Pullback after EMA Crossover


Well-known member
What I am trying to achieve, is when price crosses ema and then pulls back to within a certain range and then continues in the direction of the original cross. I would like an alarm and an arrow at this point.
Here is what I have started. It isn't working though.
also would like a stop low or high of last bar.
# Define inputs for the EMA period, pullback range, and candle criteria
input emaLength = 20;
input pullbackRange = 0.1;  # Adjust this value as needed for your criteria
input candleCriteria = 2;   # Number of candles to check after the pullback

# Calculate the EMA
def ema = ExpAverage(close, emaLength);

# Calculate the pullback level
def pullbackLevel = ema * (1 - pullbackRange);

# Define a condition for the crossover and pullback
def crossoverAndPullback = close crosses above ema and low <= pullbackLevel;

# Initialize a counter to track candles after pullback
def candlesAfterPullback = if crossoverAndPullback then 1 else candlesAfterPullback[1] + 1;

# Create a signal when the pullback condition is met for the specified number of candles
def signal = candlesAfterPullback >= candleCriteria;

# Plot arrows on the chart when the signal occurs
plot bullishSignal = signal;

# Add an alert when the signal occurs
alert(signal, "Bullish Pullback Signal", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);


  • EMA_Cross_Pullback.jpg
    100.6 KB · Views: 343

# Define inputs for the EMA period, pullback range, and candle criteria
input emaLength = 50;
input pullbackRange = 0.001;  # Adjust this value as needed for your criteria
input candleCriteria = 2;   # Number of candles to check after the pullback

# Calculate the EMA
plot ema = ExpAverage(close, emaLength);

# Calculate the pullback level
plot longpullbackLevel = ema + (ema - (ema * (1 - pullbackRange)));
plot shortpullbackLevel = ema - (ema - (ema * (1 - pullbackRange)));

# Define a condition for the crossover and pullback
def LongCrossover = if close crosses below ema then 0 else if low crosses above longpullbackLevel then 1 else LongCrossover[1];
def LongPullback = LongCrossover...

# Define inputs for the EMA period, pullback range, and candle criteria
input emaLength = 50;
input pullbackRange = 0.001;  # Adjust this value as needed for your criteria
input candleCriteria = 2;   # Number of candles to check after the pullback

# Calculate the EMA
plot ema = ExpAverage(close, emaLength);

# Calculate the pullback level
plot longpullbackLevel = ema + (ema - (ema * (1 - pullbackRange)));
plot shortpullbackLevel = ema - (ema - (ema * (1 - pullbackRange)));

# Define a condition for the crossover and pullback
def LongCrossover = if close crosses below ema then 0 else if low crosses above longpullbackLevel then 1 else LongCrossover[1];
def LongPullback = LongCrossover and low <= longpullbackLevel;

def ShortCrossover = if close crosses above ema then 0 else if high crosses below shortpullbackLevel then 1 else ShortCrossover[1];
def ShortPullback = ShortCrossover and high >= shortpullbackLevel;

# Initialize a counter to track candles after pullback
def longcandlesAfterPullback = if !LongCrossover then 0 else if LongPullback then longcandlesAfterPullback[1] + 1 else longcandlesAfterPullback[1];
def shortcandlesAfterPullback = if !ShortCrossover then 0 else if ShortPullback then shortcandlesAfterPullback[1] + 1 else shortcandlesAfterPullback[1];

# Create a signal when the pullback condition is met for the specified number of candles
def longsignal = longcandlesAfterPullback >= candleCriteria;
def shortsignal = shortcandlesAfterPullback >= candleCriteria;

# Plot arrows on the chart when the signal occurs
plot bullishSignal = longsignal and !longsignal[1];

plot bearishSignal = shortsignal and !shortsignal[1];

# Add an alert when the signal occurs
alert(longsignal, "Bullish Pullback Signal", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);
alert(shortsignal, "Bearish Pullback Signal", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

def LongStop = if bullishSignal then Lowest(low,2) else LongStop [1];
plot LongStopPlot = LongStop;

def ShortStop = if bearishSignal then Highest(high,2) else ShortStop [1];
plot ShortStopPlot = ShortStop;
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# Define inputs for the EMA period, pullback range, and candle criteria
input emaLength = 50;
input pullbackRange = 0.001;  # Adjust this value as needed for your criteria
input candleCriteria = 2;   # Number of candles to check after the pullback

# Calculate the EMA
plot ema = ExpAverage(close, emaLength);
# Calculate the pullback level
plot pullbackLevel = ema + (ema - (ema * (1 - pullbackRange)));

# Define a condition for the crossover and pullback
def Crossover = if close crosses below ema then 0 else if low crosses above pullbackLevel then 1 else Crossover[1];
def Pullback = Crossover and low <= pullbacklevel;

# Initialize a counter to track candles after pullback
def candlesAfterPullback = if !Crossover then 0 else if Pullback then candlesAfterPullback[1] + 1 else candlesAfterPullback[1];

# Create a signal when the pullback condition is met for the specified number of candles
def signal = candlesAfterPullback >= candleCriteria;

# Plot arrows on the chart when the signal occurs
plot bullishSignal = signal and !signal[1];

# Add an alert when the signal occurs
alert(signal, "Bullish Pullback Signal", Alert.BAR, Sound.Bell);

def Stop = if bullishSignal then low[1] else Stop [1];
plot StopPlot = Stop;
Wow. Thank You! I did not realize that there wasn't a short signal option. If you have time and do not mind, can you add that to this? I will attempt myself based on what you did to fix it.
Added short signal to previous post.

Added short signal to previous post.
I have some questions if you do not mind. Is there a way to make the stop line go to the lowest between the previous candle and the trigger candle?
By the way, So far this is crazy good on a 2 minute using 20 MA. As long as the next candle moves above the trigger candle. I have not lost on one trade with it yet. I have only used it 4 times so not a large sample. I will keep all posted. I also use the 50 EMA as a guide for trend. I am using it trading SPX but using spy.

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