Request for conversion of TRIX Histogram. Link:
study(title="TRIX Histogram R2.1 by JustUncleL", shorttitle="TRIXHIS R2")
// Author: JustUncleL
// Revision: R2
// Description:
// This study is an implementation of the Standard TRIX indicator, shown
// in coloured histogram format by default, with optional Bar colouring of TRIX zero
// and signal crossovers. Other options include showing TRIX as a linegraph instead
// of histogram and optional TRIX signal line with difference histogram.
// Have a look at Internet references below for some examples of how TRIX can be used.
// Candle Colouring:
// - Aqua = TRIX zero crossing from below to above zero.
// - Blue = TRIX zero crossing from above to below zero.
// - Gold = TRIX signal line crossing TRIX line from above to below.
// - Fuchsia= TRIX signal line crossing TRIX line from below to above.
// References:
// -
// -
// - "TRIX MA" by munkeefonix
// Revisions:
// R2 - Added Signal line crossover bar colouring and all TRIX crosses highlighted.
// - Changed Signal line crosses to "+", instead of arrow for better visibility.
// - Added Alerts for crossovers.
// - Added Implied GPL Copyright notice.
// R1 - Original version.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2014 munkeefonix
// Copyright 2017,2018 JustUncleL
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// The GNU General Public License can be found here
// <>.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// --- INPUTS ---
length = input(12, minval=1, title="TRIX length")
signallen = input(8, minval=1, title="Signal Length")
showSignal= input(true, title="Show Signal line")
showLine = input(false, title="Show TRIX as Line instead of Histogram")
showZeroX = input(false, title="Show TRIX Zero cross overs")
showTrixX = input(false, title="Show TRIX Signal cross overs")
showBars = input(false, title="Colour Crossover Candles")
// --- /INPUTS ---
// --- CONSTANTS ---
BLUE = #0000FFFF
gold = #FFD700
BLACK = #000000FF
GRAY = #808080FF
PURPLE = #800080FF
MAROON = #8B0000FF
GREEN = #008000FF
scaleup = 2
// --- FUNCTIONS ---
// Triple EMA function
tema(a, b)=>ema(ema(ema(a, b), b), b)
// TRIX function
trix(a, b)=>
t = tema(a,b)
10000* ((t-t[1]) / t[1])
// --- /FUNCTIONS ---
// --- SERIES ---
TRIX = trix(close,length)
TRIXsig = ema(TRIX,signallen)
TRIXdiff= (TRIX - TRIXsig) * scaleup
signalX = crossover(TRIXsig,TRIX) ? -1 : crossunder(TRIXsig,TRIX) ? 1 : 0
trixZX = crossover(TRIX,0)? 1 : crossunder(TRIX,0)? -1: 0
// --- /SERIES ---
hline(0, title="Zero")
plot(showLine?na:TRIX, title="TRIX Histogram", color = TRIX>=0 ? rising(TRIX,3)?lime:green : falling(TRIX,3)?maroon:red, style=histogram, linewidth=4, transp=10)
plot(showLine?TRIX:na, title="TRIX Line", color = TRIX>=0 ? rising(TRIX,3)?lime:green : falling(TRIX,3)?maroon:red, style=line, linewidth=2, transp=10)
plot(showSignal?TRIXsig:na, title="TRIX Signal", color = orange, style=circles, join=true, linewidth=2, transp=10)
plot(showSignal?TRIXdiff:na, title="TRIX Diff", color = gray, style=area, linewidth=1, transp=70)
plot(showSignal and showTrixX and signalX!=0?TRIXsig:na, style=cross, title="Signal X Highlight", color=black, transp=20, linewidth=5)
plot(showSignal and showTrixX and signalX==1?TRIXsig:na, style=cross, title="Signal X up", color=gold, transp=0, linewidth=4)
plot(showSignal and showTrixX and signalX==-1?TRIXsig:na, style=cross, title="Signal X down", color=fuchsia, transp=20, linewidth=4)
plot(showZeroX and trixZX!=0?TRIX:na, style=circles, title="Zero X Highlight", color=black, transp=20, linewidth=5)
plot(showZeroX and trixZX==1?TRIX:na, style=circles, title="Zero X up", color=aqua, transp=10, linewidth=4)
plot(showZeroX and trixZX==-1?TRIX:na, style=circles, title="Zero X down", color=blue, transp=10, linewidth=4)
bclr = showZeroX? trixZX==1? AQUA: trixZX==-1? BLUE: na : na
bclr := not na(bclr)? bclr : showSignal and showTrixX ? signalX==-1? FUCHSIA : signalX==1? GOLD : na : na
barcolor(showBars?bclr:na,title="TRIX Zero X Bar")
// --- /PLOTTING ---
// --- ALERTING ---
alertcondition(trixZX==1,title="ZERO X Up Alert",message="ZERO X UP")
alertcondition(trixZX==-1,title="ZERO X Down Alert",message="ZERO X DOWN")
alertcondition(signalX==1,title="Signal X Up Alert",message="SIGNAL X UP")
alertcondition(signalX==-1,title="Signal X Down Alert",message="SIGNAL X DOWN")
// --- /ALERTING ---
// eof