TTM Squeeze Fire Signal - Another Take!


Well-known member
Hello! I've been using a lot of scripts from this site and am amazed at all the amazing work produced here. Thanks so much to all of you that contribute. On that note, I thought it would be appropriate to share a basic script I put together. This is a rework of the default TTM Squeeze and I know I've seen some similar scripts or requests. This is a points plot for multiple time frames of the the squeeze fire signal in the lower chart area. This will be a basic implementation and welcome anyone to modify and or improve in any way you see fit.

Timeframes included = 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, D, 2D, 3D, WK, Mnth
Timeframes plotted on lines: 12, 11, 10, 9, 8, 7, 6, 5, 4, 3, 2, 1

If script is loaded and chart is set to 1m - 6x timeframes will be plotted. I did this to allow you to see the first 6TF (1m - 2h) without having to load the script again on more charts/cells.

All other timeframes will plot 4x TF - For Example if the chart is set to 30m - the 30m, 1h, 2h, 4, TF's will be plotted (on lines 9,8,7,6) (the line plots are irrelevant just pointing them out for reference).

I like loading this on a 1m chart for the underlying or even a few underlying's so that I can see when squeeze signals fire or when they are being squeezed. It is very helpful to see this across mtf's.

Disclaimer - I know this is a basic script - again please feel free to critique, modify or improve


Indicator Share Link Below:

# FVO_TTM_Squeeze_MTF_Sig                                                                  #
#HINT                                                                                      #
#    Script will plot the Squeeze signal, whether it has fired or not (whether the stock   #
#    is in a sqeeze or not) for multiple timeframes.                                       #
#    TimeFrames Included = 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, D, 2D, 3D, WK, Mnth               #
#    Plots are as follows:                                                                 #
#        1m TF = plots 6x TF's - 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h                                  #
#            - (from top to bottom - line 12 through 7)                                    #
#            - this is so that it can be loaded easily on a                                #
#                1m chart and avoid having to load on multiple charts                      #
#        ALL Other TF's = plots 4x TF's starting with the current chart setting:           #
#            - For Example - Chart set to 30m - plot from top to bottom will be            #
#            - 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h                                                             #
#                                                                                          #
#CHANGELOG                                                                                 #
# 2020.10.01 V1.0    @cos251 - initial script for TTM Squeeze MTF Signal                   #
#                                                                                          #
#REQUIREMENTS -                                                                            #
#                                                                                          #
#                                                                                          #
#CREDITS                                                                                   #
# @cos251 initial script with ideas from                            #
#                                                                                          #
#LINK                                                                                      #
#                                                                                          #
#USAGE                                                                                     #
# I like loading this on a 1m chart for the underlying or even a few underlying's          #
# so that I can when squeeze signals fire.  It is very helpful to see this across mtf's.   #
#                                                                                          #
#                                                                                          #

declare lower;
##Global Variables
def length = 20;
def AlertLine = 1;
def nk = 1.5;
def nBB = 2;
def averageTpype = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def displace = 0;
def trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;

## Signal Plots
def minSignal = 12;
def five_minSignal = 11;
def fifteen_minSignal =10;
def thirty_minSignal = 9;
def hour_Signal = 8;
def two_hour_Signal = 7;
def four_hour_Signal = 6;
def day_Signal = 5;
def two_day_Signal = 4;
def three_day_Signal = 3;
def week_Signal = 2;
def monthSignal = 1;

def minAggregationPeriod;
def five_minAggregationPeriod;
def fifteen_minAggregationPeriod;
def thirty_minAggregationPeriod;
def hourAggregationPeriod;
def two_hourAggregationPeriod;
def four_hourAggregationPeriod;
def dayAggregationPeriod;
def two_dayAggregationPeriod;
def three_dayAggregationPeriod;
def weekAggregationPeriod;
def monthAggregationPeriod;

if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.MIN {
    minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN {
    five_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    five_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN {
    fifteen_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    fifteen_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN {
    thirty_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    thirty_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.HOUR {
    hourAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    hourAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TWO_HOURS {
    two_hourAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    two_hourAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS {
    four_hourAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    four_hourAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.DAY {
    dayAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    dayAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TWO_DAYS {
    two_dayAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    two_dayAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.THREE_DAYS {
    three_dayAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    three_dayAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.WEEK {
    weekAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    weekAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.MONTH {
    monthAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    monthAggregationPeriod = 0;

## 1 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def minPrice;
def minATR;
def minSDev;
def minDenom;
def minBBSInd;
def minSqueeze;

if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.MIN {
    minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.MIN);
    minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.MIN), close(period=AggregationPeriod.MIN), low(period=AggregationPeriod.MIN)), Length);
    minSDev = stdev(minPrice, Length);
    minDenom = (nK*minATR);
    minBBSInd = if (minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * minSDev) /minDenom), 0);
    minSqueeze = if minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    minPrice = 0;
    minATR = 0;
    minSDev = 0;
    minDenom = 0;
    minBBSInd = 0;
    minSqueeze = 0;
plot minPlot = if !IsNaN(minPrice) and minAggregationPeriod == 1 then minSignal else Double.NaN;
minPlot.AssignValueColor(if minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 5 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def five_minPrice;
def five_minATR;
def five_minSDev;
def five_minDenom;
def five_minBBSInd;
def five_minSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN {
    five_minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN);
    five_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN), close(period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN), low(period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN)), Length);
    five_minSDev = stdev(five_minPrice, Length);
    five_minDenom = (nK*five_minATR);
    five_minBBSInd = if (five_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * five_minSDev) /five_minDenom), 0);
    five_minSqueeze = if five_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    five_minPrice = 0;
    five_minATR = 0;
    five_minSDev = 0;
    five_minDenom = 0;
    five_minBBSInd = 0;
    five_minSqueeze = 0;
plot five_minPlot = if !IsNaN(five_minPrice) and (five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod ==1) then five_minSignal else Double.NaN;
five_minPlot.AssignValueColor(if five_minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 15 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def fifteen_minPrice;
def fifteen_minATR;
def fifteen_minSDev;
def fifteen_minDenom;
def fifteen_minBBSInd;
def fifteen_minSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN {
    fifteen_minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min);
    fifteen_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min), close(period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min), low(period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min)), Length);
    fifteen_minSDev = stdev(fifteen_minPrice, Length);
    fifteen_minDenom = (nK*fifteen_minATR);
    fifteen_minBBSInd = if (fifteen_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * fifteen_minSDev) /fifteen_minDenom), 0);
    fifteen_minSqueeze = if fifteen_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    fifteen_minPrice = 0;
    fifteen_minATR = 0;
    fifteen_minSDev = 0;
    fifteen_minDenom = 0;
    fifteen_minBBSInd = 0;
    fifteen_minSqueeze = 0;
plot fifteen_minPlot = if !IsNaN(fifteen_minPrice) and (fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then fifteen_minSignal else Double.NaN;
fifteen_minPlot.AssignValueColor(if fifteen_minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 30 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def thirty_minPrice;
def thirty_minATR;
def thirty_minSDev;
def thirty_minDenom;
def thirty_minBBSInd;
def thirty_minSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.thirty_min {
    thirty_minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min);
    thirty_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min), close(period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min), low(period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min)), Length);
    thirty_minSDev = stdev(thirty_minPrice, Length);
    thirty_minDenom = (nK*thirty_minATR);
    thirty_minBBSInd = if (thirty_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * thirty_minSDev) /thirty_minDenom), 0);
    thirty_minSqueeze = if thirty_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    thirty_minPrice = 0;
    thirty_minATR = 0;
    thirty_minSDev = 0;
    thirty_minDenom = 0;
    thirty_minBBSInd = 0;
    thirty_minSqueeze = 0;
plot thirty_minPlot = if !IsNaN(thirty_minPrice) and (thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then thirty_minSignal else Double.NaN;
thirty_minPlot.AssignValueColor(if thirty_minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 1 HOUR Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def hourPrice;
def hourATR;
def hourSDev;
def hourDenom;
def hourBBSInd;
def hourSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.hour {
    hourPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.hour);
    hourATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.hour), close(period=AggregationPeriod.hour), low(period=AggregationPeriod.hour)), Length);
    hourSDev = stdev(hourPrice, Length);
    hourDenom = (nK*hourATR);
    hourBBSInd = if (hourDenom <> 0, ((nBB * hourSDev) /hourDenom), 0);
    hourSqueeze = if hourBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    hourPrice = 0;
    hourATR = 0;
    hourSDev = 0;
    hourDenom = 0;
    hourBBSInd = 0;
    hourSqueeze = 0;
plot hourPlot = if !IsNaN(hourPrice) and (hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then hour_Signal else Double.NaN;
hourPlot.AssignValueColor(if hourSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 2 HOUR Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def two_hourPrice;
def two_hourATR;
def two_hourSDev;
def two_hourDenom;
def two_hourBBSInd;
def two_hourSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.two_hours {
    two_hourPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours);
    two_hourATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours), close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours), low(period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours)), Length);
    two_hourSDev = stdev(two_hourPrice, Length);
    two_hourDenom = (nK*two_hourATR);
    two_hourBBSInd = if (two_hourDenom <> 0, ((nBB * two_hourSDev) /two_hourDenom), 0);
    two_hourSqueeze = if two_hourBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    two_hourPrice = 0;
    two_hourATR = 0;
    two_hourSDev = 0;
    two_hourDenom = 0;
    two_hourBBSInd = 0;
    two_hourSqueeze = 0;
plot two_hourPlot = if !IsNaN(two_hourPrice) and (two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then two_hour_Signal else Double.NaN;
two_hourPlot.AssignValueColor(if two_hourSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 4 HOUR Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def four_hourPrice;
def four_hourATR;
def four_hourSDev;
def four_hourDenom;
def four_hourBBSInd;
def four_hourSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS {
    four_hourPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS);
    four_hourATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS), close(period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS), low(period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS)), Length);
    four_hourSDev = stdev(four_hourPrice, Length);
    four_hourDenom = (nK*four_hourATR);
    four_hourBBSInd = if (four_hourDenom <> 0, ((nBB * four_hourSDev) /four_hourDenom), 0);
    four_hourSqueeze = if four_hourBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    four_hourPrice = 0;
    four_hourATR = 0;
    four_hourSDev = 0;
    four_hourDenom = 0;
    four_hourBBSInd = 0;
    four_hourSqueeze = 0;
plot four_hourPlot = if !IsNaN(four_hourPrice) and (four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1) then four_hour_Signal else Double.NaN;
four_hourPlot.AssignValueColor(if four_hourSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 1 DAY Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def dayPrice;
def dayATR;
def daySDev;
def dayDenom;
def dayBBSInd;
def daySqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= {
    dayPrice = close(;
    dayATR = Average(TrueRange(high (, close(, low(, Length);
    daySDev = stdev(dayPrice, Length);
    dayDenom = (nK*dayATR);
    dayBBSInd = if (dayDenom <> 0, ((nBB * daySDev) /dayDenom), 0);
    daySqueeze = if dayBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    dayPrice = 0;
    dayATR = 0;
    daySDev = 0;
    dayDenom = 0;
    dayBBSInd = 0;
    daySqueeze = 0;
plot dayPlot = if !IsNaN(dayPrice) and (dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or hourAggregationPeriod == 1) then day_Signal else Double.NaN;
dayPlot.AssignValueColor(if daySqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 2 DAY Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def two_dayPrice;
def two_dayATR;
def two_daySDev;
def two_dayDenom;
def two_dayBBSInd;
def two_daySqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.two_days {
    two_dayPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_days);
    two_dayATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.two_days), close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_days), low(period=AggregationPeriod.two_days)), Length);
    two_daySDev = stdev(two_dayPrice, Length);
    two_dayDenom = (nK*two_dayATR);
    two_dayBBSInd = if (two_dayDenom <> 0, ((nBB * two_daySDev) /two_dayDenom), 0);
    two_daySqueeze = if two_dayBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    two_dayPrice = 0;
    two_dayATR = 0;
    two_daySDev = 0;
    two_dayDenom = 0;
    two_dayBBSInd = 0;
    two_daySqueeze = 0;
plot two_dayPlot = if !IsNaN(two_dayPrice) and (two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1) then two_day_Signal else Double.NaN;
two_dayPlot.AssignValueColor(if two_daySqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 3 DAY Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def three_dayPrice;
def three_dayATR;
def three_daySDev;
def three_dayDenom;
def three_dayBBSInd;
def three_daySqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.three_days {
    three_dayPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.three_days);
    three_dayATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.three_days), close(period=AggregationPeriod.three_days), low(period=AggregationPeriod.three_days)), Length);
    three_daySDev = stdev(three_dayPrice, Length);
    three_dayDenom = (nK*three_dayATR);
    three_dayBBSInd = if (three_dayDenom <> 0, ((nBB * three_daySDev) /three_dayDenom), 0);
    three_daySqueeze = if three_dayBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    three_dayPrice = 0;
    three_dayATR = 0;
    three_daySDev = 0;
    three_dayDenom = 0;
    three_dayBBSInd = 0;
    three_daySqueeze = 0;
plot three_dayPlot = if !IsNaN(three_dayPrice) and (three_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1) then three_day_Signal else Double.NaN;
three_dayPlot.AssignValueColor(if three_daySqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 1 WK Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def weekPrice;
def weekATR;
def weekSDev;
def weekDenom;
def weekBBSInd;
def weekSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.week {
    weekPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.week);
    weekATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.week), close(period=AggregationPeriod.week), low(period=AggregationPeriod.week)), Length);
    weekSDev = stdev(weekPrice, Length);
    weekDenom = (nK*weekATR);
    weekBBSInd = if (weekDenom <> 0, ((nBB * weekSDev) /weekDenom), 0);
    weekSqueeze = if weekBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    weekPrice = 0;
    weekATR = 0;
    weekSDev = 0;
    weekDenom = 0;
    weekBBSInd = 0;
    weekSqueeze = 0;
plot weekPlot = if !IsNaN(weekPrice) and (weekAggregationPeriod == 1 or three_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or dayAggregationPeriod == 1) then week_Signal else Double.NaN;
weekPlot.AssignValueColor(if weekSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## Month Aggregation Period Variables
def monthPrice;
def monthATR;
def monthSDev;
def monthDenom;
def monthBBSInd;
def monthSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.Month {
    monthPrice = close(period="Month");
    monthATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.MONTH), close(period=AggregationPeriod.MONTH), low(period=AggregationPeriod.MONTH)), Length);
    monthSDev = stdev(monthPrice, Length);
    monthDenom = (nK*monthATR);
    monthBBSInd = if (monthDenom <> 0, ((nBB * monthSDev) /monthDenom), 0);
    monthSqueeze = if monthBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    monthPrice = 0;
    monthATR = 0;
    monthSDev = 0;
    monthDenom = 0;
    monthBBSInd = 0;
    monthSqueeze = 0;
plot monthPlot = if !IsNaN(monthPrice) and (monthAggregationPeriod == 1 or weekAggregationPeriod == 1 or three_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1) then monthSignal else Double.NaN;
monthPlot.AssignValueColor(if monthSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

Last edited:

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@cos251 Hello COS, I tried to get this code to work, but it wont save. Could you please help me out, Thanks so much
I updated the first post with a shared link. Try that. I'll also check the code to make sure it works. Just copied and pasted the code I posted in post #1 and it works just fine as a new indicator.
I love it but if you can TF label on which dot to all 4 column that will be awesome :)

I understand All other timeframes will plot 4x TF - For Example if the chart is set to 30m - the 30m, 1h, 2h, 4,
Hello @COS,251 , i tried to copy and paste the whole code as below, but TOS would not allow me to click OK or SAVE .

it says : com.devexperts.tos.thinkscript.runtime.TooComplexException: The complexity of the expression suggests that it may not be reliable with real-time data. Please help.

# FVO_TTM_Squeeze_MTF_Sig                                                                  #
#HINT                                                                                      #
#    Script will plot the Squeeze signal, whether it has fired or not (whether the stock   #
#    is in a sqeeze or not) for multiple timeframes.                                       #
#    TimeFrames Included = 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h, D, 2D, 3D, WK, Mnth               #
#    Plots are as follows:                                                                 #
#        1m TF = plots 6x TF's - 1m, 5m, 15m, 30m, 1h, 2h                                  #
#            - (from top to bottom - line 12 through 7)                                    #
#            - this is so that it can be loaded easily on a                                #
#                1m chart and avoid having to load on multiple charts                      #
#        ALL Other TF's = plots 4x TF's starting with the current chart setting:           #
#            - For Example - Chart set to 30m - plot from top to bottom will be            #
#            - 30m, 1h, 2h, 4h                                                             #
#                                                                                          #
#CHANGELOG                                                                                 #
# 2020.10.01 V1.0    [USER=6343]@cos251[/USER] - initial script for TTM Squeeze MTF Signal                   #
#                                                                                          #
#REQUIREMENTS -                                                                            #
#                                                                                          #
#                                                                                          #
#CREDITS                                                                                   #
# [USER=6343]@cos251[/USER] initial script with ideas from                            #
#                                                                                          #
#LINK                                                                                      #
#                                                                                          #
#USAGE                                                                                     #
# I like loading this on a 1m chart for the underlying or even a few underlying's          #
# so that I can when squeeze signals fire.  It is very helpful to see this across mtf's.   #
#                                                                                          #
#                                                                                          #

declare lower;
##Global Variables
def length = 20;
def AlertLine = 1;
def nk = 1.5;
def nBB = 2;
def averageTpype = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def displace = 0;
def trueRangeAverageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;

## Signal Plots
def minSignal = 12;
def five_minSignal = 11;
def fifteen_minSignal =10;
def thirty_minSignal = 9;
def hour_Signal = 8;
def two_hour_Signal = 7;
def four_hour_Signal = 6;
def day_Signal = 5;
def two_day_Signal = 4;
def three_day_Signal = 3;
def week_Signal = 2;
def monthSignal = 1;

def minAggregationPeriod;
def five_minAggregationPeriod;
def fifteen_minAggregationPeriod;
def thirty_minAggregationPeriod;
def hourAggregationPeriod;
def two_hourAggregationPeriod;
def four_hourAggregationPeriod;
def dayAggregationPeriod;
def two_dayAggregationPeriod;
def three_dayAggregationPeriod;
def weekAggregationPeriod;
def monthAggregationPeriod;

if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.MIN {
    minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN {
    five_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    five_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN {
    fifteen_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    fifteen_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.THIRTY_MIN {
    thirty_minAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    thirty_minAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.HOUR {
    hourAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    hourAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TWO_HOURS {
    two_hourAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    two_hourAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS {
    four_hourAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    four_hourAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.DAY {
    dayAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    dayAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.TWO_DAYS {
    two_dayAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    two_dayAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.THREE_DAYS {
    three_dayAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    three_dayAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.WEEK {
    weekAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    weekAggregationPeriod = 0;
if GetAggregationPeriod() == AggregationPeriod.MONTH {
    monthAggregationPeriod = 1;
} else {
    monthAggregationPeriod = 0;

## 1 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def minPrice;
def minATR;
def minSDev;
def minDenom;
def minBBSInd;
def minSqueeze;

if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.MIN {
    minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.MIN);
    minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.MIN), close(period=AggregationPeriod.MIN), low(period=AggregationPeriod.MIN)), Length);
    minSDev = stdev(minPrice, Length);
    minDenom = (nK*minATR);
    minBBSInd = if (minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * minSDev) /minDenom), 0);
    minSqueeze = if minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    minPrice = 0;
    minATR = 0;
    minSDev = 0;
    minDenom = 0;
    minBBSInd = 0;
    minSqueeze = 0;
plot minPlot = if !IsNaN(minPrice) and minAggregationPeriod == 1 then minSignal else Double.NaN;
minPlot.AssignValueColor(if minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 5 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def five_minPrice;
def five_minATR;
def five_minSDev;
def five_minDenom;
def five_minBBSInd;
def five_minSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN {
    five_minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN);
    five_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN), close(period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN), low(period=AggregationPeriod.FIVE_MIN)), Length);
    five_minSDev = stdev(five_minPrice, Length);
    five_minDenom = (nK*five_minATR);
    five_minBBSInd = if (five_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * five_minSDev) /five_minDenom), 0);
    five_minSqueeze = if five_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    five_minPrice = 0;
    five_minATR = 0;
    five_minSDev = 0;
    five_minDenom = 0;
    five_minBBSInd = 0;
    five_minSqueeze = 0;
plot five_minPlot = if !IsNaN(five_minPrice) and (five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod ==1) then five_minSignal else Double.NaN;
five_minPlot.AssignValueColor(if five_minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 15 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def fifteen_minPrice;
def fifteen_minATR;
def fifteen_minSDev;
def fifteen_minDenom;
def fifteen_minBBSInd;
def fifteen_minSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FIFTEEN_MIN {
    fifteen_minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min);
    fifteen_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min), close(period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min), low(period=AggregationPeriod.fifteen_min)), Length);
    fifteen_minSDev = stdev(fifteen_minPrice, Length);
    fifteen_minDenom = (nK*fifteen_minATR);
    fifteen_minBBSInd = if (fifteen_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * fifteen_minSDev) /fifteen_minDenom), 0);
    fifteen_minSqueeze = if fifteen_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    fifteen_minPrice = 0;
    fifteen_minATR = 0;
    fifteen_minSDev = 0;
    fifteen_minDenom = 0;
    fifteen_minBBSInd = 0;
    fifteen_minSqueeze = 0;
plot fifteen_minPlot = if !IsNaN(fifteen_minPrice) and (fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then fifteen_minSignal else Double.NaN;
fifteen_minPlot.AssignValueColor(if fifteen_minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 30 Minute Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def thirty_minPrice;
def thirty_minATR;
def thirty_minSDev;
def thirty_minDenom;
def thirty_minBBSInd;
def thirty_minSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.thirty_min {
    thirty_minPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min);
    thirty_minATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min), close(period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min), low(period=AggregationPeriod.thirty_min)), Length);
    thirty_minSDev = stdev(thirty_minPrice, Length);
    thirty_minDenom = (nK*thirty_minATR);
    thirty_minBBSInd = if (thirty_minDenom <> 0, ((nBB * thirty_minSDev) /thirty_minDenom), 0);
    thirty_minSqueeze = if thirty_minBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    thirty_minPrice = 0;
    thirty_minATR = 0;
    thirty_minSDev = 0;
    thirty_minDenom = 0;
    thirty_minBBSInd = 0;
    thirty_minSqueeze = 0;
plot thirty_minPlot = if !IsNaN(thirty_minPrice) and (thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then thirty_minSignal else Double.NaN;
thirty_minPlot.AssignValueColor(if thirty_minSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 1 HOUR Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def hourPrice;
def hourATR;
def hourSDev;
def hourDenom;
def hourBBSInd;
def hourSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.hour {
    hourPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.hour);
    hourATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.hour), close(period=AggregationPeriod.hour), low(period=AggregationPeriod.hour)), Length);
    hourSDev = stdev(hourPrice, Length);
    hourDenom = (nK*hourATR);
    hourBBSInd = if (hourDenom <> 0, ((nBB * hourSDev) /hourDenom), 0);
    hourSqueeze = if hourBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    hourPrice = 0;
    hourATR = 0;
    hourSDev = 0;
    hourDenom = 0;
    hourBBSInd = 0;
    hourSqueeze = 0;
plot hourPlot = if !IsNaN(hourPrice) and (hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then hour_Signal else Double.NaN;
hourPlot.AssignValueColor(if hourSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 2 HOUR Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def two_hourPrice;
def two_hourATR;
def two_hourSDev;
def two_hourDenom;
def two_hourBBSInd;
def two_hourSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.two_hours {
    two_hourPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours);
    two_hourATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours), close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours), low(period=AggregationPeriod.two_hours)), Length);
    two_hourSDev = stdev(two_hourPrice, Length);
    two_hourDenom = (nK*two_hourATR);
    two_hourBBSInd = if (two_hourDenom <> 0, ((nBB * two_hourSDev) /two_hourDenom), 0);
    two_hourSqueeze = if two_hourBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    two_hourPrice = 0;
    two_hourATR = 0;
    two_hourSDev = 0;
    two_hourDenom = 0;
    two_hourBBSInd = 0;
    two_hourSqueeze = 0;
plot two_hourPlot = if !IsNaN(two_hourPrice) and (two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or fifteen_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or five_minAggregationPeriod == 1 or minAggregationPeriod == 1) then two_hour_Signal else Double.NaN;
two_hourPlot.AssignValueColor(if two_hourSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 4 HOUR Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def four_hourPrice;
def four_hourATR;
def four_hourSDev;
def four_hourDenom;
def four_hourBBSInd;
def four_hourSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS {
    four_hourPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS);
    four_hourATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS), close(period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS), low(period=AggregationPeriod.FOUR_HOURS)), Length);
    four_hourSDev = stdev(four_hourPrice, Length);
    four_hourDenom = (nK*four_hourATR);
    four_hourBBSInd = if (four_hourDenom <> 0, ((nBB * four_hourSDev) /four_hourDenom), 0);
    four_hourSqueeze = if four_hourBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    four_hourPrice = 0;
    four_hourATR = 0;
    four_hourSDev = 0;
    four_hourDenom = 0;
    four_hourBBSInd = 0;
    four_hourSqueeze = 0;
plot four_hourPlot = if !IsNaN(four_hourPrice) and (four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or thirty_minAggregationPeriod == 1) then four_hour_Signal else Double.NaN;
four_hourPlot.AssignValueColor(if four_hourSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 1 DAY Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def dayPrice;
def dayATR;
def daySDev;
def dayDenom;
def dayBBSInd;
def daySqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= {
    dayPrice = close(;
    dayATR = Average(TrueRange(high (, close(, low(, Length);
    daySDev = stdev(dayPrice, Length);
    dayDenom = (nK*dayATR);
    dayBBSInd = if (dayDenom <> 0, ((nBB * daySDev) /dayDenom), 0);
    daySqueeze = if dayBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    dayPrice = 0;
    dayATR = 0;
    daySDev = 0;
    dayDenom = 0;
    dayBBSInd = 0;
    daySqueeze = 0;
plot dayPlot = if !IsNaN(dayPrice) and (dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or hourAggregationPeriod == 1) then day_Signal else Double.NaN;
dayPlot.AssignValueColor(if daySqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 2 DAY Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def two_dayPrice;
def two_dayATR;
def two_daySDev;
def two_dayDenom;
def two_dayBBSInd;
def two_daySqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.two_days {
    two_dayPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_days);
    two_dayATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.two_days), close(period=AggregationPeriod.two_days), low(period=AggregationPeriod.two_days)), Length);
    two_daySDev = stdev(two_dayPrice, Length);
    two_dayDenom = (nK*two_dayATR);
    two_dayBBSInd = if (two_dayDenom <> 0, ((nBB * two_daySDev) /two_dayDenom), 0);
    two_daySqueeze = if two_dayBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    two_dayPrice = 0;
    two_dayATR = 0;
    two_daySDev = 0;
    two_dayDenom = 0;
    two_dayBBSInd = 0;
    two_daySqueeze = 0;
plot two_dayPlot = if !IsNaN(two_dayPrice) and (two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_hourAggregationPeriod == 1) then two_day_Signal else Double.NaN;
two_dayPlot.AssignValueColor(if two_daySqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 3 DAY Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def three_dayPrice;
def three_dayATR;
def three_daySDev;
def three_dayDenom;
def three_dayBBSInd;
def three_daySqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.three_days {
    three_dayPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.three_days);
    three_dayATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.three_days), close(period=AggregationPeriod.three_days), low(period=AggregationPeriod.three_days)), Length);
    three_daySDev = stdev(three_dayPrice, Length);
    three_dayDenom = (nK*three_dayATR);
    three_dayBBSInd = if (three_dayDenom <> 0, ((nBB * three_daySDev) /three_dayDenom), 0);
    three_daySqueeze = if three_dayBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    three_dayPrice = 0;
    three_dayATR = 0;
    three_daySDev = 0;
    three_dayDenom = 0;
    three_dayBBSInd = 0;
    three_daySqueeze = 0;
plot three_dayPlot = if !IsNaN(three_dayPrice) and (three_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or four_hourAggregationPeriod == 1) then three_day_Signal else Double.NaN;
three_dayPlot.AssignValueColor(if three_daySqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## 1 WK Aggregation for TTM Squeeze
def weekPrice;
def weekATR;
def weekSDev;
def weekDenom;
def weekBBSInd;
def weekSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.week {
    weekPrice = close(period=AggregationPeriod.week);
    weekATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.week), close(period=AggregationPeriod.week), low(period=AggregationPeriod.week)), Length);
    weekSDev = stdev(weekPrice, Length);
    weekDenom = (nK*weekATR);
    weekBBSInd = if (weekDenom <> 0, ((nBB * weekSDev) /weekDenom), 0);
    weekSqueeze = if weekBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    weekPrice = 0;
    weekATR = 0;
    weekSDev = 0;
    weekDenom = 0;
    weekBBSInd = 0;
    weekSqueeze = 0;
plot weekPlot = if !IsNaN(weekPrice) and (weekAggregationPeriod == 1 or three_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or dayAggregationPeriod == 1) then week_Signal else Double.NaN;
weekPlot.AssignValueColor(if weekSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

## Month Aggregation Period Variables
def monthPrice;
def monthATR;
def monthSDev;
def monthDenom;
def monthBBSInd;
def monthSqueeze;
if GetAggregationPeriod() <= AggregationPeriod.Month {
    monthPrice = close(period="Month");
    monthATR = Average(TrueRange(high (period=AggregationPeriod.MONTH), close(period=AggregationPeriod.MONTH), low(period=AggregationPeriod.MONTH)), Length);
    monthSDev = stdev(monthPrice, Length);
    monthDenom = (nK*monthATR);
    monthBBSInd = if (monthDenom <> 0, ((nBB * monthSDev) /monthDenom), 0);
    monthSqueeze = if monthBBSInd < AlertLine then 1 else 0;
else {
    monthPrice = 0;
    monthATR = 0;
    monthSDev = 0;
    monthDenom = 0;
    monthBBSInd = 0;
    monthSqueeze = 0;
plot monthPlot = if !IsNaN(monthPrice) and (monthAggregationPeriod == 1 or weekAggregationPeriod == 1 or three_dayAggregationPeriod == 1 or two_dayAggregationPeriod == 1) then monthSignal else Double.NaN;
monthPlot.AssignValueColor(if monthSqueeze == 1 then Color.RED else Color.GREEN);

@vanphan Given the error message you posted, I think you might be trying to use this for scanning...It is coded as a indicator...

Hope this helps...

Good Luck and Good Trading :)
Would you please help me step by step to install this code please , or Anyone, i greatly appreciate that. :) Thanks so much in advance.
Any chance this can be converted to show stocks on a Daily TF? where each of the lines of different time frames shows the candles of that stock on a daily chart
Yea absolutely! the FVO MTF squeeze shows a multi dot indicator. I was wondering if you could show different stocks in each of the lines but instead of the squeeze of those stocks show the daily candle sticks as dots instead. Very similar to the way Danielle Shay's Phoenix Tool does it. Like the one picture below. Her main chart is showing AAPL but the Phoenix Finder is showing 14 different stocks (in this case ETF'S but I've seen her change them to stocks in the settings)

She uses the Phoenix Trend Strength candle sticks for those colors and this is the code for that.
#SimplerTrader Phoenix TrendStrength Candles

declare upper;

input length = 14;

def Length1 = 5;
def Length2 = 8;
def Length3 = 13;
def Length4 = 21;
def Length5 = 34;   

def ema1 = expAverage(close, Length1);
def ema2 = expAverage(close, Length2);
def ema3 = expAverage(close, Length3);
def ema4 = expAverage(close, Length4);

def u1 = ema1 > ema2;
def u2 = ema2 > ema3;
def u3 = ema3 > ema4;

def d1 = ema1 < ema2;
def d2 = ema2 < ema3;
def d3 = ema3 < ema4;

def trendStrength = if (u1 and u2 and u3) then 2 else if (u1 and u2 and !u3) then 1 else if (d1 and d2 and d3) then -2 else if (d1 and d2 and !d3) then -1 else 0;

AssignPriceColor( if trendStrength == 2 then else if trendStrength == 1 then color.DARK_GREEN else if trendStrength == -2 then else if trendStrength == -1 then color.dark_red else color.yellow);
Cool. I should be able to combine that. Let me see if I can work on it this week for you, if that is okay.
Yea absolutely man! Take your time. I just want to compress my screens down instead of having a whole bunch of charts up and figured this would be a nice way to keep an eye on things in 1 screen

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