Recursive(?) Code for Atypical Look-back Period

Hi All -

Having some trouble coding up something to use as part of a scanning tool.
I'm wanting to multiply gross monthly returns and end up with a cumulative net return for the lookback period (e.g.: +1.5% return from stock ABC last month with a -2.0% return from ABC the month prior, we have (1 + 0.015)(1 - 0.02) - 1= -0.53% for that 2 month period) as a part of a momentum model I'm putting together.
The lookback period I intend to use is going back 12 months, but I want to exclude the most recent month. My hunch is that some clean script can be written recursively, but I'm having trouble getting it together (after days of research and attempts).
Once built out, the intention is to use it as part of a scan so that the stocks with the highest cumulative net return for that lookback period can be identified.
I greatly appreciate any input, and thank you kindly for taking the time/effort.

def f = 0.015;
def s = -0.02;
def a = ((1 + F) * (1 + s)) - 1;

def Ch =
    ((Close - Close[1]) / Close[1]);
def CNR =
    ( Fold Index = 2 to 12
      with Data = (1 + Ch[1]) do
      Data * (1 + GetValue(Ch,index))
    ) - 1;
plot Test = CNR;
plot z = 0;

It excludes the current month by initialing with the prior month...
Data = (1 + Ch[1])

...and then iterates from the next prior month backwards.
Index = 2 to 12

12 is the point of termination, that iteration is not evaluated.
For example, 0 to 5 would be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

So, if it's December, it should calculate November through January.
However, January's own % change is...

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@Autodidact's Paradox Unfortunately, any form of recursion is difficult at best within Thinkscript as the scripting language was not designed to support true recursion... On top of that, many of the standard functionalities that we can use in Studies, Strategies, and Custom Watchlist Columns will not work within StockHacker Scans or OptionHacker Scans... Fortunately for us, StockHacker supports more than OptionHacker... Once we see what you're working on we can better make a determination as to whether or not your concept is feasible...

def f = 0.015;
def s = -0.02;
def a = ((1 + F) * (1 + s)) - 1;

def Ch =
    ((Close - Close[1]) / Close[1]);
def CNR =
    ( Fold Index = 2 to 12
      with Data = (1 + Ch[1]) do
      Data * (1 + GetValue(Ch,index))
    ) - 1;
plot Test = CNR;
plot z = 0;

It excludes the current month by initialing with the prior month...
Data = (1 + Ch[1])

...and then iterates from the next prior month backwards.
Index = 2 to 12

12 is the point of termination, that iteration is not evaluated.
For example, 0 to 5 would be 0, 1, 2, 3, 4.

So, if it's December, it should calculate November through January.
However, January's own % change is from December of the prior year.
((Close - Close[1]) / Close[1]);

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