Trend Trigger Factor For ThinkOrSwim


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Hi all this indicator was originally developed by M. H. Pee (Stocks & Commodities V.22:12 (28-36): Trend Trigger Factor.
If its beneficial to your trading journey then all the help will be greatly appreciated, thank you.
mod note. more info on the Trend Trigger Factor: Trigger Factor is,during most of the time.

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# //@version=3
# // Copyright (c) 2018-present, Alex Orekhov (everget)
# // Trend Trigger Factor script may be freely distributed under the MIT license.
# study("Trend Trigger Factor", shorttitle="TTF")
# ThinkOrSwim conversion by mashume 2022.10.05

declare lower;

input length = 15;
input upperLevel = 100;
input lowerLevel = -100;
input src = CLOSE;

script nz {
    input data = 0;
    def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then 0 else data;
    plot return = ret_val;

def hh = Highest(src, length);
def ll = Lowest(src, length);

def buyPower = hh - nz(ll[length]);
def sellPower = nz(hh[length]) - ll;

plot ttf = 200 * (buyPower - sellPower) / (buyPower + sellPower);

ttf.AssignValueColor(if ttf > upperLevel then color.dark_green else if ttf < lowerLevel then color.dark_red else color.dark_orange);

AddCloud(upperLevel,   lowerLevel,   Color.light_GRAY,   Color.light_GRAY);

plot midline = 0;
plot upper = upperLevel;
plot lower = lowerLevel;

def lowest = if ttf < lowerLevel then -200 else Double.NaN;
def highest = if ttf > upperLevel then 200 else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(upperLevel, highest, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(lowerLevel, lowest, Color.RED, Color.RED);
According to tradingpedia, there is a different way to calculate the TTF. The following code calculates by that methodology.

This also seems to be the original calculation method per this article:

declare lower;


input length = 15;
input upperLevel = 100;
input lowerLevel = -100;

# – 15-day Buy Power = (Highest high of day 1 through day 15) – (Lowest low of day 16 through day 30)
def BuyPower = highest(high, length) - lowest(low[length], length);

# – 15-day Sell Power = (Highest high of day 16 through day 30) – (Lowest low of day 1 through day 15)
def SellPower = highest(high[length], length) - lowest(low, length);

# Having estimated the two variables, we then move on to the TTF calculation itself:
# – 15-day Trend Trigger Factor = [(Buy Power – Sell Power) / (0.5 x (Buy Power + Sell Power))] x 100

plot TTF = ( (BuyPower - SellPower) / (0.5 * (BuyPower + SellPower)) ) * 100;

ttf.AssignValueColor(if ttf > upperLevel then color.dark_green else if ttf < lowerLevel then color.dark_red else color.dark_orange);

AddCloud(upperLevel,   lowerLevel,   Color.light_GRAY,   Color.light_GRAY);

plot midline = 0;
plot upper = upperLevel;
plot lower = lowerLevel;

def lowest = if ttf < lowerLevel then -200 else Double.NaN;
def highest = if ttf > upperLevel then 200 else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(upperLevel, highest, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(lowerLevel, lowest, Color.RED, Color.RED);

There are subtle differences between the methods. The original method seems faster, but also stays in the coloured zones longer. I make no promises about which one is 'better'. They are just different. As always, the indicator is just a tool and there are a thousand ways to make a screwdriver.

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According to tradingpedia, there is a different way to calculate the TTF. The following code calculates by that methodology.

This also seems to be the original calculation method per this article:

declare lower;


input length = 15;
input upperLevel = 100;
input lowerLevel = -100;

# – 15-day Buy Power = (Highest high of day 1 through day 15) – (Lowest low of day 16 through day 30)
def BuyPower = highest(high, length) - lowest(low[length], length);

# – 15-day Sell Power = (Highest high of day 16 through day 30) – (Lowest low of day 1 through day 15)
def SellPower = highest(high[length], length) - lowest(low, length);

# Having estimated the two variables, we then move on to the TTF calculation itself:
# – 15-day Trend Trigger Factor = [(Buy Power – Sell Power) / (0.5 x (Buy Power + Sell Power))] x 100

plot TTF = ( (BuyPower - SellPower) / (0.5 * (BuyPower + SellPower)) ) * 100;

ttf.AssignValueColor(if ttf > upperLevel then color.dark_green else if ttf < lowerLevel then color.dark_red else color.dark_orange);

AddCloud(upperLevel,   lowerLevel,   Color.light_GRAY,   Color.light_GRAY);

plot midline = 0;
plot upper = upperLevel;
plot lower = lowerLevel;

def lowest = if ttf < lowerLevel then -200 else Double.NaN;
def highest = if ttf > upperLevel then 200 else Double.NaN;

AddCloud(upperLevel, highest, Color.GREEN, Color.GREEN);
AddCloud(lowerLevel, lowest, Color.RED, Color.RED);

There are subtle differences between the methods. The original method seems faster, but also stays in the coloured zones longer. I make no promises about which one is 'better'. They are just different. As always, the indicator is just a tool and there are a thousand ways to make a screwdriver.


Thanks I will checkout this methodology. Also I was reading some settings from the forex version where they apply a smoothing filter and a sensitivity filter for the signal line. Maybe it can improve the way the indicator works.

For further reading checkout the page;
The version they post on their page is significantly more complex... I'll look into converting it at some point, just for comparison. Thanks for posting the link. I had seen their page when I was reading up on the TTF indicator, but hadn't really dug into what they had written up.

Make that 1001 ways to make a screwdriver.

The version they post on their page is significantly more complex... I'll look into converting it at some point, just for comparison. Thanks for posting the link. I had seen their page when I was reading up on the TTF indicator, but hadn't really dug into what they had written up.

Make that 1001 ways to make a screwdriver.


I'm not sure this is all correct. The habit Tradeview has of being able to redefine variables using the variable itself is rather troublesome to my functional-programming oriented mind. Take it as you want. It plots, and it seems reasonable. The b parameter does alter the sensitivity. The others seem to do what they should as well... I just don't know if it's all the right thing it's doing.

Take this one with a BIG grain of salt.


#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  //|                                                   ttf.mq4        |
#  //|                      Copyright � 2005, Nick Bilak                |
#  //|                                                                  |
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  #property copyright "Copyright � 2005, Nick Bilak"
#  #property link      "beluck[at]"
#  //----
#  #property indicator_separate_window
#  #property indicator_buffers 2
#  #property indicator_color1 LightSeaGreen
#  #property indicator_color2 Red
declare lower;

#  //---- input parameters
#  extern int TTFbars=8;
input TTFbars = 8;

#  //15=default number of bars for computation
#  extern int TopLine=75;
input TopLine = 75;

#  extern int BottomLine=-75;
input BottomLine = -75;

#  extern int t3_period=3;
input t3_period = 3;

#  extern double b=0.7;
input b = 0.7;

#  //---- buffers
#  double MainBuffer[];
#  double SignalBuffer[];
#  //----
#  int draw_begin1=0;
#  int draw_begin2=0;
#  double b2=0;
#  double b3=0;
#  double c1=0;
#  double c2=0;
#  double c3=0;
#  double c4=0;
#  double r=0;
#  double w1=0;
#  double w2=0;
#  double e1=0;
#  double e2=0;
#  double e3=0;
#  double e4=0;
#  double e5=0;
#  double e6=0;
#  double  HighestHighRecent=0;
#  double  HighestHighOlder =0;
#  double  LowestLowRecent =0;
#  double  LowestLowOlder =0;
#  double  BuyPower =0;
#  double  SellPower=0;
#  double  TTF=0;
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  //| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  int init()
#    {
#     string short_name;
#  //---- 2 additional buffers are used for counting.
#     IndicatorBuffers(2);
#  //---- indicator lines
#     SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE);
#     SetIndexBuffer(0, MainBuffer);
#     SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE);
#     SetIndexBuffer(1, SignalBuffer);
#  //---- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
#     short_name="TTF("+TTFbars;
#     IndicatorShortName(short_name);
#     SetIndexLabel(0,short_name);
#     SetIndexLabel(1,"Signal");
#  //----
#     draw_begin1=TTFbars*2+1;
#     draw_begin2=draw_begin1;
#     SetIndexDrawBegin(0,draw_begin1);
#     SetIndexDrawBegin(1,draw_begin2);
#  //----   
#     b2=b*b;
def b2 = b * b;

#     b3=b2*b;
def b3 = b2 * b;

#     c1=-b3;
def c1 = -b3;

#     c2=(3*(b2+b3));
def c2 = (3*(b2+b3));

#     c3=-3*(2*b2+b+b3);
def c3 = -3*(2*b2+b+b3);

#     c4=(1+3*b+b3+3*b2);
def c4 = (1+3*b+b3+3*b2);

#     r=t3_period;
#     if (r<1) r=1;
#     r=1 + 0.5*(r-1);
def r = if t3_period < 1 then 1 else 1 + 0.5 * (t3_period - 1);

#  //----
#     w1=2/(r + 1);
def w1 = 2 / (r + 1);

#     w2=1 - w1;
def w2 = 1 - w1;

#  //----
#     return(0);
#    }
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  //| ttf                                                              |
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  int start()
#    {
#     int    i,k;
#     int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
#     double price;
#  //----
#     if(Bars<=draw_begin2) return(0);
#  //---- initial zero
#     if(counted_bars<1)
#       {
#        for(i=1;i<=draw_begin1;i++) MainBuffer[Bars-i]=0;
#        for(i=1;i<=draw_begin2;i++) SignalBuffer[Bars-i]=0;
#       }
#  //---- %K line
#     i=Bars-draw_begin1;
#     if(counted_bars>draw_begin1) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
#     while(i>=0)
#       {
#        HighestHighRecent=High[Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,TTFbars,i)];//High[Highest(MODE_HIGH,shift+TTFbars-1,TTFbars)];
#        HighestHighOlder =High[Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,TTFbars,i+TTFbars)];//High[Highest(MODE_HIGH,shift+TTFbars*2-1,TTFbars)];
#        LowestLowRecent =Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,TTFbars,i)];//Low [Lowest (MODE_LOW ,shift+TTFbars-1,TTFbars)];
#        LowestLowOlder =Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,TTFbars,i+TTFbars)];//Low [Lowest (MODE_LOW ,shift+TTFbars*2-1,TTFbars)];
#        BuyPower =HighestHighRecent-LowestLowOlder;
#        SellPower=HighestHighOlder -LowestLowRecent;
#        TTF=(BuyPower-SellPower)/(0.5*(BuyPower+SellPower))*100;
def BuyPower = highest(high, TTFbars) - lowest(low[TTFbars], TTFbars);
def SellPower = highest(high[TTFbars], TTFbars) - lowest(low, TTFbars);
def TTF_init = ( (BuyPower - SellPower) / (0.5 * (BuyPower + SellPower)) ) * 100;

#  //----

def e1 = w1*TTF_init + w2 * 1;
def e2 = w1*e1 + w2*e2[1];
def e3 = w1*e2 + w2*e3[1];
def e4 = w1*e3 + w2*e4[1];
def e5 = w1*e4 + w2*e5[1];
def e6 = w1*e5 + w2*e6[1];

#  //----
plot TTF = c1*e6 + c2*e5 + c3*e4 + c4*e3;

#        MainBuffer[i]=TTF;
#        i--;
#       }
#  //---- last counted bar will be recounted
#     if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
#     int limit=Bars-counted_bars;
#  //---- signal line is simple movimg average
plot zero = 0;
plot signal = if TTF >= 0 then topLine else BottomLine;

#       for(i=0; i<limit; i++) 
#       {
#        if (MainBuffer[i]>=0)
#           SignalBuffer[i]=TopLine;
#        else
#           SignalBuffer[i]=BottomLine;
#       }
#  //----
#     return(0);
#    }
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+#

I'm not sure this is all correct. The habit Tradeview has of being able to redefine variables using the variable itself is rather troublesome to my functional-programming oriented mind. Take it as you want. It plots, and it seems reasonable. The b parameter does alter the sensitivity. The others seem to do what they should as well... I just don't know if it's all the right thing it's doing.

Take this one with a BIG grain of salt.


#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  //|                                                   ttf.mq4        |
#  //|                      Copyright � 2005, Nick Bilak                |
#  //|                                                                  |
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  #property copyright "Copyright � 2005, Nick Bilak"
#  #property link      "beluck[at]"
#  //----
#  #property indicator_separate_window
#  #property indicator_buffers 2
#  #property indicator_color1 LightSeaGreen
#  #property indicator_color2 Red
declare lower;

#  //---- input parameters
#  extern int TTFbars=8;
input TTFbars = 8;

#  //15=default number of bars for computation
#  extern int TopLine=75;
input TopLine = 75;

#  extern int BottomLine=-75;
input BottomLine = -75;

#  extern int t3_period=3;
input t3_period = 3;

#  extern double b=0.7;
input b = 0.7;

#  //---- buffers
#  double MainBuffer[];
#  double SignalBuffer[];
#  //----
#  int draw_begin1=0;
#  int draw_begin2=0;
#  double b2=0;
#  double b3=0;
#  double c1=0;
#  double c2=0;
#  double c3=0;
#  double c4=0;
#  double r=0;
#  double w1=0;
#  double w2=0;
#  double e1=0;
#  double e2=0;
#  double e3=0;
#  double e4=0;
#  double e5=0;
#  double e6=0;
#  double  HighestHighRecent=0;
#  double  HighestHighOlder =0;
#  double  LowestLowRecent =0;
#  double  LowestLowOlder =0;
#  double  BuyPower =0;
#  double  SellPower=0;
#  double  TTF=0;
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  //| Custom indicator initialization function                         |
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  int init()
#    {
#     string short_name;
#  //---- 2 additional buffers are used for counting.
#     IndicatorBuffers(2);
#  //---- indicator lines
#     SetIndexStyle(0,DRAW_LINE);
#     SetIndexBuffer(0, MainBuffer);
#     SetIndexStyle(1,DRAW_LINE);
#     SetIndexBuffer(1, SignalBuffer);
#  //---- name for DataWindow and indicator subwindow label
#     short_name="TTF("+TTFbars;
#     IndicatorShortName(short_name);
#     SetIndexLabel(0,short_name);
#     SetIndexLabel(1,"Signal");
#  //----
#     draw_begin1=TTFbars*2+1;
#     draw_begin2=draw_begin1;
#     SetIndexDrawBegin(0,draw_begin1);
#     SetIndexDrawBegin(1,draw_begin2);
#  //----  
#     b2=b*b;
def b2 = b * b;

#     b3=b2*b;
def b3 = b2 * b;

#     c1=-b3;
def c1 = -b3;

#     c2=(3*(b2+b3));
def c2 = (3*(b2+b3));

#     c3=-3*(2*b2+b+b3);
def c3 = -3*(2*b2+b+b3);

#     c4=(1+3*b+b3+3*b2);
def c4 = (1+3*b+b3+3*b2);

#     r=t3_period;
#     if (r<1) r=1;
#     r=1 + 0.5*(r-1);
def r = if t3_period < 1 then 1 else 1 + 0.5 * (t3_period - 1);

#  //----
#     w1=2/(r + 1);
def w1 = 2 / (r + 1);

#     w2=1 - w1;
def w2 = 1 - w1;

#  //----
#     return(0);
#    }
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  //| ttf                                                              |
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+
#  int start()
#    {
#     int    i,k;
#     int    counted_bars=IndicatorCounted();
#     double price;
#  //----
#     if(Bars<=draw_begin2) return(0);
#  //---- initial zero
#     if(counted_bars<1)
#       {
#        for(i=1;i<=draw_begin1;i++) MainBuffer[Bars-i]=0;
#        for(i=1;i<=draw_begin2;i++) SignalBuffer[Bars-i]=0;
#       }
#  //---- %K line
#     i=Bars-draw_begin1;
#     if(counted_bars>draw_begin1) i=Bars-counted_bars-1;
#     while(i>=0)
#       {
#        HighestHighRecent=High[Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,TTFbars,i)];//High[Highest(MODE_HIGH,shift+TTFbars-1,TTFbars)];
#        HighestHighOlder =High[Highest(NULL,0,MODE_HIGH,TTFbars,i+TTFbars)];//High[Highest(MODE_HIGH,shift+TTFbars*2-1,TTFbars)];
#        LowestLowRecent =Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,TTFbars,i)];//Low [Lowest (MODE_LOW ,shift+TTFbars-1,TTFbars)];
#        LowestLowOlder =Low[Lowest(NULL,0,MODE_LOW,TTFbars,i+TTFbars)];//Low [Lowest (MODE_LOW ,shift+TTFbars*2-1,TTFbars)];
#        BuyPower =HighestHighRecent-LowestLowOlder;
#        SellPower=HighestHighOlder -LowestLowRecent;
#        TTF=(BuyPower-SellPower)/(0.5*(BuyPower+SellPower))*100;
def BuyPower = highest(high, TTFbars) - lowest(low[TTFbars], TTFbars);
def SellPower = highest(high[TTFbars], TTFbars) - lowest(low, TTFbars);
def TTF_init = ( (BuyPower - SellPower) / (0.5 * (BuyPower + SellPower)) ) * 100;

#  //----

def e1 = w1*TTF_init + w2 * 1;
def e2 = w1*e1 + w2*e2[1];
def e3 = w1*e2 + w2*e3[1];
def e4 = w1*e3 + w2*e4[1];
def e5 = w1*e4 + w2*e5[1];
def e6 = w1*e5 + w2*e6[1];

#  //----
plot TTF = c1*e6 + c2*e5 + c3*e4 + c4*e3;

#        MainBuffer[i]=TTF;
#        i--;
#       }
#  //---- last counted bar will be recounted
#     if(counted_bars>0) counted_bars--;
#     int limit=Bars-counted_bars;
#  //---- signal line is simple movimg average
plot zero = 0;
plot signal = if TTF >= 0 then topLine else BottomLine;

#       for(i=0; i<limit; i++)
#       {
#        if (MainBuffer[i]>=0)
#           SignalBuffer[i]=TopLine;
#        else
#           SignalBuffer[i]=BottomLine;
#       }
#  //----
#     return(0);
#    }
#  //+------------------------------------------------------------------+#
wow @mashume thank you so much I will test it out!

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