Would greatly appreciate if someone could set up a scan for me. I'm looking for anytime a yellow histogram bar appears either above or below the zero line.
Here's the code and thanks so much
Here's the code and thanks so much
# TD Ameritrade IP Company, Inc. (c) 2007-2019
declare lower;
input shortLength = 6;
input longLength = 14;
input lowerSideWinderLimit = 30.0;
input upperSideWinderLimit = 100.0;
input hideSideWinder = No;
def LinearReg = Inertia(close, 25);
def expAvg = ExpAverage(close, 34);
def diff = close - expAvg;
def yyyyMmDd = getYyyyMmDd();
def session_duration_minutes = (regularTradingEnd(yyyyMmDd) - regularTradingStart(yyyyMmDd)) / AggregationPeriod.MIN;
def interval_size_raw;
def aggregation = getAggregationPeriod();
if (aggregation == AggregationPeriod.DAY) {
interval_size_raw = session_duration_minutes * 60;
} else if (aggregation == AggregationPeriod.TWO_DAYS) {
interval_size_raw = session_duration_minutes * 60 * 2;
} else if (aggregation == AggregationPeriod.THREE_DAYS) {
interval_size_raw = session_duration_minutes * 60 * 3;
} else if (aggregation == AggregationPeriod.FOUR_DAYS) {
interval_size_raw = session_duration_minutes * 60 * 4;
} else if (aggregation == AggregationPeriod.WEEK) {
interval_size_raw = session_duration_minutes * 60 * 5;
} else if (aggregation == AggregationPeriod.MONTH or aggregation == AggregationPeriod.OPT_EXP) {
interval_size_raw = session_duration_minutes * 60 * 22;
} else if (aggregation >= AggregationPeriod.MIN) {
interval_size_raw = aggregation / AggregationPeriod.MIN;
} else {
interval_size_raw = aggregation;
def ema_angle_factor = Sqrt(interval_size_raw / 180);
def avg_ema = (expAvg[2] + expAvg[1]) / 2;
def avg_lsma = (LinearReg[2] + LinearReg[1]) / 2;
def lsma_slope = (LinearReg - avg_lsma) / tickSize();
def lsma_angle = ATan(lsma_slope / ema_angle_factor) / Double.Pi * 180;
def ema_slope = (expAvg - avg_ema) / tickSize();
def ema_angle = ATan(ema_slope / ema_angle_factor) / Double.Pi * 180;
def sw = lsma_angle + ema_angle;
def swabs = AbsValue(sw);
plot CCI = cci(length = longLength);
plot TCCI = cci(length = shortLength);
plot "CCI Hist" = CCI;
plot "CZ +100" = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 100;
plot "CZ -100" = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else -100;
plot "SW +200" = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 200;
plot "SW -200" = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else -200;
plot ZeroLine = if IsNaN(close) then Double.NaN else 0;
def colorState;
if Crosses(0, CCI, CrossingDirection.Below) {
colorState = 1;
} else if Crosses(0, CCI, CrossingDirection.Above) {
colorState = -1;
} else if (cci[1] > 0) {
colorState = ColorState[1] + 1;
} else if (cci[1] < 0) {
colorState = ColorState[1] - 1;
} else {
colorState = 0;
def histColor = {default "Neutral", "Negative", "Positive", "Last neutral"};
if AbsValue(colorState) == 1 {
if colorState[1] == 0 or histColor[1] == histColor."Positive" or histColor[1] == histColor."Negative" {
histColor = histColor."Neutral";
} else {
histColor = if colorState > 0 then histColor."Positive" else histColor."Negative";
} else if AbsValue(colorState) > 1 and AbsValue(colorState) < 5 {
histColor = histColor[1];
} else if AbsValue(colorState) == 5 {
if histColor[1] == histColor."Neutral" {
histColor = histColor."Last neutral";
} else {
histColor = histColor[1];
} else if AbsValue(colorState) > 5 {
histColor = if colorState > 0 then histColor."Positive" else histColor."Negative";
} else {
histColor = histColor."Neutral";
"CCI Hist".DefineColor("Neutral", Color.GRAY);
"CCI Hist".DefineColor("Last Neutral", Color.YELLOW);
"CCI Hist".DefineColor("Positive", Color.GREEN);
"CCI Hist".DefineColor("Negative", Color.RED);
"CCI Hist".SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.HISTOGRAM);
"CCI Hist".SetLineWeight(3);
"CCI Hist".HideTitle();
"CCI Hist".AssignValueColor(
if histColor == HistColor."Neutral" then "CCI Hist".color("Neutral")
else if histColor == HistColor."Negative" then "CCI Hist".color("Negative")
else if histColor == HistColor."Positive" then "CCI Hist".color("Positive")
else "CCI Hist".color("Last Neutral"));
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Dark Red", Color.DARK_RED);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Light Red", Color.LIGHT_RED);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Dark Orange", Color.DARK_ORANGE);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Light Orange", Color.LIGHT_ORANGE);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Yellow", Color.YELLOW);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Lime", Color.LIME);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Light Green", Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Dark Green", Color.DARK_GREEN);
"CZ +100".DefineColor("Cyan", Color.CYAN);
"CZ +100".SetDefaultColor(GetColor(1));
"CZ +100".SetLineWeight(2);
"CZ +100".SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES);
"CZ +100".HideTitle();
"CZ +100".HideBubble();
"CZ +100".AssignValueColor(
if (AbsValue(diff) < tickSize()) then
"CZ +100".color("Yellow")
else if (tickSize() < diff && diff <= 2 * tickSize()) then
"CZ +100".color("Lime")
else if (2 * tickSize() < diff && diff <= 3 * tickSize()) then
"CZ +100".color("Light Green")
else if (3 * tickSize() < diff && diff <= 4 * tickSize()) then
"CZ +100".color("Dark Green")
else if (4 * tickSize() < diff) then
"CZ +100".color("Cyan")
else if (-tickSize() > diff && diff >= -2 * tickSize()) then
"CZ +100".color("Light Orange")
else if (-2 * tickSize() > diff && diff >= -3 * tickSize()) then
"CZ +100".color("Dark Orange")
else if (-3 * tickSize() > diff && diff >= -4 * tickSize()) then
"CZ +100".color("Light Red")
"CZ +100".color("Dark Red"));
"CZ -100".AssignValueColor("CZ +100".TakeValueColor());
"CZ -100".SetDefaultColor(GetColor(1));
"CZ -100".SetLineWeight(2);
"CZ -100".SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES);
"CZ -100".HideTitle();
"CZ -100".HideBubble();
"SW +200".SetDefaultColor(GetColor(1));
"SW +200".SetLineWeight(2);
"SW +200".SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES);
"SW +200".HideTitle();
"SW +200".HideBubble();
"SW +200".DefineColor("Trending", Color.GREEN);
"SW +200".DefineColor("Normal", Color.YELLOW);
"SW +200".DefineColor("Flat", Color.RED);
"SW +200".AssignValueColor(
if swabs >= upperSideWinderLimit then "SW +200".color("Trending")
else if swabs > lowerSideWinderLimit then "SW +200".color("Normal")
else "SW +200".color("Flat"));
"SW -200".AssignValueColor("SW +200".TakeValueColor());
"SW -200".SetDefaultColor(GetColor(1));
"SW -200".SetLineWeight(2);
"SW -200".SetPaintingStrategy(PaintingStrategy.DASHES);
"SW -200".HideTitle();
"SW -200".HideBubble();
ZeroLine.DefineColor("Above LSMA", Color.GREEN);
ZeroLine.DefineColor("Equal to LSMA", Color.WHITE);
ZeroLine.DefineColor("Below LSMA", Color.RED);
if close < LinearReg then ZeroLine.color("Below LSMA")
else if close > LinearReg then ZeroLine.color("Above LSMA")
else ZeroLine.color("Equal to LSMA"));
AddLabel(!hideSideWinder and !isNaN(sw), round(sw, 2) +
if swabs >= upperSideWinderLimit then
" Trending"
else if swabs > lowerSideWinderLimit then
" Normal"
" Flat", "SW -200".takeValueColor());