Saving Your Setup In ThinkOrSwim


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Please forgive me this has been answered. How do I save the shared chart link? I know how to import it my TOS. Where does it go once I log off TOS? Will I have to import it every morning in order to have access to it?
Help please!
Thanks in advance
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Please forgive me this has been answered. How do I save the shared chart link? I know how to import it my TOS. Where does it go once I log off TOS? Will I have to import it every morning in order to have access to it?
Help please!
Thanks in advance

The easiest way to save a setup:
1. click on the box at the top right-side of your chart
2. click on Save Grid As
3. name it whatever you want

To retrieve the setup: click on the box and click on the name that you saved it under.
Everything You Wanted To Know About Saving Your ToS Setup

Saving a group of indicators in a set:
1. click on the beaker at the top of chart
2. click on save study set
3. name whatever you want
use this method if you frequently use a group of indicators together across timeframes and with various instruments
CONS: this method does not save chart settings, aggregations, or any other parts of the chart settings.
ONLY USE to group indicators together

Saving a complete chart setup:
If you want to save the complete chart setup with the indicators, timeframe, and all other chart settings
then you must use the method described above:

Workspace Save:
If you have several detached charts, watchlists, and other gadgets then you should save the overall complete setup using Workspace Save
1. click on the upper-most gear at the top of your app
2. click on Save Workspace as
This method is provides a personal backup of your workspace.
This is not saved on Schwab servers. Only exists on your computer.
It cannot be used to share with your other computers or other people.
Can only be used as a personal backup for a specific computer
In addition to the answers already provided, if you have shared a link, or have received a shared link, all shares are accessible virtually forever via Tools > Shared Items from the main panel menu...

I recently imported this chart into my TOS.

I love the setup and I want to make a few modifications to it. I have noticed that I can't save this chart as a workspace, and I believe that is because I have to save it as a "study set."

When I save as a study set, I lose the volume indicator overlay in the upper chart. How do I preserve that feature?

Also, what is the best way for me save this chart that maintains the great look and functionality of the original link?

I recently imported this chart into my TOS.

I love the setup and I want to make a few modifications to it. I have noticed that I can't save this chart as a workspace, and I believe that is because I have to save it as a "study set."

When I save as a study set, I lose the volume indicator overlay in the upper chart. How do I preserve that feature?

Also, what is the best way for me save this chart that maintains the great look and functionality of the original link?

The link that I open -- pops up a flexible grid.

I don't see the same options for saving the grid. saving the workspace, etc, with the little box in the top right corner

It is there.
It looks a little different:

Try again.

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