Reverse Stochastic Momentum Index On Chart For ThinkOrSwim

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Hi, I am looking for some help converting following Tradingview code for Thinkorswim. Here is the original link:

I have modified the code to only show the Reverse Stochastic Momentum Index midline. I can't figure out how to code "f_reverse_SMI" function. Thanks for any help!!

// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
// @version = 4
// @author = The_Caretaker
// © The_Caretaker
// Much respect to Alex Orekhov (everget) for sharing the Stochastic Momentum Index script which I based this indicator on.
// Greatly inspired by the original paper from William Blau, the inventor of the Stochastic Momentum Index
// and the prior works of Giorgos Siligardos, Dimitris Tsokakis and Johny Dough in reverse engineering momentum oscillators.
// Feel free to reuse or develop this script further, please drop me a note below if you find it useful.

study ( "Reverse Stochastic Momentum Index On Chart", "RSMI OC", true )

indicator('Reset Every (Price)', overlay=true, max_bars_back=1000)

// Inputs and global variable declarations
i_srcPrice = input(close, 'SMI Price Source')
i_SMI_len =, 'SMI Length', minval=1)
i_smth1 =, 'Smooth Length 1', minval=1)
i_smth2 =, 'Smooth Length 2', minval=1)
i_sigLen =, 'Signal Length', minval=1)

a(x) =>
2 / (x + 1)

f_reverse_SMI(P, U, W, X, Y, Z) =>
V = 0.5
H = ta.highest(W)
L = ta.lowest(W)
D = ta.ema(P - V * (H + L), X)[1]
E = ta.ema(a(X) * (P - V * (H + L)) + D - D * a(X), Y)[1]
F = ta.ema(H - L, X)[1]
G = ta.ema(a(X) * (H - L) + F * (1 - a(X)), Y)[1]
J = 100 * (a(Y) * (a(X) * (P - V * (H + L)) + D - D * a(X)) + E * (1 - a(Y))) / (V * (a(Y) * (a(X) * (H - L) + F * (1 - a(X))) + G * (1 - a(Y))))[1]
K = ta.ema(100 * (a(Y) * (a(X) * (P - V * (H + L)) + D - D * a(X)) + E * (1 - a(Y))) / (V * (a(Y) * (a(X) * (H - L) + F * (1 - a(X))) + G * (1 - a(Y)))), Z)[1]
rawReturn = (V * U * (a(Y) * a(X) * H - a(Y) * a(X) * L - a(Y) * F * a(X) + a(Y) * F - G * a(Y) + G) + 100 * (a(Y) * a(X) * V * H + a(Y) * a(X) * V * L - a(Y) * D + a(Y) * D * a(X) + E * a(Y) - E)) / (100 * a(Y) * a(X))
return_1 = rawReturn > 0 ? rawReturn : 0

SMINumerator = ta.ema(ta.ema(i_srcPrice - 0.5 * (ta.highest(i_SMI_len) + ta.lowest(i_SMI_len)), i_smth1), i_smth2)
SMIDenominator = 0.5 * ta.ema(ta.ema(ta.highest(i_SMI_len) - ta.lowest(i_SMI_len), i_smth1), i_smth2)
SMI = 100 * SMINumerator / SMIDenominator
SMI_eq = f_reverse_SMI(i_srcPrice, SMI[1], i_SMI_len, i_smth1, i_smth2, i_sigLen)

p_SMI_eqPlot = plot(SMI_eq, 'SMI EQ Price', color.rgb(3, 49, 87), 2, plot.style_linebr, transp=0)[/CODE]
try this

#// This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at
#// © The_Caretaker
#// Much respect to Alex Orekhov (everget) for sharing the Stochastic Momentum Index script which I based this indicator on.
#// Greatly inspired by the original paper from William Blau, the inventor of the Stochastic Momentum Index
#// and the prior works of Giorgos Siligardos, Dimitris Tsokakis and Johny Dough in reverse engineering momentum oscillators.
#study ( "Reverse Stochastic Momentum Index On Chart", "RSMI OC", true )
# Converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 01/2023 - request from member

input ShowLabel  = yes;#        "Show Alert Levels Info"
input srcPrice  = close;#       "SMI Price Source"
input SMI_len   = 13;#          "SMI Length"
input SmoothLength1  = 25;#     "Smooth Length 1"
input SmoothLength2  = 2;#      "Smooth Length 2"
input sigLen     = 12;#         "Signal Length"
input AlertHi    = 40;#         "Upper Alert Level"
input AlertLo    = -40;#        "Lower Alert Level"
input AlertLines = no;# ,       "Show Alert Level Lines"
input PricesDecimal  = 2;#      "Prices Decimal Places"

def na = Double.NaN;
def ScaleHi     =  100;
def ScaleLo     = -100;

#// Declare Functions
#f_truncdNum ( Val, DecPl ) =>
script f_truncdNum {
    input Val = close;
    input DecPl = 2;
    def Fact = Power( 10, DecPl );
    def f_truncdNum = Floor( Val * Fact) / Fact;
    plot return = f_truncdNum;
# // decimal truncation

script a {
    input x = 10;
    def a = 2 / (x + 1);
    plot return = a;
# // exponentially weighted multiplier
#f_reverse_SMI ( P, U, W, X, Y, Z ) =>
script f_reverse_SMI {
    input P = 0;
    input U = 0;
    input W = 0;
    input X = 0;
    input Y = 0;
    input Z = 0;
    def V = 0.5;
    def H = Highest(high, W);
    def L = Lowest(low, W);
    def D = ExpAverage(( P - V * ( H + L )), X )[1];
    def E = ExpAverage((( a(X) * ( P - V * ( H + L ))) + ( D - D * a(X))), Y )[1];
    def F = ExpAverage( H - L , X )[1];
    def G = ExpAverage((( a(X) * ( H - L ) +  F * ( 1 - a(X)))), Y )[1];
    def J1 = (( a(Y) * ( ( a(X) * ( P - V * ( H + L ))) + ( D - D * a(X)))) + ( E * ( 1 - a(Y)) )) / ( V * (a(Y) * ((a(X) * ( H - L ) +  F * ( 1 - a(X)))) + ( G * ( 1 - a(Y)))));
    def J = 100 * J1[1];
    def K = ExpAverage( ( 100 * (( a(Y) * ( ( a(X) * ( P - V * ( H + L ))) + ( D - D * a(X)))) + ( E * ( 1 - a(Y)) )) / ( V * (a(Y) * ((a(X) * ( H - L ) +  F * ( 1 - a(X)))) + ( G * ( 1 - a(Y)))))), Z )[1];
    def rawReturn = ( V * U * (a(Y) * a(X) * H - a(Y) * a(X) * L - a(Y) * F * a(X) + a(Y) * F - G * a(Y) + G) + 100 * (a(Y) * a(X) * V * H + a(Y) * a(X) * V * L - a(Y) * D + a(Y) * D * a(X) + E * a(Y) - E)) / ( 100 * a(Y) * a(X));
    plot return = if rawReturn > 0 then rawReturn else 0;
#f_reverse_SMI_cross ( P, W, X, Y, Z ) =>
script f_reverse_SMI_cross {
    input P = 0;
    input W = 0;
    input X = 0;
    input Y = 0;
    input Z = 0;
    def V = 0.5;
    def H = Highest(high, W);
    def L = Lowest(low, W);
    def D = ExpAverage(( P - V * ( H + L )), X )[1];
    def E = ExpAverage(((a(X) * ( P - V * ( H + L ))) + ( D - D * a(X))), Y )[1];
    def F = ExpAverage( H - L , X )[1];
    def G = ExpAverage(((a(X) * ( H - L ) +  F * ( 1 - a(X)))), Y )[1];
    def J1 = (( a(Y) * ( ( a(X) * ( P - V * ( H + L ))) + ( D - D * a(X)))) + ( E * ( 1 - a(Y)) )) / ( V * (a(Y) * ((a(X) * ( H - L ) +  F * ( 1 - a(X)))) + ( G * ( 1 - a(Y)))));
    def J = 100 * J1[1];
    def K = ExpAverage( ( 100 * (( a(Y) * ( ( a(X) * ( P - V * ( H + L ))) + ( D - D * a(X)))) + ( E * ( 1 - a(Y)) )) / ( V * (a(Y) * ((a(X) * ( H - L ) +  F * ( 1 - a(X)))) + ( G * ( 1 - a(Y)))))), Z )[1];
    def rawReturn = ( a(Y) * (100 * ( a(Z) * (-a(X) * V * H - a(X) * V * L + D - D * a(X) - a(X) - E) + a(X) * V * H + a(X) * V * L - D + D * a(X) + E) + V * K * (a(X) * (-H * a(Z) + H + L * a(Z) - L + F * a(Z) - F) - F * a(Z) + F + G * a(Z) - G)) + 100 * (a(Z) * E - E) - V * K * G * a(Z) + V * K * G) / (100 * a(Y) * a(X) * (-a(Z) + 1));
    plot return = if rawReturn > 0 then rawReturn else 0;
#f_negVal ( X, D ) =>
script f_negVal {
     input X = close;
     input D = 0;
        def f_negVal = if X > 0 then f_truncdNum ( X, D ) else Double.NaN;
        plot return = f_negVal;
#// Calculations

def SMINumerator = ExpAverage(ExpAverage(srcPrice-0.5*(Highest(high,SMI_len)+Lowest(low,SMI_len)),SmoothLength1),SmoothLength2);
def SMIDenominator = 0.5*ExpAverage(ExpAverage(Highest(high, SMI_len) - Lowest(low, SMI_len), SmoothLength1 ), SmoothLength2 );
def SMI             = 100 * SMINumerator / SMIDenominator;
def SMI_eq          = f_reverse_SMI (srcPrice, SMI[1], SMI_len, SmoothLength1, SmoothLength2, sigLen );
def alrtHilineCross = f_reverse_SMI (srcPrice, AlertHi, SMI_len, SmoothLength1, SmoothLength2, sigLen );
def zerolineCross   = f_reverse_SMI (srcPrice, 0, SMI_len, SmoothLength1, SmoothLength2, sigLen );
def alrtLolineCross = f_reverse_SMI (srcPrice, AlertLo, SMI_len, SmoothLength1, SmoothLength2, sigLen );
def signalCross     = f_reverse_SMI_cross (srcPrice, SMI_len, SmoothLength1, SmoothLength2, sigLen );

#// SMI Plots & Fills

plot p_alrtHiPlot    = if AlertLines then alrtHilineCross else na;    # "High Alert Level"
plot p_alrtLoPlot    = if AlertLines then alrtLolineCross else na;    # "Low Alert Level"

plot p_SMI_eqPlot    = SMI_eq;            # "SMI EQ Price"
p_SMI_eqPlot.AssignValueColor(if SMI_eq < srcPrice then color.DARK_GREEN else color.DARK_RED);

plot p_smiPlot       = signalCross;       # "Signal Line Cross"
p_smiPlot.AssignValueColor(if signalCross < srcPrice then CreateColor(14,187,35) else Color.RED);
plot p_MidLinePlot   = zerolineCross;     # "Zero Line Cross"

def text_eq      = srcPrice > SMI_eq;
def Signal_delta = signalCross - srcPrice > 0;
def Zero_delta   = zerolineCross - srcPrice > 0;
def Hi_delta     = alrtHilineCross - srcPrice > 0;
def Lo_delta     = alrtLolineCross - srcPrice > 0;

def SMIeq = floor(SMI_eq * power(10,PricesDecimal))/power(10,PricesDecimal);
def crossSignal = f_negVal(signalCross, PricesDecimal);
def crossZero   = f_negVal(zerolineCross, PricesDecimal);
def crossAlrtHi = f_negVal(alrtHilineCross, PricesDecimal);
def crossAlrtLo = f_negVal(alrtLolineCross, PricesDecimal);

AddLaBel(ShowLabel and text_eq,  "Continues Rising Above (Eq): " + SMIeq, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddLaBel(ShowLabel and !text_eq, "Continues Falling Below (Eq): " + SMIeq, Color.PINK);

AddLaBel(ShowLabel and Hi_delta,  "Cross Above Alert Hi: " + crossAlrtHi, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddLaBel(ShowLabel and !Hi_delta, "Cross Below Alert Hi: " + crossAlrtHi, Color.PINK);

AddLaBel(ShowLabel and Signal_delta,  "Cross Above Signal Line: " + crossSignal, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddLaBel(ShowLabel and !Signal_delta, "Cross Below Signal Line: " + crossSignal, Color.PINK);

AddLaBel(ShowLabel and Zero_delta,  "Cross Above Zero Line: " + crossZero, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddLaBel(ShowLabel and !Zero_delta, "Cross Below Zero Line: " + crossZero, Color.PINK);

AddLaBel(ShowLabel and Lo_delta,  "Cross Above Alert Lo: " + crossAlrtLo, Color.LIGHT_GREEN);
AddLaBel(ShowLabel and !Lo_delta, "Cross Below Alert Lo: " + crossAlrtLo, Color.PINK);


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