declare lower;
input length_1 = 4;
input length_2 = 9;
input length_3 = 14;
input length_4 = 19;
input factor = 0.75;
input bullish = 1.75;
input Show_Range1 = yes;
input Show_Range2 = yes;
input Show_Range3 = yes;
input Show_Range4 = no;
input mode = {default Range, ATR};
def vHigh = high;
def vLow = low;
def nan = Double.NaN;
def range1;
switch (mode) {
case Range:
range1 = Highest(vhigh, length_1) - Lowest(vlow, length_1);
case ATR:
range1 = reference ATR();
def range2;
switch (mode) {
case Range:
range2 = Highest(vhigh, length_2) - Lowest(vlow, length_2);
case ATR:
range2 = reference ATR();
def range3;
switch (mode) {
case Range:
range3 = Highest(vhigh, length_3) - Lowest(vlow, length_3);
case ATR:
range3 = reference ATR();
def range4;
switch (mode) {
case Range:
range4 = Highest(vhigh, length_4) - Lowest(vlow, length_4);
case ATR:
range4 = reference ATR();
plot RangeFactor = factor;
plot RangeBullish = bullish;
plot RangeRatio1 = if Show_Range1 then range1 / range1[length_1] else nan;
RangeRatio1.DefineColor("Consolidation", color.light_green);
RangeRatio1.DefineColor("Non-consolidation", GetColor(1));
RangeRatio1.AssignValueColor( if (RangeRatio1 < RangeFactor) then RangeRatio1.Color("Consolidation") else RangeRatio1.Color("Non-consolidation"));
plot RangeRatio2 = if Show_Range2 then range2 / range2[length_2] else nan;
RangeRatio2.DefineColor("Consolidation", color.yellow);
RangeRatio2.DefineColor("Non-consolidation", GetColor(1));
RangeRatio2.AssignValueColor( if (RangeRatio2 < RangeFactor) then RangeRatio2.Color("Consolidation") else RangeRatio2.Color("Non-consolidation"));
plot RangeRatio3 = if Show_Range3 then range3 / range3[length_3] else nan;
RangeRatio3.DefineColor("Consolidation", color.cyan);
RangeRatio3.DefineColor("Non-consolidation", GetColor(1));
RangeRatio3.AssignValueColor( if (RangeRatio3 < RangeFactor) then RangeRatio3.Color("Consolidation") else RangeRatio3.Color("Non-consolidation"));
plot RangeRatio4 = if Show_Range4 then range4 / range1[length_4] else nan;
RangeRatio4.DefineColor("Consolidation", GetColor(4));
RangeRatio4.AssignValueColor( if (RangeRatio4 < RangeFactor) then RangeRatio4.Color("Consolidation") else RangeRatio4.Color("Non-consolidation"));
# pivot points code
#input showbubble = no;
input Pivot_length = 10;
#input Show_Pivot = yes;
input DisplayLabel = no;
input compbars = 20; # pull in trend for longest period. reduce within the specific groupings below
input Fast_Length = 4; #hint: for accumulation
input Med_Length = 9;
input Slow_length = 14;
def ttmtrenddwn = reference TTM_Trend( compBars = compbars ).trenddown;
input lowlevel = 0.75;
input highlevel = 1.5;
input fallbelow = 1.25;
input drop_percent = 20;
input override_drop_percent = 70;
def RVSD = RelativeVolumeStDev()."RelVol";
def Mobo = FW_DPO_MOBO()."DPO";
def Mobo_True = if Mobo > Mobo[1] or Mobo > LowBand then 1 else 0;
def vTTM = TTM_Wave()."Wave1";
def bn = BarNumber();
def PPSdwn = !IsNaN(PPS().”SellSignal”);
def PPSup = !IsNaN(PPS().”buySignal”);
#disused variables
#def VChaikin = ChaikinOscillator().COSC / 1000;
#def vCCI = CCI().CCI;
#def vLow = low;
#def vOpen = open;
#def vClose = close;
#def vVolume = volume;
#def aggperiod = if getaggregationperiod() == then 1 else 0;
# PPS Pivot Point
def hh =
fold i = 1 to Pivot_length + 1
with p = 1
while p
do PPSdwn > GetValue(PPSdwn, -i);
def PH =
if (bn > Pivot_length
and PPSdwn == Highest(PPSdwn, Pivot_length)
and hh)
then PPSdwn
else Double.NaN;
def PHBar = if !IsNaN(PH) then bn else PHBar[1];
def PHL = if !IsNaN(PH) then PH else PHL[1];
def priorPHBar = if PHL != PHL[1] then PHBar[1] else priorPHBar[1];
def HighPivots = bn >= HighestAll(priorPHBar);
def DynamicLength =
if bn - PHBar < 2
then bn - priorPHBar
else bn - PHBar;
# 1 week - 3 bar factors (short length manipulation)
def w1_length = Fast_Length;
def w1_Range = Highest(vHigh, w1_length) - Lowest(vLow, w1_length);
def w1_Ratio = w1_Range / w1_Range[w1_length];
#def w1_RatioMax = highest(w1_Ratio, 2);
#def w1_Drop = if
# ( w1_RatioMax - w1_Ratio ) > ( drop_percent / 100 )
# then 1 else 0;
#def w1_Slope = w1_Ratio[6] - w1_Ratio[1];
#def w1_Sign = sign(w1_Slope);
#def w1_trendup = sum(ttmtrendup > 0, w1_length ); # num of upsignals in last 5
#def w1_TrendDwn = sum(ttmtrenddwn > 0, w1_length ); #num of downsignals in last 5
# 2 week - 10 bar factors (medium length manipulation)
def w2_length = Med_Length;
def w2_Range = Highest(vHigh, w2_length) - Lowest(vLow, w2_length);
def w2_Ratio = w2_Range / w2_Range[w2_length];
def w2_RatioMax = Highest(w2_Ratio, 5);
def w2_Drop_Percent = ( w2_RatioMax - w2_Ratio ) / w2_RatioMax * 100;
def w2_Drop = if w2_RatioMax == w2_Ratio then 0 else if
w2_Drop_Percent > drop_percent
then 1 else 0;
def w2_Slope = w2_Ratio[w2_length + 1] - w2_RatioMax;
def w2_Sign =
if w2_Drop_Percent > override_drop_percent
and w2_Ratio <= lowlevel
then -1
else Sign(w2_Slope);
#override sign if the drop% > 70 and falls below lowlevel
def w2_TrendDwn = Sum(ttmtrenddwn > 0, w2_length );
#======= 3 week - 15+ bar factors (long length manipulation)
def w3_length = Slow_length;
def w3_Range = Highest(high, w3_length) - Lowest(low, w3_length);
def w3_Ratio = w3_Range / w3_Range[w3_length];
def w3_RatioMax = Highest(w3_Ratio, 3);
def w3_Drop_Percent = ( w3_RatioMax - w3_Ratio ) / w3_RatioMax * 100;
def w3_Drop = if
w3_RatioMax == w3_Ratio then 0 else if
w3_Drop_Percent > drop_percent / 2
then 1 else
def w3_Slope = w3_Ratio[w3_length + 1] - w3_RatioMax;
def w3_Sign = Sign(w3_Slope);
def w3_TrendDwn = Sum(ttmtrenddwn > 0, w3_length );
def w2_Diverge = if
DynamicLength > w1_length #and dynamiclength <= w2_length + 3
and w2_Drop
and w2_Sign < 0
and w2_RatioMax >= highlevel * .9
and w2_Ratio <= fallbelow
and w2_TrendDwn >= w2_length * .5
and RVSD <= 1
and w3_Ratio <= w3_Ratio[1]
and w1_Ratio < w1_Ratio[1]
and !PPSup
and Mobo_True
and vTTM > vTTM[1]
then 1 else
def w3_Diverge = if
DynamicLength >= w2_length - 3
and w3_Drop
and w3_Sign < 0
and w3_RatioMax >= highlevel * .9
and w3_Ratio <= fallbelow * 1.5
and w3_TrendDwn >= w3_length * .5
and RVSD <= 2.1
#and w1_Ratio < w1_Ratio[1]
and !PPSup
# and Mobo_True
#and vTTM > vTTM[1]
then 1 else
def divergence = if w2_Diverge or w3_Diverge then 1 else 0; #for scanner version
plot w2_alert = If w2_Diverge then W2_Ratio else nan;
plot w_3alert = if w3_Diverge then W3_RATIO else nan;
#plot Pivot = PH and Show_Pivot;#hint: to show the downarrow used for pivot point
# CHART BUBBLES (for upper study)
#AddChartBubble(w2_Diverge and !w2_Diverge[1] and showbubble, close,
# "W2 " + close
# "BarNum: " + bn
# + "\n" + "start: " + w2_Ratio[w2_length]
# + "\n" + "end: " + w2_Ratio[1]
# + "\n" + "sign: " + w2_sign
# + "\n" + "slope: " + w2_slope
# + "\n" + "D%: " + ( w2_RatioMax - w2_Ratio ) / w2_ratiomax
# + "\n" + "D%: min " + drop_percent
# + "\n" + "drop: " + ( w2_RatioMax - w2_Ratio )
# + "\n" + "max: " + w2_RatioMax
# + "\n" + "cur: " + w2_Ratio
# + "\n" + "Chkn diff: " + (vchaikin[1] - vchaikin)
# + "\n" + "Chaikin[1]: " + vchaikin[1]
# + "\n" + "CCI diff: " + (vcci[1] - vcci)
# + "\n" + "CCI[1]: " + vcci[1]
# , Color.CYAN, yes);
#AddChartBubble(w3_Diverge and !w3_Diverge[1] and showbubble, close,
# "W3 " + close
# + "BarNum: " + bn
# + "\n" + "down: " + w3_TrendDwn
# + "\n" + "sign: " + w3_sign
# + "\n" + "slope: " + w3_slope
# + "\n" + "D%: " + (w3_Ratio / w3_RatioMax ) / W3_RatioMax
# + "\n" + "drop: " + ( w3_RatioMax - w3_Ratio )
# + "\n" + "cur: " + w3_Ratio
# + "\n" + "beg: " + w3_Ratio[w3_length + 1]
# , Color.Plum, yes);
#def symbol = getsymbol();
#addlabel(yes, getsymbol(), color.white);