Trend Strength Signals [AlgoAlpha] For ThinkOrSwim

The author states:
🌟Introducing the Trend and Strength Signals indicator by AlgoAlpha!

This indicator calculates the moving average and standard deviation of the closing price over a customizable period to identify the upper and lower bounds. When the price crosses these bounds, it signals an uptrend or downtrend. The gauge measures market strength by comparing the price to the moving average and scaling it over a customizable range, while the underlying logic uses concepts from the Bollinger Bands, this indicator gives a unique perspective on price behavior through added features and signals derived from it.


please convert

mod note:
find the ToS script in the next post
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// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// © AlgoAlpha
indicator("Trend Strength Signals [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉", true)
c = input.bool(true, "Enable Cloud")
lenn =, "Period")
mult = input.float(2.5, "Standard Deviation Multiplier for TP")
tc =, "Gauge Size", minval = 3)
upColor = input.color(#00ffbb, "Up Color")
downColor = input.color(#ff1100, "Down Color")
// Guage Function
t =, 3, tc+1),
printTable(txt, col, row, color, txt1, col1, row1, color1) =>
table.cell(t, col, row, txt, bgcolor = color),
table.cell(t, col1, row1, txt1, bgcolor = color1, text_color = color.white)
len = lenn
src = close
basis = ta.sma(src, lenn)
upper = basis + ta.stdev(src, len, true)
lower = basis - ta.stdev(src, len, true)
upper1 = basis + ta.stdev(src, len, true) * mult
lower1 = basis - ta.stdev(src, len, true) * mult
var trend = 0
if src > basis and src > upper
trend := 1
if src < basis and src < lower
trend := -1
pu=plot(upper, "upper Line",, 80), display = c ? display.all : display.none)
pl=plot(lower, "lower Line",, 80), display = c ? display.all : display.none)
barcolor(src > upper ? upColor : src < lower ? downColor : chart.fg_color)
grad = math.abs(basis-src)/(ta.highest(basis-src, 200))*100
grad1 = math.min(grad,40)
grad1 := 100-grad1
xMax = 100
xMin = 0
range_ = xMax - xMin
y = 1 - grad / range_
y := y > 100 ? 100 : y < 0 ? 0 : y
fill(pu, pl,, ta.sma(grad1, 7)), "Trend Fill", display = c ? display.all : display.none)
plotshape(ta.crossover(trend, 0), "Bullish Trend", shape.labelup, location.belowbar, upColor, text = "▲", textcolor = chart.fg_color)
plotshape(ta.crossunder(trend, 0), "Bearish Trend", shape.labeldown, location.abovebar, downColor, text = "▼", textcolor = chart.fg_color)
plotchar(ta.crossover(src, lower1), "Short TP", "X", location.belowbar, upColor, size = size.tiny)
plotchar(ta.crossunder(src, upper1), "Long TP", "X", location.abovebar, downColor, size = size.tiny)
// Draw Gauge
for i = 1 to tc
color_ = chart.fg_color
color = color.from_gradient(i, 1, tc, src > basis ? upColor : downColor, color_)
printTable("", 1, i, color, ">", 1, math.round(y*tc), #ffffff00)
alertcondition(ta.crossover(trend, 0), "Bullish Trend")
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(trend, 0), "Bearish Trend")
alertcondition(ta.crossover(src, lower1), "Short TP")
alertcondition(ta.crossunder(src, upper1), "Long TP")
check the below:

#/ This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © AlgoAlpha
#indicator("Trend Strength Signals [AlgoAlpha]", "AlgoAlpha - 𝑻𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒅 𝑺𝒕𝒓𝒆𝒏𝒈𝒕𝒉", true)
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 06/2024

input showGauge = yes; #, "Gauge Size", minval = 3)
input colorBars = yes;
input movAvgType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input src = close;
input enableBand  = no;
input enableCloud = yes; #, "Enable Cloud")
input Period = 20; #, "Period")
input StandardDeviationMultiplier = 2.5; #, "Standard Deviation Multiplier for TP")

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);

def basis = MovingAverage(movAvgType, src, Period);
def stdv = StDev(src, Period);
def upper = basis + stdv;
def lower = basis - stdv;

def upper1 = basis + stdv * StandardDeviationMultiplier;
def lower1 = basis - stdv * StandardDeviationMultiplier;

def trend = if src > basis and src > upper then 1 else
            if src < basis and src < lower then -1 else trend[1];

def bgCol = if src > upper then 1 else if src < lower then -1 else 0;

def pUp = if enableCloud then upper else na; # "upper Line"
def pLo = if enableCloud then lower else na; # "lower Line"

def trndBull = (trend crosses above 0); # "Bullish Trend"
def trndBear = (trend crosses below 0); # "Bearish Trend"
def exitShort = (src crosses above lower1); # "Short TP"
def exitLong  = (src crosses below upper1); # "Long TP",

def diff = basis - src;
def hDiff = Highest(diff, 200);
def grad = AbsValue(diff) / hDiff * 100;
def y0 = if isNaN(grad) then 0 else if grad > 100 then 100 else if grad < 0 then 0 else grad;
def y  = y0 * 2.55;
def rndY = Round(y0, 0) ;

#-- plots
plot upBand = if enableBand then upper1 else na;
plot dnBand = if enableBand then lower1 else na;
plot baseLine = if enableBand then basis else na;


AddCloud(pUp, pLo, Color.GRAY, Color.GRAY, no);

#-- Signals
plot extLong = if exitLong then high else na;
plot extShort = if exitShort then low else na;

AddChartBubble(trndBull, low, "B", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(trndBear, high, "S", Color.RED);

#-- bar color
AssignPriceColor(if !colorBars then Color.CURRENT else
                 if bgCol > 0 then Color.UPTICK else
                 if bgCol < 0 then Color.DOWNTICK else Color.WHITE);

AddLabel(showGauge , "Trend Strength: " + (if diff < 0 then "Up (" else "Dn (") + rndY + "%)",
           if diff < 0 then CreateColor(255 - y, 255, 255) else CreateColor(255 , 255 - y, 255));
#-#-- end of CODE

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