Hi, i found these few codes that using Trend Intensity to find the list of trending stocks fulfilling the criteria. As a short term trade, i want to focus on momentum stocks and I tried to use thinkscript editor to convert to a simple scan for the list of stocks but was unsuccessful. May i request someone to teach or help me convert them to a simple scan. Thanks
scan 1
def conditionOne = Average(close, 7) / Average(close, 65) >= 1.05;
Scan 2
#avgc7/avgc65>=1.05and AVGC7.25 / AVGC65.25 <= 1.05
def conditionTwo = conditionOne and Average(close, 7)[25] / Average(close, 6)[25] <- 1.05;
Scan 3
#minv3.1>=100000 and c>3 and avgc7/avgc65>=1.05 and c>0 and c>c1 and c/c1>c1/c2 and c1/c2<1.02
def ConditionThree = Lowest(volume[1], 3) >= 10000 and close > 3 and conditionOne and close > 0 and close > close[1] and close / close[1] > close[1] / close[2] and close[1] / close[2] < 1.02;
scan 1
def conditionOne = Average(close, 7) / Average(close, 65) >= 1.05;
Scan 2
#avgc7/avgc65>=1.05and AVGC7.25 / AVGC65.25 <= 1.05
def conditionTwo = conditionOne and Average(close, 7)[25] / Average(close, 6)[25] <- 1.05;
Scan 3
#minv3.1>=100000 and c>3 and avgc7/avgc65>=1.05 and c>0 and c>c1 and c/c1>c1/c2 and c1/c2<1.02
def ConditionThree = Lowest(volume[1], 3) >= 10000 and close > 3 and conditionOne and close > 0 and close > close[1] and close / close[1] > close[1] / close[2] and close[1] / close[2] < 1.02;
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