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input wick_multiplier = 2.5;
input body_Percentage = .25;
If close > open
And (open-low) >= ((close - open) * Wick_multiplier
And (high-close) <= ((high-low) * Body_Percentage
Or Close < Open
And (close-low) >= ((close-open) * Wick_multiplier
And (high-close) <= ((high-low) * Body_Percentage
Or Close==Open And close <> high
And (High-Low) >= ((High-Close) * Wick_multiplier
And (high-close) <= ((high-low) * Body_Percentage
Or open==high and close==high
And High-Low >= average(high-low,50)
Then plot = "Long"
Hello, can anyone figure out where I am going wrong and creating this code; I'm trying to create a scanner for wick reversals based on those parameters I've listed I want it to plot a bullish signal, but it tells me error on if statement.