when call and put share a distinct delta value


New member
I have a light experience with coding and am very new to python.

I am trying to reference when any call and put share a distinct delta value. Print that underlying price where this occurred on my chart.

I cannot seem to figure out to reference the whole option chain, nor can I determine where to begin.

Thanks in advance,
I have a light experience with coding and am very new to python.

I am trying to reference when any call and put share a distinct delta value. Print that underlying price where this occurred on my chart.

I cannot seem to figure out to reference the whole option chain, nor can I determine where to begin.

Thanks in advance,

what you are asking for may not be doable?
maybe this will give you some ideas.
it plots lines for open interest, for several strikes.
post #1 has latest ver
Here's a general outline of how you can approach this:

  1. Choose a financial data API: There are several APIs available that provide option chain data, such as Yahoo Finance API, Alpha Vantage, or Quandl. Choose one that suits your needs and sign up for an API key if required.
  2. Install necessary libraries: Use pip to install any required Python libraries, such as requests (for API calls) and pandas (for data manipulation).
  3. Fetch the option chain data: Use the API to fetch the option chain data for the desired stock or index. You'll typically need to specify the expiration date and other relevant parameters.
  4. Process the data: Convert the JSON or CSV response from the API into a pandas DataFrame. Filter the data to include only calls and puts with the desired delta values.
  5. Compare the delta values: Loop through the DataFrame and find instances where a call and put have the same delta value.
  6. Print the underlying price: Once you find these instances, extract and print the underlying price.
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Last edited:
Here's a general outline of how you can approach this:

  1. Choose a financial data API: There are several APIs available that provide option chain data, such as Yahoo Finance API, Alpha Vantage, or Quandl. Choose one that suits your needs and sign up for an API key if required.
  2. Install necessary libraries: Use pip to install any required Python libraries, such as requests (for API calls) and pandas (for data manipulation).
  3. Fetch the option chain data: Use the API to fetch the option chain data for the desired stock or index. You'll typically need to specify the expiration date and other relevant parameters.
  4. Process the data: Convert the JSON or CSV response from the API into a pandas DataFrame. Filter the data to include only calls and puts with the desired delta values.
  5. Compare the delta values: Loop through the DataFrame and find instances where a call and put have the same delta value.
  6. Print the underlying price: Once you find these instances, extract and print the underlying price.
Read more here
Thank you very much for that.
I do not currently have the necessary skills to make that happen is there any way I could get you to help me with that? My coding skills are rudimentary at absolute best

what you are asking for may not be doable?
maybe this will give you some ideas.
it plots lines for open interest, for several strikes.
post #1 has latest ver
I have found out from Think or Swim that I cannot do what I am trying to do on the platform.
Would there be anywhere else that could support such a scripting tool?

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