New member
I'm currently using this script for IV Percentile (not rank) in ThinkorSwim.
I've been trying to figure out how to build a custom scan (to look for anything > 75 for example), but am getting all sorts of errors in the thinkScript Editor. I can't get to the point where I can actually hit OK- just getting invalid arguments about plots/scans. Been wracking my brain for weeks on YT/web and cant figure it out.
Anyone out there skilled with ToS thinkScript willing to help a lad out? I don't think there should be more than 3 lines of code, I just can't find the has to be something like..(my study name is "IVPercentile")
Would very much so appreciate any insight and will send good weekend vibes your way for support.
Thanks in advance amigos.
declare lower;
# Mark Laczynski
# 3.13.2014
# look at 1 year of history
input length = 252;
#clean up the IV data from TOS
rec clean_iv_r = if (isNaN(imp_volatility()) and !isNaN(close)) then clean_iv_r[1] else imp_volatility();
rec iv_today_r = GetValue(clean_iv_r, -length);
rec bar_number_of_todays_iv_projected_back =
if IsNaN(bar_number_of_todays_iv_projected_back[1]) then 0
else if (isNaN(iv_today_r)) then BarNumber()
else bar_number_of_todays_iv_projected_back [1];
rec iv_today_projected_back_r =
if(IsNAN(iv_today_projected_back_r[1])) then double.nan
else if(!isNaN(iv_today_r)) then iv_today_r
else if(isNaN(clean_iv_r)) then double.nan
else iv_today_projected_back_r[1];
rec is_considered_for_counting_r =
if(isNan(iv_today_projected_back_r)) then double.nan
else if (BarNumber() - bar_number_of_todays_iv_projected_back != 0) then double.nan
else 1;
rec count_is_under_iv_today_r =
if if (isNan(close)) then double.nan
else (isNan(is_considered_for_counting_r )) then 0
else if (clean_iv_r < iv_today_projected_back_r and !isNan(is_considered_for_counting_r )) then count_is_under_iv_today_r[1] + 1
else count_is_under_iv_today_r[1];
AddLabel(yes,concat("Percentile: ", round(count_is_under_iv_today_r * 100 / length,2)));
I've been trying to figure out how to build a custom scan (to look for anything > 75 for example), but am getting all sorts of errors in the thinkScript Editor. I can't get to the point where I can actually hit OK- just getting invalid arguments about plots/scans. Been wracking my brain for weeks on YT/web and cant figure it out.
Anyone out there skilled with ToS thinkScript willing to help a lad out? I don't think there should be more than 3 lines of code, I just can't find the has to be something like..(my study name is "IVPercentile")
IVPercentile().Scan == 1
plot Scan = IVPercentile > 75
Would very much so appreciate any insight and will send good weekend vibes your way for support.
Thanks in advance amigos.