RSI-MACD Chart Setup For ThinkOrSwim


This is a very useful indicator
when combined with

1. I have modified signals logic for both ported indicators:

NOTE: SAR MACD is GraphType = "HIST"
Sharing chart link for your review :!9Rir5HaJ

2. The combined indicators lower chart displaying logic used for entry and exits:

@ SAR MACD : Hist crosses above (or above) SigLine;
@ ATRASLRSI : plval crosses above pldn; (exiting red zone)
@ SAR MACD : Hist crosses below (or below) SigLine;
@ ATRASLRSI : plval crosses below plup; (exiting green zone)

I am interested in combining (momentum and trend-following)
"ATRASLRSI [Loxx]" and SAR MACD signals, targeting to create upper study (strategy).


I hope it is not too much trouble to ask to have them converted into UPPER study (or studies) ?
I would like create a strategy to backtest, aiming to improve results.
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This is a very useful indicator
when combined with

I hope it is not too much trouble to ask to have them converted into UPPER study (or studies) ?
I would like create a strategy to backtest, aiming to improve results.

1. I have modified signals logic for both ported indicators:

NOTE: SAR MACD is GraphType = "HIST"
Sharing chart link for your review :!9Rir5HaJ

2. The combined indicators lower chart displaying logic used for entry and exits:

@ SAR MACD : Hist crosses above (or above) SigLine;
@ ATRASLRSI : plval crosses above pldn; (exiting red zone)
@ SAR MACD : Hist crosses below (or below) SigLine;
@ ATRASLRSI : plval crosses below plup; (exiting green zone)

I am interested in combining (momentum and trend-following)
"ATRASLRSI [Loxx]" and SAR MACD signals, targeting to create upper study (strategy).

View attachment 22216
check the below:

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https:/
#// © loxx
#indicator("ATR-Adaptive, Smoothed Laguerre RSI [Loxx]",  shorttitle = "ATRASLRSI [Loxx]"
# created by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 06/2024 - request from member

input Source = Close;
input SmoothingPeriod = 5;#, "Source Smoothing Period"
input atrLength = 15;#, "ATR Period"
input UpperBoundary = 85;#, "Upper Boundary"
input LowerBoundary = 15;#, "Lower Boundary"

def na = Double.NaN;
def last = IsNaN(close);

script lagfiltosc {
    input src = close;
    input per = 15;
    def _gamma = 1.0 - 10.0 / (per + 9.0);
    def L0 = CompoundValue(1, (1 - _gamma) * src + _gamma * L0[1], 0);
    def L1 = CompoundValue(1, -_gamma * L0 + L0[1] + _gamma * L1[1], 0);
    def L2 = CompoundValue(1, -_gamma * L1 + L1[1] + _gamma * L2[1], 0);
    def L3 = CompoundValue(1, -_gamma * L2 + L2[1] + _gamma * L3[1], 0);
    def CU1 = if (L0 >= L1) then L0 - L1 else 0;
    def CD1 = if (L0 >= L1) then 0 else L1 - L0;
    def CU2 = if (L1 >= L2) then CU1 + L1 - L2 else CU1;
    def CD2 = if (L1 >= L2) then CD1 else CD1 + L2 - L1;
    def CU = if (L2 >= L3) then CU2 + L2 - L3 else CU2;
    def CD = if (L2 >= L3) then CD2 else CD2 + L3 - L2;
    def out = if (CU + CD != 0) then CU / (CU + CD) else 0;
    plot return = out;

def atr = ATR(Length = atrLength);
def prevMax = fold j = 2 to atrLength + 1 with p =atr do
    if p < atr[j] then atr[j] else p;
def prevMin = fold k = 2 to atrLength + 1 with q =atr do
    if q > atr[k] then atr[k] else q;

def srcout = ExpAverage(Source, SmoothingPeriod);
def _max = if prevMax > atr then prevMax else atr;
def _min = if prevMin < atr then prevMin else atr;
def _coeff = if (_min != _max) then 1 - (atr - _min) / (_max - _min) else 0.5;

def val = lagfiltosc(srcout, atrLength * (_coeff + 0.75));

def plval = val * 100;

def plUp = if last then na else UpperBoundary;
def plDn = if last then na else LowerBoundary;

#// © traderharikrishna
input averageType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input fastLength = 12;
input slowLength = 26;
input macdLength = 9;

def sar = ParabolicSAR();
def cross = Crosses(Source, sar);
def sa = if cross then Source else sa[1];
def dir = if sar < Source then 1 else -1;

def m = MovingAverage(averageType, Source, fastLength) - MovingAverage(averageType, Source, slowLength);
def s = MovingAverage(averageType, m, macdLength);
def h = m - s;

def SigLine = s;
def Hist = if m then m else Hist[1];

# Filter
def volFilter = volume >= Average(volume, 2);

#/ Entry/Exit conditions
input labelOptions = {default "Summary", "Detailed", "Don't Show"};
input signalOptions = {default "Enter Long/Short", "Exit Long/Short", "Both Entry/Exit", "Don't Show Signals"};
input tradeDirection = {default "Both", "Long", "Short"}; # "Trading Direction"
input TPSLCondition = {default "Percentage", "ATR"};
input lotSize = 15;
input takeProfitFactor = 3.5;   # "Take Profit"
input stopLossFactor = 2.5;     # "Stop Loss"

def full = labelOptions == labelOptions."Detailed";
def summ = labelOptions == labelOptions."Summary" or full;
def allSig = signalOptions == signalOptions."Both Entry/Exit";
def enter = signalOptions == signalOptions."Enter Long/Short" or allSig;
def exit = signalOptions == signalOptions."Exit Long/Short" or allSig;
def long = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Long" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";
def short = tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Short" or tradeDirection == tradeDirection."Both";
def nATR = TPSLCondition == TPSLCondition."ATR";
def nPer = TPSLCondition == TPSLCondition."Percentage";

def tpBuy;
def slBuy;
def tpSell;
def slSell;
Switch (TPSLCondition) {
Case "Percentage" :
    tpBuy = (open * (1 + takeProfitFactor / 1000));
    slBuy = (open * (1 - stopLossFactor / 1000));
    tpSell = (open * (1 - takeProfitFactor / 1000));
    slSell = (open * (1 + stopLossFactor / 1000));
Default :
    tpBuy = (open + atr * takeProfitFactor);
    slBuy = (open - atr * stopLossFactor);
    tpSell = (open - atr * takeProfitFactor);
    slSell = (open + atr * stopLossFactor);
#// Strategy logic

def inTrades;
def entryLong;
def closeLong;
def entryShort;
def closeShort;
def win;
def los;
def tpLvlLong;
def slLvlLong;
def tpLvlShort;
def slLvlShort;

def Trade  = CompoundValue(1, inTrades[1], 0);
def crossUp = (plval > plDn) and (plval[1] <= plDn[1]);
def crossDn = (plval < plUp) and (plval[1] >= plUp[1]);
def LongEntry =  barNumber()>0 and Hist > SigLine and crossUp and volFilter and close > sa;
def ShortEntry = barNumber()>0 and Hist < SigLine and crossDn and volFilter and close < sa;
def longCond = long and LongEntry;
def shotCond = short and ShortEntry;
def exitLong  = ((high >= tpLvlLong[1]) or (close < slLvlLong[1]));
def exitShort = ((low <= tpLvlShort[1]) or (close > slLvlShort[1]));

if longCond[1] and !Trade {
    inTrades = 1;
    entryLong = open;
    tpLvlLong = tpBuy;
    slLvlLong = slBuy;
    tpLvlShort = na;
    entryShort = na;
    slLvlShort = na;
    closeLong  = 0;
    closeShort = 0;
    win = 0;
    los = 0;
} else if exitLong and Trade > 0 {
    inTrades = 0;
    entryLong = na;
    entryShort = na;
    tpLvlLong = na;
    slLvlLong = na;
    tpLvlShort = tpLvlShort[1];
    slLvlShort = slLvlShort[1];
    closeLong = (if (high >= tpLvlLong[1]) then tpLvlLong[1] else slLvlLong[1]) - entryLong[1];
    win = if closeLong > 0 then 1 else 0;
    los = if closeLong > 0 then 0 else 1;
    closeShort = 0;
} else if shotCond[1] and !Trade {
    inTrades = -1;
    entryLong = na;
    entryShort = open;
    tpLvlLong = na;
    slLvlLong = na;
    tpLvlShort = tpSell;
    slLvlShort = slSell;
    closeLong = closeLong[1];
    closeShort = 0;
    win = 0;
    los = 0;
} else if exitShort and Trade < 0 {
    inTrades = 0;
    entryLong = na;
    entryShort = na;
    tpLvlLong = tpLvlLong[1];
    slLvlLong = slLvlLong[1];
    tpLvlShort = na;
    slLvlShort = na;
    closeLong = na;
    closeShort = entryShort[1] - (if (low <= tpLvlShort[1]) then tpLvlShort[1] else slLvlShort[1]);
    win = if closeShort > 0 then -1 else 0;
    los = if closeShort > 0 then 0 else -1;
} else {
    inTrades  = Trade;
    entryLong = entryLong[1];
    entryShort = entryShort[1];
    tpLvlLong = tpLvlLong[1];
    slLvlLong = slLvlLong[1];
    tpLvlShort = tpLvlShort[1];
    slLvlShort = slLvlShort[1];
    closeLong = 0;
    closeShort = 0;
    win = 0;
    los = 0;
def longSig  = inTrades > 0 and !inTrades[1];
def shortSig = inTrades < 0 and !inTrades[1];
def exitL = !inTrades and inTrades[1] > 0;
def exitS = !inTrades and inTrades[1] < 0;
def extLloc = (entryLong[1] + closeLong);
def extSloc = (entryShort[1] - closeShort);
def enterLong = if !last and entryLong then entryLong else na;
def entrShort = if !last and entryShort then entryShort else na;
def TPlong = if tpLvlLong and inTrades > 0  then tpLvlLong else na;
def SLlong = if slLvlLong and inTrades > 0 then slLvlLong else na;
def TPshort = if tpLvlShort and inTrades < 0  then tpLvlShort else na;
def SLshort = if slLvlShort and inTrades < 0 then slLvlShort else na;

plot exitPointL = if exitL[-1] then extLloc[-1] else na;
plot exitPointS = if exitS[-1] then extSloc[-1] else na;
exitPointL.AssignValueColor(if high > TPlong[-1] then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);
exitPointS.AssignValueColor(if low < TPshort[-1] then Color.CYAN else Color.MAGENTA);

AddCloud(enterLong, SLlong, Color.DARK_RED, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(TPlong, enterLong, Color.DARK_GREEN, Color.DARK_GREEN, yes);

AddCloud(SLshort, entrShort, Color.DARK_RED, Color.DARK_RED, yes);
AddCloud(entrShort, TPshort, Color.PLUM, Color.DARK_RED, yes);

def totLong  = TotalSum(if exitL then 1 else 0);
def totShort = TotalSum(if exitS then 1 else 0);
def tottrd =  totLong + totShort;
def WinL = TotalSum(win>0); #TotalSum(if tradeL > 0 then 1 else 0);
def WinS = TotalSum(win<0); #if tradeS > 0 then 1 else 0);
def totWin = (WinL + WinS);
def winRt  = Round(totWin / tottrd * 100, 1);
def winRtL = Round(WinL / totLong * 100, 1);
def winRtS = Round(WinS / totShort * 100, 1);
def amtL = TotalSum(if exitL then closeLong else 0) * lotSize;
def amtS = TotalSum(if exitS then closeShort else 0) * lotSize;
def pl = RoundDown(amtL + amtS, 2);
def plL = RoundDown(amtL, 2);
def plS = RoundDown(amtS, 2);

AddChartBubble(enter and shotCond[1] and !Trade, high, "S", Color.RED);
AddChartBubble(enter and longCond[1] and !Trade, low, "L", Color.GREEN, no);

AddLabel(summ, "WinRate(" + winRt + "%, " + tottrd + ")", if winRt >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(full and long, "Long(" + winRtL + "%, " + totLong + ")", if winRtL >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(full and short, "Short(" + winRtS + "%, " + totShort + ")", if winRtS >= 50 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(full and long, "AmtLong($" + plL + ")", if amtL > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);
AddLabel(full and short, "AmtShort($" + plS + ")", if amtS > 0 then Color.GREEN else Color.RED);

AddLabel(summ, "P/L($" + pl + ")", if pl > 0 then Color.GREEN else if pl < 0 then Color.RED else Color.GRAY);

#-- END of CODE
WOW @samer800 you are a real artist !
I see you have added few convenient features to help with testing.
I better get to work and start testing.
Will keep you posted with my updates.
Hope other community members will find this conversion useful.
Thank you again for sharing your amazing talent 🖖
This is a very useful indicator
when combined with

1. I have modified signals logic for both ported indicators:

NOTE: SAR MACD is GraphType = "HIST"
Sharing chart link for your review :!9Rir5HaJ

2. The combined indicators lower chart displaying logic used for entry and exits:

@ SAR MACD : Hist crosses above (or above) SigLine;
@ ATRASLRSI : plval crosses above pldn; (exiting red zone)
@ SAR MACD : Hist crosses below (or below) SigLine;
@ ATRASLRSI : plval crosses below plup; (exiting green zone)

I am interested in combining (momentum and trend-following)
"ATRASLRSI [Loxx]" and SAR MACD signals, targeting to create upper study (strategy).

View attachment 22216

I hope it is not too much trouble to ask to have them converted into UPPER study (or studies) ?
I would like create a strategy to backtest, aiming to improve results.
Thanks for sharing the strategy! I am going to dig in and check it out on lower time frames.

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