Transitioning From Street Smart To ThinkOrSwim


New member
I cannot thank you enough for holding my hand here. I am "new" to TOS after using Street Smart since it was Cybertrader. The platform is so different, and the learning curve is steep. ( For me) . But with your help and a bunch of others I am slowly coming along. Its just not an intuitive platform yet. I guess when I get a good grasp of how it really works I will be able to help others. Much Thanks, Mike

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I cannot thank you enough for holding my hand here. I am "new" to TOS after using Street Smart since it was Cybertrader. The platform is so different, and the learning curve is steep. ( For me) . But with your help and a bunch of others I am slowly coming along. Its just not an intuitive platform yet. I guess when I get a good grasp of how it really works I will be able to help others. Much Thanks, Mike

It is a HUGE learning curve! Pat yourself on the back for taking it on.
It is so worth enduring the initial frustrations and difficulty.
ThinkOrSwim is the most robust chart analysis platform available.
You can build yourself, the perfect chart for your needs just by keeping asking questions and reviewing the thousands of examples available on the forum, which is the largest repository of thinkscript on the internet!
I couldn't agree more. Just using the TTM squeeze opened the door to avoiding the junk trades and zeroing in on only a+ setups. I am using a few more and now just want to build a scanner for A+ setups intra day. Simpler Trading has a scanner you can subscribe to but it lags a day. Also trying to build a watch list of new daily highs or lows. ( With just a few symbols, not global) But I am having a lot of fun with it and making $$.
Cautiously. :)


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