QQE MT4 Glaz For ThinkOrSwim


Moderator - Expert
@$Jdoc member request:

below is the QQE suite has all options with additional RSI types and bar color. Try it!

# QQE Suite - QQE mod and QQE MT4 with different RSI Types
# Created by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2022

declare lower;
input ShowLabel       = yes;
input BarColor        = yes;
input SignalBarColor  = yes;
input qqeType = {default "QQE Mod1", "QQE Mod2", "QQE MT4-1", "QQE MT4-2"};
input ShowRSILine     = yes;
input QqeStyle        = {default Histogram, Line, Both};
input RsiMaType       = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input RSI_Type        = {default RSI, RSX, AdaptiveRSI};
input RSICrossQQE     = no;
input RSICrossZero    = no;
input mt4Source       = close;
input mt4Length       = 14;
input mt4Threshold    = 10;
input mt4Smoothing    = 5;
input mt4QqeFactor    = 4.238;
input RSI_Source       = close;
input RSI_Length       = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing    = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor  = 3.0;
input RSI_Source2      = close;
input RSI_Length2      = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing2   = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor2 = 1.61;
input qqeModThreshold  = 3;
input BandType         = {Sticky,default NonSticky};
input BbMaType        = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input BandLength       = 50;
input BandMultiplier   = 0.35;

#### Color
DefineGlobalColor("UP", CreateColor(51, 207, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("UP Weak", CreateColor(0, 117, 153));
DefineGlobalColor("DN", CreateColor(255, 0, 98));
DefineGlobalColor("DN Weak", CreateColor(204, 0, 78));

DefineGlobalColor("UpMT", CreateColor(76, 175, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("UpWeakMT", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("DnMT", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("DnWeakMT", CreateColor(163, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("NeutralMT", CreateColor(255, 127, 0));
def na = Double.NaN;
def qqType = if qqeType == qqeType."QQE Mod1" then 1 else
             if qqeType == qqeType."QQE Mod2" then 2 else
             if qqeType == qqeType."QQE MT4-1" then -1 else -2;
def Style = if QqeStyle == QqeStyle.Histogram then 1 else
            if QqeStyle == QqeStyle.Line then -1 else 0;
def sticky  = if BandType == BandType.Sticky then 1 else 0;
#####  Script
script nz {
    input data         = 0;
    input replacement  = 0;
    def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then replacement else data;
    plot return = ret_val;
script rsx {
    input src = close;
    input rsxLength = 7;
    def f8 = 100 * src;
    def f10 = nz(f8[1], f8);
    def v8 = f8 - f10;
    def f18 = 3 / (rsxLength + 2);
    def f20 = 1 - f18;
    def f28 = f20 * nz(f28[1]) + f18 * v8;
    def f30 = f18 * f28 + f20 * nz(f30[1]);
    def vC = f28 * 1.5 - f30 * 0.5;
    def f38 = f20 * nz(f38[1]) + f18 * vC;
    def f40 = f18 * f38 + f20 * nz(f40[1]);
    def v10 = f38 * 1.5 - f40 * 0.5;
    def f48 = f20 * nz(f48[1]) + f18 * v10;
    def f50 = f18 * f48 + f20 * nz(f50[1]);
    def v14 = f48 * 1.5 - f50 * 0.5;
    def f58 = f20 * nz(f58[1]) + f18 * AbsValue(v8);
    def f60 = f18 * f58 + f20 * nz(f60[1]);
    def v18 = f58 * 1.5 - f60 * 0.5;
    def f68 = f20 * nz(f68[1]) + f18 * v18;
    def f70 = f18 * f68 + f20 * nz(f70[1]);
    def v1C = f68 * 1.5 - f70 * 0.5;
    def f78 = f20 * nz(f78[1]) + f18 * v1C;
    def f80 = f18 * f78 + f20 * nz(f80[1]);
    def v20 = f78 * 1.5 - f80 * 0.5;
    def f88;
    def f90_ = if nz(f90_[1]) == 0 then 1 else
           if nz(f88[1]) <= nz(f90_[1]) then nz(f88[1]) + 1 else nz(f90_[1]) + 1;
    f88 = if nz(f90_[1]) == 0 and (rsxLength - 1 >= 5) then rsxLength - 1 else 5;
    def f0 = if f88 >= f90_ and f8 != f10 then 1 else 0;
    def f90 = if f88 == f90_ and f0 == 0 then 0 else f90_;
    def v4_ = if f88 < f90 and v20 > 0 then (v14 / v20 + 1) * 50 else 50;
    def rsx = if v4_ > 100 then 100 else if v4_ < 0 then 0 else v4_;
    plot return = rsx;
script AdpRSI {
    input src = close;
    input length = 20;
    def ama;
    def alpha = AbsValue(RSI(Price = src - ama[1], Length = length) / 100 - 0.5);
    ama     = nz(ama[1] + Power(alpha, 1) * (src - ama[1]), src);
    def trigger = ExpAverage(RSI(Price = ExpAverage(src, length / 2), Length = length), length / 2);
    plot retrun = trigger;
#getStickyRange(highsource, lowsource, upper, lower, sticky=false)=>
script getStickyRange {
    input highsource = high;
    input lowsource = low;
    input upper = high;
    input lower = low;
    input sticky = no;
    def newUpper;
    def newLower;
    newUpper = if IsNaN(newUpper[1]) then upper else
        if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
           then upper else nz(newUpper[1], upper);
    newLower = if IsNaN(newLower[1]) then lower else
        if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
           then lower else nz(newLower[1], lower);
    plot UpBand = newUpper;
    plot LoBand = newLower;
#qqeLine(matype, src, len, qqe) =>
script qqe1 {
    input matype = yes;
    input _Rsi = 50;
    input RSI_Length = 6;
    input qqe = 4.236;
    def RsiMa = _Rsi;
    def Wilders_period = RSI_Length * 2 - 1;
    def AtrRsi   = AbsValue(RsiMa[1] - RsiMa);
    def MaAtrRsi = MovingAverage(matype, AtrRsi, Wilders_period);
    def dar      = MovingAverage(matype, MaAtrRsi, Wilders_period) * qqe;
    def longband; def shortband; def trend;
    def DeltaFastAtrRsi = dar;
    def newshortband = RsiMa + DeltaFastAtrRsi;
    def newlongband  = RsiMa - DeltaFastAtrRsi;
        longband  = if RsiMa[1] > longband[1] and RsiMa > longband[1] then
                    Max(longband[1], newlongband) else newlongband;
        shortband = if RsiMa[1] < shortband[1] and RsiMa < shortband[1] then
                    Min(shortband[1], newshortband) else newshortband;
    def cross_1  = (RsiMa Crosses shortband[1]);
    def cross_11 = (longband[1] Crosses RsiMa);
        trend = if cross_1 then 1 else if cross_11 then -1 else If(IsNaN(trend[1]), 1, trend[1]);
    def FastAtrRsiTL = if trend == 1 then longband else shortband;
    plot return = FastAtrRsiTL;
#qqeLine(src, len, sf, qqe) =>
script qqe2 {
    input matype = yes;
    input _Rsi = 50;
    input RSI_Length = 6;
    input qqe = 4.236;
    def RsiMa = _Rsi;
    def Wilders_period = RSI_Length * 2 - 1;
    def AtrRsi = AbsValue(RsiMa - RsiMa[1]);
    def MaAtrRsi = MovingAverage(matype, AtrRsi, Wilders_period);
    def dar      = MovingAverage(matype, MaAtrRsi, Wilders_period) * qqe;
    def DeltaRsi = dar;
    def shortband = RsiMa + DeltaRsi;
    def longband  = RsiMa - DeltaRsi;
    def trend;
    trend = if RsiMa > nz(trend[1]) then
            If(longband < trend[1], trend[1], longband) else
            If(shortband > trend[1], trend[1], shortband);
    plot retun = trend;
#-- RSI Calc
def RsiMod  = RSI(PRICE = RSI_Source, LENGTH = RSI_Length);
def RsiMT   = RSI(PRICE = mt4Source, LENGTH = mt4Length);
def rsxMod  = rsx(RSI_Source, RSI_Length);
def rsxMT   = rsx(mt4Source, mt4Length);
def cRSIMod = AdpRSI(RSI_Source, RSI_Length);
def cRSIMt  = AdpRSI(mt4Source, mt4Length);
#--- QQE 1
def Rsi1 = If(qqType > 0, RsiMod, RsiMT);
def rsx1  = If(qqType > 0, rsxMod, rsxMT);
def cRS1 = If(qqType > 0, cRSIMod, cRSIMt);
def rsiSmoothing = If(qqType > 0, RSI_Smoothing, mt4Smoothing);
def rsiType = if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSI then Rsi1 else
              if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSX then rsx1 else cRS1;
def MaRsi = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType, rsiSmoothing);
def AtrFastRsiTL = if qqType == 1 then
            qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi, RSI_Length, Fast_QQE_Factor) else
         if qqType == 2 then
            qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi, RSI_Length, Fast_QQE_Factor) else
         if qqType == -1 then
            qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi, mt4Length, mt4QqeFactor) else
            qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi, mt4Length, mt4QqeFactor);
def RsiMa = MaRsi;
def FastAtrRsiTL = AtrFastRsiTL;
# QQE 2
def cRSI2 = AdpRSI(RSI_Source2, RSI_Length2);
def Rsi2 = RSI(PRICE = RSI_Source2, LENGTH = RSI_Length2);
def rsx2 = rsx(RSI_Source2, RSI_Length2);
def rsiType2 = if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSI then Rsi2 else
               if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSX then rsx2 else cRSI2;
def MaRsi2 = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType2, RSI_Smoothing2);
def AtrFastRsiTL2 = if qqType < 0 then na else
                    if qqType == 1 then qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi2, RSI_Length2, Fast_QQE_Factor2) else
                                        qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi2, RSI_Length2, Fast_QQE_Factor2);
def RsiMa2 = MaRsi2;
def FastAtrRsiTL2 = AtrFastRsiTL2;
# Bands Cals
#--- BB
def lsrc = FastAtrRsiTL - 50;
def basis = MovingAverage(BbMaType, lsrc, BandLength);
def dev   = BandMultiplier * StDev(lsrc, BandLength);
def BbUp  = basis + dev;
def BbLo  = basis - dev;
def BBupper = getStickyRange(basis, basis, BbUp, BbLo, sticky).Upband;
def BBlower = getStickyRange(basis, basis, BbUp, BbLo, sticky).Loband;
def upper = BBupper;
def lower = BBlower;
# Plots
plot Zero = if IsNaN(close) then na else 0;

#// Find all the QQE Crosses
# Ups and Downs
def maMOD   = RsiMa2 - 50;
def maMT4   = RsiMa - 50;
def FastRsiMOD  = FastAtrRsiTL2 - 50;
def FaastRsiMT4 = FastAtrRsiTL - 50;
def RSIndex = If(qqType > 0, RsiMa2, RsiMa);
def QqeRsi  = If(qqType > 0, FastRsiMOD, FaastRsiMT4);
def QqeMa   = If(qqType > 0, maMOD, maMT4);

def Threshold  = If(qqType > 0, qqeModThreshold, mt4Threshold);
#def color22 = if QqeMa > Threshold then 1 else if QqeMa < -Threshold then -1 else 0;
def Greenbar1 = QqeMa > Threshold;
def Greenbar2 = maMT4 > upper;
def Redbar1   = QqeMa < -Threshold;
def Redbar2   = maMT4 < lower;
def UpStrong  = Greenbar1 and Greenbar2;
def DnStrong  = Redbar1 and Redbar2;
def UnDecided = (Greenbar1 and !UpStrong) or (Redbar1 and !DnStrong);
def MTNormal  = Greenbar1 or Redbar1;

#---- RSI Plots
plot ATRLine = if !ShowRSILine then na else QqeRsi;

plot RsiLine = QqeMa;
RsiLine.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 101, 255));
RsiLine.SetHiding(if Style <= 0 then no else yes);

#--- OB/OS Levels
def hUpper = if IsNaN(close) then na else If(qqType > 0, 30, Threshold);
def hLower = if IsNaN(close) then na else If(qqType > 0, -30, -Threshold);

AddCloud(If(qqType > 0, na, hUpper), hLower, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);
AddCloud(If(qqType < 0, na, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), hUpper, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);
AddCloud(If(qqType < 0, na, hLower), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);

#-- PLot
def Hist1  = if !UpStrong or !Greenbar1 then 0 else QqeMa;
def Hist2  = if !DnStrong or !Redbar1 then 0 else QqeMa;
def Hist3   = if qqType > 0 then if !UnDecided then 0 else QqeMa else
              if MTNormal then 0 else QqeMa;

#--- Candles
def Updir = QqeMa > QqeMa[1];
def Dndir = QqeMa < QqeMa[1];

plot UpCandle = Hist1;
UpCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then
                          if Updir then GlobalColor("UP") else GlobalColor("UP Weak") else
                          if Updir then GlobalColor("UpMT") else GlobalColor("UpWeakMT"));
UpCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);
plot DnCandle = Hist2;
DnCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then
                          if Dndir then GlobalColor("DN") else GlobalColor("DN Weak") else
                          if Dndir then GlobalColor("DnMT") else GlobalColor("DNWeakMT"));
DnCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);
plot NoCandle = Hist3;
NoCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then Color.DARK_GRAY else GlobalColor("NeutralMT"));
NoCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);

#----- Crosses -----------------------

#def QQExlong  = if FastAtrRsiTL crosses above RSIndex then QQExlong[1] + 1  else 0;
#def QQExshort = if FastAtrRsiTL crosses below RSIndex then QQExshort[1] + 1 else 0;
def QQExlong  = if FastAtrRsiTL < RSIndex then QQExlong[1] + 1  else 0;
def QQExshort = if FastAtrRsiTL > RSIndex then QQExshort[1] + 1 else 0;
#// Zero cross
def QQEzlong  = if RSIndex >= 50 then QQEzlong[1] + 1 else 0;
def QQEzshort = if RSIndex < 50 then QQEzshort[1] + 1 else 0;
#// Thresh Hold channel Crosses give the BUY/SELL alerts.
def QQEclong  = if RSIndex>(50+Threshold) then QQEclong[1]+1 else 0;
def QQEcshort = if RSIndex<(50-Threshold) then QQEcshort[1]+1 else 0;
#// QQE crosses
plot QQE_CrossUP = if !RSICrossQQE then na else If(QQExlong == 1, FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50, na);# "QQE XQ Cross Over"
plot QQE_CrossDN = if !RSICrossQQE then na else If(QQExshort == 1, FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50, na); # "QQE XQ Cross Under"
#// Signal crosses zero line
plot QQE_ZeroUP = if !RSICrossZero then na else If(QQEzlong == 1, 0, na);  # "QQE XZ Zero Cross Over"
plot QQE_ZeroDN = if !RSICrossZero then na else If(QQEzshort == 1, 0, na);# "QQE XZ Zero Cross Under"

#-- Label
def ExUp = Hist1 and Updir;
def Up   = Hist1 and Dndir;
def ExDn = Hist2 and Dndir;
def Dn   = Hist2 and Updir;
def Nu   = Hist3;

AddLabel(ShowLabel and ExUp, qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Up Trending", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Up,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Weak Up", Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and ExDn, qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Down Trending", Color.RED);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Dn,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Weak Down", Color.DARK_RED);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Nu,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Neutral", Color.GRAY);
#--- Price Color
if (!BarColor and !SignalBarColor) then Color.CURRENT else
if (BarColor and SignalBarColor) then
                 if QQEclong == 2 then Color.BLUE else if QQEcshort == 2 then Color.MAGENTA else
                 if ExUp then Color.GREEN else
                 if Up   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if ExDn then Color.RED else
                 if Dn then Color.DARK_RED else Color.GRAY else
if (BarColor and !SignalBarColor) then
                 if ExUp then Color.GREEN else
                 if Up   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if ExDn then Color.RED else
                 if Dn   then Color.DARK_RED else Color.GRAY else
                 if QQEclong == 2 then Color.BLUE else
                 if QQEcshort == 2 then Color.MAGENTA else  Color.CURRENT);

Last edited by a moderator:
below is the QQE suite has all options with additional RSI types and bar color. Try it!

# QQE Suite - QQE mod and QQE MT4 with different RSI Types
# Created by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2022

declare lower;
input ShowLabel       = yes;
input BarColor        = yes;
input SignalBarColor  = yes;
input qqeType = {default "QQE Mod1", "QQE Mod2", "QQE MT4-1", "QQE MT4-2"};
input ShowRSILine     = yes;
input QqeStyle        = {default Histogram, Line, Both};
input RsiMaType       = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input RSI_Type        = {default RSI, RSX, AdaptiveRSI};
input RSICrossQQE     = no;
input RSICrossZero    = no;
input mt4Source       = close;
input mt4Length       = 14;
input mt4Threshold    = 10;
input mt4Smoothing    = 5;
input mt4QqeFactor    = 4.238;
input RSI_Source       = close;
input RSI_Length       = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing    = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor  = 3.0;
input RSI_Source2      = close;
input RSI_Length2      = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing2   = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor2 = 1.61;
input qqeModThreshold  = 3;
input BandType         = {Sticky,default NonSticky};
input BbMaType        = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input BandLength       = 50;
input BandMultiplier   = 0.35;

#### Color
DefineGlobalColor("UP", CreateColor(51, 207, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("UP Weak", CreateColor(0, 117, 153));
DefineGlobalColor("DN", CreateColor(255, 0, 98));
DefineGlobalColor("DN Weak", CreateColor(204, 0, 78));

DefineGlobalColor("UpMT", CreateColor(76, 175, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("UpWeakMT", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("DnMT", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("DnWeakMT", CreateColor(163, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("NeutralMT", CreateColor(255, 127, 0));
def na = Double.NaN;
def qqType = if qqeType == qqeType."QQE Mod1" then 1 else
             if qqeType == qqeType."QQE Mod2" then 2 else
             if qqeType == qqeType."QQE MT4-1" then -1 else -2;
def Style = if QqeStyle == QqeStyle.Histogram then 1 else
            if QqeStyle == QqeStyle.Line then -1 else 0;
def sticky  = if BandType == BandType.Sticky then 1 else 0;
#####  Script
script nz {
    input data         = 0;
    input replacement  = 0;
    def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then replacement else data;
    plot return = ret_val;
script rsx {
    input src = close;
    input rsxLength = 7;
    def f8 = 100 * src;
    def f10 = nz(f8[1], f8);
    def v8 = f8 - f10;
    def f18 = 3 / (rsxLength + 2);
    def f20 = 1 - f18;
    def f28 = f20 * nz(f28[1]) + f18 * v8;
    def f30 = f18 * f28 + f20 * nz(f30[1]);
    def vC = f28 * 1.5 - f30 * 0.5;
    def f38 = f20 * nz(f38[1]) + f18 * vC;
    def f40 = f18 * f38 + f20 * nz(f40[1]);
    def v10 = f38 * 1.5 - f40 * 0.5;
    def f48 = f20 * nz(f48[1]) + f18 * v10;
    def f50 = f18 * f48 + f20 * nz(f50[1]);
    def v14 = f48 * 1.5 - f50 * 0.5;
    def f58 = f20 * nz(f58[1]) + f18 * AbsValue(v8);
    def f60 = f18 * f58 + f20 * nz(f60[1]);
    def v18 = f58 * 1.5 - f60 * 0.5;
    def f68 = f20 * nz(f68[1]) + f18 * v18;
    def f70 = f18 * f68 + f20 * nz(f70[1]);
    def v1C = f68 * 1.5 - f70 * 0.5;
    def f78 = f20 * nz(f78[1]) + f18 * v1C;
    def f80 = f18 * f78 + f20 * nz(f80[1]);
    def v20 = f78 * 1.5 - f80 * 0.5;
    def f88;
    def f90_ = if nz(f90_[1]) == 0 then 1 else
           if nz(f88[1]) <= nz(f90_[1]) then nz(f88[1]) + 1 else nz(f90_[1]) + 1;
    f88 = if nz(f90_[1]) == 0 and (rsxLength - 1 >= 5) then rsxLength - 1 else 5;
    def f0 = if f88 >= f90_ and f8 != f10 then 1 else 0;
    def f90 = if f88 == f90_ and f0 == 0 then 0 else f90_;
    def v4_ = if f88 < f90 and v20 > 0 then (v14 / v20 + 1) * 50 else 50;
    def rsx = if v4_ > 100 then 100 else if v4_ < 0 then 0 else v4_;
    plot return = rsx;
script AdpRSI {
    input src = close;
    input length = 20;
    def ama;
    def alpha = AbsValue(RSI(Price = src - ama[1], Length = length) / 100 - 0.5);
    ama     = nz(ama[1] + Power(alpha, 1) * (src - ama[1]), src);
    def trigger = ExpAverage(RSI(Price = ExpAverage(src, length / 2), Length = length), length / 2);
    plot retrun = trigger;
#getStickyRange(highsource, lowsource, upper, lower, sticky=false)=>
script getStickyRange {
    input highsource = high;
    input lowsource = low;
    input upper = high;
    input lower = low;
    input sticky = no;
    def newUpper;
    def newLower;
    newUpper = if IsNaN(newUpper[1]) then upper else
        if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
           then upper else nz(newUpper[1], upper);
    newLower = if IsNaN(newLower[1]) then lower else
        if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
           then lower else nz(newLower[1], lower);
    plot UpBand = newUpper;
    plot LoBand = newLower;
#qqeLine(matype, src, len, qqe) =>
script qqe1 {
    input matype = yes;
    input _Rsi = 50;
    input RSI_Length = 6;
    input qqe = 4.236;
    def RsiMa = _Rsi;
    def Wilders_period = RSI_Length * 2 - 1;
    def AtrRsi   = AbsValue(RsiMa[1] - RsiMa);
    def MaAtrRsi = MovingAverage(matype, AtrRsi, Wilders_period);
    def dar      = MovingAverage(matype, MaAtrRsi, Wilders_period) * qqe;
    def longband; def shortband; def trend;
    def DeltaFastAtrRsi = dar;
    def newshortband = RsiMa + DeltaFastAtrRsi;
    def newlongband  = RsiMa - DeltaFastAtrRsi;
        longband  = if RsiMa[1] > longband[1] and RsiMa > longband[1] then
                    Max(longband[1], newlongband) else newlongband;
        shortband = if RsiMa[1] < shortband[1] and RsiMa < shortband[1] then
                    Min(shortband[1], newshortband) else newshortband;
    def cross_1  = (RsiMa Crosses shortband[1]);
    def cross_11 = (longband[1] Crosses RsiMa);
        trend = if cross_1 then 1 else if cross_11 then -1 else If(IsNaN(trend[1]), 1, trend[1]);
    def FastAtrRsiTL = if trend == 1 then longband else shortband;
    plot return = FastAtrRsiTL;
#qqeLine(src, len, sf, qqe) =>
script qqe2 {
    input matype = yes;
    input _Rsi = 50;
    input RSI_Length = 6;
    input qqe = 4.236;
    def RsiMa = _Rsi;
    def Wilders_period = RSI_Length * 2 - 1;
    def AtrRsi = AbsValue(RsiMa - RsiMa[1]);
    def MaAtrRsi = MovingAverage(matype, AtrRsi, Wilders_period);
    def dar      = MovingAverage(matype, MaAtrRsi, Wilders_period) * qqe;
    def DeltaRsi = dar;
    def shortband = RsiMa + DeltaRsi;
    def longband  = RsiMa - DeltaRsi;
    def trend;
    trend = if RsiMa > nz(trend[1]) then
            If(longband < trend[1], trend[1], longband) else
            If(shortband > trend[1], trend[1], shortband);
    plot retun = trend;
#-- RSI Calc
def RsiMod  = RSI(PRICE = RSI_Source, LENGTH = RSI_Length);
def RsiMT   = RSI(PRICE = mt4Source, LENGTH = mt4Length);
def rsxMod  = rsx(RSI_Source, RSI_Length);
def rsxMT   = rsx(mt4Source, mt4Length);
def cRSIMod = AdpRSI(RSI_Source, RSI_Length);
def cRSIMt  = AdpRSI(mt4Source, mt4Length);
#--- QQE 1
def Rsi1 = If(qqType > 0, RsiMod, RsiMT);
def rsx1  = If(qqType > 0, rsxMod, rsxMT);
def cRS1 = If(qqType > 0, cRSIMod, cRSIMt);
def rsiSmoothing = If(qqType > 0, RSI_Smoothing, mt4Smoothing);
def rsiType = if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSI then Rsi1 else
              if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSX then rsx1 else cRS1;
def MaRsi = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType, rsiSmoothing);
def AtrFastRsiTL = if qqType == 1 then
            qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi, RSI_Length, Fast_QQE_Factor) else
         if qqType == 2 then
            qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi, RSI_Length, Fast_QQE_Factor) else
         if qqType == -1 then
            qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi, mt4Length, mt4QqeFactor) else
            qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi, mt4Length, mt4QqeFactor);
def RsiMa = MaRsi;
def FastAtrRsiTL = AtrFastRsiTL;
# QQE 2
def cRSI2 = AdpRSI(RSI_Source2, RSI_Length2);
def Rsi2 = RSI(PRICE = RSI_Source2, LENGTH = RSI_Length2);
def rsx2 = rsx(RSI_Source2, RSI_Length2);
def rsiType2 = if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSI then Rsi2 else
               if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSX then rsx2 else cRSI2;
def MaRsi2 = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType2, RSI_Smoothing2);
def AtrFastRsiTL2 = if qqType < 0 then na else
                    if qqType == 1 then qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi2, RSI_Length2, Fast_QQE_Factor2) else
                                        qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi2, RSI_Length2, Fast_QQE_Factor2);
def RsiMa2 = MaRsi2;
def FastAtrRsiTL2 = AtrFastRsiTL2;
# Bands Cals
#--- BB
def lsrc = FastAtrRsiTL - 50;
def basis = MovingAverage(BbMaType, lsrc, BandLength);
def dev   = BandMultiplier * StDev(lsrc, BandLength);
def BbUp  = basis + dev;
def BbLo  = basis - dev;
def BBupper = getStickyRange(basis, basis, BbUp, BbLo, sticky).Upband;
def BBlower = getStickyRange(basis, basis, BbUp, BbLo, sticky).Loband;
def upper = BBupper;
def lower = BBlower;
# Plots
plot Zero = if IsNaN(close) then na else 0;

#// Find all the QQE Crosses
# Ups and Downs
def maMOD   = RsiMa2 - 50;
def maMT4   = RsiMa - 50;
def FastRsiMOD  = FastAtrRsiTL2 - 50;
def FaastRsiMT4 = FastAtrRsiTL - 50;
def RSIndex = If(qqType > 0, RsiMa2, RsiMa);
def QqeRsi  = If(qqType > 0, FastRsiMOD, FaastRsiMT4);
def QqeMa   = If(qqType > 0, maMOD, maMT4);

def Threshold  = If(qqType > 0, qqeModThreshold, mt4Threshold);
#def color22 = if QqeMa > Threshold then 1 else if QqeMa < -Threshold then -1 else 0;
def Greenbar1 = QqeMa > Threshold;
def Greenbar2 = maMT4 > upper;
def Redbar1   = QqeMa < -Threshold;
def Redbar2   = maMT4 < lower;
def UpStrong  = Greenbar1 and Greenbar2;
def DnStrong  = Redbar1 and Redbar2;
def UnDecided = (Greenbar1 and !UpStrong) or (Redbar1 and !DnStrong);
def MTNormal  = Greenbar1 or Redbar1;

#---- RSI Plots
plot ATRLine = if !ShowRSILine then na else QqeRsi;

plot RsiLine = QqeMa;
RsiLine.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 101, 255));
RsiLine.SetHiding(if Style <= 0 then no else yes);

#--- OB/OS Levels
def hUpper = if IsNaN(close) then na else If(qqType > 0, 30, Threshold);
def hLower = if IsNaN(close) then na else If(qqType > 0, -30, -Threshold);

AddCloud(If(qqType > 0, na, hUpper), hLower, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);
AddCloud(If(qqType < 0, na, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), hUpper, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);
AddCloud(If(qqType < 0, na, hLower), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);

#-- PLot
def Hist1  = if !UpStrong or !Greenbar1 then 0 else QqeMa;
def Hist2  = if !DnStrong or !Redbar1 then 0 else QqeMa;
def Hist3   = if qqType > 0 then if !UnDecided then 0 else QqeMa else
              if MTNormal then 0 else QqeMa;

#--- Candles
def Updir = QqeMa > QqeMa[1];
def Dndir = QqeMa < QqeMa[1];

plot UpCandle = Hist1;
UpCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then
                          if Updir then GlobalColor("UP") else GlobalColor("UP Weak") else
                          if Updir then GlobalColor("UpMT") else GlobalColor("UpWeakMT"));
UpCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);
plot DnCandle = Hist2;
DnCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then
                          if Dndir then GlobalColor("DN") else GlobalColor("DN Weak") else
                          if Dndir then GlobalColor("DnMT") else GlobalColor("DNWeakMT"));
DnCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);
plot NoCandle = Hist3;
NoCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then Color.DARK_GRAY else GlobalColor("NeutralMT"));
NoCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);

#----- Crosses -----------------------

#def QQExlong  = if FastAtrRsiTL crosses above RSIndex then QQExlong[1] + 1  else 0;
#def QQExshort = if FastAtrRsiTL crosses below RSIndex then QQExshort[1] + 1 else 0;
def QQExlong  = if FastAtrRsiTL < RSIndex then QQExlong[1] + 1  else 0;
def QQExshort = if FastAtrRsiTL > RSIndex then QQExshort[1] + 1 else 0;
#// Zero cross
def QQEzlong  = if RSIndex >= 50 then QQEzlong[1] + 1 else 0;
def QQEzshort = if RSIndex < 50 then QQEzshort[1] + 1 else 0;
#// Thresh Hold channel Crosses give the BUY/SELL alerts.
def QQEclong  = if RSIndex>(50+Threshold) then QQEclong[1]+1 else 0;
def QQEcshort = if RSIndex<(50-Threshold) then QQEcshort[1]+1 else 0;
#// QQE crosses
plot QQE_CrossUP = if !RSICrossQQE then na else If(QQExlong == 1, FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50, na);# "QQE XQ Cross Over"
plot QQE_CrossDN = if !RSICrossQQE then na else If(QQExshort == 1, FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50, na); # "QQE XQ Cross Under"
#// Signal crosses zero line
plot QQE_ZeroUP = if !RSICrossZero then na else If(QQEzlong == 1, 0, na);  # "QQE XZ Zero Cross Over"
plot QQE_ZeroDN = if !RSICrossZero then na else If(QQEzshort == 1, 0, na);# "QQE XZ Zero Cross Under"

#-- Label
def ExUp = Hist1 and Updir;
def Up   = Hist1 and Dndir;
def ExDn = Hist2 and Dndir;
def Dn   = Hist2 and Updir;
def Nu   = Hist3;

AddLabel(ShowLabel and ExUp, qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Up Trending", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Up,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Weak Up", Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and ExDn, qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Down Trending", Color.RED);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Dn,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Weak Down", Color.DARK_RED);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Nu,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Neutral", Color.GRAY);
#--- Price Color
if (!BarColor and !SignalBarColor) then Color.CURRENT else
if (BarColor and SignalBarColor) then
                 if QQEclong == 2 then Color.BLUE else if QQEcshort == 2 then Color.MAGENTA else
                 if ExUp then Color.GREEN else
                 if Up   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if ExDn then Color.RED else
                 if Dn then Color.DARK_RED else Color.GRAY else
if (BarColor and !SignalBarColor) then
                 if ExUp then Color.GREEN else
                 if Up   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if ExDn then Color.RED else
                 if Dn   then Color.DARK_RED else Color.GRAY else
                 if QQEclong == 2 then Color.BLUE else
                 if QQEcshort == 2 then Color.MAGENTA else  Color.CURRENT);

You sir, are a genius. Such a tremendous asset to this community. So appreciative!
any reasons why i can't get this to work on the /ES chart ? I am new to TOS and have no idea.

I should add, the bar coloring was working, but the actual plotting was absent, only on /ES, a normal stock like AMD would work fine.

Solved: doesn't work on a TICK chart. oof.

Why doesn't this work with certain stocks? For example, IMMX doesn't work?
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any reasons why i can't get this to work on the /ES chart ? I am new to TOS and have no idea.

I should add, the bar coloring was working, but the actual plotting was absent, only on /ES, a normal stock like AMD would work fine.

Solved: doesn't work on a TICK chart. oof.

Why doesn't this work with certain stocks? For example, IMMX doesn't work?
Many of the indicators on this forum will provide squirrelly results for IPOs such as IMMX and / or stocks with data gaps.
When scripting we tend to assume that the data is there so when hit with an isNan (is not a number) meaning no data where there should have been data, ToS vomits.

It is possible to test for isNan, commercial indicators almost always do.
It's more work, for those few exceptions. Most posters submitting code don't bother.
I'm trying to figure out what the different types mean?

QQE Mod1", "QQE Mod2", "QQE MT4-1", "QQE MT4-2
We have hundreds of QQE scripts.
They take the same data, pair it differently, which ends up presenting small variations in plotting.
Built-into this script are four variations (QQE Mod1", "QQE Mod2", "QQE MT4-1", "QQE MT4-2) within those four, there are 8 additional options, resulting in 32 potentially different studies.

No one can tell you what variation is best for you.
The best way to learn to read charts and indicators is to apply them. Recommend you put it on your chart. Nothing beats personal experience ;) The only way you will know what the plots are doing, is to observe them on your charts and how they inter-relate with your other indicators.

Most indicators need tweaking depending on the timeframe, the market, the ticker.

No one can possibly know what tweaks will work best for you. It is up to you to play with the settings and see how the indicator line up w/ your strategy and with your other indicators.

To determine if this indicator brings value, analyze it over different timeframes, across history and with multiple instruments.
# # # # #

Do you ever do those "find the differences in these images puzzles?
Well, when viewed in isolation that is the same with the QQE flavors below. The differences will stand out more as you tweak the settings to better match up with your strategy and other indicators
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Thank you all. Using this in conjunction with StochRSI, I've made some improvements in my trading.
Now, I want to see if we can scan using this QQE , specifically, when the upcandle value crosses above the zero line
@$Jdoc member request:

below is the QQE suite has all options with additional RSI types and bar color. Try it!

# QQE Suite - QQE mod and QQE MT4 with different RSI Types
# Created by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2022

declare lower;
input ShowLabel       = yes;
input BarColor        = yes;
input SignalBarColor  = yes;
input qqeType = {default "QQE Mod1", "QQE Mod2", "QQE MT4-1", "QQE MT4-2"};
input ShowRSILine     = yes;
input QqeStyle        = {default Histogram, Line, Both};
input RsiMaType       = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input RSI_Type        = {default RSI, RSX, AdaptiveRSI};
input RSICrossQQE     = no;
input RSICrossZero    = no;
input mt4Source       = close;
input mt4Length       = 14;
input mt4Threshold    = 10;
input mt4Smoothing    = 5;
input mt4QqeFactor    = 4.238;
input RSI_Source       = close;
input RSI_Length       = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing    = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor  = 3.0;
input RSI_Source2      = close;
input RSI_Length2      = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing2   = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor2 = 1.61;
input qqeModThreshold  = 3;
input BandType         = {Sticky,default NonSticky};
input BbMaType        = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input BandLength       = 50;
input BandMultiplier   = 0.35;

#### Color
DefineGlobalColor("UP", CreateColor(51, 207, 255));
DefineGlobalColor("UP Weak", CreateColor(0, 117, 153));
DefineGlobalColor("DN", CreateColor(255, 0, 98));
DefineGlobalColor("DN Weak", CreateColor(204, 0, 78));

DefineGlobalColor("UpMT", CreateColor(76, 175, 80));
DefineGlobalColor("UpWeakMT", Color.DARK_GREEN);
DefineGlobalColor("DnMT", Color.RED);
DefineGlobalColor("DnWeakMT", CreateColor(163, 0, 0));
DefineGlobalColor("NeutralMT", CreateColor(255, 127, 0));
def na = Double.NaN;
def qqType = if qqeType == qqeType."QQE Mod1" then 1 else
             if qqeType == qqeType."QQE Mod2" then 2 else
             if qqeType == qqeType."QQE MT4-1" then -1 else -2;
def Style = if QqeStyle == QqeStyle.Histogram then 1 else
            if QqeStyle == QqeStyle.Line then -1 else 0;
def sticky  = if BandType == BandType.Sticky then 1 else 0;
#####  Script
script nz {
    input data         = 0;
    input replacement  = 0;
    def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then replacement else data;
    plot return = ret_val;
script rsx {
    input src = close;
    input rsxLength = 7;
    def f8 = 100 * src;
    def f10 = nz(f8[1], f8);
    def v8 = f8 - f10;
    def f18 = 3 / (rsxLength + 2);
    def f20 = 1 - f18;
    def f28 = f20 * nz(f28[1]) + f18 * v8;
    def f30 = f18 * f28 + f20 * nz(f30[1]);
    def vC = f28 * 1.5 - f30 * 0.5;
    def f38 = f20 * nz(f38[1]) + f18 * vC;
    def f40 = f18 * f38 + f20 * nz(f40[1]);
    def v10 = f38 * 1.5 - f40 * 0.5;
    def f48 = f20 * nz(f48[1]) + f18 * v10;
    def f50 = f18 * f48 + f20 * nz(f50[1]);
    def v14 = f48 * 1.5 - f50 * 0.5;
    def f58 = f20 * nz(f58[1]) + f18 * AbsValue(v8);
    def f60 = f18 * f58 + f20 * nz(f60[1]);
    def v18 = f58 * 1.5 - f60 * 0.5;
    def f68 = f20 * nz(f68[1]) + f18 * v18;
    def f70 = f18 * f68 + f20 * nz(f70[1]);
    def v1C = f68 * 1.5 - f70 * 0.5;
    def f78 = f20 * nz(f78[1]) + f18 * v1C;
    def f80 = f18 * f78 + f20 * nz(f80[1]);
    def v20 = f78 * 1.5 - f80 * 0.5;
    def f88;
    def f90_ = if nz(f90_[1]) == 0 then 1 else
           if nz(f88[1]) <= nz(f90_[1]) then nz(f88[1]) + 1 else nz(f90_[1]) + 1;
    f88 = if nz(f90_[1]) == 0 and (rsxLength - 1 >= 5) then rsxLength - 1 else 5;
    def f0 = if f88 >= f90_ and f8 != f10 then 1 else 0;
    def f90 = if f88 == f90_ and f0 == 0 then 0 else f90_;
    def v4_ = if f88 < f90 and v20 > 0 then (v14 / v20 + 1) * 50 else 50;
    def rsx = if v4_ > 100 then 100 else if v4_ < 0 then 0 else v4_;
    plot return = rsx;
script AdpRSI {
    input src = close;
    input length = 20;
    def ama;
    def alpha = AbsValue(RSI(Price = src - ama[1], Length = length) / 100 - 0.5);
    ama     = nz(ama[1] + Power(alpha, 1) * (src - ama[1]), src);
    def trigger = ExpAverage(RSI(Price = ExpAverage(src, length / 2), Length = length), length / 2);
    plot retrun = trigger;
#getStickyRange(highsource, lowsource, upper, lower, sticky=false)=>
script getStickyRange {
    input highsource = high;
    input lowsource = low;
    input upper = high;
    input lower = low;
    input sticky = no;
    def newUpper;
    def newLower;
    newUpper = if IsNaN(newUpper[1]) then upper else
        if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
           then upper else nz(newUpper[1], upper);
    newLower = if IsNaN(newLower[1]) then lower else
        if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
           then lower else nz(newLower[1], lower);
    plot UpBand = newUpper;
    plot LoBand = newLower;
#qqeLine(matype, src, len, qqe) =>
script qqe1 {
    input matype = yes;
    input _Rsi = 50;
    input RSI_Length = 6;
    input qqe = 4.236;
    def RsiMa = _Rsi;
    def Wilders_period = RSI_Length * 2 - 1;
    def AtrRsi   = AbsValue(RsiMa[1] - RsiMa);
    def MaAtrRsi = MovingAverage(matype, AtrRsi, Wilders_period);
    def dar      = MovingAverage(matype, MaAtrRsi, Wilders_period) * qqe;
    def longband; def shortband; def trend;
    def DeltaFastAtrRsi = dar;
    def newshortband = RsiMa + DeltaFastAtrRsi;
    def newlongband  = RsiMa - DeltaFastAtrRsi;
        longband  = if RsiMa[1] > longband[1] and RsiMa > longband[1] then
                    Max(longband[1], newlongband) else newlongband;
        shortband = if RsiMa[1] < shortband[1] and RsiMa < shortband[1] then
                    Min(shortband[1], newshortband) else newshortband;
    def cross_1  = (RsiMa Crosses shortband[1]);
    def cross_11 = (longband[1] Crosses RsiMa);
        trend = if cross_1 then 1 else if cross_11 then -1 else If(IsNaN(trend[1]), 1, trend[1]);
    def FastAtrRsiTL = if trend == 1 then longband else shortband;
    plot return = FastAtrRsiTL;
#qqeLine(src, len, sf, qqe) =>
script qqe2 {
    input matype = yes;
    input _Rsi = 50;
    input RSI_Length = 6;
    input qqe = 4.236;
    def RsiMa = _Rsi;
    def Wilders_period = RSI_Length * 2 - 1;
    def AtrRsi = AbsValue(RsiMa - RsiMa[1]);
    def MaAtrRsi = MovingAverage(matype, AtrRsi, Wilders_period);
    def dar      = MovingAverage(matype, MaAtrRsi, Wilders_period) * qqe;
    def DeltaRsi = dar;
    def shortband = RsiMa + DeltaRsi;
    def longband  = RsiMa - DeltaRsi;
    def trend;
    trend = if RsiMa > nz(trend[1]) then
            If(longband < trend[1], trend[1], longband) else
            If(shortband > trend[1], trend[1], shortband);
    plot retun = trend;
#-- RSI Calc
def RsiMod  = RSI(PRICE = RSI_Source, LENGTH = RSI_Length);
def RsiMT   = RSI(PRICE = mt4Source, LENGTH = mt4Length);
def rsxMod  = rsx(RSI_Source, RSI_Length);
def rsxMT   = rsx(mt4Source, mt4Length);
def cRSIMod = AdpRSI(RSI_Source, RSI_Length);
def cRSIMt  = AdpRSI(mt4Source, mt4Length);
#--- QQE 1
def Rsi1 = If(qqType > 0, RsiMod, RsiMT);
def rsx1  = If(qqType > 0, rsxMod, rsxMT);
def cRS1 = If(qqType > 0, cRSIMod, cRSIMt);
def rsiSmoothing = If(qqType > 0, RSI_Smoothing, mt4Smoothing);
def rsiType = if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSI then Rsi1 else
              if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSX then rsx1 else cRS1;
def MaRsi = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType, rsiSmoothing);
def AtrFastRsiTL = if qqType == 1 then
            qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi, RSI_Length, Fast_QQE_Factor) else
         if qqType == 2 then
            qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi, RSI_Length, Fast_QQE_Factor) else
         if qqType == -1 then
            qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi, mt4Length, mt4QqeFactor) else
            qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi, mt4Length, mt4QqeFactor);
def RsiMa = MaRsi;
def FastAtrRsiTL = AtrFastRsiTL;
# QQE 2
def cRSI2 = AdpRSI(RSI_Source2, RSI_Length2);
def Rsi2 = RSI(PRICE = RSI_Source2, LENGTH = RSI_Length2);
def rsx2 = rsx(RSI_Source2, RSI_Length2);
def rsiType2 = if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSI then Rsi2 else
               if RSI_Type == RSI_Type.RSX then rsx2 else cRSI2;
def MaRsi2 = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType2, RSI_Smoothing2);
def AtrFastRsiTL2 = if qqType < 0 then na else
                    if qqType == 1 then qqe1(RsiMaType, MaRsi2, RSI_Length2, Fast_QQE_Factor2) else
                                        qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi2, RSI_Length2, Fast_QQE_Factor2);
def RsiMa2 = MaRsi2;
def FastAtrRsiTL2 = AtrFastRsiTL2;
# Bands Cals
#--- BB
def lsrc = FastAtrRsiTL - 50;
def basis = MovingAverage(BbMaType, lsrc, BandLength);
def dev   = BandMultiplier * StDev(lsrc, BandLength);
def BbUp  = basis + dev;
def BbLo  = basis - dev;
def BBupper = getStickyRange(basis, basis, BbUp, BbLo, sticky).Upband;
def BBlower = getStickyRange(basis, basis, BbUp, BbLo, sticky).Loband;
def upper = BBupper;
def lower = BBlower;
# Plots
plot Zero = if IsNaN(close) then na else 0;

#// Find all the QQE Crosses
# Ups and Downs
def maMOD   = RsiMa2 - 50;
def maMT4   = RsiMa - 50;
def FastRsiMOD  = FastAtrRsiTL2 - 50;
def FaastRsiMT4 = FastAtrRsiTL - 50;
def RSIndex = If(qqType > 0, RsiMa2, RsiMa);
def QqeRsi  = If(qqType > 0, FastRsiMOD, FaastRsiMT4);
def QqeMa   = If(qqType > 0, maMOD, maMT4);

def Threshold  = If(qqType > 0, qqeModThreshold, mt4Threshold);
#def color22 = if QqeMa > Threshold then 1 else if QqeMa < -Threshold then -1 else 0;
def Greenbar1 = QqeMa > Threshold;
def Greenbar2 = maMT4 > upper;
def Redbar1   = QqeMa < -Threshold;
def Redbar2   = maMT4 < lower;
def UpStrong  = Greenbar1 and Greenbar2;
def DnStrong  = Redbar1 and Redbar2;
def UnDecided = (Greenbar1 and !UpStrong) or (Redbar1 and !DnStrong);
def MTNormal  = Greenbar1 or Redbar1;

#---- RSI Plots
plot ATRLine = if !ShowRSILine then na else QqeRsi;

plot RsiLine = QqeMa;
RsiLine.AssignValueColor(CreateColor(0, 101, 255));
RsiLine.SetHiding(if Style <= 0 then no else yes);

#--- OB/OS Levels
def hUpper = if IsNaN(close) then na else If(qqType > 0, 30, Threshold);
def hLower = if IsNaN(close) then na else If(qqType > 0, -30, -Threshold);

AddCloud(If(qqType > 0, na, hUpper), hLower, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);
AddCloud(If(qqType < 0, na, Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY), hUpper, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);
AddCloud(If(qqType < 0, na, hLower), Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY, Color.DARK_GRAY, Color.DARK_GRAY, yes);

#-- PLot
def Hist1  = if !UpStrong or !Greenbar1 then 0 else QqeMa;
def Hist2  = if !DnStrong or !Redbar1 then 0 else QqeMa;
def Hist3   = if qqType > 0 then if !UnDecided then 0 else QqeMa else
              if MTNormal then 0 else QqeMa;

#--- Candles
def Updir = QqeMa > QqeMa[1];
def Dndir = QqeMa < QqeMa[1];

plot UpCandle = Hist1;
UpCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then
                          if Updir then GlobalColor("UP") else GlobalColor("UP Weak") else
                          if Updir then GlobalColor("UpMT") else GlobalColor("UpWeakMT"));
UpCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);
plot DnCandle = Hist2;
DnCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then
                          if Dndir then GlobalColor("DN") else GlobalColor("DN Weak") else
                          if Dndir then GlobalColor("DnMT") else GlobalColor("DNWeakMT"));
DnCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);
plot NoCandle = Hist3;
NoCandle.AssignValueColor(if qqType > 0 then Color.DARK_GRAY else GlobalColor("NeutralMT"));
NoCandle.SetHiding(if Style >= 0 then no else yes);

#----- Crosses -----------------------

#def QQExlong  = if FastAtrRsiTL crosses above RSIndex then QQExlong[1] + 1  else 0;
#def QQExshort = if FastAtrRsiTL crosses below RSIndex then QQExshort[1] + 1 else 0;
def QQExlong  = if FastAtrRsiTL < RSIndex then QQExlong[1] + 1  else 0;
def QQExshort = if FastAtrRsiTL > RSIndex then QQExshort[1] + 1 else 0;
#// Zero cross
def QQEzlong  = if RSIndex >= 50 then QQEzlong[1] + 1 else 0;
def QQEzshort = if RSIndex < 50 then QQEzshort[1] + 1 else 0;
#// Thresh Hold channel Crosses give the BUY/SELL alerts.
def QQEclong  = if RSIndex>(50+Threshold) then QQEclong[1]+1 else 0;
def QQEcshort = if RSIndex<(50-Threshold) then QQEcshort[1]+1 else 0;
#// QQE crosses
plot QQE_CrossUP = if !RSICrossQQE then na else If(QQExlong == 1, FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50, na);# "QQE XQ Cross Over"
plot QQE_CrossDN = if !RSICrossQQE then na else If(QQExshort == 1, FastAtrRsiTL[1] - 50, na); # "QQE XQ Cross Under"
#// Signal crosses zero line
plot QQE_ZeroUP = if !RSICrossZero then na else If(QQEzlong == 1, 0, na);  # "QQE XZ Zero Cross Over"
plot QQE_ZeroDN = if !RSICrossZero then na else If(QQEzshort == 1, 0, na);# "QQE XZ Zero Cross Under"

#-- Label
def ExUp = Hist1 and Updir;
def Up   = Hist1 and Dndir;
def ExDn = Hist2 and Dndir;
def Dn   = Hist2 and Updir;
def Nu   = Hist3;

AddLabel(ShowLabel and ExUp, qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Up Trending", Color.GREEN);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Up,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Weak Up", Color.DARK_GREEN);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and ExDn, qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Down Trending", Color.RED);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Dn,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Weak Down", Color.DARK_RED);
AddLabel(ShowLabel and Nu,   qqeType + "(" + RSI_Type + ")" + "-Neutral", Color.GRAY);
#--- Price Color
if (!BarColor and !SignalBarColor) then Color.CURRENT else
if (BarColor and SignalBarColor) then
                 if QQEclong == 2 then Color.BLUE else if QQEcshort == 2 then Color.MAGENTA else
                 if ExUp then Color.GREEN else
                 if Up   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if ExDn then Color.RED else
                 if Dn then Color.DARK_RED else Color.GRAY else
if (BarColor and !SignalBarColor) then
                 if ExUp then Color.GREEN else
                 if Up   then Color.DARK_GREEN else
                 if ExDn then Color.RED else
                 if Dn   then Color.DARK_RED else Color.GRAY else
                 if QQEclong == 2 then Color.BLUE else
                 if QQEcshort == 2 then Color.MAGENTA else  Color.CURRENT);

Thank you, Sam!
Thank you all. Using this in conjunction with StochRSI, I've made some improvements in my trading.
Now, I want to see if we can scan using this QQE , specifically, when the upcandle value crosses above the zero line
Hello @stormy77 , is it Ok to ask how you improved the trading? thanks in advance for your help.
Hello @stormy77 , is it Ok to ask how you improved the trading? thanks in advance for your help.
sure. Now, I'm looking for squeeze triggers and then check for trend before making a move. I trade off a 5 min chart (usually), but as many have pointed out, I am also checking for support resistance on a daily chart, to make sure I'm not going to hit against any of those. Since I'm only beginning to use this indicator, I may be closing out sooner than I should be, but hey, a little profit is better than no profit
Also, while I started off with this indicator, I've now been using the standard ttm_squeeze indicator on ToS. It seems less complicated to me
Hello @samer800! Is there any way to lighten up the code so the indicator looks and preforms like the attached example? It has a smooth RSI,QQE signal crosses and smooth rsi thresh hold channel exits. Thanks!


  • Screen Shot 2023-06-25 at 11.46.20 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2023-06-25 at 11.46.20 PM.png
    246.1 KB · Views: 225
  • Screen Shot 2023-06-27 at 9.17.07 PM.png
    Screen Shot 2023-06-27 at 9.17.07 PM.png
    49.1 KB · Views: 204
WOW samer we need update here some times it didn't work specially with new trending stock
like below screenshot


  • qqe.PNG
    53.5 KB · Views: 185
Last edited:
Nice indicator! wow....I cleaned it up a bit, changed some colors and put an alert in it..... anyone possibly wants to take a look, welcome to see it...full credit of course goes to the original creator or poster of this indicator:

I tried taking the original study and building it into a Scan, however it was too complex for TOS's scanner and wouldn't run.

So I've made some adjustments, cleaning out some of the other QQE Options (I use QQE MT4-2), and RSI options.

Here is a scan that now works, you can see what I've done, and try to build something similar for your preferred options:

# QQE Suite - QQE mod and QQE MT4 with different RSI Types
# Created by Sam4Cok@Samer800 - 11/2022

declare lower;
input ShowLabel = yes;
input BarColor = No;
input SignalBarColor = No;
input ShowRSILine = no;
input RsiMaType = AverageType.EXPONENTIAL;
input RSI_Type = {default RSI, RSX, AdaptiveRSI};
input RSICrossQQE = no;
input RSICrossZero = no;
input mt4Source = close;
input mt4Length = 3;
input mt4Threshold = 10;
input mt4Smoothing = 5;
input mt4QqeFactor = 4.238;
input RSI_Source = close;
input RSI_Length = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor = 3.0;
input RSI_Source2 = close;
input RSI_Length2 = 6;
input RSI_Smoothing2 = 5;
input Fast_QQE_Factor2 = 1.61;
input qqeModThreshold = 3;
input BbMaType = AverageType.SIMPLE;
input BandLength = 50;
input BandMultiplier = 0.35;

#### Color
def na = Double.NaN;
def qqType = -2;
def Style = 1;
def sticky = 0;
##### Script
script nz {
input data = 0;
input replacement = 0;
def ret_val = if IsNaN(data) then replacement else data;
plot return = ret_val;

#getStickyRange(highsource, lowsource, upper, lower, sticky=false)=>
script getStickyRange {
input highsource = high;
input lowsource = low;
input upper = high;
input lower = low;
input sticky = no;
def newUpper;
def newLower;
newUpper = if IsNaN(newUpper[1]) then upper else
if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
then upper else nz(newUpper[1], upper);
newLower = if IsNaN(newLower[1]) then lower else
if highsource[1] >= newUpper[1] or lowsource[1] <= newLower[1] or !sticky
then lower else nz(newLower[1], lower);
plot UpBand = newUpper;
plot LoBand = newLower;
#qqeLine(matype, src, len, qqe) =>
script qqe1 {
plot return = 0;
#qqeLine(src, len, sf, qqe) =>
script qqe2 {
input matype = yes;
input _Rsi = 50;
input RSI_Length = 6;
input qqe = 4.236;
def RsiMa = _Rsi;
def Wilders_period = RSI_Length * 2 - 1;
def AtrRsi = AbsValue(RsiMa - RsiMa[1]);
def MaAtrRsi = MovingAverage(matype, AtrRsi, Wilders_period);
def dar = MovingAverage(matype, MaAtrRsi, Wilders_period) * qqe;
def DeltaRsi = dar;
def shortband = RsiMa + DeltaRsi;
def longband = RsiMa - DeltaRsi;
def trend;
trend = if RsiMa > nz(trend[1]) then
If(longband < trend[1], trend[1], longband) else
If(shortband > trend[1], trend[1], shortband);
plot retun = trend;
#-- RSI Calc
def RsiMT = RSI(PRICE = mt4Source, LENGTH = mt4Length);

#--- QQE 1
def Rsi1 = RsiMT;
def rsiSmoothing = mt4Smoothing;
def rsiType = Rsi1;
def MaRsi = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType, rsiSmoothing);
def AtrFastRsiTL = qqe2(RsiMaType, MaRsi, mt4Length, mt4QqeFactor);
def RsiMa = MaRsi;
def FastAtrRsiTL = AtrFastRsiTL;

# QQE 2
def Rsi2 = RSI(PRICE = RSI_Source2, LENGTH = RSI_Length2);
def rsiType2 = Rsi2;
def MaRsi2 = MovingAverage(RsiMaType, rsiType2, RSI_Smoothing2);
def AtrFastRsiTL2 = na;
def RsiMa2 = MaRsi2;
def FastAtrRsiTL2 = AtrFastRsiTL2;

# Ups and Downs
def maMT4 = RsiMa - 50;
def QqeMa = maMT4;

def Threshold = mt4Threshold;

def Updir = QqeMa > QqeMa[1];
def Dndir = QqeMa < QqeMa[1];

def DnThreshold = (threshold *-1);

def UpSignalx = if QqeMa > Threshold then 1 else 0;
def DnSginalx = if QqeMa < DnThreshold then 1 else 0;
def StrongUpSignalx = if (QqeMa > Threshold) AND Updir then 1 else 0;
def StrongDnSginalx = if (QqeMa < DnThreshold) AND Dndir then 1 else 0;

plot StongUpSignal = StrongUpSignalx within 1 bars;
plot UpSignal = UpSignalx within 1 bars;
plot StongDnSginal = StrongDnSginalx within 1 bars;
plot DnSginal = DnSginalx within 1 bars;


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