volume spread analysis For ThinkOrSwim

Volume spread analysis (VSA) is a method of technical analysis that compares the volume per candle, range spread, and closing price to determine price direction.


I dont see a study just like this but similar.
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# https://www.tradingview.com/script/8mytIJeV-volume-spread-analysis/
#strategy("volume spread analysis ", overlay=true)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 05/2024
input minperiodsrwist = 2; #(title="short term min periods", type=integer, defval=2, minval=1)
input maxperiodsrwist = 8;#(title="short term max periods", type=integer, defval=8, minval=1)
input minperiodsrwilt = 10;#(title="long term min periods", type=integer, defval=10, minval=1)
input maxperiodsrwilt = 40;#(title="long term max periods", type=integer, defval=40, minval=1)

def na = Double.NaN;
def volavg = Average(volume, 40);
def c = close;
def l = low;
def h = high;
def v = volume;
def volmean     = StDev(volavg, 30);
def volupband3  = volavg + 3 * volmean;
def volupband2  = volavg + 2 * volmean;
def volupband1  = volavg + 1 * volmean;
def voldnband1  = volavg - 1 * volmean;
def voldnband2  = volavg - 2 * volmean;
def midprice    = (high + low) / 2;
def spread      = (high - low);
def avgspread      = Average(spread, 80);
def avgspreadbar   = spread > avgspread;
def widerangebar   = spread > (1.5 * avgspread);
def narrowrangebar = spread < (0.7 * avgspread);
def lowvolume      = volume < volume[1] and volume < volume[2];
def upbar          = close > close[1];
def downbar        = close < close[1];
def highvolume     = volume > volume[1] and volume[1] > volume[2];
def closefactor    = close - low;
def clsposition    = spread / closefactor;
def closeposition  = If(closefactor == 0, avgspread, clsposition);
def vb             = volume > volavg or volume > volume[1];
def upclose        = close >= ((spread * 0.7) + low); #// close is above 70% of the bar
def downclose      = close <= ((spread * 0.3) + low); #// close is below the 30% of the bar
def aboveclose     = close > ((spread * 0.5) + low); #// close is between 50% and 70% of the bar
def belowclose     = close < ((spread * 0.5) + low); #// close is between 50% and 30% of the bar
def midclose       = close > ((spread * 0.3) + low) and c < ((spread * 0.7) + l); #// close is between 30% and 70% of the bar
def verylowclose   = closeposition > 4; #//close is below 25% of the bar
def veryhighclose  = closeposition < 1.35; #// close is above 80% of the bar
def closepos       = If(close <= ((spread * 0.2) + low), 1, If(close <= ((spread * 0.4) + low), 2, If(close <= ((spread * 0.6) + low), 3, If(close <= ((spread * 0.8) + low), 4, 5))));
def volpos         = If(volume > volavg * 2, 1, If(volume > volavg * 1.3, 2, If(volume > volavg, 3, If(volume < volavg and volume > volavg * 0.7, 4, 5))));
def freshgndhi    = close > Highest(h, 5);
def freshgndlo    = close < Lowest(l, 5);

def rwhmins = (high - low[minperiodsrwist]) / (ATR(minperiodsrwist) * Sqrt(minperiodsrwist));
def rwhmaxs = (high - low[maxperiodsrwist]) / (ATR(maxperiodsrwist) * Sqrt(maxperiodsrwist));
def rwhs = Max(rwhmins, rwhmaxs);

def rwlmins = (high[minperiodsrwist] - low) / (ATR(minperiodsrwist) * Sqrt(minperiodsrwist));
def rwlmaxs = (high[maxperiodsrwist] - low) / (ATR(maxperiodsrwist) * Sqrt(maxperiodsrwist));
def rwls = Max( rwlmins, rwlmaxs );

def rwhminl = (high - low[minperiodsrwilt]) / (ATR(minperiodsrwilt) * Sqrt(minperiodsrwilt));
def rwhmaxl = (high - low[maxperiodsrwilt]) / (ATR(maxperiodsrwilt) * Sqrt(maxperiodsrwilt));
def rwhl = Max( rwhminl, rwhmaxl );

def rwlminl = (high[minperiodsrwilt] - low) / (ATR(minperiodsrwilt) * Sqrt(minperiodsrwilt));
def rwlmaxl = (high[maxperiodsrwilt] - low) / (ATR(maxperiodsrwilt) * Sqrt(maxperiodsrwilt));
def rwll = Max( rwlminl, rwlmaxl );

def ground = rwhs;
def sky    = rwls;
def j      = rwhs-rwls;
def k      = rwhl-rwll;
def j2     = rwhl;
def k2     = rwll;
def ja     = crosses(j,1);
def jb     = crosses(1,j);
def jc     = crosses(-1,j);
def jd     = crosses(j,-1);
def j2a    = crosses(j2,1);
def j2b    = crosses(1,j2);
def k2a    = crosses(k2,1);
def k2b    = crosses(1,k2);
def upmajoron   = j > 1 and ja[1];
def upmajoroff  = j < 1 and jb[1];
def upminoron   = j2 > 1 and j2a[1];
def upminoroff  = j2 < 1 and j2b[1];
def dnmajoron   = j < -1 and jc[1];
def dnmajoroff  = j > -1 and jd[1];
def dnminoron   = k2 > 1 and k2a[1];
def dnminoroff  = k2 < 1 and k2b[1];
def upimd       = if(ground > 1, 1,0);
def dnimd       = if(sky > 1, 1, 0);
def upmajor     = if(j>1,1,if(j<(-1),-1,0));
def upminor     = if(j2>1,1,-1);
def dnminor     = if(k2>1,1,-1);
def Buy_stop = lowest(low[1],5) - atr(Length = 20)[1];
def Sell_stop = highest(high[1],5) + atr(Length = 20)[1];

plot buy_stoploss = Buy_stop; #, color=red, title="buy_stoploss")
plot sell_stoploss = Sell_stop; # color=green, title="sell_stoploss")

#-- Strategy
def nut         = widerangebar and downclose  and freshgndhi and highvolume;
def bc          = widerangebar and aboveclose and volume == highest(volume,60) and upmajor==1;
def upthrustbar = widerangebar and (closepos==1 or closepos==2) and upminor>0 and high>high[1] and
                                  (upimd>0 or upmajor>0) and volpos <4;
def upthrustbartrue = widerangebar and closepos==1 and upmajor>0 and high>high[1] and volpos <4;
def upthrustcond1   = upthrustbar[1] and downbar and !narrowrangebar;
def upthrustcond2   = upthrustbar[1] and downbar and volpos == 2;
def upthrustcond3   = upthrustbar and volpos ==1;
def toprevbar       = volume[1]>volavg  and upbar[1] and widerangebar[1] and downbar and
                      downclose and widerangebar and upmajor>0 and high==highest(high,10);
def pseudoupthrust = upbar[1] and high>high[1] and volume[1]>1.5*volavg and downbar and downclose and  !upthrustbar;
def pseudoutcond   = pseudoupthrust[1] and downbar and downclose and !upthrustbar;
def trendchange    = upbar[1] and high==highest(high,5) and downbar and (downclose or midclose) and volume>volavg and upmajor>0 and upimd>0 and !widerangebar and !pseudoupthrust;
def nodemandbarut = upbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos> 3 and ((upminor>0 and upimd>0)or (upminor<0 and upminor>0));
def nodemandbardt = upbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume and closepos> 3 and (upminor<=0or upimd<=0);
def nosupplybar   = downbar and narrowrangebar and lowvolume  and closepos<3 and ((upminor<1 and upimd<1)or (upminor>0 and upimd<1));
def lowvoltest    = low==lowest(low,5) and upclose and lowvolume;
def lowvoltest1   = low==lowest(low,5) and volume<volavg and low<low[1] and upclose and upminor>0 and upmajor>0;
def lowvoltest2   = lowvoltest[1] and upbar and upclose;
def sellcond1     = (upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2 or upthrustcond3);
def sellcond2     = sellcond1[1]==0;
def sellcond      = sellcond1 and sellcond2;
def strengthdown0 = upmajor<0 and volpos<4 and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upminor<0 and upimd<=0;
def strengthdown  = volpos<4 and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upimd<=00 and upminor<0;
def strengthdown1 = upmajor<0 and volume>(volavg*1.5) and downbar[1] and upbar and closepos>3 and upminor<0 and upimd<=0;
def strengthdown2 = upimd<=0 and volume[1]<volavg  and upbar and veryhighclose and volpos<4;
def buycond1      = strengthdown or strengthdown1;
def buycond       = upbar and buycond1[1];
def stopvolume    = low==lowest(low,5)  and (upclose or midclose) and v>1.5*volavg and upmajor<0;
def revupthrust   = upmajor<0 and upbar and upclose and volume>volume[1] and volume>volavg
                              and widerangebar and downbar[1] and downclose[1] and upminor<0;
def effortup      = high>high[1] and low>low[1] and close>close[1] and close>=((high-low)*0.7+low) and spread>avgspread and volpos<4;
def effortupfail  = effortup[1] and (upthrustbar or upthrustcond1 or upthrustcond2 or upthrustcond3 or (downbar and avgspreadbar));
def effortdown    = high<high[1] and low<low[1] and close<close[1] and close<=((high-low)*0.25+low)
                                 and widerangebar and volume>volume[1];
def effortdownfail = effortdown[1] and ((upbar and avgspreadbar)or revupthrust or buycond1);
def upflag      = (sellcond or buycond or effortup or effortupfail or stopvolume or effortdown or effortdownfail or revupthrust
                  or nodemandbardt or nodemandbarut or nosupplybar or lowvoltest or lowvoltest1 or lowvoltest2 or bc);
def bullbar     = (volume>volavg or volume>volume[1]) and closeposition <2 and upbar and !upflag;
def bearbar     = vb  and downclose and downbar and spread>avgspread and !upflag;
def buy         = (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2;
def burely      = strengthdown1 and stopvolume[1]or (upbar and revupthrust[1])or lowvoltest2;
def sell        = effortup[1] and effortupfail and upthrustcond3 and upthrustbartrue and toprevbar;

AddChartBubble((upbar and revupthrust[1]) or lowvoltest2, low, "simpleBuy", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(upthrustbartrue, high, "Close Buy", Color.RED);


plot upThrust = if (upthrustbar or upthrustbartrue) then high else na; # title="upthrustbaro"    ,style=shape.arrowdown ,color=red
plot TrendChg = if trendchange then hl2 else na; # "trendchange"    ,style=shape.xcross        ,size=size.small,color=red    )
plot revUp = if revupthrust then low else na; # "revupthrust"    ,style=shape.arrowup        ,size=size.huge,color=green    )
plot lowVol = if lowvoltest then low else na; # "lowvoltest"    ,style=shape.triangleup        ,size=size.small,color=blue    )
plot effUp = if effortup then low else na; # "effortup"    ,style=shape.diamond          ,size=size.small,color=lime    )
plot effupFail = if effortupfail then hl2 else na; # "effortupfail"    ,style=shape.xcross        ,size=size.small,color=blue    )
plot effDn = if effortdown then high else na; # "effortdown"    ,style=shape.triangledown        ,size=size.small,color=red    )
plot effdnFail = if effortdownfail then hl2 else na; # "effortdownfail"    ,style=shape.xcross    ,size=size.small,color=green    )

#-- END of CODE

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