ThinkorSwim MarketWatch Quotes Alert Too Complex


New member
I'm trying to set up a script so I can use it in the MarketWatch tab for study alerts. It is too complex is says for 2 reasons that I know about so far. This is from a script you made so I was wondering if you know how to fix it so I can set it on study alerts?

def bn = BarNumber();
and HighestAll
def lastbar = HighestAll(if IsNaN(close) then 0 else bn);

Just because it is complex doesn't, necessarily, mean that it won't work. The code you are showing works fine.



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I added a signal to This script and want to alert the study on a specific few ticker symbols. the first few lines contain the code I sent to you and those lines give ToS trouble when the marketwatch Study Alert is trying to be used and thats what im trying to use. I also have this problem with other scripts that i have developed with a buddy, the barnumber wont work in the marketwatch study alert funtion of ToS.
I added a signal to This script and want to alert the study on a specific few ticker symbols. the first few lines contain the code I sent to you and those lines give ToS trouble when the marketwatch Study Alert is trying to be used and thats what im trying to use. I also have this problem with other scripts that i have developed with a buddy, the barnumber wont work in the marketwatch study alert funtion of ToS.

I've never really messed with the "study alert" feature. If you say that the BarNumber() function isn't working with it, so be it. Perhaps there is another way to accomplish the goal.

We know that the BarNumber() function does work with the scanner (see above). So, you might try setting up a scan for your conditions. Then, set it to scan only on the watchlist containing the stocks you want to monitor. Finally, set up a "dynamic watchlist alert" following the linked directions.

Best of luck.
I have a rather complex script.
It pass the tos complexity check.
However, Script miss triggered in alert & conditional order!
I try below methods but it doesn't help:
(1) remove comment helps a little bit
(2) use faster computer doesn't help
(3) alter quote delay doesn't help
Any suggestions?
I'm trying to limit the number of symbols that appear in my custom watchlist/scans (I detach "Quotes" in the "MarketWatch" tab) to 20 or 50 symbols but I can't figure-out how to do this....

In my "saved" scan-criteria that will populate the custom watchlist, I already changed the "Show ?? Stocks" to 20 (or 50) but my custom watchlists still are showing 100+ symbols....

Any ideas? Thanks a bunch for your help.....
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Depending on your criteria, and how you save the watchlist, the number of symbols listed may increase as more symbols meet the criteria... The scan results can be saved as a watchlist or as an active scan which will continue to populate based on the scan criteria... For a more in-depth explanation of scan features you can check out the tutorials in the TOS Learning Center or check YouTube videos...
Depending on your criteria, and how you save the watchlist, the number of symbols listed may increase as more symbols meet the criteria... The scan results can be saved as a watchlist or as an active scan which will continue to populate based on the scan criteria... For a more in-depth explanation of scan features you can check out the tutorials in the TOS Learning Center or check YouTube videos...
Thank you.... I totally forgot about symbols being added to the watchlist without necessarily removing symbols from the watchlist... It makes sense now... Thanks again... 👍
The Value in custom watchlist sometime not updated (even for simple script). It is quit random. I give up using watchlist.

Very true... The Custom Column updates are random at best, making them only partially reliable... I hadn't checked my watchlist this morning until about five minutes ago (11:00am) and GLD was still showing the same indication it was giving last evening... When I checked the chart it didn't show any signs that the watchlist was showing... So proof positive that there is no replacement for simply watching the chart... I think if more traders concentrated on becoming one with a limited few symbols they would do much better overall rather than thinking they should monitor the entire market like lawyers chasing ambulances... I believed that back in the 1980's and still believe that today... I pick the symbols I want to watch, usually about 8 per day, and usually the same 8 for sometimes weeks at at time, and rotate a couple in and out as their performance justifies... The charts don't lie...
Very true... The Custom Column updates are random at best, making them only partially reliable... I hadn't checked my watchlist this morning until about five minutes ago (11:00am) and GLD was still showing the same indication it was giving last evening... When I checked the chart it didn't show any signs that the watchlist was showing... So proof positive that there is no replacement for simply watching the chart... I think if more traders concentrated on becoming one with a limited few symbols they would do much better overall rather than thinking they should monitor the entire market like lawyers chasing ambulances... I believed that back in the 1980's and still believe that today... I pick the symbols I want to watch, usually about 8 per day, and usually the same 8 for sometimes weeks at at time, and rotate a couple in and out as their performance justifies... The charts don't lie...
Yes. I can only can trust chart now. I also try "Conditional order", it have the same problem too. Sometime it won't fire order when condition satisfied. I haven't try scanner, does it have the same problem?

P.s. In my opinion, Tos is the best platform I ever seen in the market. I have great expectations on it. However, these problems make me miserable:
(1) Many small but critical bug like the one I mentioned above
(2) Insufficient document and examples (I find much more info here than official site)
(3) Tos have many good system. However, tdameritrade doesn't make it user-friendly and developer-friendly. Existing system never have major upgrade and some even abandoned without any documentation.
(4) The quality of the whole system (server) seem degrading.
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@Jtopaz Watchlists are low on the totem pole for updating on TOS servers. But conditional orders ARE NOT!
If you have a conditional order that did not fill, it is due to user error or error in logic.

I have not found TOS documentation lacking at all. I had no scripting experience when starting TOS so my lack of knowledge made it difficult for me to understand what the documentation was telling me. For me, the answer to that was 'plug and play'. I am now a semi-expert on TOS error messages. :) But along the way, I have come to understand the basics of TOS logic and can now extrapolate from there.

You should know that the existing system does get regular upgrades. Here is an overview. And new indicators are added monthly, including the indicators published in Stock&Commodities Magazine.


Your last statement has some validity. Server response has seemed to be laggier than normal. However, I have faith. There is a lot of behind the scenes work being done to design a path forward that will incorporate the best parts of TD's and Swab's platforms. But it won't happen overnight. Some patience on our part is required.
@Jtopaz Overall trade volume and server load has been up substantially in recent days and the lag is more noticeable at certain times of day...Right at or near the open it can be brutal as users login to TOS and their charts, watchlist, and scans populate...

I have found that leaving as many open windows or panels with no symbol speeds things up... For example, now if I check an option chain I delete the symbol and hit Enter before I leave than panel... Doing so keeps the option chains for repeatedly updating and draining system resources and bandwidth... In addition, I Reset both Stock Hacker and Option Hacker rather than leaving a scan active... Same goes for Active Trader, I delete any symbol if I'm not in or expecting to enter or exit a trade...

Every little bit helps... Then we are merely left at the mercy of the server load and bandwidth to keep what we are actively utilizing up to date...
But conditional orders ARE NOT!
I use the same script in conditional order and chart to test at the same time. Conditional order sometime not/delay triggered when chart triggered. This is why I give up using conditional order. Beware this bug when you use conditional order too.

Best of luck.
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I have found that leaving as many open windows or panels with no symbol speeds things up...
Yes. I did it too. I open the windows task manager to check CPU usage and bandwidth, it really helps.

I also use multiple Tos instance at the same time. Run charts in different computer.
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I use the same script in conditional order and chart to test at the same time. Conditional order sometime not/delay triggered when chart triggered. This is why I give up using conditional order. Beware this bug when you use conditional order too.

Best of luck.
@Jtopaz Doubling-down on your statement doesn't make it so. You are aware that if you had a sell order that didn't activate, TD would be liable. Seeing as I haven't seen a slew of lawsuits, I am still going w/ user error. Given you haven't provided any scripts or specific examples. No one can help you further.

I am not so much responding to you but more to let new posters know that OCOs are an excellent and TRUSTWORTHY albeit limited avenue for setting up exit orders.

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