Author Message:
A series of 28 stochastic oscillators plotted horizontally and stacked vertically from bottom to top as the oscillator background.
Each oscillator has been interpreted and the value has been used to colour the lines in.
Lower lines are shorter term stochastics and higher lines are longer term stochastics.
The average of the 28 stochastics has been taken and then used to plot the fast oscillator line, which also has a slow oscillator line to follow.
The oscillator line can be used to colour in the candles.
MA: multiple smoothing methods
Theme: multiple colours
Increment: stochastic length start and increments
Smooth Fast: smooth fast length
Smooth Slow: smooth slow length
Paint Bars: colour candles
Waves: toggle method to weight/increment stochastics
#// © Violent
#study("Stochastic Heat Map", shorttitle="SHM", overlay=false)
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 05/2023
declare lower;
input PaintBars = yes; # "Paint Bars"
input MovAvgType = AverageType.WEIGHTED;
input Theme = {"Theme 1", "Theme 2", default "Theme 3"}; # "Theme"
input Increment = 10; # "Increment"
input smooth = 2; # "Smooth Fast"
input smoothSlow = 21; # "Smooth Slow"
input plotNumber = 28; # "Plot Number"
input Waves = no; # "Waves"
def na = Double.NaN;
def last = isNaN(close);
def inc = Increment;
def IncType = Waves;
def Theme1 = Theme == Theme."Theme 1";
def Theme2 = Theme == Theme."Theme 2";
DefineGlobalColor("cp1" , CreateColor(1, 255, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("cp2" , CreateColor(5, 217, 4));
DefineGlobalColor("cp3" , CreateColor(4, 181, 4));
DefineGlobalColor("cp4" , CreateColor(3, 145, 3));
DefineGlobalColor("cp5" , CreateColor(2, 117, 2));
DefineGlobalColor("cn1" , CreateColor(255, 5, 5));
DefineGlobalColor("cn2" , CreateColor(214, 6, 6));
DefineGlobalColor("cn3" , CreateColor(184, 6, 6));
DefineGlobalColor("cn4" , CreateColor(145, 3, 3));
DefineGlobalColor("cn5" , CreateColor(117, 2, 2));
DefineGlobalColor("cp6" , CreateColor(0, 221, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("cp7" , CreateColor(4, 188, 217));
DefineGlobalColor("cp8" , CreateColor(4, 156, 179));
DefineGlobalColor("cp9" , CreateColor(4, 127, 145));
DefineGlobalColor("cp10" , CreateColor(4, 103, 117));
DefineGlobalColor("cn6" , CreateColor(216, 0, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("cn7" , CreateColor(187, 4, 219));
DefineGlobalColor("cn8" , CreateColor(155, 5, 181));
DefineGlobalColor("cn9" , CreateColor(123, 3, 143));
DefineGlobalColor("cn10" , CreateColor(100, 2, 117));
DefineGlobalColor("cp11" , CreateColor(207, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("cp12" , CreateColor(242, 88, 17));
DefineGlobalColor("cp13" , CreateColor(242, 152, 17));
DefineGlobalColor("cp14" , CreateColor(238, 242, 17));
DefineGlobalColor("cp15" , CreateColor(58, 242, 17));
DefineGlobalColor("cn11" , CreateColor(2, 38, 158));
DefineGlobalColor("cn12" , CreateColor(15, 68, 245));
DefineGlobalColor("cn13" , CreateColor(17, 118, 242));
DefineGlobalColor("cn14" , CreateColor(0, 147, 201));
DefineGlobalColor("cn15" , CreateColor(17, 231, 242));
DefineGlobalColor("fc1" , Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("sc1" , Color.ORANGE);
DefineGlobalColor("fc2" , Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("sc2" , CreateColor(33, 150, 243));
DefineGlobalColor("fc3" , Color.WHITE);
DefineGlobalColor("sc3" , CreateColor(255, 137, 0));
def fastColour = if Theme1 then 1 else if Theme2 then 2 else 3;
def slowColour = if Theme1 then 1 else if Theme2 then 2 else 3;
#getColour(a) =>
script getColour {
input a = 0;
input Theme1 = no;
input Theme2 = no;
def pColour1 = if Theme1 then 1 else if Theme2 then 11 else 111;
def pColour2 = if Theme1 then 2 else if Theme2 then 22 else 222;
def pColour3 = if Theme1 then 3 else if Theme2 then 33 else 333;
def pColour4 = if Theme1 then 4 else if Theme2 then 44 else 444;
def pColour5 = if Theme1 then 5 else if Theme2 then 55 else 555;
def nColour1 = if Theme1 then 6 else if Theme2 then 66 else 666;
def nColour2 = if Theme1 then 7 else if Theme2 then 77 else 777;
def nColour3 = if Theme1 then 8 else if Theme2 then 88 else 888;
def nColour4 = if Theme1 then 9 else if Theme2 then 99 else 999;
def nColour5 = if Theme1 then 10 else if Theme2 then 110 else 1110;
def getColour =
if (a >= 90) then
if (a >= 80) then
if (a >= 70) then
if (a >= 60) then
if (a >= 50) then
if (a >= 40) then
if (a >= 30) then
if (a >= 20) then
if (a >= 10) then
if (a >= 0) then
nColour1 else getColour[1];
plot out = getColour;
#getStoch(i, incr) =>
script getStoch {
input IncType = 0;
input incr = 1;
input inc = 10;
input smooth = 2;
input MovAvgType = AverageType.WEIGHTED;
def c = (IncType * inc) + 1;
def s = smooth + incr;
def src = close;
def h = high;
def l = low;
def len = c;
def hh = Highest(h, len);
def ll = Lowest(l, len);
def stoch = 100 * (src - ll) / (hh - ll);
def getStoch = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, stoch, s);
plot out = getStoch;
def stoch1 = if plotNumber > 0 then getStoch(If(IncType, 1, 1) , If(IncType, 1, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch2 = if plotNumber > 1 then getStoch(If(IncType, 2, 2), If(IncType, 2, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch3 = if plotNumber > 2 then getStoch(If(IncType, 3, 3), If(IncType, 3, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch4 = if plotNumber > 3 then getStoch(If(IncType, 4, 4), If(IncType, 4, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch5 = if plotNumber > 4 then getStoch(If(IncType, 5, 5), If(IncType, 5, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch6 = if plotNumber > 5 then getStoch(If(IncType, 6, 6), If(IncType, 6, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch7 = if plotNumber > 6 then getStoch(If(IncType, 7, 7), If(IncType, 7, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch8 = if plotNumber > 7 then getStoch(If(IncType, 8, 8), If(IncType, 8, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch9 = if plotNumber > 8 then getStoch(If(IncType, 9, 9), If(IncType, 9, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch10 = if plotNumber > 9 then getStoch(If(IncType, 10, 10), If(IncType, 10, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch11 = if plotNumber > 10 then getStoch(If(IncType, 15, 11), If(IncType, 11, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch12 = if plotNumber > 11 then getStoch(If(IncType, 20, 12), If(IncType, 12, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch13 = if plotNumber > 12 then getStoch(If(IncType, 25, 13), If(IncType, 13, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch14 = if plotNumber > 13 then getStoch(If(IncType, 30, 14), If(IncType, 14, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch15 = if plotNumber > 14 then getStoch(If(IncType, 35, 15), If(IncType, 15, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch16 = if plotNumber > 15 then getStoch(If(IncType, 40, 16), If(IncType, 16, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch17 = if plotNumber > 16 then getStoch(If(IncType, 45, 17), If(IncType, 17, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch18 = if plotNumber > 17 then getStoch(If(IncType, 50, 18), If(IncType, 18, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch19 = if plotNumber > 18 then getStoch(If(IncType, 55, 19), If(IncType, 19, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch20 = if plotNumber > 19 then getStoch(If(IncType, 60, 20), If(IncType, 20, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch21 = if plotNumber > 20 then getStoch(If(IncType, 70, 21), If(IncType, 21, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch22 = if plotNumber > 21 then getStoch(If(IncType, 80, 22), If(IncType, 22, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch23 = if plotNumber > 22 then getStoch(If(IncType, 90, 23), If(IncType, 23, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch24 = if plotNumber > 23 then getStoch(If(IncType, 100, 24), If(IncType, 24, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch25 = if plotNumber > 24 then getStoch(If(IncType, 110, 25), If(IncType, 25, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch26 = if plotNumber > 25 then getStoch(If(IncType, 120, 26), If(IncType, 26, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch27 = if plotNumber > 26 then getStoch(If(IncType, 140, 27), If(IncType, 27, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def stoch28 = if plotNumber > 27 then getStoch(If(IncType, 160, 28), If(IncType, 28, 0), inc, smooth, MovAvgType) else 0;
def colour1 = getColour(stoch1, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour2 = getColour(stoch2, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour3 = getColour(stoch3, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour4 = getColour(stoch4, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour5 = getColour(stoch5, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour6 = getColour(stoch6, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour7 = getColour(stoch7, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour8 = getColour(stoch8, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour9 = getColour(stoch9, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour10 = getColour(stoch10, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour11 = getColour(stoch11, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour12 = getColour(stoch12, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour13 = getColour(stoch13, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour14 = getColour(stoch14, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour15 = getColour(stoch15, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour16 = getColour(stoch16, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour17 = getColour(stoch17, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour18 = getColour(stoch18, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour19 = getColour(stoch19, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour20 = getColour(stoch20, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour21 = getColour(stoch21, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour22 = getColour(stoch22, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour23 = getColour(stoch23, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour24 = getColour(stoch24, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour25 = getColour(stoch25, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour26 = getColour(stoch26, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour27 = getColour(stoch27, Theme1, Theme2);
def colour28 = getColour(stoch28, Theme1, Theme2);
def getAverage = (stoch1 + stoch2 + stoch3 + stoch4 + stoch5 + stoch6 + stoch7 + stoch8 + stoch9 + stoch10 + stoch11 + stoch12 + stoch13 + stoch14 + stoch15 + stoch16 + stoch17 + stoch18 + stoch19 + stoch20 + stoch21 + stoch22 + stoch23 + stoch24 + stoch25 + stoch26 + stoch27 + stoch28) / plotNumber;
def fast = ((getAverage / 100) * plotNumber);
def slow = MovingAverage(MovAvgType, fast, smoothSlow);
def barColour = getColour(getAverage, Theme1, Theme2);
plot slowLine = slow;
plot fastLine = fast;
slowLine.AssignValueColor(if slowColour==1 then GlobalColor("sc1") else
if slowColour==2 then GlobalColor("sc2") else GlobalColor("sc3"));
fastLine.AssignValueColor(if fastColour==1 then GlobalColor("fc1") else
if fastColour==2 then GlobalColor("fc2") else GlobalColor("fc3"));
plot plot1 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 0 , 0 , na);
plot plot2 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 1 , 1 , na);
plot plot3 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 2 , 2 , na);
plot plot4 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 3 , 3 , na);
plot plot5 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 4 , 4 , na);
plot plot6 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 5 , 5 , na);
plot plot7 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 6 , 6 , na);
plot plot8 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 7 , 7 , na);
plot plot9 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 8 , 8 , na);
plot plot10 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 9 , 9 , na);
plot plot11 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 10 , 10 , na);
plot plot12 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 11 , 11 , na);
plot plot13 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 12 , 12 , na);
plot plot14 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 13 , 13 , na);
plot plot15 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 14 , 14 , na);
plot plot16 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 15 , 15 , na);
plot plot17 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 16 , 16 , na);
plot plot18 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 17 , 17 , na);
plot plot19 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 18 , 18 , na);
plot plot20 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 19 , 19 , na);
plot plot21 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 20 , 20 , na);
plot plot22 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 21 , 21 , na);
plot plot23 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 22 , 22 , na);
plot plot24 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 23 , 23 , na);
plot plot25 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 24 , 24 , na);
plot plot26 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 25 , 25 , na);
plot plot27 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 26 , 26 , na);
plot plot28 = if last then na else if (plotNumber > 27 , 27 , na);
plot plot29 = if last then na else plotNumber;
plot1.AssignValueColor(if colour1==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour1==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour1==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour1==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour1==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour1==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour1==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour1==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour1==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour1==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour1==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour1==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour1==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour1==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour1==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour1==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour1==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour1==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour1==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour1==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour1==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour1==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour1==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour1==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour1==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour1==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour1==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour1==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour1==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot2.AssignValueColor(if colour2==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour2==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour2==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour2==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour2==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour2==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour2==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour2==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour2==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour2==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour2==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour2==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour2==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour2==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour2==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour2==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour2==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour2==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour2==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour2==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour2==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour2==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour2==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour2==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour2==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour2==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour2==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour2==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour2==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot3.AssignValueColor(if colour3==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour3==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour3==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour3==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour3==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour3==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour3==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour3==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour3==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour3==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour3==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour3==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour3==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour3==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour3==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour3==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour3==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour3==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour3==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour3==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour3==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour3==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour3==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour3==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour3==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour3==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour3==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour3==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour3==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot4.AssignValueColor(if colour4==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour4==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour4==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour4==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour4==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour4==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour4==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour4==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour4==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour4==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour4==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour4==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour4==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour4==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour4==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour4==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour4==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour4==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour4==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour4==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour4==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour4==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour4==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour4==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour4==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour4==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour4==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour4==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour4==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot5.AssignValueColor(if colour5==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour5==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour5==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour5==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour5==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour5==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour5==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour5==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour5==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour5==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour5==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour5==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour5==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour5==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour5==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour5==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour5==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour5==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour5==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour5==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour5==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour5==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour5==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour5==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour5==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour5==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour5==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour5==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour5==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot6.AssignValueColor(if colour6==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour6==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour6==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour6==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour6==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour6==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour6==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour6==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour6==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour6==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour6==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour6==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour6==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour6==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour6==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour6==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour6==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour6==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour6==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour6==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour6==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour6==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour6==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour6==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour6==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour6==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour6==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour6==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour6==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot7.AssignValueColor(if colour7==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour7==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour7==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour7==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour7==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour7==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour7==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour7==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour7==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour7==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour7==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour7==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour7==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour7==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour7==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour7==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour7==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour7==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour7==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour7==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour7==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour7==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour7==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour7==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour7==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour7==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour7==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour7==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour7==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot8.AssignValueColor(if colour8==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour8==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour8==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour8==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour8==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour8==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour8==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour8==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour8==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour8==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour8==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour8==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour8==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour8==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour8==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour8==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour8==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour8==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour8==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour8==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour8==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour8==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour8==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour8==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour8==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour8==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour8==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour8==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour8==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot9.AssignValueColor(if colour9==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour9==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour9==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour9==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour9==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour9==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour9==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour9==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour9==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour9==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour9==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour9==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour9==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour9==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour9==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour9==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour9==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour9==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour9==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour9==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour9==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour9==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour9==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour9==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour9==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour9==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour9==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour9==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour9==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot10.AssignValueColor(if colour10==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour10==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour10==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour10==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour10==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour10==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour10==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour10==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour10==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour10==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour10==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour10==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour10==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour10==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour10==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour10==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour10==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour10==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour10==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour10==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour10==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour10==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour10==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour10==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour10==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour10==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour10==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour10==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour10==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot11.AssignValueColor(if colour11==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour11==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour11==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour11==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour11==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour11==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour11==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour11==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour11==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour11==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour11==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour11==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour11==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour11==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour11==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour11==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour11==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour11==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour11==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour11==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour11==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour11==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour11==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour11==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour11==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour11==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour11==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour11==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour11==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot12.AssignValueColor(if colour12==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour12==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour12==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour12==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour12==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour12==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour12==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour12==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour12==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour12==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour12==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour12==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour12==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour12==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour12==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour12==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour12==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour12==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour12==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour12==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour12==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour12==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour12==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour12==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour12==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour12==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour12==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour12==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour12==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot13.AssignValueColor(if colour13==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour13==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour13==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour13==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour13==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour13==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour13==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour13==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour13==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour13==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour13==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour13==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour13==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour13==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour13==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour13==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour13==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour13==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour13==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour13==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour13==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour13==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour13==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour13==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour13==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour13==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour13==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour13==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour13==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot14.AssignValueColor(if colour14==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour14==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour14==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour14==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour14==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour14==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour14==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour14==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour14==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour14==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour14==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour14==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour14==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour14==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour14==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour14==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour14==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour14==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour14==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour14==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour14==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour14==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour14==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour14==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour14==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour14==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour14==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour14==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour14==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot15.AssignValueColor(if colour15==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour15==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour15==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour15==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour15==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour15==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour15==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour15==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour15==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour15==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour15==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour15==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour15==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour15==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour15==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour15==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour15==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour15==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour15==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour15==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour15==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour15==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour15==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour15==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour15==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour15==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour15==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour15==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour15==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot16.AssignValueColor(if colour16==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour16==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour16==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour16==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour16==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour16==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour16==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour16==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour16==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour16==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour16==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour16==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour16==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour16==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour16==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour16==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour16==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour16==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour16==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour16==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour16==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour16==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour16==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour16==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour16==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour16==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour16==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour16==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour16==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot17.AssignValueColor(if colour17==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour17==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour17==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour17==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour17==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour17==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour17==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour17==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour17==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour17==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour17==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour17==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour17==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour17==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour17==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour17==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour17==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour17==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour17==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour17==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour17==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour17==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour17==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour17==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour17==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour17==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour17==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour17==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour17==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot18.AssignValueColor(if colour18==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour18==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour18==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour18==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour18==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour18==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour18==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour18==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour18==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour18==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour18==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour18==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour18==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour18==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour18==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour18==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour18==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour18==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour18==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour18==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour18==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour18==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour18==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour18==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour18==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour18==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour18==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour18==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour18==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot19.AssignValueColor(if colour19==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour19==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour19==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour19==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour19==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour19==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour19==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour19==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour19==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour19==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour19==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour19==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour19==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour19==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour19==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour19==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour19==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour19==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour19==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour19==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour19==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour19==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour19==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour19==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour19==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour19==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour19==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour19==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour19==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot20.AssignValueColor(if colour20==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour20==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour20==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour20==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour20==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour20==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour20==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour20==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour20==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour20==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour20==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour20==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour20==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour20==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour20==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour20==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour20==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour20==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour20==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour20==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour20==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour20==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour20==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour20==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour20==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour20==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour20==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour20==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour20==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot21.AssignValueColor(if colour21==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour21==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour21==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour21==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour21==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour21==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour21==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour21==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour21==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour21==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour21==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour21==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour21==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour21==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour21==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour21==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour21==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour21==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour21==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour21==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour21==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour21==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour21==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour21==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour21==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour21==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour21==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour21==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour21==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot22.AssignValueColor(if colour22==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour22==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour22==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour22==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour22==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour22==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour22==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour22==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour22==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour22==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour22==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour22==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour22==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour22==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour22==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour22==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour22==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour22==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour22==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour22==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour22==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour22==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour22==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour22==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour22==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour22==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour22==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour22==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour22==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot23.AssignValueColor(if colour23==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour23==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour23==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour23==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour23==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour23==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour23==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour23==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour23==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour23==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour23==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour23==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour23==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour23==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour23==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour23==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour23==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour23==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour23==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour23==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour23==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour23==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour23==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour23==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour23==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour23==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour23==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour23==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour23==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot24.AssignValueColor(if colour24==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour24==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour24==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour24==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour24==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour24==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour24==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour24==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour24==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour24==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour24==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour24==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour24==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour24==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour24==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour24==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour24==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour24==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour24==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour24==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour24==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour24==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour24==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour24==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour24==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour24==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour24==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour24==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour24==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot25.AssignValueColor(if colour25==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour25==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour25==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour25==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour25==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour25==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour25==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour25==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour25==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour25==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour25==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour25==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour25==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour25==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour25==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour25==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour25==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour25==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour25==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour25==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour25==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour25==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour25==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour25==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour25==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour25==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour25==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour25==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour25==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot26.AssignValueColor(if colour26==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour26==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour26==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour26==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour26==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour26==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour26==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour26==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour26==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour26==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour26==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour26==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour26==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour26==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour26==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour26==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour26==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour26==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour26==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour26==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour26==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour26==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour26==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour26==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour26==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour26==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour26==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour26==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour26==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot27.AssignValueColor(if colour27==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour27==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour27==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour27==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour27==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour27==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour27==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour27==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour27==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour27==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour27==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour27==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour27==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour27==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour27==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour27==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour27==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour27==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour27==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour27==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour27==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour27==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour27==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour27==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour27==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour27==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour27==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour27==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour27==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot28.AssignValueColor(if colour28==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour28==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour28==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour28==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour28==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour28==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour28==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour28==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour28==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour28==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour28==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour28==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour28==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour28==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour28==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour28==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour28==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour28==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour28==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour28==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour28==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour28==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour28==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour28==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour28==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour28==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour28==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour28==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour28==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
plot29.AssignValueColor(if colour28==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if colour28==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if colour28==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if colour28==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if colour28==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if colour28==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if colour28==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if colour28==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if colour28==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if colour28==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if colour28==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if colour28==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if colour28==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if colour28==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if colour28==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if colour28==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if colour28==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if colour28==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if colour28==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if colour28==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if colour28==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if colour28==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if colour28==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if colour28==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if colour28==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if colour28==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if colour28==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if colour28==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if colour28==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
#--- Bar Colors
AssignPriceColor(if !PaintBars then Color.CURRENT else
if barColour==1 then GlobalColor("cp1") else
if barColour==11 then GlobalColor("cp6") else
if barColour==111 then GlobalColor("cp11") else
if barColour==2 then GlobalColor("cp2") else
if barColour==22 then GlobalColor("cp7") else
if barColour==222 then GlobalColor("cp12") else
if barColour==3 then GlobalColor("cp3") else
if barColour==33 then GlobalColor("cp8") else
if barColour==333 then GlobalColor("cp13") else
if barColour==4 then GlobalColor("cp4") else
if barColour==44 then GlobalColor("cp9") else
if barColour==444 then GlobalColor("cp14") else
if barColour==5 then GlobalColor("cp5") else
if barColour==55 then GlobalColor("cp10") else
if barColour==555 then GlobalColor("cp15") else
if barColour==6 then GlobalColor("cn1") else
if barColour==66 then GlobalColor("cn6") else
if barColour==666 then GlobalColor("cn11") else
if barColour==7 then GlobalColor("cn2") else
if barColour==77 then GlobalColor("cn7") else
if barColour==777 then GlobalColor("cn12") else
if barColour==8 then GlobalColor("cn3") else
if barColour==88 then GlobalColor("cn8") else
if barColour==888 then GlobalColor("cn13") else
if barColour==9 then GlobalColor("cn4") else
if barColour==99 then GlobalColor("cn9") else
if barColour==999 then GlobalColor("cn14") else
if barColour==10 then GlobalColor("cn5") else
if barColour==110 then GlobalColor("cn10") else GlobalColor("cn15"));
#--- END of CODE