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Repaints Stan Weinstein Trend Indicator For ThinkOrSwim


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@samer800 -- Can you please help me with the following TV indicator to TOS?


indicator(title="Stan Weinstein Trend Indicator",overlay=true, timeframe="W")

// Get the ticker symbol of BTCUSD index
i_sym = input.symbol("INDEX:BTCUSD", "Symbol for Relative Strength")

// Retrieve the historical close prices of BTCUSD using request.security
btcusd_close = request.security(i_sym, 'W', close)

// Calculate the ratio between the current chart and BTCUSD
ratio = close / btcusd_close

// Calculate the difference between today's ratio and yesterday's ratio
diff = ratio - ratio[1]

// Calculate the percentage variation
force_relative = (diff / ratio[1]) * 100

//Initialisation des variables
average_volume_8_period = input.float(8, "Period for SMA Volume", 1, 100, 1)
average_volume_8 = ta.ema(volume, int(average_volume_8_period))
volume_condition1 = volume <= average_volume_8

m30_period = input.float(21,"Period for EMA", 1, 100, 1)
m30 = ta.ema(close, int(m30_period))

//Calcul du RSI
rsi_period = input.float(14, "Period for RSI", 1, 100, 1)
rsi = ta.rsi(close, int(rsi_period))
rsi_condition1 = rsi < 50

//Phase 1: Consolidation
tunnel_condition = (high - low) / high <= 0.1
consolidation = volume_condition1 and rsi_condition1 and tunnel_condition

// Initialisation des variables pour phase 2
m30_condition2 = close > m30
volume_condition2 = volume > average_volume_8
resistance_period = input.float(8, "Period for Resistance", 1, 100, 1)
resistance = ta.highest(close, int(resistance_period))
resistance_condition = close >= resistance
m30_trend_condition_phase2 = m30 > m30[1]

// Phase 2: Avancée
avancee = m30_condition2 and m30_trend_condition_phase2 and volume_condition2 and force_relative > 0 and resistance_condition

//Définition des conditions pour l'EMA21
rsi_condition3 = rsi > 50

// Initialisation des variables pour phase 3
proximity_condition = math.abs(close - m30) / close <= 0.05

// Phase 3: Plafonnement
ema_trend = input.float(10, "Period for EMA trend", 1, 100, 1)
plafonnement = rsi_condition3 and proximity_condition and close <= ta.ema(close, int(ema_trend))

// Initialisation des variables pour phase 4
support_period = input.float(8,"Period for Support", 1, 100, 1)
support = ta.lowest(close, int(support_period))
support_condition = close <= support
m30_trend_condition_phase4 = m30 < m30[1]
volume_condition4 = volume > average_volume_8

// Phase 4: Declin
declin = close < m30 and m30_trend_condition_phase4 and volume_condition4 and force_relative < 0 and support_condition

plotshape(consolidation, style = shape.circle, location = location.belowbar, color = color.white, size = size.small)
plotshape(avancee, style = shape.circle, location = location.belowbar, color = color.green, size = size.small)
plotshape(plafonnement, style = shape.circle, location = location.abovebar, color = color.blue, size = size.small)
plotshape(declin, style = shape.circle, location = location.abovebar, color = color.red, size = size.small)
check the below. Select the relative strength symbol from setting as desire.

# https://www.tradingview.com/v/pMShjARo/
#indicator(title="Stan Weinstein Trend Indicator",overlay=true, timeframe="W")
# Converted and mod By Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 11/2023
#// Get the ticker symbol of BTCUSD index
input chartTimeframe = AggregationPeriod.HOUR;
input SymbolForRelativeStrength = "/BTC";   # "Symbol for Relative Strength"
input symbolTimeframe = {DAY,Default WEEK, MONTH};
input periodForAverageVolume = 8;           # "Period for SMA Volume"
input periodForEma = 21;                    # "Period for EMA"
input periodForRsi = 14;                    # "Period for RSI"
input periodForEmaTrend = 10;               # "Period for EMA trend"
input resistancePeriod = 8;                 # "Period for Resistance"
input supportPeriod = 8;                    # "Period for Support"

def na = Double.NaN;
def c = close(Period = chartTimeframe);
def h = high(Period = chartTimeframe);
def l = low(Period = chartTimeframe);
def v = volume(Period = chartTimeframe);
#// Retrieve the historical close prices of BTCUSD using request.security
def btcusd_close = close("Symbol" = SymbolForRelativeStrength, Period = symbolTimeframe);

#// Calculate the ratio between the current chart and BTCUSD
def ratio = c / btcusd_close;

#// Calculate the difference between today's ratio and yesterday's ratio
def diff = ratio - ratio[1];

#// Calculate the percentage variation
def force_relative = (diff / ratio[1]) * 100;

#//Initialisation des variables

def average_volume_8 = ExpAverage(v, periodForAverageVolume);
def volume_condition1 = v <= average_volume_8;
def m30 = ExpAverage(c, periodForEma);

#//Calcul du RSI
def rsi = RSI(Price = c, Length = periodForRsi);
def rsi_condition1 = rsi < 50;

#//Phase 1: Consolidation
def tunnel_condition = (high - low) / high <= 0.1;
def consolidation = volume_condition1 and rsi_condition1 and tunnel_condition;

#// Initialisation des variables pour phase 2
def m30_condition2 = c > m30;
def volume_condition2 = v > average_volume_8;
def resistance = Highest(c, resistancePeriod);
def resistance_condition = c >= resistance;
def m30_trend_condition_phase2 = m30 > m30[1];

#// Phase 2: Avancée
def avancee = m30_condition2 and m30_trend_condition_phase2 and volume_condition2 and force_relative > 0 and resistance_condition;

#//Définition des conditions pour l'EMA21
def rsi_condition3 = rsi > 50;
#// Initialisation des variables pour phase 3
def proximity_condition = AbsValue(c - m30) / c <= 0.05;

#// Phase 3: Plafonnement
def emaTrend = ExpAverage(c, periodForEmaTrend);
def plafonnement = rsi_condition3 and proximity_condition and c <= emaTrend;

#// Initialisation des variables pour phase 4
def support = lowest(c, supportPeriod);
def support_condition = c <= support;
def m30_trend_condition_phase4 = m30 < m30[1];
def volume_condition4 = v > average_volume_8;

#// Phase 4: Declin
def declin = c < m30 and m30_trend_condition_phase4 and volume_condition4 and force_relative < 0 and support_condition;

# plots

plot cons = if consolidation and !consolidation[1] then low else na;
plot avan = if avancee and !avancee[1] then low else na;
plot plafon = if plafonnement and !plafonnement[1] then high else na;
plot dec = if declin and !declin[1] then high else na;



This worked perfectly. I changed the default symbol to SPX and adjusted a few things to fit my needs.

Thank you, @samer800, for a quick turnaround and yet another quality code.

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