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Multi-time frame scanner true within x bars


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I am trying to create a multi-time frame scanner that is true when the last of 4 conditions becomes true within x bars.

  • # Close > 10wk moving average
  • # Close > 40wk moving average
  • # Close > 200day moving average
  • # Relative strength vs S&P500 is increasing
I created the study below to illustrate what I’m trying to do. It does not include detecting the last of 4 conditions becoming true within X bars.

The scanner requires an aggregation period per study. I can’t use the study below since it has multi-aggregation periods. I can’t produce a way to re-create the study in scanner.

Any pointers appreciated.


# Used for scanner
# Search for companies that meet this criteria
#  Close > 10wk moving average
#  Close > 40wk moving average
#  Close > 200day moving average
#  Relative strength vs S&P500 is increasing

declare lower;

input price = FundamentalType.CLOSE;
input wklyaggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.WEEK;
input shortwklylength = 10;
input longwklylength = 40;
input dailyaggregationPeriod = AggregationPeriod.DAY;
input longdaylength = 200;
input displace = 0;
input showOnlyLastPeriod = no;

def shortwklySMA;

if showOnlyLastPeriod and !IsNaN(close(period = wklyaggregationPeriod)[-1]) {
    shortwklySMA = Double.NaN;
} else {
    shortwklySMA = Average(Fundamental(price, period = wklyaggregationPeriod)[-displace], shortwklylength);

def longwklySMA;

if showOnlyLastPeriod and !IsNaN(close(period = wklyaggregationPeriod)[-1]) {
    longwklySMA = Double.NaN;
} else {
    longwklySMA = Average(Fundamental(price, period = wklyaggregationPeriod)[-displace], longwklylength);

def longdailySMA;

if showOnlyLastPeriod and !IsNaN(close(period = dailyaggregationPeriod)[-1]) {
    longdailySMA = Double.NaN;
} else {
    longdailySMA = Average(Fundamental(price, period = dailyaggregationPeriod)[-displace], longdaylength);

#Relative strength
input CorrelationWithSecurity = "SPX";
def close2 = close(CorrelationWithSecurity);

def RS = if close2 == 0 then 0 else close/close2;

input RSAvgLength = 50;
input averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;

def RSAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, RS, RSAvgLength);

def RSAvgInc = RSAvg[1] < RSAvg;

plot GreaterThanAvgs = close > shortwklySMA and close > longwklySMA and close > longdailySMA and RSAvgInc;
Four of which bars? For example - would the weekly conditions need to be within four weeks, and the daily conditions within four days? Or, would all of it just need to be within four days? Also, confirm for me that the RSI is based on the daily aggregation, that part was left a bit ambiguous.

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I tried what you are suggesting. It didn't work. I think what it was doing is only triggering when all the criteria triggered within the 5 days. Said differently, say 3 of the 4 indicators trigger 3 weeks before the 4th indicator. The 4th indicator triggers. The scanner will not find it because it is more than 5 days since the 3 other indicators trigger.

Need a sticky trigger somehow.


Four of which bars? For example - would the weekly conditions need to be within four weeks, and the daily conditions within four days? Or, would all of it just need to be within four days? Also, confirm for me that the RSI is based on the daily aggregation, that part was left a bit ambiguous.
The high level explanation is I want to find stocks that have recently met 4 criteria. There are a lot of stocks that meet the criteria. I want to find the 'new' ones with the scan. I don't always get a chance to scan every day so the 5 day cushion. I'm using daily and weekly aggregations.

Here is a summary of the indicators that I'm currently using and their aggregations.

Indicator, Aggregation
10 wk SMA - Weekly
40 wk SMA - Weekly
200 daily SMA - Daily
Rel Strength vs S&P increasing - Daily

You mentioned RSI. Is that a typo for RS?

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Run this using the Daily aggregation in the scanner.

def weekMA;
def FortyWeek;
def DOW =
def isFriday =
    DOW == 5 or DOW > DOW[-1];
if !isNaN(close) and isNaN(close[-5]) {
    weekMA = ((Fold Index = 0 to Max(0,BarNumber())
    with Data while Data < 10000000 do
    if GetValue(isFriday,Index) == Yes or index == 0
    then Data + 1000000 + GetValue(Close,Index)
    else Data) % 10000000) / 10;
    FortyWeek = ((Fold I = 0 to Max(0,BarNumber())
    with D while D < 40000000 do
    if GetValue(isFriday,I) == Yes or I == 0
    then D + 1000000 + GetValue(Close,I)
    else D) % 10000000) / 40;
} else {
    weekMA = Double.NaN;
    fortyweek = Double.NaN;
def close2 = close("SPY");
def RS = if close2 == 0 then 0 else close/close2;
def RSAvgLength = 50;
def averageType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
def RSAvg = MovingAverage(averageType, RS, RSAvgLength);
def RSAvgInc = RSAvg[1] < RSAvg;

plot Scan = (
close > weekma 
and close > FortyWeek 
and close > average(close,200) 
and RSAvgInc) 
within 5 bars;

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