TTrades Daily Bias For ThinkOrSwim


Active member
The author states:
this indicator aims to develop a higher timeframe bias. this indicator focuses on one specific method that utilizes previous highs and lows.

On the daily timeframe, there are a handful of possible scenarios that we consider: if price closes above its previous day high (PDH), the following day's bias will target PDH; if price trades above its PDH but closes back below it, the following day's bias will target its previous day low (PDL).

If price trades as an inside bar that doesn't take either PDH or PDL, it will refer to the previous candle for bias. If the previous day closed above its open, it will target PDH and vice versa. If price trades as an outside bar that takes both PDH and PDL, but closes inside that range, no bias is assigned.


I couldn't tell for sure since I don't know Tradingview, but I think this should be convertible. I don't think the logic needs arrays to function. It's an interesting and simple concept that can provide statistically measurable bias for session direction before the prior day high or prior day low is hit. If anyone can take a crack at it, I think it would be a helpful addition to the library of converted scripts on UTS 🙏
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I couldn't tell for sure since I don't know Tradingview, but I think this should be convertible. I don't think the logic needs arrays to function. It's an interesting and simple concept that can provide statistically measurable bias for session direction before the prior day high or prior day low is hit. If anyone can take a crack at it, I think it would be a helpful addition to the library of converted scripts on UTS 🙏
check the below.

#/ Indicator for TOS
#// © tradeforopp
#indicator("TTrades Daily Bias [TFO]", "TTrades Daily Bias [TFO]", true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 04/2024

input DailyBias = yes; # "Daily Bias", tooltip = "Apply TTrades bias concepts to the 1 Day timeframe", group = g_VIS)
input WeeklyBias = no; # "Weekly Bias", tooltip = "Apply TTrades bias concepts to the 1 Week timeframe", group = g_VIS)
input ShowBiasReasoning = yes; # "Show Bias Reasoning", tooltip = "Show the reason why a given bias is being established",
input PlotDailyBias = yes; # "Plot Daily Bias", inline = "DBIAS", group = g_PLT)
input PlotWeeklyBias = yes; # "Plot Weekly Bias", inline = "WBIAS", group = g_PLT)
input DaySeparator = no; # "Day Separator", inline = "DSEP", group = g_STY)
input WeekSeparator = no; # "Week Separator", inline = "WSEP", group = g_STY)

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def tf = GetAggregationPeriod();
def day = GetDay();
def week = GetWeek();
def new_day = day != day[1];
def new_week = week != week[1];
def can_plot_d = DailyBias and tf < AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def can_plot_w = WeeklyBias and tf < AggregationPeriod.WEEK;

DefineGlobalColor("bull", CreateColor(0,137,123)); #teal
DefineGlobalColor("bear", CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(255,82,82));
Script handle_bias {
input nph = high;
input npl = low;
input ncl = low;
input nch = high;
input np_up = yes;
input can_plot = yes;
input bias_reason = yes;
input tf = 1;
    def nbias;def txt;#def nclose_ph;def nclose_pl;
    if close[1] > nph {
#        nclose_ph = if nbias[1] == 1 then nclose_ph[1] + 1 else nclose_ph[1];
        nbias = 1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 1 else 0;#"Close Above P"+tf+"H\nBias P"+tf+"H"
   } else if close[1] < npl {
#        nclose_pl = if nbias[1] == -1 then nclose_pl[1] + 1 else nclose_pl[1];
        nbias = -1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 2 else 0; #"Close Below P"+tf+"L\nBias P"+tf+"L"
   } else if close[1] < nph and close[1] > npl and nch > nph and ncl > npl {
        nbias = -1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 3 else 0; #"Failed to Close Above P"+tf+"H\nBias P"+tf+"L"
   } else if close[1] > npl and close[1] < nph and nch < nph and ncl < npl {
        nbias = 1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 4 else 0; #"Failed to Close Below P"+tf+"L\nBias P"+tf+"H"
   } else if nch <= nph and ncl >= npl {
        nbias = if np_up then 1 else -1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then (if np_up then 5 else 5.5) else 0; #"Close Inside\nBias P"+tf + (n.p_up ? "H" : "L")
   } else {
        nbias = 0;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 6 else 0; #"Outside Bar but Closed Inside\nNo Bias"
    plot bias = nbias;
    plot reason = if !isNaN(close) then txt else 0;

Script update_info {
input tf = yes;
input can_plot = yes;
input bias_reason = yes;
input dw = 1;
    def np_up;
    def nph; # :=
    def npl; # :=
    def nch; # := high
    def ncl; # := low
    def nco; # := open
    def nph1 = if nph[1]==0 then high[1] else nph[1];
    def npl1 = if npl[1]==0 then low[1] else npl[1];
    def nch1 = if nch[1]==0 then high else nch[1];
    def ncl1 = if ncl[1]==0 then low else ncl[1];
    def nco1 = if nco[1]==0 then open else nco[1];
    def nbias; def nLabel;
    if tf {
    nbias = handle_bias(nph1, npl1, ncl1, nch1, np_up[1], can_plot, bias_reason, dw).bias;
    nLabel = handle_bias(nph1, npl1, ncl1, nch1, np_up[1], can_plot, bias_reason, dw).reason;
    np_up = if close[1] >= nco1 then yes else no;
    nph = nch[1];
    npl = ncl[1];
    nch = high;
    ncl = low;
    nco = open;
    } else {
    nbias = nbias[1];
    nLabel = 0;
    np_up = np_up[1];
    nph = nph[1];
    npl = npl[1];
    nco = nco[1];
    nch = max(high, nch1);
    ncl = min(low,  ncl1);
    plot up = np_up;
    plot ph = nph;
    plot pl = npl;
    plot bias = nbias;
    plot Label = nLabel;
#-- Daily
def dup = update_info(new_day).up;
def dph = update_info(new_day).ph;
def dpl = update_info(new_day).pl;
def dbias  = update_info(new_day, can_plot_d, ShowBiasReasoning, 1).bias;
def dLabel = update_info(new_day, can_plot_d, ShowBiasReasoning, 1).Label;
def colDH = if high >= dph then 1 else -1;
def colDL = if low <= dpl  then 1 else -1;
#--- Weekly
def wup = update_info(new_week).up;
def wph = update_info(new_week).ph;
def wpl = update_info(new_week).pl;
def wbias  = update_info(new_week, can_plot_w, ShowBiasReasoning, 0).bias;
def wLabel = update_info(new_week, can_plot_w, ShowBiasReasoning, 0).Label;
def colWH = if high >= wph then 1 else -1;
def colWL = if low <= wpl  then 1 else -1;

plot PDHRaid = if can_plot_d and new_day and high >= dph then low else na;    # "PDH Raid"
plot PDLRaid = if can_plot_d and new_day and low <= dpl then high else na;    # "PDL Raid"

plot PWHRaid = if can_plot_w and new_week and high >= wph then wph else na;    # "PWH Raid"
plot PWLRaid = if can_plot_w and new_week and low <= wpl then wpl else na;    # "PWL Raid"

AddVerticalLine(DaySeparator and new_day and can_plot_d, "NewDay", Color.GRAY);
AddVerticalLine(WeekSeparator and new_week and can_plot_w, "NewWeek", Color.ORANGE);

plot dHH = if DailyBias and dph and !new_day and !last then dph else na;
plot dLL = if DailyBias and dpl and !new_day and !last then dpl else na;
dHH.AssignValueColor(if colDH > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));
dLL.AssignValueColor(if colDL > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));
plot wHH = if WeeklyBias and wph and !new_week and !last then wph else na;
plot wLL = if WeeklyBias and wpl and !new_week and !last then wpl else na;
wHH.AssignValueColor(if colWH > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));
wLL.AssignValueColor(if colWL > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));

#-- Reasons
def LabW = if colWH==1 then  1 else
           if colWL==1 then -1 else 0;
def LabD = if colDH==1 then  1 else
           if colDL==1 then -1 else 0;
AddchartBubble(dLabel==1, dpl, "Close Above PDH\nBias PDH", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==2, dpl, "Close Below PDL\nBias PDL", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==3, dpl, "Failed to Close Above PDH\nBias PDL", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==4, dpl, "Failed to Close Below PDL\nBias PDH", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==5, dpl, "Close Inside\nBias PDH", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==5.5, dpl, "Close Inside\nBias PDL", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==6, dpl, "Outside Bar but Closed Inside\nNo Bias", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==1, wph, "Close Above PWH\nBias PWH", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==2, wph, "Close Below PWL\nBias PWL", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==3, wph, "Failed to Close Above PWH\nBias PWL", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==4, wph, "Failed to Close Below PWL\nBias PWH", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==5, wph, "Close Inside\nBias PWH", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==5.5, wph, "Close Inside\nBias PWL", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==6, wph, "Outside Bar but Closed Inside\nNo Bias", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);

def hh = InertiaAll(highest(high + atr(200), 500), 2);
def ll = InertiaAll(lowest(low - atr(200), 500), 2);
plot biasDaily = if !last and PlotDailyBias then inertiaAll(highestAll(hh), 500) else na;
plot biasWeekly = if !last and PlotWeeklyBias then inertiaAll(highestAll(ll), 500) else na;
biasDaily.AssignValueColor(if dbias == 1 then GlobalColor("bull") else if dbias == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
biasWeekly.AssignValueColor(if wbias == 1 then GlobalColor("bull") else if wbias == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- end OF code
Last edited by a moderator:
check the below.

#/ This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © tradeforopp
#indicator("TTrades Daily Bias [TFO]", "TTrades Daily Bias [TFO]", true, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 04/2024

input DailyBias = yes; # "Daily Bias", tooltip = "Apply TTrades bias concepts to the 1 Day timeframe", group = g_VIS)
input WeeklyBias = no; # "Weekly Bias", tooltip = "Apply TTrades bias concepts to the 1 Week timeframe", group = g_VIS)
input ShowBiasReasoning = yes; # "Show Bias Reasoning", tooltip = "Show the reason why a given bias is being established",
input PlotDailyBias = yes; # "Plot Daily Bias", inline = "DBIAS", group = g_PLT)
input PlotWeeklyBias = yes; # "Plot Weekly Bias", inline = "WBIAS", group = g_PLT)
input DaySeparator = no; # "Day Separator", inline = "DSEP", group = g_STY)
input WeekSeparator = no; # "Week Separator", inline = "WSEP", group = g_STY)

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def tf = GetAggregationPeriod();
def day = GetDay();
def week = GetWeek();
def new_day = day != day[1];
def new_week = week != week[1];
def can_plot_d = DailyBias and tf < AggregationPeriod.DAY;
def can_plot_w = WeeklyBias and tf < AggregationPeriod.WEEK;

DefineGlobalColor("bull", CreateColor(0,137,123)); #teal
DefineGlobalColor("bear", CreateColor(255,82,82));
DefineGlobalColor("up", CreateColor(33,150,243));
DefineGlobalColor("dn", CreateColor(255,82,82));
Script handle_bias {
input nph = high;
input npl = low;
input ncl = low;
input nch = high;
input np_up = yes;
input can_plot = yes;
input bias_reason = yes;
input tf = 1;
    def nbias;def txt;#def nclose_ph;def nclose_pl;
    if close[1] > nph {
#        nclose_ph = if nbias[1] == 1 then nclose_ph[1] + 1 else nclose_ph[1];
        nbias = 1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 1 else 0;#"Close Above P"+tf+"H\nBias P"+tf+"H"
   } else if close[1] < npl {
#        nclose_pl = if nbias[1] == -1 then nclose_pl[1] + 1 else nclose_pl[1];
        nbias = -1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 2 else 0; #"Close Below P"+tf+"L\nBias P"+tf+"L"
   } else if close[1] < nph and close[1] > npl and nch > nph and ncl > npl {
        nbias = -1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 3 else 0; #"Failed to Close Above P"+tf+"H\nBias P"+tf+"L"
   } else if close[1] > npl and close[1] < nph and nch < nph and ncl < npl {
        nbias = 1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 4 else 0; #"Failed to Close Below P"+tf+"L\nBias P"+tf+"H"
   } else if nch <= nph and ncl >= npl {
        nbias = if np_up then 1 else -1;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then (if np_up then 5 else 5.5) else 0; #"Close Inside\nBias P"+tf + (n.p_up ? "H" : "L")
   } else {
        nbias = 0;
        txt = if bias_reason and can_plot then 6 else 0; #"Outside Bar but Closed Inside\nNo Bias"
    plot bias = nbias;
    plot reason = if !isNaN(close) then txt else 0;

Script update_info {
input tf = yes;
input can_plot = yes;
input bias_reason = yes;
input dw = 1;
    def np_up;
    def nph; # :=
    def npl; # :=
    def nch; # := high
    def ncl; # := low
    def nco; # := open
    def nph1 = if nph[1]==0 then high[1] else nph[1];
    def npl1 = if npl[1]==0 then low[1] else npl[1];
    def nch1 = if nch[1]==0 then high else nch[1];
    def ncl1 = if ncl[1]==0 then low else ncl[1];
    def nco1 = if nco[1]==0 then open else nco[1];
    def nbias; def nLabel;
    if tf {
    nbias = handle_bias(nph1, npl1, ncl1, nch1, np_up[1], can_plot, bias_reason, dw).bias;
    nLabel = handle_bias(nph1, npl1, ncl1, nch1, np_up[1], can_plot, bias_reason, dw).reason;
    np_up = if close[1] >= nco1 then yes else no;
    nph = nch[1];
    npl = ncl[1];
    nch = high;
    ncl = low;
    nco = open;
    } else {
    nbias = nbias[1];
    nLabel = 0;
    np_up = np_up[1];
    nph = nph[1];
    npl = npl[1];
    nco = nco[1];
    nch = max(high, nch1);
    ncl = min(low,  ncl1);
    plot up = np_up;
    plot ph = nph;
    plot pl = npl;
    plot bias = nbias;
    plot Label = nLabel;
#-- Daily
def dup = update_info(new_day).up;
def dph = update_info(new_day).ph;
def dpl = update_info(new_day).pl;
def dbias  = update_info(new_day, can_plot_d, ShowBiasReasoning, 1).bias;
def dLabel = update_info(new_day, can_plot_d, ShowBiasReasoning, 1).Label;
def colDH = if high >= dph then 1 else -1;
def colDL = if low <= dpl  then 1 else -1;
#--- Weekly
def wup = update_info(new_week).up;
def wph = update_info(new_week).ph;
def wpl = update_info(new_week).pl;
def wbias  = update_info(new_week, can_plot_w, ShowBiasReasoning, 0).bias;
def wLabel = update_info(new_week, can_plot_w, ShowBiasReasoning, 0).Label;
def colWH = if high >= wph then 1 else -1;
def colWL = if low <= wpl  then 1 else -1;

plot PDHRaid = if can_plot_d and new_day and high >= dph then low else na;    # "PDH Raid"
plot PDLRaid = if can_plot_d and new_day and low <= dpl then high else na;    # "PDL Raid"

plot PWHRaid = if can_plot_w and new_week and high >= wph then wph else na;    # "PWH Raid"
plot PWLRaid = if can_plot_w and new_week and low <= wpl then wpl else na;    # "PWL Raid"

AddVerticalLine(DaySeparator and new_day and can_plot_d, "NewDay", Color.GRAY);
AddVerticalLine(WeekSeparator and new_week and can_plot_w, "NewWeek", Color.ORANGE);

plot dHH = if DailyBias and dph and !new_day and !last then dph else na;
plot dLL = if DailyBias and dpl and !new_day and !last then dpl else na;
dHH.AssignValueColor(if colDH > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));
dLL.AssignValueColor(if colDL > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));
plot wHH = if WeeklyBias and wph and !new_week and !last then wph else na;
plot wLL = if WeeklyBias and wpl and !new_week and !last then wpl else na;
wHH.AssignValueColor(if colWH > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));
wLL.AssignValueColor(if colWL > 0 then GlobalColor("dn") else GlobalColor("up"));

#-- Reasons
def LabW = if colWH==1 then  1 else
           if colWL==1 then -1 else 0;
def LabD = if colDH==1 then  1 else
           if colDL==1 then -1 else 0;
AddchartBubble(dLabel==1, dpl, "Close Above PDH\nBias PDH", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==2, dpl, "Close Below PDL\nBias PDL", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==3, dpl, "Failed to Close Above PDH\nBias PDL", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==4, dpl, "Failed to Close Below PDL\nBias PDH", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==5, dpl, "Close Inside\nBias PDH", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==5.5, dpl, "Close Inside\nBias PDL", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(dLabel==6, dpl, "Outside Bar but Closed Inside\nNo Bias", if LabD>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabD<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >dpl then no else yes);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==1, wph, "Close Above PWH\nBias PWH", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==2, wph, "Close Below PWL\nBias PWL", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==3, wph, "Failed to Close Above PWH\nBias PWL", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==4, wph, "Failed to Close Below PWL\nBias PWH", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==5, wph, "Close Inside\nBias PWH", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==5.5, wph, "Close Inside\nBias PWL", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);
AddchartBubble(wLabel==6, wph, "Outside Bar but Closed Inside\nNo Bias", if LabW>0 then GlobalColor("up") else
                               if LabW<0 then GlobalColor("dn") else Color.GRAY, if open >wpl then yes else no);

def hh = InertiaAll(highest(high + atr(200), 500), 2);
def ll = InertiaAll(lowest(low - atr(200), 500), 2);
plot biasDaily = if !last and PlotDailyBias then inertiaAll(highestAll(hh), 500) else na;
plot biasWeekly = if !last and PlotWeeklyBias then inertiaAll(highestAll(ll), 500) else na;
biasDaily.AssignValueColor(if dbias == 1 then GlobalColor("bull") else if dbias == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);
biasWeekly.AssignValueColor(if wbias == 1 then GlobalColor("bull") else if wbias == -1 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- end OF code
Thank you so much 🙏
The author states:
this indicator aims to develop a higher timeframe bias. this indicator focuses on one specific method that utilizes previous highs and lows.

On the daily timeframe, there are a handful of possible scenarios that we consider: if price closes above its previous day high (PDH), the following day's bias will target PDH; if price trades above its PDH but closes back below it, the following day's bias will target its previous day low (PDL).

If price trades as an inside bar that doesn't take either PDH or PDL, it will refer to the previous candle for bias. If the previous day closed above its open, it will target PDH and vice versa. If price trades as an outside bar that takes both PDH and PDL, but closes inside that range, no bias is assigned.


I couldn't tell for sure since I don't know Tradingview, but I think this should be convertible. I don't think the logic needs arrays to function. It's an interesting and simple concept that can provide statistically measurable bias for session direction before the prior day high or prior day low is hit. If anyone can take a crack at it, I think it would be a helpful addition to the library of converted scripts on UTS 🙏

Thank you so much 🙏
have you tried using this on TOS. did you have to tweak it any for accuracy?
is there a way to use the table information in a label format in TOS, I am not seeing any stats in the current rewrite for TOS
The author states:
this indicator aims to develop a higher timeframe bias. this indicator focuses on one specific method that utilizes previous highs and lows.

On the daily timeframe, there are a handful of possible scenarios that we consider: if price closes above its previous day high (PDH), the following day's bias will target PDH; if price trades above its PDH but closes back below it, the following day's bias will target its previous day low (PDL).

If price trades as an inside bar that doesn't take either PDH or PDL, it will refer to the previous candle for bias. If the previous day closed above its open, it will target PDH and vice versa. If price trades as an outside bar that takes both PDH and PDL, but closes inside that range, no bias is assigned.


I couldn't tell for sure since I don't know Tradingview, but I think this should be convertible. I don't think the logic needs arrays to function. It's an interesting and simple concept that can provide statistically measurable bias for session direction before the prior day high or prior day low is hit. If anyone can take a crack at it, I think it would be a helpful addition to the library of converted scripts on UTS 🙏
Do the bubbles represent what happened in current use for the next day or is it what should be watched for current day?

For example...on your chart for "Tue" the bubble reads "Close Above PDH Bias PDH" this for Tuesday or is it what should be referenced for the next day (Wednesday)?

Thanks...this great coding btw
I have no idea how to interpret what this script is calculating and wondered if anyone could do so and elaborate on it. All It does, that I can see, is prompt me with a "Long" and/or "Short" bubble...
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I have no idea how to interpret what this script is calculating and wondered if anyone could do so and elaborate on it. All It does, that I can see, is prompt me with a "Long" and/or "Short" bubble...

Agreed! You should never blindly follow an indicator unless you have an in-depth understanding of what it is telling you.

The original author over on the Tradingview platform provides an in-depth explanation:
Great script and thank you for sharing!

Would it be possible to add a selection/drop down with an option to disable prior day/ week bubbles, otherwise the chart looks very busy and it's hard to stay focused on where to look.

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