ThinkorSwim desktop charts blinking



The link below shows the problem. Anyone experienced the charts blinking non stop? I just displayed NQ and ES looks that once I put laptop in sleep mode then wake it up again, the problem occurs. For now, stopping TOS and restart the app solve the issue.

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Partial solution: I have 11 charts and 2000 scans running and have no problem with memory. I run 5 days a week and reboot only on Sunday before the markets open at 8pm EST. However, 3 of my charts flicker every morning. The way to fix this is to reload the style using the icon at the top of the style sheet (looks like 2 candles). Be careful not to DELETE the style as the LOAD and DELETE buttons are right next to each other.
Very hard to identify the culprit when you have multiple charts and indicators. Start by removing all the indicators on your chart and see if the problem persists.

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As @BenTen mentioned, this blinking is due to excessive charts and indicators... I have this issue quite often when working on indicators... Reducing the number of charts and removing any excess indicators will resolve the problem... You'll see this issue more during early trading than mid-day...
More memory may help.
See if you can increase your memoryat the log in panel
Doubtful... Memory isn't the issue, the time needed to process multiple iterations of studies is... You can throw more memory and processor power at the problem but it still comes down to how much processing and painting can be done before the cycle has to start all over again... The advice given to my by TOS Tech Support was to decrease memory settings, not increase - which seems counter to my 35+ years of IT work but my systems run better with less rather than more so they must know their code better than I do... Data throughput peaks at the open...
FWIW, I've been dealing with this issue for some time. For me, it only happens with Futures and seems to start up right at 6PM Sunday when a new week begins...I called Support and was told to go to Chart Settings > Price Axis > Scale: and uncheck "Fit Studies" and "Fit Study Markers"... Unfortunately, it didn't help, so I just reboot and that seems to help most of the time...
Doubtful... Memory isn't the issue, the time needed to process multiple iterations of studies is... You can throw more memory and processor power at the problem but it still comes down to how much processing and painting can be done before the cycle has to start all over again... The advice given to my by TOS Tech Support was to decrease memory settings, not increase - which seems counter to my 35+ years of IT work but my systems run better with less rather than more so they must know their code better than I do... Data throughput peaks at the open...
When in doubt try it!

Has he tried this suggestion?
Thanks to all for these suggestions:
here is a quick update:
  • yes, it seems that this issue is only with Futures. I look at ES and NQ
  • my laptop has descent memory and processing, it is not resource problem. I haven't tried yet reducing allocation of memory...suggestion above is counter intuitive but worth a try, I will let you know.
  • actually, I noticed that this issue occur toward he end of the day (near close or at close or after market). the most common pattern to reproduce this issue is when laptop wakes up from standby & change of internet wifi connection (yes, I moved a lot during my day, I can have to reconnect laptop through different networks....30% of the time after wifi connection change, this triggers that problem)
  • workaround is easy but inconvenient: just restart TOS...something, I have to restart the laptop.

Will keep you posted in case I find pattern, root cause or solution. Thanks
This happens to me all the time when leaving ToS running between sessions. I use to restart every time to fix as well.... until....


Simply toggle the chart off and on again with the sidebar.


Desert Trader ~
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It just happened to me, it flickered twice and is the first time I have ever experienced. I run all stocks only. I dont do Futures, forex and index, ETF's
I get blinking when I have my charts extended out to a ridiculous range; most of the time, charts don't need 10years of data points. Keeping them as short as needed for your data, reduces the physical manifestation of refresh rates that results in blinking.
This happens to me all the time when leaving ToS running between sessions. I use to restart every time to fix as well.... until....


Simply toggle the chart off and on again with the sidebar.


Desert Trader ~

FINAL SOLUTION: Thanks to all for helping.
  • Not able to remove this issue completely. it comes back from time to time after computer standby or internet disconnect
  • From all the workaround, the one from @DesertTrader works is the simple and works the best. Bravo. making my live much easier.
Partial solution: I have 11 charts and 2000 scans running and have no problem with memory. I run 5 days a week and reboot only on Sunday before the markets open at 8pm EST. However, 3 of my charts flicker every morning. The way to fix this is to reload the style using the icon at the top of the style sheet (looks like 2 candles). Be careful not to DELETE the style as the LOAD and DELETE buttons are right next to each other.
I am affected by this on futures; at least /ES and /NQ charts everyday at 6PM on the dot.

My simple fix for these two charts is as followed:

On windows, hit "Ctrl+E" to bring up studies windows
Double click very first study "ADX"; but can be any one in the list. This adds the study, click "Apply"
Now remove the very same study click "X" near the study name.
Lastly click "Ok" closing the study window.
Everything chart wise is retained (unaltered) and the blinking stops. Fast procedure not to mess up my zoom aspects, etc... that I have going that very day.

It seems to have something to do with the new data that starts coming in at 6PM, like after MOC data is settled and one or more indicator's on the chart ability to process that "new" data thereafter, it needs something to trigger re-running strategies.

With very same strategies on a chart with just a stock ticker, this does not happen at 6PM, however if TOS is left running overnight, it will be blinking when pre-market data arrives.

So when you run many charts it is better to restart ToS instances every morning. Tech support will immediately tell you I see you haven't logged off since XXX day, and that you need to restart everyday. It ****s, but I never have issues of any sort since I started firing up the instances every day.

Just sharing this in hopes it helps someone out, as I have gotten a lot out of the thinkscript community.
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