QTE Scalper Modified For ThinkOrSwim


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Author states:
A modified version of the QTE scalper indicator. Produces a buy/sell signal based on a 2 candle pattern. For long signals it produces a signal when the high and low of the second candle are below the high and low of the first candle and both candles close above the 10 period EMA. The reverse is true for short signals.


Please convert from Tradingview
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// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
// © Adam911
indicator("QTE Scalper Modified", overlay=true)

emaPeriodInput = input.int(10, "EMA Period", minval=2, maxval=50)
upArrowColorInput = input.color(color.green, "Up Arrow Color")
downArrowColorInput = input.color(color.rgb(255, 0, 21), "Down Arrow Color")
minAtrValueInput = input.float(1, "Minimum ATR Value for Signals", minval=0) // Default changed to 1
showAtrLabelInput = input.bool(true, "Show ATR Label")
atrLabelColorInput = input.color(color.white, "ATR Label Color")
touchTypeInput = input.string("Body Touch", "Candle Touch Type", options=["Body Touch", "Wick Touch", "No Touch"]) // Default changed to 'Body Touch'

// Create the EMA Filter line
emaFilter = ta.ema(close, emaPeriodInput)
plot(emaFilter, linewidth = 2)

// Calculate the 10-period ATR
atrValue = ta.atr(10)

// Basic signal conditions
upArrowCondition = ((high < high[1]) and (low < low[1])) and (open < close) and (close > emaFilter) and (close[1] > emaFilter[1]) and (atrValue > minAtrValueInput)
downArrowCondition = ((high > high[1]) and (low > low[1])) and (open > close) and (close < emaFilter) and (close[1] < emaFilter[1]) and (atrValue > minAtrValueInput)

// New 'Body Touch' condition
bool bodyTouchUp = (open < emaFilter and close > emaFilter) or (open > emaFilter and close < emaFilter)
bool bodyTouchDown = bodyTouchUp

bool wickTouchUp = (low <= emaFilter and close > emaFilter and open > emaFilter)
bool wickTouchDown = (high >= emaFilter and close < emaFilter and open < emaFilter)

// Existing 'No Touch' condition (unchanged)
bool noTouchUp = low > emaFilter // Entire candle, including wick, is above EMA
bool noTouchDown = high < emaFilter // Entire candle, including wick, is below EMA

// Modified logic for applying touch type conditions to signals
bool upArrow = false
bool downArrow = false

if touchTypeInput == "Body Touch"
    upArrow := upArrowCondition and (bodyTouchUp or wickTouchUp or noTouchUp)
    downArrow := downArrowCondition and (bodyTouchDown or wickTouchDown or noTouchDown)
else if touchTypeInput == "Wick Touch"
    upArrow := upArrowCondition and (wickTouchUp or noTouchUp)
    downArrow := downArrowCondition and (wickTouchDown or noTouchDown)
else if touchTypeInput == "No Touch"
    upArrow := upArrowCondition and noTouchUp
    downArrow := downArrowCondition and noTouchDown

alertcondition(upArrow, title="Bullish Signal", message="Bullish signal detected.")
alertcondition(downArrow, title="Bearish Signal", message="Bearish signal detected.")

plotshape(upArrow, style=shape.arrowup, color=upArrowColorInput, size=size.normal, location = location.belowbar)
plotshape(downArrow, style=shape.arrowdown, color=downArrowColorInput, size=size.normal, location = location.abovebar)

// Display the ATR Label (if enabled)
var label atrLabel = na
if showAtrLabelInput and barstate.islast
    atrLabel := label.new(bar_index, high, "ATR: " + str.tostring(atrValue), yloc=yloc.abovebar, style=label.style_label_down, color=atrLabelColorInput)
check the below:

#// This Pine Script™ code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at https://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/
#// © Adam911
#indicator("QTE Scalper Modified", overlay=true)
# converted by Sam4Cok@Samer800    - 06/2024 - Request from UseThinkScript.com member

input showAtrLabel = yes; # "Show ATR Label")
input touchTypeInput = {Default "Body Touch", "Wick Touch", "No Touch"}; # "Candle Touch Type"
input movAvgType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input source = close;
input movAvgLength = 10; #, "EMA Period", minval=2, maxval=50)
input minAtrValue = 1.0; #, "Minimum ATR Value for Signals", minval=0) // Default changed to 1

def na = Double.NaN;
#// Create the EMA Filter line
def emaFilter = MovingAverage(movAvgType, source, movAvgLength);

plot movAvgLine = emaFilter;

#// Calculate the 10-period ATR
def atrValue = atr(Length = 10);

#// Basic signal conditions
def upArrowCondition = ((high < high[1]) and (low < low[1])) and (open < close) and (close > emaFilter) and (close[1] > emaFilter[1]) and (atrValue > minAtrValue);
def downArrowCondition = ((high > high[1]) and (low > low[1])) and (open > close) and (close < emaFilter) and (close[1] < emaFilter[1]) and (atrValue > minAtrValue);

#// New 'Body Touch' condition
def bodyTouchUp = (open < emaFilter and close > emaFilter) or (open > emaFilter and close < emaFilter);
def bodyTouchDown = bodyTouchUp;
def wickTouchUp = (low <= emaFilter and close > emaFilter and open > emaFilter);
def wickTouchDown = (high >= emaFilter and close < emaFilter and open < emaFilter);

#// Existing 'No Touch' condition (unchanged)
def noTouchUp = low > emaFilter; # // Entire candle, including wick, is above EMA
def noTouchDown = high < emaFilter; # // Entire candle, including wick, is below EMA

#// Modified logic for applying touch type conditions to signals
def upArrow; # = false
def downArrow;# = false
Switch (touchTypeInput) {
Case "Wick Touch" :
    upArrow = upArrowCondition and (wickTouchUp or noTouchUp);
    downArrow = downArrowCondition and (wickTouchDown or noTouchDown);
Case "No Touch" :
    upArrow = upArrowCondition and noTouchUp;
    downArrow = downArrowCondition and noTouchDown;
Default :
    upArrow = upArrowCondition and (bodyTouchUp or wickTouchUp or noTouchUp);
    downArrow = downArrowCondition and (bodyTouchDown or wickTouchDown or noTouchDown);

AddChartBubble(upArrow, low, "B", Color.GREEN, no);
AddChartBubble(downArrow, high, "S", Color.RED);

#// Display the ATR Label (if enabled)

AddLabel(showAtrLabel, "ATR (" + ROUnd(atrValue, 2) + ")", Color.WHITE);

#-- END of CODE
I don't see any chart bubbles.

You didn't provide enough information to say where you went astray.
If you are still having trouble using this study, here is another approach.

You can import this chart link, which has the study already applied to it.
shared chart link: http://tos.mx/!15RhPIGl Click here for --> Easiest way to load shared links
The indicator will also save to your library.
Author states:
A modified version of the QTE scalper indicator. Produces a buy/sell signal based on a 2 candle pattern. For long signals it produces a signal when the high and low of the second candle are below the high and low of the first candle and both candles close above the 10 period EMA. The reverse is true for short signals.


Please convert from Tradingview
Does this only apply for the 30 min time frame? Is there an overall strategy you use this with?
Does this only apply for the 30 min time frame?

There is nothing in the code that precludes this script from working on all timeframes.
In the post above yours, the script is seen as applied to the daily timeframe.
It should be noted that the author of this script wrote it for scalping timeframes of 5-min and below.

Is there an overall strategy you use this with?

The author states that he likes to scalp with this indicator in trending markets.
If the market is going sideways or in a tight range it shouldn't be relied upon too much for placing trades based on the signals for obvious reasons.
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