What am I doing wrong here? Help with background alert color

This is the code I have written. the arrow comes up but the screen is not changing colors. I have a screen with my watchlist and I want the chart to change color when the Arrow comes in so my eyes can catch it.

def IsUp = close > open;
def IsDown = close < open;
def IsDoji = IsDoji();
def avgRange = 0.05 * Average(high - low, 20);
plot PatternPlot =
    IsDown[1] and
    IsUp[0] and
    low[1] == low[0] and
    high[1] < close[0] and
    low[1] <= open[0] and
    high[1] != high[0];

PatternPlot.SetDefaultColor(CreateColor(0, 0, 153));

alert(patternPlot, “BULLISH”, alert.bar, sound.ring);

assignbackgroundcolor(if patternPlot is true then color.blue
else color.dark_gray);
@joshua74133 If your logic is correct, and your Alert is working, all you should need is the following... Notice what's missing... I didn't test your code, I just removed the code that was either redundant or was interfering with the AssignBackgroundColor() logic...

assignbackgroundcolor(if patternPlot then color.blue else color.dark_gray);

If that doesn't work then try this...

plot PatternPlot =
if IsDown[1] and
IsUp[0] and
low[1] == low[0] and
high[1] < close[0] and
low[1] <= open[0] and
high[1] != high[0]
then 1 
else Double.NaN;

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@joshua74133 I had no problem w/ the original code you posted:
now its not working for this script. the alert works fine just not the screen color change

# Candlestick Reversal System
# Assembled by BenTen at useThinkScript.com
# Converted from [URL]https://www.tradingview.com/script/H5290fLn-Candlestick-Reversal-System/[/URL]

input extreme_reversal = yes;
input outside_reversal = yes;
input doji_reversal = yes;

def O = open;
def C = close;
def H = high;
def L = low;

input bodysize = 0.525;
input barsback = 50;
input bodymultiplier = 2;

def mybodysize = absValue(C - O);
def AverageBody = simpleMovingAvg(mybodysize, barsback);
def mycandlesize = (H - L);
def AverageCandle = simpleMovingAvg(mycandlesize, barsback);

def Elongsignal = ((O[1] - C[1]) >= (bodysize * (H[1] - L[1]))) and ((H[1] - L[1]) > (AverageCandle * bodymultiplier)) and ((O[1] - C[1]) >  AverageBody) and (C > O);
def Eshortsignal = ((C[1] - O[1]) >= (bodysize * (H[1] - L[1]))) and ((H[1] - L[1]) > (AverageCandle * bodymultiplier)) and ((C[1] - O[1]) >  AverageBody) and (O > C);

input BarMultiplier = 1.25;

def AverageCandle1 = simpleMovingAvg(mycandlesize, BarsBack);

def Olongsignal = L < L[1] and C > H[1] and (H - L) >= AverageCandle1 * BarMultiplier;
def Oshortsignal = H > H[1] and C < L[1] and (H - L) >= AverageCandle1 * BarMultiplier;

input percentage = 0.1;

def frangehl = H[1] - L[1];
def frangeco = absValue(C[1] - O[1]);
def sma10 = simpleMovingAvg(close, 10);

def Dshortsignal = (frangeco <= frangehl * percentage and C < L[1] and L[1] > sma10 and C < O)  or (C < L[2] and C[1] >= L[2] and frangeco <= frangeco * percentage and C < O and L[2] > sma10);
def Dlongsignal = (frangeco <= frangehl * percentage and C > H[1] and H[1] < sma10 and C > O)  or (C > H[2] and C[1] <= H[2] and frangeco <= frangeco * percentage and C > O and H[2] < sma10);

plot bullish_extreme = if extreme_reversal then Elongsignal else double.nan;
plot bearish_extreme = if extreme_reversal then Eshortsignal else double.nan;

plot bullish_outside = if outside_reversal then Olongsignal else double.nan;
plot bearish_outside = if outside_reversal then Oshortsignal else double.nan;

plot bullish_doji = if doji_reversal then Dlongsignal else double.nan;
plot bearish_doji = if doji_reversal then Dshortsignal else double.nan;




alert(bullish_doji, “BULLISH DOJI”, alert.bar, sound.RING);
alert(bullish_extreme, “BULLISH EXTREME”, alert.bar, sound.DING);

assignbackgroundcolor(if bullish_doji then color.yellow else color.dark_gray);
assignbackgroundcolor(if BULLISh_Extreme then color.blue else color.dark_gray);
assignbackgroundcolor(if BULLISh_OUTside then color.blue else color.dark_gray);
try using 1 assignbackgroundcolor() with a long if then else to handle all the possibilities

assignbackgroundcolor( if bullish_doji then color.yellow else if BULLISh_Extreme then color.blue else if BULLISh_OUTside then color.blue else color.dark_gray);
Yes, it needs to be one statement. Whatever color gets assigned first wins. Subsequent calls to AssignBackgroundColor will be ignored. Only the bullish doji condition would work properly in the code with 3 calls. Once that line sets dark gray nothing else can change it.

This also includes AssignBackgroundColor calls from other scripts. Whoever assigns first wins. If you have any other studies on the chart that also may assign bg color, they might be interfering. Either remove those or move this one above them in the list of studies applied to your chart.

The same thing occurs with AssignPriceColor, too.
Yes, it needs to be one statement. Whatever color gets assigned first wins. Subsequent calls to AssignBackgroundColor will be ignored. Only the bullish doji condition would work properly in the code with 3 calls. Once that line sets dark gray nothing else can change it.

This also includes AssignBackgroundColor calls from other scripts. Whoever assigns first wins. If you have any other studies on the chart that also may assign bg color, they might be interfering. Either remove those or move this one above them in the list of studies applied to your chart.

The same thing occurs with AssignPriceColor, too.

To add to what @Slippage stated, one way to know there is a problem of this nature, and any others, is that you will see a circled "!" exclamation mark in the upper left hand corner of your Chart... Clicking on that icon will reveal messages related to any problems with your chart... You should address all problems listed to avoid unexpected performance issues...

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