TRIX Histogram For ThinkOrSwim


Author states:
This study is an implementation of the Standard TRIX indicator (a momentum oscillator), shown in coloured histogram format by default, with optional Bar colouring of TRIX zero cross overs. Other options include showing TRIX as a line graph instead of histogram and an optional TRIX signal line with difference histogram (to highlight signal line crosses).

Request for conversion of TRIX Histogram. Link:
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Request for conversion of TRIX Histogram. Link:


study(title="TRIX Histogram R2.1 by JustUncleL", shorttitle="TRIXHIS R2")

// Author: JustUncleL
// Revision: R2
// Description:
// This study is an implementation of the Standard TRIX indicator, shown
// in coloured histogram format by default, with optional Bar colouring of TRIX zero
// and signal crossovers. Other options include showing TRIX as a linegraph instead
// of histogram and optional TRIX signal line with difference histogram.
// Have a look at Internet references below for some examples of how TRIX can be used.
// Candle Colouring:
// - Aqua = TRIX zero crossing from below to above zero.
// - Blue = TRIX zero crossing from above to below zero.
// - Gold = TRIX signal line crossing TRIX line from above to below.
// - Fuchsia= TRIX signal line crossing TRIX line from below to above.
// References:
// -
// -
// - "TRIX MA" by munkeefonix
// Revisions:
// R2 - Added Signal line crossover bar colouring and all TRIX crosses highlighted.
// - Changed Signal line crosses to "+", instead of arrow for better visibility.
// - Added Alerts for crossovers.
// - Added Implied GPL Copyright notice.
// R1 - Original version.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2014 munkeefonix
// Copyright 2017,2018 JustUncleL
// This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
// any later version.
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// The GNU General Public License can be found here
// <>.
// -----------------------------------------------------------------------------

// --- INPUTS ---
length = input(12, minval=1, title="TRIX length")
signallen = input(8, minval=1, title="Signal Length")
showSignal= input(true, title="Show Signal line")
showLine = input(false, title="Show TRIX as Line instead of Histogram")
showZeroX = input(false, title="Show TRIX Zero cross overs")
showTrixX = input(false, title="Show TRIX Signal cross overs")
showBars = input(false, title="Colour Crossover Candles")
// --- /INPUTS ---

// --- CONSTANTS ---
BLUE = #0000FFFF
gold = #FFD700
BLACK = #000000FF
GRAY = #808080FF
PURPLE = #800080FF
MAROON = #8B0000FF
GREEN = #008000FF
scaleup = 2

// --- FUNCTIONS ---
// Triple EMA function
tema(a, b)=>ema(ema(ema(a, b), b), b)

// TRIX function
trix(a, b)=>
t = tema(a,b)
10000* ((t-t[1]) / t[1])

// --- /FUNCTIONS ---

// --- SERIES ---
TRIX = trix(close,length)
TRIXsig = ema(TRIX,signallen)
TRIXdiff= (TRIX - TRIXsig) * scaleup
signalX = crossover(TRIXsig,TRIX) ? -1 : crossunder(TRIXsig,TRIX) ? 1 : 0
trixZX = crossover(TRIX,0)? 1 : crossunder(TRIX,0)? -1: 0
// --- /SERIES ---

hline(0, title="Zero")
plot(showLine?na:TRIX, title="TRIX Histogram", color = TRIX>=0 ? rising(TRIX,3)?lime:green : falling(TRIX,3)?maroon:red, style=histogram, linewidth=4, transp=10)
plot(showLine?TRIX:na, title="TRIX Line", color = TRIX>=0 ? rising(TRIX,3)?lime:green : falling(TRIX,3)?maroon:red, style=line, linewidth=2, transp=10)
plot(showSignal?TRIXsig:na, title="TRIX Signal", color = orange, style=circles, join=true, linewidth=2, transp=10)
plot(showSignal?TRIXdiff:na, title="TRIX Diff", color = gray, style=area, linewidth=1, transp=70)

plot(showSignal and showTrixX and signalX!=0?TRIXsig:na, style=cross, title="Signal X Highlight", color=black, transp=20, linewidth=5)
plot(showSignal and showTrixX and signalX==1?TRIXsig:na, style=cross, title="Signal X up", color=gold, transp=0, linewidth=4)
plot(showSignal and showTrixX and signalX==-1?TRIXsig:na, style=cross, title="Signal X down", color=fuchsia, transp=20, linewidth=4)

plot(showZeroX and trixZX!=0?TRIX:na, style=circles, title="Zero X Highlight", color=black, transp=20, linewidth=5)
plot(showZeroX and trixZX==1?TRIX:na, style=circles, title="Zero X up", color=aqua, transp=10, linewidth=4)
plot(showZeroX and trixZX==-1?TRIX:na, style=circles, title="Zero X down", color=blue, transp=10, linewidth=4)

bclr = showZeroX? trixZX==1? AQUA: trixZX==-1? BLUE: na : na
bclr := not na(bclr)? bclr : showSignal and showTrixX ? signalX==-1? FUCHSIA : signalX==1? GOLD : na : na
barcolor(showBars?bclr:na,title="TRIX Zero X Bar")

// --- /PLOTTING ---

// --- ALERTING ---

alertcondition(trixZX==1,title="ZERO X Up Alert",message="ZERO X UP")
alertcondition(trixZX==-1,title="ZERO X Down Alert",message="ZERO X DOWN")
alertcondition(signalX==1,title="Signal X Up Alert",message="SIGNAL X UP")
alertcondition(signalX==-1,title="Signal X Down Alert",message="SIGNAL X DOWN")

// --- /ALERTING ---

// eof
check the below

#//  Author: JustUncleL
#//  Revision: R2
#study(title="TRIX Histogram R2.1 by JustUncleL", shorttitle="TRIXHIS R2")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 02/2024
declare lower;

#/ --- INPUTS ---
input trixSource = close;
input trixLength = 12; #, minval=1, title="TRIX length")
input signalLength = 8; #,  minval=1, title="Signal Length")
input showSignal = yes; #(true, title="Show Signal line")
input ShowTrixAsLineInsteadOfHistogram  = no; #(false, title="Show TRIX as Line instead of Histogram")
input showZeroCrosses = no; #(false,  title="Show TRIX Zero cross overs")
input showSignalCrosses = no; #(false,  title="Show TRIX Signal cross overs")
input colorBars  = no; #(false, title="Colour Crossover Candles")
input scaleUp = 2;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#// Colors
DefineGlobalColor("GOLD", CreateColor(255, 215, 0));

script rising{
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
        def rising = fold i = 0 to len with p=1 while p do
                     GetValue(src, i) > GetValue(src, i + 1);
        plot out = rising;
script falling{
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
        def falling = fold i = 0 to len with p=1 while p do
                      GetValue(src, i) < GetValue(src, i + 1);
        plot out = falling;
#// TRIX function
Script trix {
input src = close;
input len = 12;
    def tema = ExpAverage(ExpAverage(ExpAverage(src, len), len), len);
    def trix = 10000 * ((tema - tema[1]) / tema[1]);
    plot out = trix;

#// --- SERIES ---
def TRIX     = trix(trixSource, trixLength);
def TRIXsig  = ExpAverage(TRIX, signalLength);
def TRIXdiff = (TRIX - TRIXsig) * scaleup;
def signalX = if (TRIXsig Crosses Above TRIX) then -1 else
              if (TRIXsig Crosses Below TRIX) then 1 else 0;
def trixZX = if (TRIX Crosses Above 0) then 1 else
             if (TRIX Crosses Below 0) then -1 else  0;

#-- Signals

plot sigXup = if showSignal and showSignalCrosses and signalX==1 then TRIXsig else na;    # "Signal X up"
plot sigXdn = if showSignal and showSignalCrosses and signalX==-1 then TRIXsig else na;   # "Signal X down"
plot zeroXup = if showZeroCrosses and trixZX==1 then 0 else na;     # "Zero X up"
plot zeroXdn = if showZeroCrosses and trixZX==-1 then 0 else na;    # "Zero X down"


def TRIXdif = if showSignal then TRIXdiff else na;     # "TRIX Diff"
AddCloud(TRIXdif, 0, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

plot TRIXsignal = if showSignal then TRIXsig else na; #, title="TRIX Signal"
plot TRIXHist = if ShowTrixAsLineInsteadOfHistogram then na else TRIX; #, title="TRIX Histogram"
plot TRIXline = if ShowTrixAsLineInsteadOfHistogram then TRIX else na; #, title="TRIX Line"
plot hline = if last then na else 0; #, title="Zero")

TRIXHist.AssignValueColor(if TRIX >= 0 then if rising(TRIX,3) then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN else
                          if falling(TRIX,3) then Color.DARK_RED else Color.RED);
TRIXline.AssignValueColor(if TRIX >= 0 then if rising(TRIX,3) then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN else
                          if falling(TRIX,3) then Color.DARK_RED else Color.RED);

#-- Bar Color
def bclr1 = if showZeroCrosses then if trixZX==1 then 2 else if trixZX==-1 then -2 else 0 else 0;
def bclr  = if bclr1!=0 then bclr1 else
            if showSignal and showSignalCrosses then if signalX==-1 then -1 else
                                                     if signalX==1 then 1 else 0 else 0;

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if bclr == 2 then Color.CYAN else
                 if bclr ==-2 then Color.MAGENTA else
                 if bclr == 1 then Color.VIOLET else
                 if bclr ==-1 then Color.PLUM else
                 if TRIX >= 0 then if rising(TRIX,3) then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if falling(TRIX,3) then Color.DARK_RED else Color.RED);
#-- END of CODE
check the below

#//  Author: JustUncleL
#//  Revision: R2
#study(title="TRIX Histogram R2.1 by JustUncleL", shorttitle="TRIXHIS R2")
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 02/2024
declare lower;

#/ --- INPUTS ---
input trixSource = close;
input trixLength = 12; #, minval=1, title="TRIX length")
input signalLength = 8; #,  minval=1, title="Signal Length")
input showSignal = yes; #(true, title="Show Signal line")
input ShowTrixAsLineInsteadOfHistogram  = no; #(false, title="Show TRIX as Line instead of Histogram")
input showZeroCrosses = no; #(false,  title="Show TRIX Zero cross overs")
input showSignalCrosses = no; #(false,  title="Show TRIX Signal cross overs")
input colorBars  = no; #(false, title="Colour Crossover Candles")
input scaleUp = 2;

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
#// Colors
DefineGlobalColor("GOLD", CreateColor(255, 215, 0));

script rising{
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
        def rising = fold i = 0 to len with p=1 while p do
                     GetValue(src, i) > GetValue(src, i + 1);
        plot out = rising;
script falling{
    input src = close;
    input len = 20;
        def falling = fold i = 0 to len with p=1 while p do
                      GetValue(src, i) < GetValue(src, i + 1);
        plot out = falling;
#// TRIX function
Script trix {
input src = close;
input len = 12;
    def tema = ExpAverage(ExpAverage(ExpAverage(src, len), len), len);
    def trix = 10000 * ((tema - tema[1]) / tema[1]);
    plot out = trix;

#// --- SERIES ---
def TRIX     = trix(trixSource, trixLength);
def TRIXsig  = ExpAverage(TRIX, signalLength);
def TRIXdiff = (TRIX - TRIXsig) * scaleup;
def signalX = if (TRIXsig Crosses Above TRIX) then -1 else
              if (TRIXsig Crosses Below TRIX) then 1 else 0;
def trixZX = if (TRIX Crosses Above 0) then 1 else
             if (TRIX Crosses Below 0) then -1 else  0;

#-- Signals

plot sigXup = if showSignal and showSignalCrosses and signalX==1 then TRIXsig else na;    # "Signal X up"
plot sigXdn = if showSignal and showSignalCrosses and signalX==-1 then TRIXsig else na;   # "Signal X down"
plot zeroXup = if showZeroCrosses and trixZX==1 then 0 else na;     # "Zero X up"
plot zeroXdn = if showZeroCrosses and trixZX==-1 then 0 else na;    # "Zero X down"


def TRIXdif = if showSignal then TRIXdiff else na;     # "TRIX Diff"
AddCloud(TRIXdif, 0, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY);

plot TRIXsignal = if showSignal then TRIXsig else na; #, title="TRIX Signal"
plot TRIXHist = if ShowTrixAsLineInsteadOfHistogram then na else TRIX; #, title="TRIX Histogram"
plot TRIXline = if ShowTrixAsLineInsteadOfHistogram then TRIX else na; #, title="TRIX Line"
plot hline = if last then na else 0; #, title="Zero")

TRIXHist.AssignValueColor(if TRIX >= 0 then if rising(TRIX,3) then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN else
                          if falling(TRIX,3) then Color.DARK_RED else Color.RED);
TRIXline.AssignValueColor(if TRIX >= 0 then if rising(TRIX,3) then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN else
                          if falling(TRIX,3) then Color.DARK_RED else Color.RED);

#-- Bar Color
def bclr1 = if showZeroCrosses then if trixZX==1 then 2 else if trixZX==-1 then -2 else 0 else 0;
def bclr  = if bclr1!=0 then bclr1 else
            if showSignal and showSignalCrosses then if signalX==-1 then -1 else
                                                     if signalX==1 then 1 else 0 else 0;

AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if bclr == 2 then Color.CYAN else
                 if bclr ==-2 then Color.MAGENTA else
                 if bclr == 1 then Color.VIOLET else
                 if bclr ==-1 then Color.PLUM else
                 if TRIX >= 0 then if rising(TRIX,3) then Color.GREEN else Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if falling(TRIX,3) then Color.DARK_RED else Color.RED);
#-- END of CODE
Thanks SO much for converting this @samer800 . I appreciate it!

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