bars of the pattern because SetPaintingStrategy does not color the bars themselves and AssignPriceColor gives me an error when I try to use it. I'm also stuck on how I would include multiple inside bars in the pattern.

Any help is appreciated!
Hello all, I've lurked for quite some and have found the forums very enlightening, but have only just joined.

I am not good at coding, in fact I'm very poor. I want to make an indicator that colors bar forming a pattern of mother candle > inside candle > candle up/down. The final candle has to close higher or lower than the body of the mother candle but I don't care about the wicks whatsoever.

The only criteria for the inside candle is that its closing price is inside the body of the mother candle. I do not require the entire body inside like a Harami, and I do not care about the wicks of any candle - only the body. Then I want to color all the bars in the formation.

Ideally I would like to be able to include more than 1...
Hello all, I've lurked for quite some and have found the forums very enlightening, but have only just joined.

I am not good at coding, in fact I'm very poor. I want to make an indicator that colors bar forming a pattern of mother candle > inside candle > candle up/down. The final candle has to close higher or lower than the body of the mother candle but I don't care about the wicks whatsoever.

The only criteria for the inside candle is that its closing price is inside the body of the mother candle. I do not require the entire body inside like a Harami, and I do not care about the wicks of any candle - only the body. Then I want to color all the bars in the formation.

Ideally I would like to be able to include more than 1 consecutive inside candle (a minimum of 1 up to a max of n), and I want to be able to scan for this pattern. Below is the code I have:

def Initial = BodyHeight();
def Inside = close < close[1] && close > open[1] ;
def IsUp = close > open && close > close[2];
plot PatternPlot =
    Initial[2] and
    Inside[1] and


I am stuck on coloring the bars of the pattern because SetPaintingStrategy does not color the bars themselves and AssignPriceColor gives me an error when I try to use it. I'm also stuck on how I would include multiple inside bars in the pattern.

Any help is appreciated!

i have some ideas for this, but it will be later when i get to my computer.

can you post your code so others can look it over and give you some pointers.

you can put an if then within this, to change bar color.
AssignPriceColor( if a == 2 then color.green else color.current)

i think the tricky part for you is finding multiple inside bars. you need a way to look for them.

what i have done,
look for an inside mother bar,
...use a fold loop to look at future bars and count how many have smaller bodies (or whatever condition)
from the mother bar, start a counter, from the qty down to 0.
as long as the counter is >0 then there are inside bars, so color them.
Hello all, I've lurked for quite some and have found the forums very enlightening, but have only just joined.

I am not good at coding, in fact I'm very poor. I want to make an indicator that colors bar forming a pattern of mother candle > inside candle > candle up/down. The final candle has to close higher or lower than the body of the mother candle but I don't care about the wicks whatsoever.

The only criteria for the inside candle is that its closing price is inside the body of the mother candle. I do not require the entire body inside like a Harami, and I do not care about the wicks of any candle - only the body. Then I want to color all the bars in the formation.

Ideally I would like to be able to include more than 1 consecutive inside candle (a minimum of 1 up to a max of n), and I want to be able to scan for this pattern. Below is the code I have:

def Initial = BodyHeight();
def Inside = close < close[1] && close > open[1] ;
def IsUp = close > open && close > close[2];
plot PatternPlot =
    Initial[2] and
    Inside[1] and


I am stuck on coloring the bars of the pattern because SetPaintingStrategy does not color the bars themselves and AssignPriceColor gives me an error when I try to use it. I'm also stuck on how I would include multiple inside bars in the pattern.

Any help is appreciated!

on each bar, determine if it is a mother bar,
by looking at future bars, to see if each close is within the body of the mother bar.
if so, then count the sequencial ones and color them as yellow.

can pick a minimum (1) and maximum (100) quantity of bars.
can draw a rectangle around the mother bar.


#The only criteria for the inside candle is that its closing price is inside the body of the mother candle.

# halcyonguy
# 23-06-29
# find when following close's are within the mother bar body
# -----------------

def bn = BarNumber();
def na = Double.NaN;
def o = open;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def c = close;
#def barup = (c > o);
#def bardwn = (c < o);

DefineGlobalColor("c1", Color.YELLOW);
# GlobalColor("c1")

input minimum_inside_bars = 1;
input maximum_inside_bars = 100;

input show_inside_count_bubbles = yes;
input show_inside_count_values_above = no;
input draw_a_box_around_inside_bar = no;

input show_horizontal_lines = yes;
input show_inside_bars_within_larger_range = no;

input candle_levels = {"wick" , default "body" };
def highx;
def lowx;
switch (candle_levels) {
case "wick":
    highx = h;
    lowx = l;
case "body":
    highx = Max(o, c);
    lowx = Min(o, c);

# def loop1 = maximum_inside_bars;
#  count how many future bars are smaller than the current bar
def incnt1 = fold k = 1 to maximum_inside_bars
  with p
# compare future body levels to a prev body
#  while (highx >= GetValue(highx, -k) and lowx <= GetValue(lowx, -k))
# compare future close prices to a prev, mother bar body levels
  while (highx >= GetValue(close, -k) and lowx <= GetValue(close, -k))
  do p + 1;

def incnt2 = if incnt1 >= minimum_inside_bars and incnt1 <= maximum_inside_bars then incnt1 else 0;

# count down the bars during the inside range , cnt+1 down to 1
def incountdown = if bn == 1 then 0
 else if incountdown[1] <= 1 and incnt2 > 0 then incnt2 + 1
 else if incountdown[1] > 0 then (incountdown[1] - 1)
 else 0;

# ignore future mother bars, within prev inside bar range
#  if countdown > 0 then ignore
def skip_in = if incnt2 > 0 and incountdown > 0 and incountdown[1] > 1 then 1 else 0;
def skipin = (show_inside_bars_within_larger_range and skip_in);

plot zskp1 = skipin;

plot zskp2 = skipin;

def yoff = 0.001;
def y6 = h * (1 + yoff);
AddChartBubble(show_inside_count_bubbles and incountdown[1] <= 1 and incountdown > 0 , y6, incnt2 , GlobalColor("c1"), yes);

plot z = if show_inside_count_values_above and incnt2 > 0 and !skipin then incnt2 else na;

# draw box around inside bar
# hollow -  open = high , close = low
def o5 = if draw_a_box_around_inside_bar and (incountdown[1] <= 1 and incountdown > 0) then h * (1 + (yoff / 1)) else na;
def c5 = if draw_a_box_around_inside_bar and (incountdown[1] <= 1 and incountdown > 0) then l * (1 - (yoff / 1)) else na;
AddChart(growcolor = GlobalColor("c1"), high = o5, low = c5, open = c5, close = o5, type = ChartType.CANDLE);

# plot horz lines during inside range
def in_hi = if incountdown[1] <= 1 and incountdown > 0 then highx
 else if incountdown > 0 then in_hi[1]
 else 0;
def in_lo = if incountdown[1] <= 1 and incountdown > 0 then lowx
 else if incountdown > 0 then in_lo[1]
 else 0;

plot zinhi = if show_horizontal_lines and in_hi > 0 then in_hi else na;
plot zinlo = if show_horizontal_lines and in_lo > 0 then in_lo else na;



input color_inside_bars = yes;

def oo1;
def ll1;
def cc1;
def hh1;
if  color_inside_bars and incountdown > 0 and incountdown[1] > 0 then {
    oo1 = if o <= c then c
          else if o > c then o
          else Double.NaN;
    hh1 = h;
    ll1 = l;
    cc1 = if o <= c then o
          else if o > c then c
          else Double.NaN;
} else {
    oo1 = Double.NaN;
    hh1 = Double.NaN;
    ll1 = Double.NaN;
    cc1 = Double.NaN;

AddChart(growColor = GlobalColor("c1"), fallColor = Color.GREEN, neutralColor = Color.GRAY, high = hh1, low = ll1, open = oo1, close = cc1, type = ChartType.CANDLE);


# test stuff

AddChartBubble(0, l,
 incnt1 + "\n" +
 incnt2 + "\n" +
 (if incountdown > 0 then Color.YELLOW else Color.GRAY), no);

TJX 15min
find a mother bar,
then color the inside bars as yellow
@halcyonguy Many, many thanks for your helpful post!

This is a perfect solution, and it also illustrates the use of "fold" for me which is something I never considered using!

i didn't mention , my answer is just for a chart.
to make a scan, we need data on the last bar. maybe another variable would be 0 or 1, depending if the current bar is an inside bar.

maybe disable all the plots and make a new one,

plot z = if incountdown > 0 then 1 else 0;
i didn't mention , my answer is just for a chart.
to make a scan, we need data on the last bar. maybe another variable would be 0 or 1, depending if the current bar is an inside bar.

maybe disable all the plots and make a new one,

plot z = if incountdown > 0 then 1 else 0;

Thank you again. I'll work on that and improving my code abilities!
i didn't mention , my answer is just for a chart.
to make a scan, we need data on the last bar. maybe another variable would be 0 or 1, depending if the current bar is an inside bar.

maybe disable all the plots and make a new one,

plot z = if incountdown > 0 then 1 else 0;
Thanks for this script.

May i request a slight tweak to scan for inside candle that has the body within the Mother Bar Body. Thanks

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