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replace n/a result with a number


I'm using
DailySMA("length" = 3)[1]/DailySMA("length" = 3)
in a strategy for spy on a 5min chart. It works all week except from Friday at 8pm till Monday about 1am it results in "n/a" which crashes my script.
I have tried multiple things but not sure what I'm doing, for example
CompoundValue(1,if !IsNaN(DailySMA("length" = 3)[1]/DailySMA("length" = 3)) then DailySMA("length" = 3)[1]/DailySMA("length" = 3) else 2,1)
Which still gives me "n/a" but for some reason when my curser is off the chart gives me "2"
I just need to figure out how when it gives me a "n/a" to change it to a number, like "1".
Thanks for any help.
Yeah something else might work. I noticed when I plot the DailySMA there is no line for the problem days.
See if this helps. The bubbles display the current day close, 2 days before, the Avg of those days, and the Avg[1]. For comparison, the last two numbers are the DailySMA and DailySMA[1] indicators. These compare favorably, even when there is a gap in the plots of the DailySMA indicators as the gaps do not appear to give rise to a missing DailySMA as the periods, at least on the SPY and /ES and a few stocks that I checked.

To extend the plot of the DailySMA through the missing periods, our usual methods to handle those periods with the prior bars does not appear to work. So I used the enableapproximation() to extend...
it seems that spy has candles on sunday, which are causing the errors with DailySMA() ?
maybe because there is no data on saturdays?

i used to think this was true,
if you want to trap an error, you have to check for it before the data is used.
but it doesn't work in this case.

test code that produces bubbles with value errors
def d_ma = DailySMA("length" = 3);
def d_map = d_ma[1];
def ratio = d_map/d_ma;

input test1a = no;
addchartbubble(test1a, low, d_ma + "\n" + d_map + "\n" + ratio, (if isnan(ratio) then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

input test1b = yes;
addchartbubble(test1b and isnan(ratio), low, d_ma + "\n" + d_map + "\n" + ratio, (if isnan(ratio) then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

# --------------------------------

# error checking, bubbles above candles
def d_ma2 = if isnan(DailySMA("length" = 3)) then 1 else DailySMA("length" = 3);
def d_map2 = if isnan(d_ma2[1]) then 1 else d_ma2[1];
def ratio2 = d_map2/d_ma2;

input test2b = yes;
addchartbubble(test2b and isnan(ratio2), high, d_ma2 + "\n" + d_map2 + "\n" + ratio2, (if isnan(ratio2) then color.violet else color.gray), yes);

SPY 30D 30min
errors on sundays
2 sets of formulas


so the next step would be to identify when the error happens, then avoid that time period.
the errors seem to happen on sundays. so if we look for the day of week and do something different on sundays, the error should be avoided.

def d_ma;
def d_map;
if (GetDayofWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 7) then {
  d_ma = 1;
  d_map = 1;
} else {
  d_ma = DailySMA("length" = 3);
  d_map = d_ma[1];

def ratio = d_map/d_ma;

input test1b = yes;
addchartbubble(test1b and (GetDayofWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 7), low, d_ma + "\n" + d_map + "\n" + ratio, (if isnan(ratio) then color.yellow else color.gray), no);

SPY 30D 30min
errors trapped , changed to 1 on sundays

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It works great for sundays, It looks like I have a problem with holidays, May 31,2021 crashes. I'm hoping you have another miracle for me. If not thanks for the this great fix and I will have to make allowances for holidays and probably short days.
It doesn't appear to be every holiday. Good Friday was ok. So it looks like anytime there is no data for the DailySMA its going to fail.
Last edited:
It works great for sundays, It looks like I have a problem with holidays, May 31,2021 crashes. I'm hoping you have another miracle for me. If not thanks for the this great fix and I will have to make allowances for holidays and probably short days.
maybe the error happens when a day has a different quanty of bars?
maybe using a different type of average will work?
I tried this change and it seems to work.
if (GetDayofWeek(GetYYYYMMDD()) == 7) then {
if (CountTradingDays(GetYYYYMMDD(), GetYYYYMMDD()) == 0) then {

Thanks halcyonguy for getting me through this!!!
Yeah something else might work. I noticed when I plot the DailySMA there is no line for the problem days.
See if this helps. The bubbles display the current day close, 2 days before, the Avg of those days, and the Avg[1]. For comparison, the last two numbers are the DailySMA and DailySMA[1] indicators. These compare favorably, even when there is a gap in the plots of the DailySMA indicators as the gaps do not appear to give rise to a missing DailySMA as the periods, at least on the SPY and /ES and a few stocks that I checked.

To extend the plot of the DailySMA through the missing periods, our usual methods to handle those periods with the prior bars does not appear to work. So I used the enableapproximation() to extend the DailySMA.

def y  = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY);
def y1 = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[1];
def y2 = close(period = AggregationPeriod.DAY)[2];
def sumy = y + y1 + y2;
def sumy1 = sumy[1];
def x  = DailySMA("length" = 3);
def x1 = DailySMA("length" = 3)[1];
plot c = y;

def closetime = GetTime() crosses above RegularTradingEnd(GetYYYYMMDD());
plot z = x;

AddChartBubble(closetime, y,
"1D " + AsText(y) +
"\n2D " + AsText(y1) +
"\n3D " + AsText(y2) +
"\n3DAvg   " + AsText(sumy / 3) +
"\n3DAvg1  " + AsText(sumy1 / 3) +
"\nDSMA    " + AsText(x) +
"\nDSMA1  " + AsText(x1));

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