Right-half of the Cup & Handle w/ CANSLIM fundamentals SCAN For ThinkOrSwim


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It seems that everyone focuses heavily on coding the specifications in the parabola portion of the cup and handle, but isn't the right half of the pattern approximating a bullish flag?

I created a scan to find Right-half of the Cup & Handle formation. Shared link: http://tos.mx/lu0iPU8
This scan uses the Bull Flag script:
To use this scan the above script must be named: UTSbullishandbearisflag

I also added filters for the O'neils CANSLIM fundamentals
It's hard to believe that readers wouldn't also be interested in O'neils CANSLIM fundamentals as a companion to it in their trading. @RDMercer was probably right when he mentioned "simply getting a subscription service directly from someone who has already done the heavy lifting" but for other cheapskates -like myself- there may be another alternative....
Read more here: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/scanner-based-on-the-canslim-conditions.4851/

Obviously it will pick up false positives, as it is partially a bullish flag study, but it will also give you an entry signal on some decent cup and handles as well.
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It seems that everyone focuses heavily on coding the specifications in the parabola portion of the cup and handle, but isn't the right half of the pattern approximating a bullish flag?

I created a scan to find Right-half of the Cup & Handle formation. Shared link: http://tos.mx/lu0iPU8
This scan uses the Bull Flag script:
To use this scan the above script must be named: UTSbullishandbearisflag

I also added filters for the O'neils CANSLIM fundamentals
It's hard to believe that readers wouldn't also be interested in O'neils CANSLIM fundamentals as a companion to it in their trading. @RDMercer was probably right when he mentioned "simply getting a subscription service directly from someone who has already done the heavy lifting" but for other cheapskates -like myself- there may be another alternative....
Read more here: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/scanner-based-on-the-canslim-conditions.4851/

Obviously it will pick up false positives, as it is partially a bullish flag study, but it will also give you an entry signal on some decent cup and handles as well.
Using the fundamental data in TOS to find Canslim stocks will probably not work, because the fundamental data in TOS is hardly correct. The data obtained is from a 2nd party vendor which is out of data for a lot of it. TD Ameritrade focuses on technical charting with TOS more than they do fundamentals. You have to pay more to find a 2nd or 3rd party vendor for upto date data to be screened in TOS
It seems that everyone focuses heavily on coding the specifications in the parabola portion of the cup and handle, but isn't the right half of the pattern approximating a bullish flag?

I created a scan to find Right-half of the Cup & Handle formation. Shared link: http://tos.mx/lu0iPU8
This scan uses the Bull Flag script:
To use this scan the above script must be named: UTSbullishandbearisflag

I also added filters for the O'neils CANSLIM fundamentals
It's hard to believe that readers wouldn't also be interested in O'neils CANSLIM fundamentals as a companion to it in their trading. @RDMercer was probably right when he mentioned "simply getting a subscription service directly from someone who has already done the heavy lifting" but for other cheapskates -like myself- there may be another alternative....
Read more here: https://usethinkscript.com/threads/scanner-based-on-the-canslim-conditions.4851/
Is there more to the Custom study? I can not put the UTSbullishandbearisflag()."bullish" Is true within 5 bars script into a TOS custom study and have it accept it.
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